
RAOFBecause there *has* to be something in the silo that depends on libmirserver2800:00
RAOFOr, rather, *unless* there's something in the silo that depends on libmirserver28 you're not testing the new Mir.00:00
camakoRAOF, correct, usc, qtmir are/were on the silo00:01
RAOFAnd they were built against the correct version, presumably, and so had a dep on libmirserver28?00:01
camakoRAOF, yep they were changed to dep on libmirserver 0.1000:02
camakoRAOF, but we don't necessarily bump their dep, we only do it unless downstreams must be changed as a result of changes in mir00:03
RAOFYeah, absolutely.00:04
camakoRAOF, but this time we did, because there were code changes00:04
camakoin downstreams00:04
* greyback_ surprised qtmir built against mir0.1.0, as it failed for me until I changed post_update() to "gl_swap_buffers(); flip();"00:04
camakogreyback, I changed it in qtmir00:05
greyback_camako: ah really? Ok, I didn't find that branch00:05
RAOFcamako: So, the interesting question is: “why were mir-utils, qtdeclarative5-qtmir-plugin, and qtmir-android held back”.00:06
camakogreyback : this was in the silo ---> https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtmir/devel-mir-next/+merge/24559200:06
greyback_camako: saw that, but has empty diff for me?!00:07
greyback_as in, what LP shows me00:07
greyback_ah, I see it now00:07
camakogreyback, ah yeah I noticed that too. it's lying00:08
greyback_camako: ok well mystery solved00:08
camakogreyback, look at the commit # 269 here ---> https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtmir/devel-mir-next00:08
camako269 == approved rev of the MP (but the diff shows empty :-) )00:10
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attente_hello, is there some known issue with heavy screen flickering in mir_demo_server? running mir-demos 0.10.0+15.04.20150107.2-0ubuntu1, kernel is 3.19.0-031900rc3-generic18:40
attente_hi, has anyone experienced that problem recently? mir_demo_server is flickering heavily (it seems to happen after switching vt the second time)20:39
racarr_attente_: new to me21:31
racarr_can you file a bug?21:32
attente_racarr_: sure21:32
racarr_this late on a friday its not going to get a lot of attention ;) but next week21:32
attente_racarr_: right ;)21:32
racarr_:) Thanks21:32
racarr_probably gonna be some sort of driver specific thing ;(21:32
racarr_attente_: Saw  the bug. Thanks :)21:57
attente_racarr_: np :) forgot to mention about the kernel update at first, hope that's not the cause21:58

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