
=== phunyguy is now known as phunyguy-zombie
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lordievaderGood morning.09:05
elfyhi lordievader09:57
lordievaderHey elfy, how are you this fine morning?09:58
elfygood thanks - you?10:03
lordievaderDoing good, contemplating on where I am going to put my desk.10:05
elfywell I hope you're eating cake while contemplating :)10:08
lordievaderNo, I am not. I am drinking coffee though.10:12
lordievaderAnd I have made a decision on what to do.10:12
BluesKajHowdy folks11:21
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=== kbroulik-lunch is now known as kbroulik
GeoMintcheck this:W: Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/vivid/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found13:15
GeoMintW: Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/vivid/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found13:15
GeoMintW: Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/vivid/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found13:15
GeoMintE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.13:15
GeoMinti am using 15.04 alpha-113:16
BluesKajGeoMint, not all the repos are active in 15.04 alpha13:39
BluesKaji get the same output13:40
GeoMintis that a bug?13:40
BluesKajno, the OS is in alpha, not all repos are available in development releases13:41
GeoMinthmm ok13:42
BluesKajif it bothers you GeoMint, just comment the extras deb line in the sources.list with a # and update again13:51
WhoKnows_625Hi, since an update yestarday of Krita (from version 2.8.7 to 2.8.90) I can't run it, neither from KDE nor from terminal, I get a command not found. Where should I report this?15:19
lotuspsychje!bug | WhoKnows_62515:23
ubottuWhoKnows_625: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.15:23
lotuspsychjeWhoKnows_625: you might wanna start your program from terminal to check errors aswell15:24
BluesKajWhoKnows_625, did you run a dist-upgrade ?15:24
WhoKnows_625also vivis-proposed enabled15:25
BluesKajok that could expalain it , i lost konversation after the dist-upgrade, just had to re-install it15:25
BluesKajdon't use proposed15:25
BluesKajit'll surely break things15:26
qenghoproposed has 1) broken stuff, and 2) stuff that will be in regular channel anyway when it's ready.15:27
WhoKnows_625but that stuff need to be tested right?15:28
BluesKajproposed is just that, not ready even for devel OSs15:28
WhoKnows_625BluesKaj: I already tried reinstalling and then romed and installing, no luck15:28
BluesKajtested by those who know how to fix the asociated bugs15:28
BluesKajdid you remove or comment the proposed ppa ?15:30
WhoKnows_625so, should I: 1) report bug in proposed to launchpad as regular bugs?, 2) Report them elsewhere? or 3) Do not test them? (I'm aware of possible failures, that's why I keep important things in another box)15:30
BluesKajppa purge proposed then update and upgrade and try installing krita again15:31
BluesKajWhoKnows_625, even the devs recommend you not use proposed15:32
BluesKajHi elfy15:36
WhoKnows_625ok, thanks.15:36
elfyhi BluesKaj :)15:36
BluesKajwhat's new , elfy?15:37
elfynothing new - but old - installing windows is as much a pita as I remember ...15:37
elfyother than that \o/15:37
BluesKajyup, 1500 windows updates to go :)15:38
elfyoh don't ... taken me a while to find the right lan driver for it - threw the disc away ages ago as linux tends to just work :p15:39
BluesKajI still have a corporate W7 disk my son-in-law gave me back in '09...he's now my ex-son-in-law :)15:42
BluesKajso it's anold version and it takes practically a whole day to finsh the install and all the required updates including SP-1 etc15:48
soeehi, gusy any updates lately taht break nvidia drivers to work ?17:18
bubbasauressoee, Are you using the drivers straight from nvidia?17:20
soeebubbasaures: nope, from xorg edgers but they worked fine for a long time, the 343, after latets updates (im on Kubuntu Vivid) system does not boot when using nvidia profile on my laptop with optimus tech. on intel profile though, all works nice17:22
bubbasauressoee, There is a xorg for 15.04? that is a ppa and not supported is all.17:24
soeebubbasaures: yes https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa?field.series_filter=vivid17:25
soeethe drivers forked for me fin in 14.10 and on vivid since a bunch of updates i make today17:25
bubbasauressoee, Cool, only problem is this.17:26
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge17:26
bubbasauresyou might get support, it is just technically not provided is all17:26
bubbasauresout of my area to really help, I just wondered if it was a case of a proprietary driver and a new reload after a kernel update17:27
soeeyeah might be something with kernel i think17:28
=== CardinalFang is now known as qengho
soeethe nvidia problem seems to be related to systemd updates17:49
bubbasauressoee, Try the provious kernel you have showing in grub17:54
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SuperLag03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 (rev 3e) <-- that's my wifi adapter in my ThinkPad W530. It is a 3x3. If I put a newer Intel adapter in there that only has 2 antenna connections, will it still work? I was thinking of the 7260. It support 802.11ac23:36
SuperLagsorry, though I was in the main channel :)23:37

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