
=== phunyguy is now known as phunyguy-zombie
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wgkdgkskdgwhat happened to lubuntu03:37
wgkdgkskdgI haven't used it in years but really has gone down hill03:37
wgkdgkskdgI was expecting a nice fast reliable Ubuntu direvative and was bombarded with eye goushing colours and bad performance03:38
wgkdgkskdgWhat happened?!03:38
wgkdgkskdgLubuntu was amazing back in 2007~03:38
wgkdgkskdgxubuntu isn't any better03:38
* hyperair wouldn't know03:43
hyperairbad performance is hopelessly vague03:43
wgkdgkskdglocking up03:44
wgkdgkskdgthat better?03:44
wgkdgkskdgthis is on a amd-c70 with 4gb of ram and a ssd03:44
wgkdgkskdgcrunchbang fies.03:44
hyperairhmm ssd03:45
* hyperair was guessing hard disk slowness at first03:45
hyperairand i've no idea what an amd-c70 is03:45
wgkdgkskdgxlanekxlanis xlan03:45
werwerwreven the keyboard input is lagging.03:47
werwerwrthat's how bad it is. it's like lubuntu is having a stroke03:47
werwerwr; - ;03:48
holsteinwerwerwr: its not having a stroke here04:16
werwerwrit is here holstein04:16
holsteinwerwerwr: when i encounter issues like that, i'll start testing the physical hardware.. the ram and the hard drive.. then, i'll start isolating driver support04:16
werwerwrholstein: the hardware is fine04:17
holsteinwerwerwr: if you havent tested, then you are assuming that. and there *is* a problem, and im not saying the problem is not with lubuntu running on your specific hardware04:17
werwerwrholstein: i'm going back to crunchbang. it ran perfectly04:17
holsteinwerwerwr: comparing #! is a good test, since, that will help you know if the hardware is functional, but, that is a much older kernel, and hardware support04:17
werwerwreven without video drivers.04:17
werwerwrholstein: it's not that old.04:18
holsteinwerwerwr: you *have* video drivers.. you mean, without adding the proprietary driver04:18
werwerwrwell the opensource pos04:18
werwerwrI have the proprietary one on lubuntu04:18
holsteinwerwerwr: im not saying "the kernel is old". im stating the fact that it *is* older than the lubuntu one04:18
werwerwrholstein: eh04:18
holsteinwerwerwr: the kernel in lubuntu, im assuming you are using 14.04?04:18
holsteinthat kernel is much newer than the one in crunchbang.. assuming you would like to consructively discuss what could be causing whatever issues you are seeing04:19
werwerwrholstein: lubuntu litterally just had a stroke04:20
werwerwrthe keyboard was delayed by 6 seconds and repeated it's self.04:20
holsteinwerwerwr: cool.. just let the volunteers here know if you have a question04:21
werwerwrholstein: ...04:21
holsteinwerwerwr: i obviously have some ideas about how to track down what you are experiencing, but you'll have to ask04:22
werwerwrholstein: /passive agressive04:22
holsteinwerwerwr: not in the slightest.. you are not asking questions04:22
holsteinwerwerwr: i cant constructively answer statements :/04:22
werwerwrWhy did lubuntu butcher performance in the newest versions?04:22
holsteinwerwerwr: i say again, "lubuntu" didnt04:23
werwerwrI used to be able to run lubuntu on a p2 / celeron reasonably04:23
holsteinwerwerwr: its fine here04:23
werwerwrholstein: specs?04:23
holsteinwerwerwr: the linux kernel, these days, is not intended for that old of hardware04:23
holsteinwerwerwr: its a fact that hardware support is pulled out of the kernel, but that is upstream04:23
holsteinwerwerwr: i have ran 14.04 on a 900mhz celeron with no issues04:24
werwerwrholstein: they didn't pull p204:24
werwerwrSupport got dropped for 486 iirc04:24
holsteinwerwerwr: i didnt say or imply anyone pulled anyhting04:24
werwerwrPentium is still supported for now04:24
werwerwr[22:23] <holstein> werwerwr: its a fact that hardware support is pulled out of the kernel, but that is upstream04:24
holsteinwerwerwr: im stating a fact,a nd that you may not get support for your p2 hardware04:24
holsteinwerwerwr: graphics, audio. etc04:24
holsteinwerwerwr: you may have compromises, since, the kernel, that is fed from upsrteam *does* sunset hardare support04:25
holsteinwerwerwr: you state the #! kernel supports the hardware, maybe just go with that.. and stay on that kernel04:25
werwerwrholstein: the hardware wont be dropped for a while04:25
holsteinwerwerwr: *great*!04:25
holsteinwerwerwr: so, whats the deal, friend?04:25
werwerwrlubuntu performs horribly on a modern laptop04:26
holsteinwerwerwr: have you tried the vesa graphics driver to isolate the graphicds driver?04:26
holsteinwerwerwr: have you tried nomodeset?04:26
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:26
werwerwrmy computer boots fine04:26
holsteinwerwerwr: a p2 is*not* a modern laptop04:26
werwerwrthe issue is that little things like using the file manager can lock the system up04:26
werwerwrholstein: I've been talking about my laptop this entire time04:26
holsteinwerwerwr: i hear that, friend. but, it *doesnt* lock up here04:27
werwerwrit does here :/04:27
holsteinwerwerwr: and, that laptop is a p2?04:27
werwerwrAMD C7004:27
werwerwrdual core, 2mb l2 cache IIRC04:27
werwerwr4gb of ram, 60gb SSD04:27
holsteinwerwerwr: i ask again, have you tested with the vesa driver? or nomodeset?04:27
werwerwrholstein: I've tried flgrx and vesa04:28
werwerwrwhat's the point on nomodset if the gpu works fine?04:28
holsteinwerwerwr: the gpu hardare support is what i would like you to isolate. that is the point04:29
holsteinwerwerwr: but, we are going to get no-where04:29
holsteinwerwerwr: i suggest, you go to the mailing list for main ubuntu. that is where the relevant hardware support you are dealing is anyways04:29
holsteinnothing you are reporting is related specifically to lubuntu04:29
holsteini suggest you dont take my word for that, and just try the xubuntu and/or main ubuntu live isos on that hardware04:30
holsteinwhen you see the performance is similar, you can seek help in a larger community04:30
werwerwrholstein: I know that crunchbang performs better04:30
holsteinwerwerwr: do you understand why?04:30
werwerwrDebian + LXDE / GNOME3 performs horribly04:30
werwerwrholstein: I don't.04:31
holsteinwerwerwr: its a different kernel.. nothing to with with the DE's04:31
holsteinwerwerwr: install #!.. on that *same* kernel, install lxde..04:31
werwerwrholstein: lubuntu is running a newer version. that does not make sense04:31
werwerwrholstein: I've run the newest SID kernel's04:31
holsteinwerwerwr: *cool*04:31
werwerwrperformance was still fine04:31
holsteinwerwerwr: pleast use the main #ubuntu channel04:31
holsteinwerwerwr: i cannot help you like that04:31
holsteinwerwerwr: the different kernel and drivers included there is the deal04:32
werwerwrholstein: I don't get why you are only blaming the GPU when I never mentioned any graphical issues or lockups04:32
holsteinwerwerwr: im not04:32
werwerwrholstein: same kernel, same sources.04:32
werwerwrminor changes.04:32
holsteinwerwerwr: im "blaming" the kernel version.. different drivers04:32
werwerwrI highly doubt there's specific changes for my hardware04:32
holsteinwerwerwr: not minor and all04:32
holsteinwerwerwr: dont doubt it at all. *actually* test that, and you'll see04:32
holsteinwerwerwr: you'll see that lxde *will* work fine in #! on that kernel. and you can look at xubuntu and maing ubuntu 14.04 running live on the hardware04:33
werwerwrI don't see what changes that would be made from a debian derivitive to a ubuntu derivitive that should be this negative on performance04:33
holsteinwerwerwr: kernel regressions04:33
werwerwrholstein: I've run the newest kernel that SID has04:33
werwerwrI didn't get any performance issues04:33
holsteinwerwerwr: *great*!04:33
holsteinwerwerwr: just install that then, and use it04:33
werwerwrI have tried xubuntu. performance was hit and miss.04:33
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.04:34
werwerwrthat was with a HDD04:34
holsteinwerwerwr: i already suggested the issue could be hardware, since you are on an different hard drive.. you stated you have tested for that. and thats why i suggest testing live,to isolate that04:34
holsteinwerwerwr: its a matter of isolating variables. and not assuming anything04:35
holsteinwerwerwr: a team of professionals were hired to provide you windows support for your hardware there.. you take that burden on yourself when running linux, and you have to be willing to test, and isolate, and work with volunteers04:35
werwerwrholstein: I've tried xubuntu lubuntu, debian, and crunchbang all on this hardware. on a HDD and SSD04:35
werwerwrwhat proffessionalls?04:36
holsteinwerwerwr: then file the bug, and follow up04:36
werwerwrholstein: I don't know what package it is so filing a bug report would be a waste of developer's time04:36
holsteinwerwerwr: the professionals you purchased the hardware from, that didnt promise you linux support04:36
holsteinwerwerwr: ok.. then, good luck to you.. try the #ubuntu channel, since your issue is not with lxde or lubuntu, but hardware04:37
holsteinwerwerwr: hardware support*04:37
werwerwrholstein: they also didn't promise windows support04:37
werwerwrholstein: how is it a hardware issue when the one distro has the problem04:38
holsteinwerwerwr: lubuntu is a flavor04:38
holsteinwerwerwr: lubuntu *is* ubuntu04:38
werwerwrholstein: lubuntu is very different from ubuntu04:38
werwerwrthere's many changes under the hood04:38
holsteinwerwerwr: same kernel.. same hardware support04:38
werwerwrholstein: many changes.04:38
werwerwrholstein: ubuntu is a debian derivative04:39
holsteinwerwerwr: so, you install main ubuntu, and have the same packages all up to date, and *everything* is fine, correct?04:39
holsteinwerwerwr: then, you add lubuntu or lxde, and its bad? correct?04:39
holsteinwith the *same* kernel? all up to date?04:40
holsteini think its more likely, you tried them at different times.. and had different kernels..04:40
werwerwrholstein: I can't get the current lubuntu to be useable on a p304:41
holsteinits not a random, unknown happenging, that one kernel supports hardware well, and an upgrade breaks support.. its common.. kernel regressions04:41
werwerwrlubuntu has become a resource hog compared to it's former self04:41
holsteinwerwerwr: i ask again.. so, you have the *same* kernel in main ubuntu 14.04 and all is well? and installing lubuntu or lxde into that *same* installation breaks it? that is correct?04:42
holsteinwerwerwr: lubuntu inherits a lot of its code.. the kernel, etc.. if you dont like, it, i assure you, no one will force it on your machine04:42
holsteinwerwerwr: if you find it a "resource hog", go with something lighter.. i use just openbox..04:42
holsteinwerwerwr: is that the case? normal, main ubuntu is fine? and you add lxde? and its broken?04:43
werwerwrholstein: Lubuntu is using 2.8gb of ram04:43
werwerwrI have firefox open with 5 tabs.04:43
werwerwra terminal04:43
werwerwrsorry, 2 terminals04:43
werwerwrthe software updater and the lubuntu software center open04:43
holsteinwerwerwr: the machine i run lubuntu on only has 1gb of ram.. it runs well..04:43
werwerwrbeing used for this.04:44
holsteinwerwerwr: again, if you have a question, ask it04:44
werwerwri'm pretty sure there's a memory leak somewhere04:44
holsteinwerwerwr: like, "how do i locate run away processes? " etc04:44
holsteinps aux or using top or htop, and you can find what to file a bug against04:44
holsteinwerwerwr: though, its likely flash in firefox.. if that is running..04:44
werwerwrno flash04:44
holsteinwerwerwr: *anytime* you say "pretty sure" just test for that04:45
werwerwrthis machine instantly hangs with flash04:45
holsteinwerwerwr: mine doesnt04:45
holsteinwerwerwr: i run lubuntu on 1 gig of ram with pepperflash.. as many tabs as i like04:45
werwerwrIt's firefox.04:45
werwerwrFireFox is eating 1.8gb of ram.04:45
holsteinwerwerwr: *great*!.. so, you *do* know what to file the bug against, then04:45
werwerwrI don't know how to file an anonymous bug report04:47
werwerwralso I told you it wasn't my hardware04:47
holsteinwerwerwr: just contact mozilla directly, as you please04:47
werwerwrI have in the past04:49
werwerwrI was told to run a older version or close tabs04:49
werwerwrFireFox is a POS04:49
holsteinwerwerwr: since the tune has just recently, like in the past few minutes, changed from "lubuntu is a POS" to "firefox is a POS", consider trying to be more constructive04:50
holsteinyou can always join that community and ask how to get envolved, and help them help you..04:50
holsteinno, thats ok.. no oppologies needed ;)04:51
holsteinwho talks to people like that..04:51
werwerwerholstein: consider being less rassvv  andassvrassv arassv arassv arassv arassv arassv arassv ar04:52
werwerwerholstein: lubuntu just had another stroke.04:52
werwerweralso I still think Lubuntu sucks now.04:52
holsteinwerwerwer: as i said before, just let the volunteers here know if you have a question..04:52
werwerwerI've thought the same of FireFox for years now.04:52
holsteinwerwerwer: and, as i said, no one makes you use lubuntu.. or firefox..04:52
werwerwerholstein: no one makes you act passive agressive04:53
holsteinwerwerwer: please use one of the ot channels to vent frustrations.04:53
holstein!ot | werwerwer04:53
ubottuwerwerwer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:53
holsteinwerwerwer: i assure you, i mean for nothing to be passive toward you.. i am directly frustrated with our time together, and i am going to wish you good luck, and suggest you use a larger channel, since this channel is usually slow04:54
werwerwerthis channel is slow at night04:54
werwerwerduring the day it gets quite nice and active04:54
holsteinwerwerwer: this is a fact, friend.. this channel is slow. the channel is logged.. and i am here *all* the time04:55
holsteinwerwerwer: i am not asking you if you *think* its busy or not.. im sharing with you a suggestion where you can get more assistance.. the #ubuntu channel04:55
werwerwerI'm here all the time under various names.04:55
werwerwerthe #ubuntu channel is horrid.04:56
holsteinanyways, good luck to you, and i will discontinue my volunteer services now..04:56
werwerwerI voiced concern over a bug in the installer and reqeusted assistance04:56
werwerwerI got labled a troll and had a member repeatidly tell people not to talk to me as I was a troll because he couldn't recreate teh bug with a older ubuntu installer04:56
werwerwerOthers re-created the bug with the same installer I used.04:56
werwerwerStill not fixed to date for that release.04:56
holsteinwerwerwer: that release?04:57
holsteinwerwerwer: what release?04:57
werwerwer9.04 iirc04:57
holsteinwerwerwer: its not an LTS04:57
werwerwerit was a bug where if a usb medium was used to install Ubuntu would continue to search for a CD04:57
holsteini just cant help but share facts..04:57
holsteinwhen its not supported anymore, it wont be addressed..04:58
holsteindoesnt matter what the bug is, the support term is up..04:58
holsteinto say "its still not fixed to this date, in that release" is just to misunderstand how the system works. thats all im referencing04:59
werwerwerit was a active problem at the time and how a volenteer responded was innapropriate and made me abandon ubuntu04:59
holstein*nothing* gets fixed about unsupported releases like that04:59
holsteinthey are not supported anymore04:59
holsteinwerwerwer: no one can make you do anything. you choose to abandon05:00
werwerwerholstein: it made me abandon05:00
werwerwerIt's hard to use a distro that can't be installed while you get called a troll by a moron05:00
holsteinwerwerwer: no, it didnt.. you *chose* to, which is fine05:00
werwerwerit did.05:01
holsteinwerwerwer: again, please use the OT channels to vent05:01
werwerwerdo you not speak english as your first language (serious question, not meaning to be rude)05:01
werwerwerholstein: you understand that when something doesn't work and there is no solution to make it work it forces you to abandon it05:04
werwerwerit's not a choice if you require it05:04
holsteinwerwerwer: no, its not force of any kind.. please stop using this channel to vent..05:05
werwerwerit is force.05:05
werwerwerI am not venting either but merely explaining why I wont use #ubuntu for help05:05
holsteinwerwerwer: you dont need to.. just dont use it, then..05:05
holsteinwerwerwer: i require no explanation for the channels you are not in..05:06
werwerwerholstein: I did need to05:07
holsteinwerwerwer: im saying, you dont. you need not communicate that to me.. so, please stop,.i dont want you communicating that to me, and its not on topic for the channel..05:07
werwerwerholstein: you blamed my hardware then my gpu then told me to ask #ubuntu...05:08
werwerwerthen told me "facts" about this channel and that there's no such thing as "force" with Linux distros05:08
holsteinwerwerwer: no... i blamed nothing, offered volunteer help, and suggested a more populated channel05:08
holsteinwerwerwer: please use an OT channel05:08
werwerweryou blamed.05:09
werwerweryou said that it was the hardware then the kernel05:09
holsteinwerwerwer: hardware *support*, which is in the kernel05:09
werwerwerholstein: even when using the same kernel the problem popped up in one distro not the other05:09
holsteinwerwerwer: im not interested in a recap..05:09
werwerwerboth are direvatives of the same distro05:09
holsteinwerwerwer: so, i ask again, when you install main ubuntu 14.04? all is fine? and when you add lxde? it breaks?05:10
holsteinwerwerwer: "derivitives" is not enough.. its not isolating the kernel as a variable05:10
werwerwerholstein: I installed it a week ago.05:11
werwerwerI didn't install lxde.05:11
werwerwerI used UNity05:11
holsteinwerwerwer: so, i ask again, when you install main ubuntu 14.04? all is fine? and when you add lxde? it breaks?05:11
werwerweryes it was fine05:11
werwerwerno lxde05:11
werwerwerlike I just said05:11
holsteinwerwerwer: if you have not done that, please try that ^05:11
werwerwerpretty sure when lxde runs fine in debian and unity on ubuntu but lxde on lubuntu has problems something is up with lubuntu05:12
holsteinwerwerwer: and, thats all i ask that you address.. the "pretty sure" part there05:12
werwerwerI never said pretty sure05:13
holsteinwerwerwer: im not saying you are wrong.. im asking that you isolate that variable, and prove that05:13
holsteinwerwerwer: friend, the sentence right above there states "pretty sure"05:13
holstein00:12 < werwerwer> pretty sure when lxde runs fine in debian and unity on ubuntu but lxde on lubuntu has problems something is up with lubuntu05:13
holstein00:12 < holstein> werwerwer: and, thats all i ask that you address.. the "pretty sure" part there05:13
holstein00:13 < werwerwer> I never said pretty sure05:13
holsteinwerwerwer: anyways, install main ubuntu, see that you are up to date with upgrades.. see that all is well.. then, install lxde, see that its broken,a nd file a bug against lxde05:14
werwerweryou sound like the same guy who couldn't recreate teh bug in ubuntu05:14
holsteinwerwerwer: its likely becuase i *cant* recreate the issue you are having, which, is not a bug, yet05:14
werwerwerholstein: >I can't recreate it so it's not a problem05:15
werwerwer>I haven't attempted to recreate it05:15
holsteinwerwerwer: if the problem is, "i run lubuntu and its bad", then, i run lubuntu, and its fine05:16
holsteinwerwerwer: i *have*, and am currently attempting05:16
holsteinwerwerwer: i welcome facts about how you think i can recreate it05:16
werwerwerholstein: For FireFox05:16
werwerwerjust open it.05:16
holsteinwerwerwer: ok..05:17
holsteinwerwerwer: and.. ?05:17
werwerweropen a few tabs and let it idle05:17
werwerwerI'm running FireFox 3305:18
holsteinwerwerwer: are you using ubuntu 14.04? or 14.10? or 12.04? a ppa for firefox? the repo one?05:19
holstein32, 64bit?05:20
werwerwerlubuntu 1405:20
werwerwerthe one that comes with it05:20
werwerwer32bit I bleieve05:21
holsteinwerwerwer: i ask again, and no "i beleives" please05:21
holsteinwerwerwer: are you using ubuntu 14.04? or 14.10? 32bit? 64bit?05:21
holsteinwerwerwer: help me help you..05:21
holsteinuname -a in a terminal..05:22
werwerweryou need to be clear about what you want to know 32bit or 64bit for as firefox has a 64bit flavour05:23
werwerwerit's 64bit Lubuntu 1405:23
holsteinwerwerwer: i ask again, friend. are you using ubuntu 14.04 or 14.10?05:23
werwerwerholstein: uname isn't telling me05:24
werwerwerand I don't remember off the top of my head05:24
holsteinwerwerwer: this is what i need to make sure i am doing the same as you05:24
holsteinwerwerwer: otherwise, its a waste of time05:24
holsteinwerwerwer: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckingYourUbuntuVersion05:25
holsteinwerwerwer: i have firefox open, with many tabs.. 1gb of ram on a 900mhz celeron05:27
holsteinworks as expected05:27
holsteinim on 32bit 14.0405:27
holsteinwerwerwer: im not going to install 14.10 to confirm an issue with you like that..05:27
holsteinwerwerwer: you can try the mailing list, or mozilla suppot05:28
holsteinwerwerwer: you should be prepared to offer your specs, and facts05:28
holstein20 tabs gets it up to 20% memory, of my 1gb05:30
holsteinid say, installing 14.04 will address all the issues you are having.. get you a kernel closer to the #! one you like..05:32
holsteinanyways, good luck.. im out..05:32
holsteini wish i could say its been fun..05:32
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Thunder1i open jdownloader with the command "sh ./jd.sh" out of the download folder. how can i make a desktop icon?08:24
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xvzfhi there xfce energy is not running, but, in spite of this, the machine locks itself after some ten minutes. what else can do this?15:18
tr0phi, do you know if F2FS is supported by the lubuntu-alternate-disc's installer? I heared some rumours but i am not sure....22:35

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