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mbruzekrick_h_ ping14:29
rick_h_mbruzek: pong14:33
mbruzekrick_h_: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/jujucharms.com/issues/33  14:34
mbruzekI am having some problems with jujucharms.com and I created an issue.14:34
rick_h_mbruzek: yep, we're on it. We've got a request for logs into webops14:34
mbruzekThis is related to a new charm that I just pushed so I was not sure if you have seen this problem before.14:35
rick_h_mbruzek: landscape folks brought it to our attention yesterday and we've been bug hunting but unable to dupe locally so chasing down prod14:35
rick_h_ty for the bug report14:35
rick_h_yes, basically ingestion isn't happening on prod atm14:35
rick_h_the logs say it is, but none of them are getting pulled in14:35
mbruzekMost welcome, if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.14:36
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marcoceppirick_h_: is bundle inheritence still going to work in the new store/juju?15:43
rick_h_marcoceppi: /me is processing15:45
rick_h_so you cannot have more than one bundle per file, there was talking of inheritance via other means15:45
rick_h_rogpeppe2: might recall better what we ended up doing vs talked about, I'm looking for the doc atm15:46
rogpeppe2marcoceppi: the idea was that a single bundle means a single bundle, and that people could use tooling to resolve inheritance before publishing15:47
rick_h_marcoceppi: yep see https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1SF8hTBi6oVbki8V__beNij6wnQU-5cm6PZsy5gf0j_Y/edit and go down to "changes from the original format"15:47
rogpeppe2marcoceppi: we already have code that can parse the old bundle format and produce the new format15:48
rick_h_marcoceppi: so basically 'no, not until we write something to help do that for us'15:48
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marcoceppirick_h_ rogpeppe ack, ta15:48
rogpeppemarcoceppi: in my view, the added functionality that inheritance provided wasn't worth the complexity that it added to the whole tool chain15:49
marcoceppirogpeppe: I only ask because there's talk of some kind of bundle on bundle activity from server team and I wanted to amke sure they understood inheritence as it was today won't be there15:50
rogpeppemarcoceppi: i like the idea of bundle composition better than i do bundle inheritance15:51
rogpeppemarcoceppi: it would be nice to be able to put a bunch of bundles together into a larger one15:51
rogpeppemarcoceppi: but again, that's perhaps something that could be accomplished with appropriate tools15:52
marcoceppisure, again just wanted to make sure those working on these concepts had a complete deck of cards15:52
marcoceppino jokers floating around ;)15:52
rogpeppemarcoceppi: :)15:52
rogpeppemarcoceppi: good plan15:52
rick_h_uiteam call in 5 kanban please15:56
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rick_h_mbruzek: can you push an update to your charm please?17:16
rick_h_mbruzek: a small something so we can watch the log as it goes by?17:16
mbruzekrick_h_: In standup now, but you want me to push something to mellanox?17:16
rick_h_yes, please, at your convienence17:16
mbruzekrick_h_: OK should be done in 15 minutes17:17
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mbruzekhi rick_h_ just getting something to push 18:00
mbruzekhi rick_h_ ready to push when you are18:06
* mbruzek is going to head to lunch18:08
Makyouiteam Need reviews + QA for the two release blockers: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/68818:54
kadams54Makyo: Taking a look18:55
mbruzekrick_h_: ready when you are if you want me to push 18:55
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urulamambruzek: should there be new mellanox char BZR revision available? looks like bzr rev 7 is still last one19:46
mbruzekurulama: not yet I was waiting to push one19:46
mbruzekurulama: rick_h_ asked me to push so he could watch the logs19:46
mbruzekI can do that now if you like19:47
mbruzekI just didn't hear back from rick_h_19:47
mbruzekurulama: I *just* pushed now.19:49
mbruzekrevision 819:49
urulamambruzek: thanks. much appreciated.19:54
kadams54Makyo: Trying to QA your issue but I've re-created my EC2 env twice. Both times server.go (juju API?) keeps reporting an "error writing response: EOF". Trying a third time…20:13
kadams54uiteam: any ideas why I'd be seeing this? ^^20:13
Makyokadams54, I haven't seen that before.  Did all my testing in LXC, but will try EC220:14
kadams54Makyo: I see it show up in debug-log. On the client, I get things like badly formed HTML or a broken charm icon.20:15
kadams54And the charmstore never replies.20:15
Makyokadams54, oh, right.20:16
Makyokadams54, that's because the charmstoreURL property isn't set.20:16
urulamakadams54: looks like it drops rpc connection somehow ... https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/master/rpc/server.go20:16
kadams54Makyo: I thought that had a default value?20:17
Makyodo `juju set juju-gui juju-gui-debug=true`, then juju ssh to that machine and edit /var/lib/juju-gui/release/.../build-debug/juju-ui/assets/config.js and add charmstoreURL: 'https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v4/'20:17
Makyokadams54, Not in the config.js in the older version of the charm.20:18
MakyoWe haven't released the charm with that in there yet20:18
MakyoSorry that's convoluted.  That work has been done in the charm, but not released yet20:18
kadams54Makyo: Hmm, is charmstoreURL the new version of charmworld-url?20:19
Makyokadams54, yes20:19
kadams54Makyo: made the change, but still having problems… is this correct?20:43
kadams54  charm_store_url: 'https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/v4/',20:43
kadams54charmworldURL: "https://manage.jujucharms.com/",20:43
kadams54(In config.js)20:43
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urulamambruzek: https://jujucharms.com/mellanox/trusty/221:24
mbruzekThank you21:25
mbruzekWhat was the problem?21:25
urulamambruzek: still problems with BZR revisions21:25
urulamambruzek: bug not found yet :S21:25
mbruzekoh thank you21:25
urulamambruzek: as you can see, it states that it is at bzr revision 7, although it should be at bzr revision 821:25
mbruzekI am just glad to have it on the website.21:26
urulamambruzek: so, fyi, even though the charms look like they have old revisions, the actual code/archive is the latest ones. we have a bug in providing bzr info. 21:27
mbruzekurulama: Is there anything I can help with in the diagnosis?21:28
urulamambruzek: getting closer thanks to your mellanox charm :)21:28
urulamambruzek: not for now, thanks21:28
mbruzekurulama: happy to help if you need something.21:28
urulamambruzek: btw, safari does not show the svg icon properly21:29
urulama(for mellanox)21:29
urulamait's completely white21:29
mbruzekIt shows OK for me.21:30
mbruzekBut Yeah the icon may not have been written correctly.21:30
urulamalooks fine https://api.jujucharms.com/v4/trusty/mellanox-2/archive/icon.svg21:32
urulamaanyway, thanks.21:33
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