
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
paulliuelopio: hi. Want to sync the helpers details. I'm currently working on the display Indicator helper. http://people.canonical.com/~thomir/ueqa-code-proposals/proposals/indicator-display/index.html#shell-ui-test-helpers15:46
paulliuelopio: anything else I should know?15:47
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
elopiopaulliu: it would be nice if you add a method open_display_indicator, that wraps the default open_indicator_page and returns that DisplayIndicator object.15:58
paulliuelopio: ok16:00
elopiopaulliu: if you need to pair program to get started, we have scheduled some time for that. Just let me know.16:00
paulliuelopio: Cool. When is it?16:01
paulliujfunk told me that you have a sprint next week. Is it able to participate remotely?16:02
elopiopaulliu: yes. We start the sprint on monday.16:03
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
elopioalesage: did you finish turning jibel's document into bugs?17:06
alesageelopio, yes they're there in the doc17:06
elopioalesage: awesome, thank you.17:06
alesageelopio, what's on the top of your list today?17:31
elopioalesage: make cards in the board for each task.17:50
elopioand then, webbrowser problems.17:50
alesageelopio, ok, mind if I tag along for the webbrowser fix?17:51
elopioalesage: sure. I'll ping you  when (if) I start.17:51
alesageelopio, ok I'll dig in a little after some lunch17:51
dobeyare the autopkgtests in click packages being run anywhere right now?17:53
elopiodobey: no. Jenkins runs the tests, but not using adt-run.17:53
elopiopaulliu: would you like to pair on monday?18:13
dobeyelopio: ^^ can you look at that? i'm wondering why those failures are happening18:17
elopiodobey:   File "/tmp/adt-run.ZG7ly5/tree/tests/autopilot/pay_ui/tests/__init__.py", line 57, in launch_installed_app18:19
elopio    raise NotImplementedError()18:19
elopiothe launching method is not implemented.18:19
alesageelopio ping--I haven't run these sanity tests for a bit and I find myself waiting on a black screen for a while, am I stuck in the loop I've heard about, and what do I need to merge to fix?19:24
elopioalesage: it depends on where is the loop. Did your flashing succeed?19:25
alesageelopio, I'm a fresh flash yes, followed the instructions in jibel's doc19:25
alesageelopio, should I try again to flash?19:26
elopioalesage: that's better, just to make sure where you are.19:26
elopioflash and tell me if you end up in the wizard page.19:26
alesageok I'll do again--wound up with wizard before though19:26
alesageelopio, seeing this on the first attempt to run after flash, but this it's adt-run's fault http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9700352 , should probably file a bug for this, recall the second attempt working in the past19:42
elopioalesage: yes, a bug sounds good.19:43
alesageelopio, k19:43
elopioalesage: also try phablet-shell.19:43
alesageelopio, yes works19:43
elopioif that works, adt should pass that step.19:43
alesageelopio, again I recall seeing this on first connect via adt-run19:43
elopioalesage: I remember about it too.19:43
alesageelopio, ok yes same result, long black screen--how long to wait?19:49
elopioalesage: does it show the unity icon spining?19:52
alesageelopio no I'm past that19:52
elopioalesage: then I have no idea what's going on. I haven't seen a fully black screen. Did you flash rtm or vivid?19:53
alesageelopio ubuntu-device-flash touch --wipe --channel=ubuntu-touch/devel-proposed --developer-mode --password=000019:53
alesageelopio as in Jean-Baptiste's doc19:54
dobeyballoons: hey. how can i run click package tests from the local tree in adt-run exactly? i'm passing "--click-source ./" but it doesn't seem to use them19:54
elopioalesage: and you are using trunk?19:54
alesageelopio, yes, just let me make sure I'm up to date on your ppa19:55
elopioalesage: and krilllin?19:56
alesageelopio, mako19:56
elopioalesage: ok, I have krillin ready, I will givve it a try there.19:58
elopiobut I'm going to a meeting, I won't be able to do mako soon.19:58
alesageelopio, ok will update19:59
Letozaf_balloons, hi20:00
alesageelopio aha possibly a config option is interfering from your serial branch, seeing a blank warning.log, lemme investigate20:01
usernametesting pidgin20:09
elopioalesage: my krillin is in a black screen.20:21
elopioI'm hating this, who's breaking our tests on every friday?20:21
alesageelopio, you say that as if it were bad news20:21
alesageelopio, finding the same with clean config fwiw20:21
alesageelopio, what's our process, do you think it's a specific test?20:21
alesageelopio, do you also get a blank 'warning.log' in your dir?20:22
alesageactually this one hasn't been touched so maybe not related20:22
elopioalesage: I don't know. What I did to find the wizard getting stuck was to copy the tests to the phone, make it writable, install the deps and run one test at a time.20:22
alesageelopio, we could maybe step back a rev?  suspect any recent changes?20:23
elopioalesage: this not likely caused by our branch.20:24
elopiomore likely a change in someone else's branch.20:24
alesageelopio hmpf20:24
alesageelopio, showing that we can run *any* test might help, i.e. chopping out all but one?  or better to go to the device20:25
elopioalesage: that would be helpful.20:25
alesageelopio, I'll start that way then on the device after20:25
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alesageelopio saw a unity8 crash but not in successive runs, appears we just never get unity8?21:11
alesageelopio, notably setting skips on the tests does get a run so the test infrastructure isn't the culprit21:14
elopioalesage: sorry man, I won't be able to help debugging today. I need a little rest, and then many cards to fill.21:50
alesageelopio, nw, getting somewhere, will report21:50
elopioalesage: if you are putting the skip on the test, the setup will still run.21:51
elopioand generally we restart unity on the setup.21:51
alesageelopio, right but I put a skip on the whole class21:51
alesageelopio, seeing that the test passes when run from the device FWIW21:51
elopioalesage: and anyway, the first card of the following sprint is probably going to be get the suite stable, and figure out how to make sure it won't break again.21:52
elopioalesage: ok, sound like you are on the right track.21:52
alesageelopio, ok yeah I'll continue a bit here21:52
elopioplease send an email to the team when you EOD, so everybody knows what's going on.21:52
alesageelopio, ok shall do21:52
elopioalesage: thank you. I'll probably see you on monday, I think I better EOD now and finish tomorrow.21:53
elopioI'll decide after a nap :)21:53
alesageelopio, ok don't work too hard ;) , enjoy the rest21:53
estebanare there public test cases available for ubuntu? if yes, where can i find them?22:18
knomeiso.qa.ubuntu.com and packages.qa.ubuntu.com to begin with22:18
estebanthank you22:19
balloonsesteban, have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam for more info about the team, etc as well22:26
elfyevening balloons22:26
balloonsevening indeed22:26
balloonshow are you this evening elfy and knome? something warm and happy i hope22:27
elfyyep - good here thanks :)22:27
knomegetting better from the sickness22:27
knomebought a new work desk today22:27
balloonsohh, i'm curious22:27
balloonsand glad to hear you are feeling better!22:28
elfyI got an ssd and a new processor and more ram and new amp and speakers22:28
elfyno new desk though :(22:28
estebanballoons: will take a look at the link, looks helpful. thanks22:28
knomethat without the extension part at right22:28
elfyevening esteban - welcome to the madness22:28
knomeballoons, ^22:29
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estebanevening elfy22:31
estebani ll embrace madness warmly22:31
elfyawesome :)22:31
balloonsknome, simple and sleek i like it22:32
balloonsesteban, haha, you'll fit right in22:32
knomeballoons, yep, and tbh, there isn't much variety unless you want to pay ridiculous prices like 1500 euros...22:32
estebanjajaja, i ll give my best :p22:32
balloonsi had planned to make a desk. one long sheet of plywood against the entire wall of my office22:33
knomeballoons, something like that would be awesome.22:33
knomewell, not the whole wall22:34
knomebut a simple piece of wood22:34
elfyI still want to do a standing desk22:34
elfyeasy enough - just being bothered22:34
knomei'd like one that can alternate between standing and sitting22:34
balloonsknome, :-) my office is cozy, i could easily cover a wall and have it be almost std desk size22:34
elfyknome: that's called a really extendable stool22:34
knomei have a relatively cozy office as well22:34
knomeelfy, lol22:35
knomebut i don't have much wallspace, i have my record shelves here22:35
balloonslol elfu22:35
knomeand the boardgame cabinet22:35
elfymy desk is in the corner of the living room - need to have comfy chairs too22:35
balloonsahh yes. boardgames are in the other room22:35
knomei like the mancaviness of this room though22:35
balloonsi played so many boardgames over the holidays.. quite nice22:35
knomeand i don't need anything too fancy22:36
knomethis table has just been here for ever22:36
knomewell, here22:36
knomeand the previous apartment22:36
balloonsyep. simple simple. a comfy chair is a must ofc22:36
knomeand my room in my childhood home22:36
knomea comfy wooden top kitchen chair it is then ;)22:36
knomegood for the buttocks22:36
knometbe, this is a better chair than many office chairs i've sat in during my life22:37
knomeand doesn't allow you to sit for hours and hours - which is a plus...22:37
balloonsmm.. forces, nay "enables" you to take breaks22:37
balloonsgood idea22:37
balloonsspeakning of which, the sun is setting, i must get a walk in22:38
knomeand i'm also lazy to find a good office chair22:38
knomeand they are rare here22:38
knomelooked for one today as well but.. nah22:38
balloonsthey are $$ here as anywhere i'd guess22:38
balloonsi use what i have on hand22:38
knometrue, but also hard hard to find22:38
knomei can't buy a regular office chair22:38
knomethey'll tear apart in no time22:38
balloonsi've gone through several hand me downs that way22:39
knomehave been too lazy to do exercise as well i guess :P22:39
knomelazy is the keyword22:39
knomethe main reason i want to change my desk22:39
balloonsahh.. don't get too lazy, but do enjoy friday night :-)22:39
knomeit makes a "knack" sound when i lay my hand on it22:40
knometry to focus here22:40
elfya chair that causes you to get up and wander off is a good thing imo22:42
elfyI'd never move ...22:42
knomeand at the same time, which gives you *good* support for your back22:42
knomethis definitely does it22:42
knomeand we actually just went and bought two more of these today22:43
knomenow we have 6, so enough to fill our extended kitchen table22:43
elfyroom for elfy for an evening then :D22:43
knomebut we normally don't use >4 chairs, so i can keep one here without carrying it around all the time22:43
knomealways room for elfy22:43
elfyha ha - good planning there22:43
elfyone day knome :)22:43
knomeand here's what i think is the awesome thing22:43
knomei've always hated when friends come over22:44
knomeand one sits in the comfy office chair22:44
knomeand tells the friend "get a chair"22:44
knomenow when i tell them that, they get to match my chair22:44
knomeso nobody in the comfy chair22:44
knomeand i can't stress this enough, these are awesome chairs22:45
knomethat back support is just how it should for me22:45
elfyoh yea - like that22:45
knomewhich is rare given my weird back22:45
elfyI try not to sit back tbh - sit as vertical as I can22:46
knomewell i *try* to sit ergonomically22:46
knomeand then i end up in a C-shaped position22:46
elfytoo much slouching for me leads to crashing on the floor screaming - not the best :p22:46
PatrickdkI worked on one of those for 2 months22:47
PatrickdkI didn't leave it for anything22:47
elfyneither would I :)22:47
knomethat shouts back pain to me22:48
knomei'm sure it's comfy and all but...22:48
PatrickdkI don't have back pain22:48
Patrickdkonly shoulder pain22:48
elfymind you - if I'd been on the floor screaming I probably couldn't get out :)22:48
knomei do - even without that :D22:48
elfyold photo - no baccy anywhere anymore :p22:51
knomeooh, extending shelf22:52
knomei just thought that would be cool if i actually liked books22:52
knometoo much stuff here now22:52
knomebut i'll take a photo when i get the new desk from the storehouse22:53
elfyI've got through 3 of those desk bits in 2 years22:53
knomeand have cleaned up :P22:53
elfyha ha22:53
knomeso is it falling of the shelf?22:53
elfy£40 or so22:53
knomeor what happens22:53
elfynope - they collapse in the middle - not real wood - ikea ;)22:53
knomei don't think my new desk (or the current definitely not) is real wood either22:54
elfywell - one was perhaps my fault - it is a desk and not a step ladder22:54
knomebut sure, it doesn't get the weight like that22:54
knomethis one has a supporting steel bar22:54
knomewhich i suppose helps22:54
elfyone elfy knee - one collapsed desk22:54
elfyone shouting elfy :)22:55
knomeor in other words22:55
knomedesk 1 - elfy 022:55
knomethat armchair does look good22:55
knomenot quite my style, but close22:55
knomesomeday i will buy a stylish black leather armchair22:56
elfyI love that chair and the other and the 8' sofa22:56
knomeand a stool22:56
knomethat'll finish off my office22:56
knomebut that day might be in 10 years22:56
elfyfree (ish) xmas bonus from an old boss - only person to make me feel small22:57
elfyonly chairs I have ever really been comfortable in :)22:57

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