
=== phunyguy is now known as phunyguy-zombie
=== phunyguy-zombie is now known as phunyguy
ubottuIn #ubuntu, aoeu said: ubottu: Whyt is that chan batout?02:53
ziPici: sup?04:47
ziPici: saw your message regarding freebsd04:48
ziPici: checked my scrollback and found two guys referencing the chan, ive told them to knock it off04:50
ziPici: let me know if you run into anything else04:50
ziPici: privmsg/whatever04:50
retroispresto5 more hours to go till it's been 2 days~08:53
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (qwasda)11:06
Tm_TDJones: ah, I went with ban11:07
DJonesAh well, doubly whammy11:07
DJonesBoth are relevant, there's still one user connected from that address, but the +q will stop issues and your +b will stop anymore joining11:08
DJonesAnd that ones quit11:08
DJonesI'll remove the +q just leaving the +b11:09
ubottutheadmin called the ops in #ubuntu ()20:29
* genii feeds k1l more cookies20:30

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