
voidspacervba: allenap: ping10:05
voidspacervba: allenap: I have an MP for gomaasapi I'd appreciate a review on10:05
allenapvoidspace: Sure. I'll see if I can remember Go :)10:05
voidspacervba: allenap: it extends the TestServer10:06
voidspaceallenap: thanks, it's easy10:06
allenapvoidspace: Done, with one question in the diff.10:13
voidspaceallenap: thanks10:17
voidspaceallenap: currently listing nodegroups fails unless you add a boot image10:17
voidspaceallenap: that's the existing code. So no boot image seems to mean no nodegroups in the existing code.10:18
voidspaceallenap: I preserved those semantics - no boot image means no nodegroup so you can't list or add interfaces10:18
allenapvoidspace: Okay, there's some sense in that, and you've not changed it. Thanks for explaining!10:18
voidspaceallenap: I actually fixed a bug (and added a test) - currently listing nodegroups really fails if there are no nodegroups10:19
voidspaceallenap: I changed it to return an empty list10:19
voidspaceI mean if there are no boot images10:19
voidspaceallenap: thanks - I'll merge10:20
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jbeedyAny takers .... http://askubuntu.com/questions/571823/does-there-exist-a-way-within-the-context-of-maas-to-specify-which-disk-shows-up19:01
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr

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