
KichigaiEvening all. I'm not positive which version of Mythbuntu I'm running, but I know it's 0.27-fixes. My issues is I have only 12 days of listings from SchedulesDirect. I'm sure my subscription is good, and I'm up to date with the format change (otherwise I'd have been having problems months ago).03:33
KichigaiCould anyone help me with unraveling this?03:33
tgm4883Kichigai: uh, how many days are you expecting to have?03:33
tgm4883I don't think we've ever had 1403:35
tgm4883I know we don't have 14 now03:35
KichigaiThat's what ScheDir has delivered historically.03:35
KichigaiHas that been a recent change?03:35
tgm4883In Oct/Nov03:35
KichigaiThat might explain it then.03:36
Kwishermine has been regularly showing 13 since the change03:43
KichigaiKwisher, that's what I'd thought I had been seeing. Basically 14 days (minus a few hours).03:48
Kwishermine shows 12 right now03:49
tgm4883There are a few factors in play here, mostly it's due to how the data gets put in place now03:51
tgm4883SD gets a file with all of the data, by the time they get it, it's already a few hours old. They get this file once a day. Then once they have processed it and made it available (it's a pretty big file), your machine still has to check in and download it (which also usually happens once a day). Since the update only happens once a day, the most you would03:54
tgm4883ever see is 14 (although that's highly unlikely), but the least you should see is 12 (depending on how long ago your system pulled an update from SD)03:54
tgm4883If you see 11, I'd start looking into it03:55
tgm4883But if you really want, you can start reviewing logs and seeing if it actually gathered any data (or if it failed) the last time it ran03:55
tgm4883my gut tells me it's running fine though03:55
Kwishertgm4883: i agree03:55
tgm4883At this point, I'm not even willing to look at the logs, unless you happen to be a wizard with the launchpad API03:56
tgm4883or just python in general03:56

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