
bluesabreGood evening everyone!01:05
knomehello bluesabre 01:08
bluesabrehey knome01:09
* bluesabre finally has internet again01:15
ubottu♫ samba rumba bueno la conga cha cha cha01:18
knomeone of the less known awesome factoids01:19
* drc thinks the last thing he want in his mind is a image of anyone's devels doing a conga line :(01:21
Unit193drc: You've seen pictures of most of us, picture it! :D01:21
* drc now understands the need for eye-bleach.01:23
Unit193bluesabre: Anything else I need to ping you about? :P01:29
bluesabreif you think of anything, drop me a line01:29
* Unit193 calls bluesabre.01:30
* bluesabre expects phone to start ringing01:31
Unit193Pretty sure elfy mentioned getting stuff that we actually want from staging into the real archive, but not sure what's pending right now.01:31
bluesabreprobably lots01:32
bluesabreneed to get light-locker and xfpm uploaded01:32
bluesabreUnit193: before I upload light-locker and xfpm, were there any concerns/complaints about the one in -staging?02:43
Noskcajbluesabre, welcome back02:47
bluesabreNoskcaj: hey02:47
bluesabreworking on taskmanager now02:47
bluesabreand.... uploaded02:49
Unit193bluesabre: Not a clue.03:05
bluesabreI think :P03:05
Unit193I think we can all agree, hamster is useless for us. :P03:10
bluesabre<3 hamster03:11
Unit193Nooo, xfce4-hamster-plugin, since you're going through the PPAs. :P03:14
bluesabrejust trying to dent my backlog :)03:16
bluesabreannoyingly, I feel the need to rebuild things before I try to upload, so it takes a while03:17
Unit193Ah, good choice.03:17
Unit193Anything fun in the backlog?03:18
bluesabrenot really, building light-locker now and watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5tkGmavfvQ03:18
Unit193Ah, this will be the new settings then.03:21
Unit193bluesabre: So what about the others anywho, while it's building mind giving your thoughts on it?03:24
bluesabreyeah, light-locker and xfpm-settings03:25
bluesabreas for the others, checking now03:25
Unit193Oh sorry, meant in extras.  But anywho, branched xubuntu.vivid, so as soon as you upload I can push the removal of -settings.03:26
bluesabreuploaded, but wait a bit longer for xubuntu.vivid dropping -settings03:56
bluesabrewant to fix it for the new release before losing upload rights :)03:56
Unit193Figured you would, yep.  Do you lose rights quickly then?03:58
bluesabreI think the packageset gets updated daily03:59
Unit193bluesabre: Oh, do panel yet?  If not, http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/commit/?id=e01b5aba18226b52227549f13f6f74dc447464d3 - http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/commit/?id=1cfbcde589ebd4f59296202296d9e9e42252b8c1 review these maybe?04:09
bluesabrealready did panel (everything goes to -proposed it seems), but I can take a look at that tomorrow perhaps04:10
bluesabreI think that's a good start for tonight... be back tomorrow04:14
Unit193https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+archive/ubuntu/extras/+packages and to the fate of those too, it's a thing to look at later.04:14
ochosimorning everyone08:53
ochosielfy: so, my (final) patch for shaded windows and intelligent hiding was pushed last night, so it' ll be in the next release and we can (if we want) carry it as a patch before that. but it's probably not crucial enough08:55
elfyhi ochosi 09:05
elfyand okey doke :)09:05
andrzejrochosi, if you need a release (when?) just let me know09:05
ochosiandrzejr: thanks! well not sure a single commit warrants a release, but i'll keep that in mind09:06
ochosii hope there'll be more commits until 15.04 ;)09:06
andrzejrwhen is the freeze?09:07
ochosiin ~2months09:08
ochosiso enough time09:08
ochosi(bugfix releases could be sneaked in until late in the cycle)09:08
andrzejrOK, thanks. gtg09:08
ochosisure, ttyl andrzejr 09:10
ochosielfy: i talked to some folks in ubuntu desktop about the menuitem problem we've been seeing with transmission09:10
ochosiand we debugged it together, pointing to a bug (or: unwanted behavior) of gtk itself09:10
ochosinow the final suggestion was to disable icons in menus altogether (since that also fixes the issue)09:11
elfythat'll be one of those things that I don't see unless it's pointed out to me then ;)09:13
ochosihah, not sure tbh09:13
ochosiyou might end up seeing it09:13
elfylooks fine to me :)09:13
ochosihave you flipped the switch already?09:13
elfyjust running here with defaults except staging and shimmer ppa's (possibly unit's)09:14
ochosioh right, you mean you won't notice the bug in transmission09:14
elfyyea :)09:15
elfyold eyes - need new glasses :p09:15
ochosiso just so we get everything right, let's start from the top09:15
ochosiopen transmission -> see the padding on the left of the items in the menubar09:15
elfydon't know what you mean by padding :)09:16
ochosiclick e.g. the "file" menu and see that the menubar-menuitem has weird padding09:16
ochosiwell an empty space on the left09:16
elfyoh right 09:17
elfyyea - I see that :)09:17
ochosiok, now open the settings editor09:17
ochosigo to xsettings > Gtk09:17
ochosiand there should be an entry "MenuImages"09:17
ochosiuntick that box09:17
elfyyep - see the effect too09:18
ochosiso transmission should be fixed09:18
elfyyep - I can see that and agree with you :)09:18
ochosiok, now try to live with that setting for a day09:19
ochosiwe'll see, maybe we get the bug fixed upstream thoguh09:21
ochosithen we can keep the icons09:21
elfyso - while this looks ok with transmission with only text and no icons - others with both look odd?09:22
ochosijust open a menu in e.g. thunar09:23
ochosiright click in a folder09:23
ochosithat gives you a good idea of the effect09:23
elfyI can see now that's going to annoy me :)09:24
ochosii was afraid it would annoy all of us09:24
ochosii'm actually pretty sure that nobody here wants to get rid of icons in menus09:25
ochosiit's what upstream gtk wants though09:25
elfyI don't actually really read those menus ... 09:25
elfymmm - how surprising 09:25
elfygiven the choice between odd padding and icons - I'd go for odd padding :)09:27
ochosithing is, it might take quite a bit of effort to get that bug fixed (and to find the culprit) upstream, so i wanna make sure it's worth the effort before i invest lots of time09:28
elfywell from my pov09:29
elfyI didn't even take any notice 09:29
elfyI understand that your pov is you see when something is 1px wrong :)09:29
ochosithat's 16px!!!09:30
elfyha ha ha 09:31
ochosibut yeah, it's probably not worth this sort of workaround, we'll see09:31
elfyand ... 09:31
elfyI've ticked the box already 09:31
elfyimagine someone using English settings that has English as a third language or something - they'll be using icons :)09:32
ochosielfy: wow, i think that setting is really a clear no-go. the power manager panel plugin looks like craaaaap09:58
ochosiuargh, and the old appmenu in the panel is even worse09:59
elfymy ind stuff in the panel's all fubar currently so can't tell 10:07
elfybut I looked at the old appmenu ... 10:07
elfywe can't do that to people :)10:07
ochosiweird that your indicators are all messed up10:08
ochosimaybe i should create a new user in vivid10:08
ochosii'm currently sharing my profile between a trusty and vivid install10:09
elfyyep - expecting ssd this morning - will be doing some clean installs today, will check afterwards10:09
elfyseemed to lose the sound ind after installing a new soundcard - though probably coincidence 10:09
ochosiok, created a new user just to be sure and everything is fine with the indicators10:11
ochosiso i'm not sure what's up with your installation10:11
elfyochosi: well ... you know - fiddle about doesn't help :p 10:11
ochosiyeah, probably not10:12
elfyif it's still the same after clean install I'll be more concerned 10:12
ochosiyou saw the trello thingy i started for gtk3 issues, right?10:12
elfyyep I did thanks10:12
ochosifeel free to add stuff if you notice10:12
ochosior maybe i also forgot to list something we already discovered10:12
ochosi(should've started this list earlier)10:13
elfyI will - but given it's likely I'll not notice so much - but I'll keep an eye on it, subscribed to it 10:14
elfylogs are on wiki now10:22
elfyochosi: so bluesabre thinks best not to bother with A2 as well it seems10:23
elfyhi slickymasterWork - do you know that it's your turn to set up the next meeting ... 10:46
elfyif you didn't - you do now :p10:47
slickymasterWorkyes I know, I was going to do it today10:47
slickymasterWorkelfy, 22:00 UTC is still a good hour for you?10:55
elfyok for me - but don't set time specifically for me :)10:56
elfynext one I set I'm going to do on a day off during the day to suit bluesabre :)10:56
slickymasterWorkon one of yours?10:57
slickymasterWorkthe day off I mean10:57
ochosielfy: right, in that case i'm fine with skipping a210:57
slickymasterWorkhey ochosi 10:57
ochosihey slickymasterWork 10:57
elfyslickymasterWork: yea 10:58
ochosihow's it going?10:58
elfyochosi: ok10:58
slickymasterWorkdoing fine. a bit tired though10:58
bluesabreyes, let's skip it11:04
ochosimorning bluesabre, and congrats on your internet ;)11:05
slickymasterWorkhey bluesabre 11:06
ochosifirst question11:06
ochosiyou mentioned an xfpm build last night11:06
ochosibut the one in staging never built11:06
slickymasterWorkbluesabre, is 22:00 UTC alright with you for the next meeting?11:06
ochosiso testing the light-locker patch wasn't possible11:06
ochosi(i mean i've tested it with my local build, but others haven't)11:06
bluesabreslickymasterWork: I'll do my best11:07
bluesabreochosi: well, its pushed to the archive now11:07
slickymasterWorkI can set another hour if you give a time frame11:07
bluesabreslickymasterWork: I'll make it work11:07
slickymasterWorkthat works for you11:07
slickymasterWorkok, thanks11:07
ochosibluesabre: incl the patch?11:09
ochosii have 1.4.2-0ubuntu3, would that be it?11:10
bluesabreshould be11:10
bluesabrexfce4-power-manager (1.4.2-0ubuntu3) vivid; urgency=medium11:10
bluesabre  * debian/patches: Add ll_integration.patch, for light-locker11:10
bluesabre    integration in xfce4-power-manager-settings11:10
bluesabre -- Sean Davis <smd.seandavis@gmail.com>  Thu, 08 Jan 2015 22:36:37 -050011:10
bluesabrelight-locker (1.5.1-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium11:11
bluesabre  * New development release.11:11
bluesabre  * Merged packaging from debian unstable, remaining changes:11:11
bluesabre    - debian/control: 11:11
bluesabre      - Remove liblightdm-gobject-dev, not in Ubuntu and not required 11:11
bluesabre        to build and operate11:11
bluesabre      - Add light-locker-settings | xfce4-power-manager to Recommends11:11
bluesabre      - Update standards version to 3.9.611:11
bluesabre    - debian/rules:11:11
bluesabre      - Build with no-lock-on-suspend and late-locking support11:11
bluesabre -- Sean Davis <smd.seandavis@gmail.com>  Wed, 17 Dec 2014 06:30:58 -050011:11
ochosiright, then i have to report that it doesn't work11:12
ochosino security-tab in xfpm-settings11:12
ochosii have both of those packages in the referred-to versions11:12
slickymasterWorkdamn wiki11:12
bluesabreopen dconf-editor and check if /apps/light-locker exists11:13
ochosiit does11:13
ochosimight also exist from before11:13
bluesabreand open xfce4-power-manager-settings in terminal11:13
ochosii think i've tested 1.5.1 locally here11:13
ochosiyeah, i've done that11:14
ochosijust some warnings11:14
ochosi(xfce4-power-manager-settings:11313): Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_set_sensitive: assertion 'GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed11:14
bluesabreany output?11:14
* bluesabre downloads a vivid daily iso11:15
* ochosi tries a new user profile11:16
elfyback in a while 11:16
ochosisame with a blank user profile11:17
ochosimaybe we need to add some debug statements for the light-locker integration11:18
bluesabrethere is11:19
bluesabre+    } else {11:19
bluesabre+        g_warning("Schema \"apps.light-locker\" not found. Not configuring Light Locker.");11:19
bluesabre+        gtk_widget_hide (light_locker_tab);11:19
ochosiah ok11:19
bluesabreif the tab is to be hidden, you'll see a message11:19
ochosithen i guess it's just the tab showing/hiding that doesn't work as presumed..?11:20
bluesabredo you have a local install of xfpm?11:20
ochosisince it's hidden11:20
ochosinope, i don't think so11:20
ochosiand even if i had, it would be overridden by the package upgrade already11:20
ochosi(or even: overwritten)11:20
bluesabrenot if its in /usr/local11:20
bluesabrewhich xfce4-power-manager11:21
ochosiyeah, but there's nothing11:21
ochosii'm running all from /usr/bin11:21
bluesabreif there's no warning and no tab, theres an issue with the install11:22
ochosiyou mean with the packaging?11:22
bluesabrenope :P11:22
bluesabreI'll take a look later.... my internet seems slow for ISOs11:23
jhenkehi folks, if any of you have some time to look at bug 1408979 (UI/theming)11:24
ubottubug 1408979 in xfce4-indicator-plugin (Ubuntu) "white background on xfce4-indicator-plugin with non-Greybird themes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140897911:24
ochosijhenke: numix is fixed or will be, the others aren't maintained/supported anymore11:25
ochosiif you wanna submit a patch for that, i'll probably merge it11:25
ochosibut i don't have time to maintain all those themes, so in the future only numix+greybird11:25
jhenkeokay, Numix is the important for me :)11:26
jhenkethanks anyway for all you theming work11:26
ochosihad to take that decision with gtk3.14 demanding many changes in the theme again11:26
ochosi(introducing a new button state etc)11:26
ochosiit's just sucking up too much time11:27
jhenkeI'll file another bug about Numix btw, in some applications like Synaptic the unchekced checkbox is not visible at all11:28
ochosiin menus?11:29
ochosii'd say try with the shimmer-daily PPA first11:29
ochosithen you'll see whether the bug is already fixed11:29
jhenkeI saw that both in the ubuntu installer and synpatic11:29
ali12341ochosi: is orion unsupported then?11:31
ochosiali12341: yup11:35
ali12341i will take over maintaining it then11:35
ochosias long as it's maintained, i don't mind shipping it by default11:36
jhenkeafaik the themes are mostly a set of css files?11:36
ali12341what needs to be done with it?11:36
ali12341or: where are the bugs?11:36
ochosijhenke: mostly. i patched up greybird to mostly work with gtk3.14, but a rewrite in SASS might happen at some point so to be able to keep in sync with gtk's changes more easily11:37
ochosiali12341: i guess you'll have to look for them yourself (the bugs), you can use greybird's git log for orientation though. the themes are fairly similar, so porting greybird's patches to orion would be step 111:37
jhenkeare your changes visible in the git commits on the githuib projects?11:37
jhenkeokay was thinking whether it is feasable to port your greybird work to Albatross as well11:38
ochosiit is11:38
ochosiit's just a mattter of time11:38
ochosiali12341: starting with this commit: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/commit/6f8013cf293f2484b1896bfaaa0a052c02b1f83b11:39
jhenkemaybe it would work if there were one person for every theme11:39
ochosiif you wanna maintain a theme, that'd be welcome11:39
ali12341so where do i get gtk 3.14?11:40
ochosior a PPA11:40
ochosibut vivid is probably more reliable11:40
ochosias there might be ubuntu-specific patches11:40
ali12341is it working at the moment if i get the ISO?11:40
ochosiit should, i've been on vivid for a while11:41
jhenkeali12341 most safe way is if you can use a vm11:42
ochosislaveworx: for qa you best talk to elfy11:48
ochosihe's not around right now, but he'll come back#11:49
jhenkeochosi let's say I consider adopting Albatross then once I get my new hardware, right now I cannot run xubuntu on any bare metal sadly :(11:51
ochosisure, let's say that ;)11:52
ochosiyou can adopt it anytime you want11:52
ochosias long as it's before UIF11:52
bluesabreoh man, sure enough, no security tab in vivid11:53
jhenkeone thing: I assume it is normal that the sound indicator does not have any icon right now? it is just a blank square11:53
bluesabreochosi: i'll take a look at that this weekend I suppose11:54
bluesabrejudging by the warnings, I'd say something happened with patching the ui file11:55
bluesabreand since the security frame is missing, it looks like it tried to load it, but died11:56
ochosijhenke: that's weird and a bug. elfy had the same problem, for some reason i don't11:57
ochosibluesabre: hmm :/11:57
ochosiyeah, seems like the patch in the UI file failed somewhere11:58
ochosimaybe just a few wrong glade tags?11:58
bluesabredunno... I'll have to experiment with it11:58
slaveworxochosi: thank you! I'l wait for him to come!12:02
bluesabrethe patch seems to apply fine, so I'll have to keep an eye on the build process to get an idea12:03
bluesabretime to get ready for work, bbl12:03
bluesabreI bet I need to update the header file, probably not touched outside of maintainer mode12:06
jhenkeochosi okay, is there a bug about it already?12:08
ochosijhenke: a bug about what?12:08
jhenkesound-indicator/missing icon12:09
ochosiah right12:10
ochosimaybe not12:10
ochosii haven't seen that bug personally12:10
ochosibluesabre: did you notice the sound indicator missing in your vivid daily?12:10
ochosisry, the icon of the sound-indicator12:11
jhenkeyou can also see it in the screen shot I uploaded to bug 140897912:12
ubottubug 1408979 in shimmer-themes (Ubuntu) "white background on xfce4-indicator-plugin with non-Greybird themes" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140897912:12
ochosiit's actually hard to see there, but yes12:12
ochosiis this vivid daily?12:12
ochosicould you add the shimmer-daily PPA and see whether that helps? it also has the icons from git12:13
bluesabreseems to work in mine, might have some ppas set up though12:15
bluesabreochosi: pretty sure I tracked down the issue, doing a test build now12:16
jhenkeshimmer ppa is installed, but still empty square12:16
bluesabrefor xfpm12:16
ochosijhenke: have you restarted your session?12:16
ochosibluesabre: nice! so outdated headers?12:16
ochosijhenke: very strange... not sure what that is about12:17
jhenkeme too, just asking to let you know about it in time12:17
ochosiwould be nice if you could file a bugreport against xubuntu-artwork12:17
ochosijust so that i don't forget12:17
ochosibut i'm not sure where to start debugging this12:18
ochosiplease check whether the icon is there with other themes12:18
jhenkeI did not see that icon with any theme... :(12:19
jhenkebut the sound indicator seems to be bugged itself too12:19
jhenkeit sometimes crashes on start up/login12:19
ochosii see12:20
ochosiits menu also doesn't work 100% here12:20
ochosithe volume scale is broken12:20
ochosiso it might not be entirely fixed with gtk3.1412:20
ochosiso skip that bugreport then, i don't think it's related to our icon theme12:21
jhenkeokay good to know12:21
ochosiit's a known issue, just confirmed that in #u-desktop12:22
bluesabreuploading now12:26
ochosithanks bluesabre 12:26
bluesabreenjoy when that builds and is available :)12:31
ochosinice, will do ;)12:31
ochosiand the next step will be patching xdg-utils for light-locker12:32
ochosiand disabling locking on suspend by default12:32
ochosithen i think we're done in that department12:32
jhenkeochosi when do you plan to upload the changes in the theme to the official package?12:33
brainwashochosi, jhenke: sound indicator works perfectly here, no glitches whatsoever (up-to-date vidid)12:33
jhenkesince shimmer-daily ppa seems to fix the other two ui problems12:33
jhenkebrainwash thanks, strange, here it is broken, but it seems to be known and not xubuntu specific after what ochosi said12:34
brainwashbluesabre: logind-handle-lid-switch is set to false (xubu default settings), but the logic has been inverted in xfpm 1.412:45
brainwashshouldn't it be set to true now (utopic and up)?12:46
brainwashI've asked about this some time ago, maybe you've already given some explanation =S12:47
ali12341i just discovered something slightly interesting12:59
ali12341in ubiquity when you get the black background, if you press alt-f1 a message pops up saying "no running xfce4-panel instance found". close it, and the background turns blue13:00
ali12341that is, the wallpaper loads correctly13:00
ali12341looks like xfdesktop loaded13:01
ali12341the weird scrollbar in the slideshow is fixed too13:02
brainwashali12341: and let me guess, the unnecessary maximize button is gone too?13:20
ali12341didn't notice13:21
brainwashUnit193 wrote a patch for the background issue, but I cannot find it13:21
brainwashali12341: some ubiquity windows still have a maximize button despite the xfwm4 fix13:23
brainwashI think it's only the case when you run it inside ubiquity-dm13:24
brainwashI would like to understand why it's added to the window decoration. however, last time I tried to debug this, I was not able to launch ubiquity-dm on my installed system -> python errors13:27
ali12341ochosi: okay i've got 15.04 installed, i can't see any problems with orion except that the indicators have a button type outline13:43
ali12341oh wait gtk313:44
ali12341yeah that's messed up, wtf have they done??13:45
ochosithe same as with (almost) every release ;)13:46
ochosiseriously, just trust me and follow the greybird git log13:46
ochosithat (and more) is needed13:46
ali12341this install of vivid i just did... the firefox homepage is in arabic13:47
ali12341bug 140901513:53
ubottubug 1409015 in firefox (Ubuntu) "about:startpage is in wrong language" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140901513:53
ali12341ochosi: why does shimmer-themes orion work correctly with headerbar, but the one from git doesn't?14:42
ali12341oh wait, never mind14:43
ochosibluesabre: works nicely now! (xfpm+ll)14:53
ochosibluesabre: good work14:53
ali12341i see a bug14:55
ali12341http://i.imgur.com/fqpq4n6.png the "left" button has missing left border15:00
ali12341that's greybird git15:00
elfyochosi: seems that sound indicator is segfaulting15:34
elfyperhaps an issue with the card - the older one was ok15:37
ali12341ochosi: so everywhere there is ".button:active" rule there should also be a ".button:checked" rule?15:58
Unit193bluesabre: Moved to https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/+junk/xfpm-pkging19:55
ochosiali12341: yeah, as ridiculous as it sounds, where there was active, there also has to be checked20:56
ochosiand the other one with the left border, if you see it for real in an app, i'll investigate20:57
ochosithe spinner currently also seems to be broken20:57
ochosielfy: it's a known issue and not sound-card related afaik20:57
elfyok - good - coincidence is good :)20:59
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash

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