
cmaloneyGood morning14:20
rick_h_go go gadget snow blower14:21
rick_h_or thrower14:21
cmaloneyShovel here as well14:24
greg-g52F here :)16:03
cmaloney   Temperature: 18.0 F (-7.8 C)16:12
_stink_i'mthinking i won't shovel at all16:18
cmaloneyI didn't have a choice.16:21
brousch___stink_: You will shovel or I will drive a load of snow to you for you to shovel16:26
rick_h_I can deliver a pickup bed's worth16:27
_stink_can't the sun do it for me16:27
_stink_when March comes16:27
cmaloneyIf it were up to me I wouldn't ever shovel.16:33
ColonelPanic001shoveling can be nice sometimes16:58
rick_h_yea, good audiobook time16:58
ColonelPanic001provided I'm not in a big hurry, it's decent exercise, and if it takes a while, sort of a meditative thing. The simple repeated actions, maybe. It can be relaxing in its own way.16:58
ColonelPanic001Also I'm an able-bodied 31 year old. I'm not getting a damn snowblower.16:58
ColonelPanic001not a lot to shovel anyway16:59
rick_h_yea, we got just over 3" here17:02
rick_h_though I claim shoulder for snow blowing :)17:02
brousch__I got about 8-9"17:03
rick_h_lake bonus!17:03
greg-g(how many more times can I make that series of jokes?)17:04
rick_h_I need a good snow fall to play in and see if I need to get snow tires on the truck.17:04
rick_h_played in 4x4 mode a bit this morning17:04
_stink_i'm pretty sure my snowblower is not easier than shoveling.17:05
_stink_but i am cheap and bought a crap snowblower17:05
rick_h_if you get good shovels and it's not that super wet heavy stuff I think that's true17:05
rick_h_and hte shovels get down to the cement a bit better17:05
greg-gyeah, you always have that last 1/8" of snow on the ground from snow blowers17:06
greg-g1/8 - 1/417:06
rick_h_best thing evar! ^17:06
brousch__too short17:29
brousch__Snow was flowing over my tall shovel17:30
cmaloneyrick_h_: https://www.flickr.com/photos/kushaldas/13953484303/in/photostream/20:39
rick_h_cmaloney: :)23:36

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