
TheMusodesrt: I was talking to Will last night, and we were talking about GTK and Mir. He said that you were doing something with chroots, thinking it was related to GTK mir testing. Is this the case? If so, what have you done to set things up? I want to try a11y stack with GTK under mir to see what breaks.03:27
desrtTheMuso: no.  unrelated.03:28
desrti'm using chroots to build glib in various configurations for testing purposes03:28
TheMusoOk no worries.03:35
* duflu wonders if GTK+Mir behaves better since he tested it last many months ago03:38
desrtdidrocks: hihi06:21
pittiGood morning06:24
desrtpitti: hey... i wanted to ask why you stopped doing jhbuild on canonistack06:26
pittihey desrt06:26
pittidesrt: it was a lot of maintenance, and there was relatively little actual interest upstream06:26
desrtsounds about right06:27
pittinot really an explicit decision, it just decayed06:27
desrtdid you ever consider making the build results available for download?06:27
pittidesrt: you mean not just the logs, but the actual built tree? we didn't back then, and didn't discuss it06:28
pittiif that's actually useful, it could be possible; but the builds should be reproducible fairly well06:29
desrti did a lot of debianification work on jhbuild over the holidays06:29
pittithe thing that's usually less reproducible is test failures as they are sometimes sensitive to the environment (CPU speed, load, etc.)06:29
desrtwith the goal of targetting schroot debootstraps06:29
didrockshey desrt! guten morgen pitti06:29
desrtand producing .tar of the products, one-by-one06:29
pittibonjour didrocks, ça va ?06:30
desrt(which will also help facilitate parallel building)06:30
didrockspitti: ça peut aller, et toi?06:30
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pittididrocks: mieux qu'hier, pas plus de fièvre06:30
didrockspitti: content d'entendre ça :)06:31
desrtyou guys use some strange encryption software06:31
desrtpitti: were you running in a vm?06:34
pittidesrt: yes, the current development series back then06:35
pittii. e. minimal cloud image with the necessary build deps installed06:35
desrtyou figure upstream would be more interested in test failures06:40
desrti mean, this is linux06:40
desrti guess it comes down to lack of time, as always :/06:40
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desrtmvo: hello!06:53
mvohey desrt! good morning and happy new year06:53
desrtsame to you.  welcome back.06:54
dufludesrt: Did you change timezones?06:57
dufluOr just nocturnal06:57
desrtmaybe :)06:57
desrti've been working on a lot of interesting things lately06:57
desrtit's also been cold as hell out, so i've spent little time outside06:57
desrtboth of these things tend to have a negative impact on a regular sleep schedule06:58
dufludesrt: Fair enough. Admittedly summer here makes it easier to not sleep during daylight hoursd06:58
RAOFHah! And we have a fully working pollable-fd branch. desrt, you will soon be able to enjoy the marvel that is mir_connection_dispatch();07:12
desrthells ya07:12
RAOF(For values of soon which require code review)07:12
seb128good morning desktopers!07:45
RAOFdesrt: Feel free to check out https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/mir/eventloop-integration/+merge/24592607:50
pittihey RAOF, bonjour seb128 !08:15
seb128hey pitti, happy friday! wie gehts?08:15
pittiseb128: viel besser, danke! und DIr?08:16
seb128pitti, gut, danke! ;-)08:16
seb128it's friday ;-)08:16
willcookemorning all08:24
* willcooke -> schooll08:25
didrockshey willcooke08:29
seb128hey willcooke08:30
willcookeThis week has seemed long08:54
willcookeglad its Friday08:54
darkxsthey seb128 didrocks pitti08:54
ochosilarsu: not sure disabling menu-icons altogether is really such a nice option. that really sucks e.g. in gimp and in xubuntu there's no hud with which you can search the menus...08:56
didrocksevening darkxst08:57
darkxstdidrocks, a very wet evening here !08:57
didrockswillcooke: it's been a really weird one here due to the news TBH08:57
darkxstseb128, ok if I make a new gnome-session-wayland binary package?08:57
willcookedidrocks, yeah, that stuff was horrible08:58
seb128darkxst, Debian did that?09:00
darkxstseb128, no, fedora did that, debian just put it in with the other session files09:00
seb128darkxst, I would prefer to do what Debian does, did you talk to them about doing that?09:00
didrockswillcooke: yeah, it's not over, there is are some hostages and gun shots that happened 45 minutes ago09:00
seb128why is it needed?09:00
darkxstits basically working now, but not really good enough to be installed by default09:01
willcookedidrocks, oh??  ****09:01
* willcooke reads the news09:01
darkxstseb128, so people can try wayland09:01
seb128darkxst, they can't on Debian?09:01
seb128seems like something Debian might want as well09:01
seb128should be done there imhp09:01
darkxstseb128, yes, they can on debian its installed by default09:01
seb128oh ok09:02
darkxstbut I'm not convinced its that ready09:02
seb128well, fine to split to me09:02
seb128thanks for the explanations09:02
seb128and yeah, I think it better be optional than installed by default09:02
darkxstseb128, yes that is exactly my thinking09:03
darkxsta broken "GNOME on wayland" session will just confuse people09:03
darkxsthey Laney09:05
Laneyhey darkxst09:07
Laneydarkxst: I think you should talk to them first09:07
Laneyhappy friday09:07
* Laney checks it actually is friday before getting too excited09:07
Laneylooks so09:07
seb128hey Laney09:08
Laneyhey seb12809:09
Laneyhow's it going09:09
seb128good, it's friday!09:09
Laneyit is, I just verified09:09
larsuochosi: it's what upstream wants...09:11
larsuochosi: why go against the stream?09:11
seb128larsu, what does upstream want?09:11
NoskcajI probably won't be able to respond to any emails from tomorrow till the 24th09:12
ochosilarsu: yeah i know. but it's not very accessible imo if you have large menus like that of gimp. it becomes a "wall of text"09:12
ochosiseb128: icons in menus09:12
NoskcajJust incase i have reviews that need work or MOTU application stuff09:12
seb128Noskcaj, hey, k09:12
ochosiseb128: there's a bug (at least i consider it that) in gtkaction that produces imagemenuitems even on menubars by default for gtkactions defined in .ui files09:13
Laneyhey larsu09:14
larsumorning Laney!09:14
darkxstLaney, I will check, but they are in freeze now, and we already split all the sessions out in gnome-session compared to debian09:14
ochosilarsu: a probably even better example is the "open with..." submenu in the file-manager.09:14
larsuochosi: that always has icons09:15
larsunot all icons were removed from menus09:15
larsuit's just that we don't put icons on _every_ menu item anymore09:15
larsuinstead, only on ones which are "nouns" and have a visual representation in other parts of the system09:16
larsusuch as: applications, users, drives, etc.09:16
Laneydarkxst: I thought it was just providing an ubuntu-session package with the unity stuff09:16
ochosiyeah, i get that. but you suggested to disable menu-icons altogether yesterday (at least if i understood you correctly) with the global gtksetting09:16
larsuoh interesting!! according to this bug that mclasen pasted, this is my fault... https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=74218109:17
ubot5Gnome bug 742181 in Theme ""show images in menus" causes weird padding outside GNOME" [Minor,Unconfirmed]09:17
larsuochosi: ah sorry that's not what I meant. I suggested to disable the setting, which gets rid of "verb" icons in menu items09:17
ochosilarsu: hm, there's another? i thought there was only "MenuImages"09:18
larsuno, just the one09:19
ochosiso i wasn't the only one noticing09:19
larsuapparently not09:19
ochosigood good09:20
ochosii don't see a comment by mclasen there but yeah, it looks like it's your fault :}09:20
larsumclasen pointed me to the bug09:21
larsuon irc09:21
ochosinice of him09:21
ochosi(and of you, to investigate!)09:21
darkxstLaney, the gnome session is also split09:22
ochosilarsu: just out of curiosity, how would we have achieved what you descirbed earlier, only disabling specific icons?09:24
darkxstLaney, oh maybe not, maybe I am thinking of breakage caused by upstart user sessions09:27
larsuochosi: icons from GMenuModel are always shown (the docs have an explanation of when to use icons). Otherwise there's the "always-show-image" property on GtkImageMenuItem09:29
Laneyah well this is still opt-in by being listed in /etc/upstart-xsessions09:29
* Laney puzzles about the failed image builds09:29
ochosilarsu: right, so your suggestion was code, not a simple setting :) since xfce is still gtk2, it follows an older HIG09:30
darkxstLaney, or it was actually fallout from the ubuntu-session split dropping depends I guess09:31
darkxstbut that was eons ago09:31
seb128willcooke, I'm just trying today's daily desktop-next image, it does boot correctly in windows mode09:51
willcookeseb128, sweet - thanks.  I must have had old information.09:52
* willcooke throws away the PostIt Note09:52
larsuochosi: no, my suggestion was to disable the setting, because I didn't think anyone upstream cares enough to fix this (gtkimagemenuitem is deprecated after all)09:57
larsuochosi: now that I found out that I introduced this change, I might as well fix it ;)09:57
ochosilarsu: cool, thanks a lot for your help!09:57
Laneyweird networking problems on my desktop today10:12
* Laney tries old kernel10:14
Laneythe network cable had slipped out a bit10:24
Laneywhy do those clip bits always break off?10:25
Laneyand why was it working kind of sort of ...10:25
seb128Trevinho, hey, are you working on those bamf "loosing" icons since the gtk update, like the firefox one?10:28
seb128larsu, ^ do you know what's the status about that?10:28
larsuseb128: my last status was that Trevinho said he knows where to look and will look10:30
seb128larsu, good, thanks ;-)10:30
Trevinhoseb128: not yet10:49
Laneypitti & jibel: Looks like sysvinit migrated despite floodlight failing11:05
Laneyit was waiting on it11:05
Laneycan we see why that happened?11:05
pittiLaney: floodlight's failure didn't look related to the new sysvinit11:05
Laneyit wasn't11:05
Laneybut nobody hinted it either11:06
pittiright, so I overrode it11:06
Laneyyou're doing that?11:06
pittiLaney: ah, I did that in the status files on britney11:06
pittiI can't update the ~ubuntu-release overrides11:06
pittiLaney: yeah, sometimes; mostly for gcc and similar, as otherwise they'd be stuck forever11:07
pittibut when someone asks or I spot something on excuses I also do it for other packages11:07
pitti+1 maintenance, if you will11:07
Laneyperhaps you should get a proper hint file rather than using this trap door :)11:08
xnox_unity_brokeSo my unity is broken on my normal account, guest session works fine.11:09
xnox_unity_brokeunity --reset is deprecated and does nothing11:09
xnox_unity_brokehow can I reset my compiz/unity to be stock again? (failing that I'll be creating a new user account for myself....)11:10
Laneyseb128 is good with debugging these things11:10
pittixnox_unity_broke: backup .config/dconf/user for debugging, and then dconf reset -f /org/compiz/ ?11:15
pitti"dconf dump /org/compiz/" shows your custom settings11:15
pittimaybe something there is the obvious candidate11:15
pittior /com/canonical/unity/11:16
pittixnox_unity_broke: ^11:16
pittihappy bisecting!11:16
xnox_no_unityhm, so it says that opengl plugin fails to load in compiz.11:28
xnox_no_unityand i get XIO fatal IO error 11 resource temporary unavailable in compiz logs....11:29
xnoxok that was scary11:34
xnoxcombination of these: http://askubuntu.com/questions/454779/unity-will-not-boot-load-after-upgrade-from-13-10-to-14-04 made me able to start unity11:34
xnoxand i'll go back to work and not logout ever now =)11:34
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happyarondidrocks: mind revisit the fcitx MIR?12:19
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ochosilarsu: another issue i encountered is the sound indicator not playing well with gtk3.14, the volume scale is broken (entirely for DND; sort of for click) and sometimes the indicator crashes altogether or doesn't show an icon12:21
larsuochosi: thanks, known issue :)12:22
ochosioh ok :)12:22
larsuI think someone opened a bug about it even12:23
didrockshappyaron: is it ready for a rereview then? great! :)12:26
didrockshappyaron: I'll have a look on Monday12:26
happyarondidrocks: yep, thx!12:27
didrocksyw ;)12:30
seb128xnox, how did you fix it?12:48
seb128Trevinho, what are you working on? just curious what comes before fixing vivid visible issues :-)12:48
Trevinhoseb128: LIM stuff..12:49
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seb128kenvandine, hey14:17
seb128kenvandine, I've asked around about that string question from yesterday14:18
kenvandinehey seb12814:18
seb128kenvandine, launchpad shares strings between series of a same distribution, but ubuntu and ubuntu-rtm are different distributions14:18
kenvandinemakes sense14:18
kenvandinebut painful14:18
seb128kenvandine, cjwatson linked the package to the product, that should make the string shared14:18
kenvandineoh, great... so we're good now?14:19
seb128but I'm unsure what that means for the template14:19
seb128we should make sure it doesn't make it use the wrong template I guess14:19
kenvandinehow do we do that?14:19
seb128shrug, I think it does14:19
seb128https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/vivid/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/ has14:20
seb128" This source package is sharing translations with ubuntu-system-settings trunk series. "14:20
seb128pitti, was that cgmanager/ual/systemd email discussion on a list by any chance?  oh, and thanks for the summary  ;-)14:26
pittiseb128: no, between slangasek, hallyn, stgraber and me in private mail, I'm afraid14:26
seb128ok, no worry14:27
seb128I was more interested by the outcome anyway, so thanks for the summary ;-)14:27
seb128tedg, didrocks, willcooke, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cgmanager/+bug/1400394/comments/9 might interest you on the unity8/ual/cgroups issue14:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 1400394 in cgmanager (Ubuntu) "Unity8 fails to start applications, cgmanager is not started under systemd" [Undecided,Triaged]14:28
pittiseb128: I think hallyn was mostly concerned about political issues there, but we both agree that there should not be any serious technical problems14:28
tedgpitti, So then can we automatically start cgmanager if a Unity8 desktop is chosen?14:31
didrocksI'm still looking at what is cleaning my /tmp, I wonder if it wasn't cgmanager, but needs confirmation14:32
pittitedg: yes14:33
pittitedg: well, if we install the cgmanager package, initially14:34
pittitedg: I'd rather make it dbus or socket activated, but that requires a bit of work (and is mostly just a boot time optimization)14:34
tedgpitti, We'd need it for U8 though, right? So it'd just be a dependency of u8?14:35
pittitedg: or UAL, or whatever actually tries to talk to it, yes14:35
pitti(UAL, supposedly?)14:35
tedgSeems upstart?14:35
tedgUAL does as well.14:35
pittiwhy would upstart need it?14:35
tedgUpstart uses it to create cgroups.14:35
pittitedg: oh interesting, I didn't know that; I thought it was UAL14:38
tedgNo, no, I make Upstart do all the hard work :-)14:38
pittitedg: so yes, then I suppose upstart-bin should grow at least a Recommends: cgmanager the14:39
pittitedg: but aside from these details, I guess we're okay now?14:39
tedgK, so we can add a requires in UAL. Not sure if it should be the lib or binary, but sure.14:39
tedgI think so.14:40
tedgI might be an adventure :-)14:40
pittistgraber might still have some objections, but I hope not too strong ones14:40
willcookeseb128, do you know if the U7 dash supports Orca at all?14:51
Sweet5hark1seb128: we should update trusty to 4.2.8, I just send you package link and details by email ...14:55
seb128willcooke, I don't know, it's not using gtk so not getting that for free, some of the u7 bits support screenreader I think14:59
seb128didrocks, Trevinho or bregma might know/remember better15:00
willcookethx seb12815:00
Trevinhowillcooke: the dash I don't think so15:00
bregmawillcooke, I do not believe it does, not correctly any way15:00
seb128willcooke, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/106615715:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 1066157 in unity (Ubuntu) "dash +orca does not speak the names of application icons" [High,Triaged]15:00
Trevinhowillcooke: launcher does, so panel... although in a very limited way15:01
seb128willcooke, from that bug it looks like Luke was looking at it, maybe check with him next week15:01
willcookeyeah, good call. thx15:01
seb128that bug description suggests some bits work15:02
bregmaI believe the fix required some Nux changes, and we sort of like to tiptoe around doing that15:02
seb128Sweet5hark1, thanks15:02
bregmamight be better now that the StaticCairoText widget has matured a little more.....15:03
didrockswillcooke: themuso was supposed to handle it a couple of cycles ago15:04
willcookeI'll have a chat with him next week15:04
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Laneytkamppeter: hi, I don't see cups-filters-ippusbxd in trusty, where is it?17:32
Laneyor did you not mean to upload s-c-p including those changes?17:32
willcookeright, I'm outta here.  Hope you all have a relaxing weekend17:46
Laneyme too, laters18:02
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tkamppeterLaney, The package should go in with the SRU of cups-filters, I do not know whether I have donme all correctly I never have done a SRU introducing a new binary package before.23:39
tkamppeterLaney, I have also withdrawn the s-c-p package of this SRU earlier to do another more important SRU before (which is nearly done, it is already verified).23:40
tkamppeterLaney, I am also trying to get more feedback from the manufacturers, to see whether ippusbxd integration works corectly (I have no printer to test by myself).23:41
Laneytkamppeter: I don't see a corresponding upload of cups-filters though, that's the problem23:48
tkamppeterLaney, I have a message titled "[ubuntu/trusty-proposed] cups-filters 1.0.52-0ubuntu1.3 (Accepted)". This should mean that the package was uploaded and not rejected. No later message concerning this package.23:52
tkamppeterLaney, bug 1386241.23:52
ubot5bug 1386241 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu Trusty) "Add the full IPP Everywhere support from Utopic to Trusty" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138624123:52
Laneytkamppeter: That one was deleted upon your request: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups-filters/1.0.52-0ubuntu1.3/+publishinghistory23:53
LaneyThis situation is causing trusty images to fail to build, e.g. https://launchpadlibrarian.net/194383676/buildlog_ubuntu_trusty_i386_ubuntu_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ("system-config-printer-udev : Depends: cups-filters-ippusbxd but it is not installable")23:56
tkamppeterLaney, the SRU is of three parts, cups-filters, s-c-p, and cups, s-c-p pulls in cups-filters-ippusbxd. My intention was to withdraw all the three, to let the other s-c-p SRU go first. Or is it possible that the ippusbxd dependency has accidentally gotten into the other SRU?23:59
LaneyI think you uploaded the new s-c-p SRU with the changes from the previous one to add ippusbxd support in it too.23:59

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