cq-aux | hi, these updates seem to be really bad for my computer | 00:50 |
cq-aux | it's not over heating meanly | 00:51 |
cq-aux | is there a fix for this guys? | 00:51 |
holstein | cq-aux: for what? | 00:53 |
cq-aux | to cool down my lappy | 00:54 |
holstein | cq-aux: why is what hot? | 00:54 |
holstein | cq-aux: you took an update? what update? when? and what is hot? | 00:55 |
Joekenorer | Good evening. Anyone in> | 00:55 |
Joekenorer | ? | 00:55 |
holstein | yes | 00:55 |
drc | Nope, we all went to the pub | 00:55 |
Joekenorer | lol | 00:55 |
knome | drc, they're all closed by now here | 00:56 |
Joekenorer | Well, I'm a noob at anything Linux and I happen to have a spare laptop that I wanted to experiment with. I just downloaded xubuntu 14.04 | 00:57 |
drc | shame on you knome, closing down the pub when there is work to be done here. Go ahead Joekenorer, ask your question. | 00:57 |
Joekenorer | I'm kind of wondering where to start. I don't have a usb drive on hand, but I can burn discs on my other machine. | 00:58 |
Joekenorer | I understand the boot operation to install, but will it pickup all my devices and have/get drivers for them? | 00:59 |
drc | The you're good to go, burn it and boot...you need any instructions on how to do that? | 00:59 |
Joekenorer | I understand the boot operation to install, but will it pickup all my devices and have/get drivers for them? | 00:59 |
xangua | try it and see | 01:00 |
drc | Joekenorer: It <should> pickup most hardware automagically...some, like video drivers (NVIDIA, etc) and wifi (broadcaom) may need a hand | 01:00 |
knome | Joekenorer, all of our ISOs include a live environment you can test before you install | 01:01 |
drc | Joekenorer: burn it, boot it and see what's missing...then check the net and/or come here for help with what's left. | 01:01 |
Joekenorer | Awesome, thanks gentlemen. Is someone always in this channel? | 01:03 |
knome | there's no guarantee since we're all volunteers, but most of the time, yes | 01:03 |
Joekenorer | Do I just unpack the rar file and burn it to disc as is? | 01:05 |
knome | wait, rar file? | 01:05 |
drc | Joekenorer: As knome says, but sometimes it takes a few minutes before someone's free. | 01:05 |
Joekenorer | And it will pickup on boot? | 01:05 |
knome | !install | 01:05 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 01:05 |
knome | Joekenorer, you'll want to use a burning application that turns the .iso file into a disc image | 01:06 |
knome | Joekenorer, you do not need to unpack anything | 01:06 |
knome | Joekenorer, nor should you have a rar file | 01:06 |
knome | (it's possible that .iso is bound with a rar archiver in windows, so it might show a similar icon) | 01:07 |
Joekenorer | So it should be a .ISO instead of a openable rar file. | 01:09 |
Joekenorer | Shit, gotta' go. I some stuff to think about now, thanks guys. Later/ | 01:09 |
squeegily | Hey guys. How can I make the laptop *hybrid suspend* on lid close? /etc/systemd/logind.conf exists but changes I make to it don't seem to affect anything, and the XFCE power manager doesn't support hybrid suspend | 03:58 |
squeegily | Also the XFCE power manager doesn't work for suspending my system (pm-utils contains some workarounds needed to suspend it, and for some reason pm-utils isn't being used by the XFCE power manager) | 03:59 |
squeegily | So I either need to figure out how to get the XFCE power manager working (with pm-utils), or how to put logind in charge of power management | 04:00 |
cq-aux | d'oh my lappy was overheated by my bed and a hot room NOT xubuntu | 05:58 |
chrislp | Hi everyone. I'm experiencing screen tearing in google chrome, and only google chrome. All other programs work fine. Using intel graphics and compton for compositing. Can anyone help? :) | 08:21 |
Joekenorer | Anyone in tonight? | 08:58 |
george__ | hi | 12:00 |
george__ | i have a fresh install of ubuntu 15.04 daily build. (7 Jan 2015 version) and i would like to take a screenshot with the specs of my computer to share with my other people that we are testing the new version | 12:02 |
george__ | i found a launchpad entry that is called "about-this-computer" and implementation is deferred. | 12:04 |
brainwash | george__: http://xubuntu.org/news/inxi/ | 12:04 |
bazhang | !15.04 | 12:04 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1425 | 12:04 |
george__ | it is a daily build | 12:05 |
brainwash | it's a little command line tool which displays various hardware details | 12:05 |
george__ | brainwash, let me chexk | 12:05 |
george__ | check* | 12:05 |
brainwash | and it's installed by default | 12:05 |
george__ | ok | 12:05 |
george__ | i see | 12:07 |
george__ | it is very useful thanks | 12:07 |
brainwash | :) | 12:07 |
george__ | i hope that the developers will make a version for system settings :) | 12:10 |
george__ | hi | 15:13 |
george__ | i just did sudo apt-get update and i had some errors | 15:13 |
george__ | pastebin.com/s1j8MBg6 (ubuntu 15.04 alpha1 xubuntu) | 15:14 |
george__ | do you have any idea what is wrong here? | 15:15 |
cfhowlett | !ubuntu+1 | george__, | 15:15 |
ubottu | george__,: Vivid Vervet is the codename for Ubuntu 15.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+1 | 15:15 |
george__ | ohh ok | 15:15 |
george__ | thank you | 15:16 |
xubuntu83i | hi all | 15:18 |
xubuntu83i | just installing xubuntu at work, will it be faster than ubuntu ? | 15:18 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu83i, probably | 15:19 |
xubuntu83i | that's not the answer I wanted to see :( | 15:19 |
george__ | yes it is faster | 15:19 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu83i, sudo apt-get install kde logout/choose kubuntu / kde session / login | 15:19 |
cfhowlett | or XUBUNTU | 15:20 |
george__ | kde is also heavy | 15:20 |
cfhowlett | sudo apt-get install xfce4 | 15:20 |
xubuntu83i | too late : / just formatted my drive | 15:20 |
xubuntu83i | now looking at the install progress bar | 15:20 |
george__ | xubuntu83i download xubuntu from ubuntu.com | 15:20 |
xubuntu83i | george__ i'm installing it atm | 15:21 |
george__ | ok | 15:21 |
george__ | you should wait for a while | 15:21 |
george__ | ubottu, they do not answer me :/ thats sad | 15:22 |
ubottu | george__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 15:22 |
george__ | lol | 15:23 |
lenka | Hi, I have a connection problem. One of my Xubuntu computers can't connect to a web via Firefox. The connection worked OK and dropped suddenly. On the same machine, I am able to use skype, so the connection self is not the problem. Any hints? | 16:35 |
holstein | lenka: sure.. i have a few suggestions.. mostly, the "best" idea is to actually identify the issue.. if you feel it is the connection, as you state in the beginning of your sentence, try using "ping" to ping the gateway and something like google.com or another known good host | 16:36 |
holstein | for example.. http://askubuntu.com/questions/200989/ping-for-4-times | 16:37 |
lenka | ping does nothing | 16:37 |
lenka | ping: unknown host ... | 16:37 |
holstein | lenka: if you feel more like, towards the end of your sentence, that its just firefox having the issue, then, try another browser, and try firefox as another user.. | 16:37 |
drc | lenka: Or close FF, <rename> ~/.mozilla, reopen FF (this will force a default FF config) . If the same problem occurs at least we know it's not FF's user config. | 16:38 |
holstein | lenka: the way i use the "ping" command is like this.. i'll open a terminal and use "ping 192.168.x.x" where, 192.168.x.x is my gateway.. then, i'll know my gateway is accessible from my machine, generally | 16:38 |
holstein | lenka: then, i'll use "ping google.com".. to check my connection through my gateway.. to the internet.. | 16:39 |
lenka | ahh, it looks the gateway is accessible | 16:40 |
drc | lenka: ping (google dns, but doesn't depend on dns :) | 16:41 |
lenka | drc: yes, that worked for me to. I also cannot install via apt-get - can't connect to the archive | 16:44 |
drc | lenka: Now try holstein's "ping google.com" | 16:45 |
holstein | lenka: you cannot install what? | 16:45 |
drc | This tests your dns | 16:45 |
lenka | ping google.com ... does nothing | 16:47 |
lenka | I can't install anything from repository | 16:47 |
drc | lenka: Looks like your dns service is faulty (this would account for not connecting to the repos also) | 16:48 |
drc | afk for a while | 16:49 |
holstein | lenka: if you cannot ping google, its not that you are not abale to install anhything from the repository, its that, DNS is not resovling your requests.. as drc pointed out | 16:49 |
holstein | lenka: what would i do? i would look at my dns settings in my network manager, and see that they are either default, or as expected.. and use openDNS's if possible | 16:50 |
lenka | holstein: ok, thanks I will try | 16:50 |
holstein | https://www.opendns.com/home-internet-security/opendns-ip-addresses/ | 16:51 |
hmir | Hey guys. I just wanted to ask, what version of xfce is bundfled with xubuntu 14.10/ | 17:26 |
krytarik | !info xfce4 | hmir | 17:28 |
ubottu | hmir: xfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.10.1 (utopic), package size 4 kB, installed size 31 kB | 17:28 |
zackiv31 | Anyone know how to unlock my ssh key on login (assuming it's the same password) basically `ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa` automatically | 18:39 |
ylzhan | how can i remove a program installed with wine (I can't use Wine's uninstaller) ? | 19:00 |
superprower | Hello everyone. Is there a way to add control buttons of MOC player on panel? | 20:24 |
superprower | Like, i want to have a button, and when i press it, console get command "mocp -G", and toggle pause/start playing | 20:29 |
superprower | not console, terminal emulator* | 20:32 |
krytarik | superprower: Create a custom launcher for it by using, for example, MenuLibre, then add it to your panel. | 20:49 |
superprower | Will try, thank you | 20:50 |
superprower | Another question. I want to try latest gnome shell. How can i install it? Can i select between two shels? | 21:25 |
drc | There are many "how to's" on installing the gnome-shell desktop out there, but I'd really ask this question on #ubuntu-gnome, they'd probably know the best/easiest/latest way to do this. | 21:31 |
drc | And they'd probably know the most important "gotchas" in doing this. | 21:33 |
drc | and it doesn't matter...s/he's gone | 21:33 |
mucus | stupid question. | 21:48 |
mucus | why is it ubuntu and not gubuntu? | 21:48 |
mucus | especially with the advent of unity. | 21:48 |
ida2 | When using SSH and X11 forwarding, is it possible to have the forwarded window displayed on both the client and the server? i.e I open a terminal remotely and it shows up on both screens | 21:48 |
drc | ida2: You'd probably have better luck asking on #openssh (chances are more folks actually doing that in that channel). | 21:51 |
ida2 | drc: thank you | 21:51 |
ida2 | will do | 21:51 |
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