
Kiloshi superfly  nlsthzn  bduk1  and others05:08
Kilosen nuvolari  ook05:08
Kiloshi Tonberry  05:53
nlsthznmornign all *yawn*05:59
bdukmore almal06:42
=== Zarw is now known as Wraz
inetpro guten Morgen10:12
Kilosohi inetpro  10:28
Kilossorry was cutting some grass10:28
bushtechwhat you got sheep for?10:35
Kiloseish they too min10:36
Kiloswhen they were 30 all was good10:36
Kilosnow they 4 nothing good10:36
bushtechthen buy 1 goat 10:37
bushtechwill eat up everything10:37
Kilosnot healthy to keep goats and sheep together10:37
Kiloseven though they used to in the old days because the sheep follow the goat10:38
bushtechyeah. goats will probably eat the sheep too10:38
Kilosrofl no man10:38
bushtechI hate goats10:38
Kilosthey clean gardens lekker 10:38
Kilosand small trees and shrubs10:38
Kilosonly leave the weeds behind10:39
bushtechlet them just get hungry, the weeds will disappear too10:40
Kilostoo much here for less than 30 animals in the summer10:40
bushtechI have seen them climbing on cars to get to the trees10:41
bushtechinstant respray required10:41
Kilosyeah they not skaam10:41
bushtechthis is like a Wilbur Smith, what's gonna happen next?10:43
Kiloslol it is running fine on old pc with 12.04.5 on it10:44
Kilosive just installed remastersys so i can make an up to date iso\10:44
Kilosthen i want to bring the ssd here again10:44
Kilosremember yesterday i said old pc bios sees ssd as j?. i dunno where it got that from. it now sees it as samsung 256GB ssd10:46
Kilosso now ill come see what this pc thinks of the whole deal10:46
bushtechwell, if it reads it correctly sounds like progress10:48
Kiloslets hope10:53
Kiloshi captine  12:05
captinehi there12:09
Kiloshmm... remastersys packages from 12.04 just installed to kde 14.0412:25
Kiloswanna see if it works12:25
Kilosok clever peeps it looks like it will run from cli but the gui gives errors when starting from terminal12:35
Kiloswho is gonna tell me how to fix it12:35
captinewould love to help... but no idea what that package is...12:38
Kilosit makes a live dvd of your running system so you can install the working system on any pc12:39
Kilosyou have a choice of using the backup mode then the dvd boots and even wants you password to go on12:39
Kilosbut the founder guy stopped support or maintaining or something12:40
Kiloshaha spinza_  you got that same prob12:40
captinecan i just say that KVM is SOOOOO much faster than virtualbox 12:44
Kilosis it the same kinda thing though?12:47
Kilosi found vb slow12:48
captineseems to be13:10
captineonly running servers in it13:10
captinenot sure if it can do desktops13:10
spinza_Kilos, ?14:16
Kilosoh that um14:16
Kilos <-- spinza (~spin@ has left this server (Excess Flood).14:16
Kilosfreenode kicked ya14:17
=== spinza_ is now known as spinza
spinzaoh ok14:17
magespawnhi all16:42
Maazmagespawn: By the way, superfly on freenode told me "tell magespawn python --help" 20 hours, 52 minutes and 19 seconds ago16:42
Maazmagespawn: By the way, inetpro on freenode told me "tell magespawn man python" 20 hours, 33 minutes and 40 seconds ago16:42
magespawnMaaz tell superfly thanks17:03
Maazmagespawn: Righto, I'll tell superfly on freenode17:03
magespawnMaaz tell inetpro thanks17:03
Maazmagespawn: Okay, I'll tell inetpro on freenode17:03
magespawnMaaz ty17:03
MaazYou are welcome magespawn17:03
magespawnhi Kilos17:16
Kiloshi magespawn  17:16
Kilosdid you read logs magespawn  17:17
magespawnno what happened?17:20
Kilosi got remastersys from 12.04 working here but the gui gives errors17:21
Kiloswhen we were at the meet for re-virification didnt someone talk about doing offline installations17:22
magespawnyes but i cannot remember who 17:24
Kilosi think the fly said i was working on something like that17:24
Kilosremastersys is the answer but now the owner gave it up so dunno what one does now to carry on using it inj later releases17:25
Kilosor even if we can take it over17:26
magespawnis the source code available?17:27
Kilosi have no idea, lemme try mazal , he will know17:27
magespawnelemenataryOS the default browser is somewhat unstable17:28
Kilosi used opera developer on it17:29
Kilosworked kiff17:29
Kilosya that one of theirs sucks, funny name thing17:30
Kilosbduk  se mazal moet sy pos antwoord17:37
Kiloslol hy het17:38
Kilosmagespawn  where does one get the source code from 17:38
KilosMaaz  google remastersys source code17:39
MaazKilos: "Black Lab Linux: Remastersys / System Imager source code ..." http://www.os4online.com/2013/08/remastersys-system-imager-source-code.html :: "Remastersys / System Imager source code availability and license ..." http://system-imaging.blogspot.com/2013/08/remastersys-system-imager-source-code.html :: "What are the Alternatives For RemasterSys?! - Ask Ubuntu"17:39
Maazhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/190133/what-are-the-alternatives-for-remastersys :: "Rema…17:39
Kilosmagespawn  this page discusses it and gives a link to the source17:55
magespawnlets have a look17:55
Kiloshow will one know what code is for what17:56
magespawnwell have to have a look, if we get stuck we can ask the elders17:57
captineKilos, just looked up what remastersys was.  You building your own distro ??18:05
Kilosno i want to have something similar for peeps to use to make dvds to hand out in rural areas without internet18:06
Kiloskubuntu is as close as i need to my one distro18:07
captineu wanting to include additional software on the DVD's?18:08
captinefrom the base ubuntu?18:08
Kilosremastersys makes a dvd with all the apps etc you have installed so no need to get them downloaded again18:09
captinenice.  i should do that18:10
captinetakes hours to download all the apps i use18:10
Kilosyeah painful18:10
Kiloswhy dont you save your archives then no need to download everytime18:10
Kilosyou know rsync?18:10
captinei was thinking of creating a local mirror for myself.  have 320 gig drive available,  just looking into how to do it.18:11
captinei dont know how to use rsync18:11
Kilosits too easy18:11
Kiloslemme give you my command18:11
captineappreciate it18:11
Kilossudo rsync -av /var/cache/apt/archives/ /media/16G/trusty/18:12
Kilosthe media part is where you enter your path18:12
Kilosalso have you got synaptic installed18:13
Kilosin synaptic you tick edit preferences then files and save all downloaded files in cache18:14
captinesaving that18:14
Kiloslike i have 7.8g of packages for 12.0418:14
Kilosthen when you do a clean install you reverse that command and then update upgrade18:15
Kilosno download time18:15
magespawnKilos: i have had a look through those folders, and i cannot see anything that is obviously the source code for remastersys18:26
Kilosand the image creator peeps want $2018:27
Kilosthats a fork of remastersys18:27
Kilosfor the holsd they give you $30 off18:27
magespawnlet me have a look around i will see what i can find18:28
Kiloscant you get the source out of a .deb package magespawn  ?18:29
Kilosdown vote18:33
KilosDebian and RPM packages don't contain source code, only the compiled result.18:33
magespawnlooks like the .deb files hvae been taken down too18:34
Kilosi have them magespawn  18:41
Kiloshi that18:41
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  too18:41
ThatGraemeGuy'lo :)18:51
Kilosai! after battling to get username and password sorted on sourceforge i forget what i wanted there18:55
Maazinetpro: By the way, magespawn on freenode told me "tell inetpro thanks" 1 hour, 56 minutes and 46 seconds ago19:00
inetproYou are welcome magespawn19:00
Kiloshi inetpro  19:04
inetproih, hello Kilos19:04
Kilossnake killed one ewe this avy19:06
Kiloscant think of anything else that kills in about 4 hours since i moved them19:06
inetprosorry oom19:06
Kilosty . too much grass they go gallopping through to where they think grass in sweeter and tramp on dozing snake19:07
inetproyou seriously need a few small lambs to start over again19:07
Kilosim actually nursing a lamb that was supposed to vrek about 3 weeks ago19:08
inetproyour son married yet?19:08
Kilosfirst it just lay there, had to pipe water in and force leaves onto back of tongue19:09
Kilosno he is a gigolo19:09
inetprolet him find a rich sheep farmers daughter19:09
Kiloshe has too many girlfriends19:10
Kilosbang to get serious with any one of them19:10
Kilosanyway man19:10
Kilostoday for the first time the lamb picked up l;eaves from infront of it19:10
Kilosno need to hand feed and its drinking19:11
Kilosbut no power to stand up19:11
inetproif it eats by itself it should get there19:11
Kilosi have to pick mulberry and marrog leaves and put then right in front of her19:12
Kilosand i cut grass for it too19:13
Kilosover 200 mulberry leaves in a day plus the other stuff19:13
inetproyou're a good shepherd 19:14
* inetpro didn't know they eat mulberry leaves19:14
Kilosa tired one19:14
Kilosthey love them19:14
Kilosalso mulberry leaves have some healing properties for peeps too i think19:15
magespawninetpro do you know if you can reverse engineer source from a deb file?19:22
inetproI wouldn't19:23
inetprojust get the source19:23
magespawnthe source is not available19:23
inetproif it's not open source, forget about it and don't use it19:23
magespawnwe are trying to get remastersys, but cannot seem to find source code19:24
inetprofind something else that does the same thing19:24
Kilosi has been closed down inetpro  19:24
inetproor similar19:25
inetproor build something yourself19:25
Kilosi note the owner says he will still sell the source magespawn  $5019:25
Kilosused to be free19:26
inetproremastersys is not in the standard repositories, so don't use it19:26
Kilosits the best tool for the job man19:27
Kilosim sorry i didnt know to download the source as well with 12.0419:28
magespawnno need to reinvent the wheel if we don't need to 19:28
Kilosmagespawn  i can dropbox the packages for you19:28
Kiloswill work on elementaryos because thats 12.0419:29
Kiloshe peer gets even the best of us at times19:31
Kilosdid you see inetpro  i shared your rsync info19:32
inetprooh come on19:32
inetpronot my rsync info19:33
inetprojust man rsync19:33
inetproanyone can do that!?19:33
Kilosyou drummed it in till i remember it by heart19:35
magespawnnot a totally bad thing19:38
Kilosbe glad man you got something right with me19:38
KilosMaaz  ubuntu releases19:38
Maaz4.10-Warty Warthog 5.04-Hoary Hedgehog 5.10-Breezy Badger 6.04-Dapper Drake 6.10-Edgy Eft 7.04-Feisty Fawn 7.10-Gutsy Gibbon 8.04-Hardy Heron 8.10-Intrepid Ibex 9.04-Jaunty Jackalope 9.10-Karmic Koala 10.04-Lucid Lynx 10.10-Maverick Meerkat 11.04-Natty Narwhal 11.10-Oneiric Ocelot 12.04-Precise Pangolin 12.10-Quantal Quetzel 13.04-Raring Ringtail 13.10-Saucy19:38
Kiloswhich one was wheezy19:39
Kilosoh that was debian19:42
KilosMaaz  ubuntu releases plus19:55
MaazUbuntu 14.04.1 LTS (Trusty Tahr), Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn),19:55
magespawnKilos: the steps here allow you to extract the .deb file, but that is not the same as reverse engeneering if http://www.g-loaded.eu/2008/01/28/how-to-extract-rpm-or-deb-packages/19:57
Kiloslemme see19:58
magespawnshouldn't the source code still be available, i thougt that was part of the gpl?20:00
Kilosonly for the forked one it is20:01
Kilosbut he wants money 20:01
Kilosthe owner no will sell the source if you mail him20:02
Kilosbut $50 heavy20:02
Kiloshalf a ssd20:02
Kilosis the source a .tar.gz file20:03
inetpromagespawn: forget that, the .deb does not contain the source20:04
Kilosmagespawn  why we want the source anyway?20:05
inetprojust forget about remastersys20:05
Kilosnee man dit werk baie lekker20:06
Kiloswhat have you got to replace it with20:07
inetprowell if this guy doesn't want to do it the FLOSS way then you will just have to pay him, but please don't mention it here20:07
Kilosai! inetpro  it used to be free here but peeps gave him a hard time so he closed shop20:08
inetproI don't blame him for that20:08
Kiloshe was doing it for free and instead of thanks peeps gave him a hard time20:08
inetprobuilding stuff the FLOSS way is tough20:08
inetprojust ask the fly20:09
inetprobut you really don't need your own custom iso each time, do you?20:12
inetproI certainly don't 20:13
Kilosno you can make one for redistribution as well20:13
inetprothere is more than one way to skin a cat20:13
inetproaptoncd is also still available20:14
Kilosim thinking about what was said at the meet for reverification about getting something for offline peeps20:14
Kilosaptoncd didnt work on 14.04 remember20:14
inetprowhy not?20:15
Kilosmaybe that was just me and unity20:15
Kilosi told you man'20:16
Kilosi cant remember now20:16
Kilosremember synaptic used to pick up aptoncds for upgrading20:16
Kilosit didnt on the last release i tried it on20:17
Kilosmainly i spose because synaptic isnt installed by default anymore20:17
inetprobut why do even want a gui thingamajig?20:18
inetprowhat is wrong with the cli?20:18
Kilosi will try the remastersys from cli here20:18
Kilosmazal only does it from cli20:18
inetprono man... not remastersys 20:19
Kilosi like the gui , its simple straight forward and easy to use20:19
Kiloswhat then20:19
Kilosyou talking about aptoncd20:20
inetprojust copy the .deb archives20:20
Kilosand then?20:20
inetproai! Forget it..20:21
Kilosinstall each one individually20:21
Kilossynaptic installed all the aptoncd stuff with one upgrade tick20:21
Kilosthats why gui thingie20:21
inetproKilos: what you need is a backup strategy, not a installation strategy20:24
Kilosyou listen but dont hear20:25
Kilosits not for me20:25
inetprofor who then?20:25
Kilosgo read the logs of the reverification meeting20:25
inetprono man20:25
Kilosfor peeps with no internet20:25
Kilosor severly capped peeps20:26
Kiloslike golynx was20:27
inetproKilos: the answer to that is to create or a complete Ubuntu mirror for yourself or to get it from someone else20:31
inetpros/create or a complete/create a complete/20:32
inetproonly problem is that it needs to be updated quite frequently, so in the end you really should have interwebs these days20:33
Kilosthat wont help other peeps in rural areas with no internet20:33
inetprowhy not?20:35
inetproif they have a complete mirror they can choose what they want to install20:35
Kilosbecause you still cant ship them a dvd with an updated install on it20:35
Kiloshence remnastersys20:35
Kiloswhere are they going to get a complete mirror20:36
Kilosai! ek sukkel partykeer met my volk20:36
inetprothere's plenty of free wifi everywhere if you really try hard enough20:37
Kilosforget this now20:38
Kiloshows your hoenders20:38
inetprowhy change the subject?20:41
inetprowb magespawn20:43
magespawnty tablet ran out of power20:43
Kilosai!  you left me alone to be trampled on magespawn  20:47
Kilosand so late too20:47
inetproKilos: seriously, for a rural setup without internet even remastersys is just half a solution20:47
Kiloshalf a bottle of coke is better than an empty bottle20:48
inetproyou need a full offline mirror for the proper thing, and it's not difficult20:48
Kilosunless you want to crack a skull with it20:48
Kilosits just prohibitive in data use inetpro  20:49
Kilosthe mirror is about 40g20:49
inetpronot so20:49
inetprowhat is 40GB anyway?20:50
Kiloshahaha to me it morfe th=an a years data20:50
Kilosmore than20:50
inetpro64GB flash drives are easy to get these days 20:51
Kiloshow many have you got?20:52
inetproI don't need one... have a 1TB usb drive20:53
Kiloshahaha strydom20:53
Kiloswb magespawn   what you doing20:53
inetproKilos: I'm trying to figure why you are making this your problem20:54
Kilosbecause at the meet the fly said i was working on something to do with it20:54
magespawnjust bad signal i think20:55
Kilosif i can do that then i achive something20:55
inetprook, let's go to that... what was it called?20:56
magespawnwould be a good thing to take to mettings and community activities20:56
Kilosmagespawn  what is he talking about now20:57
inetproour meeting was on the 16th of Dec?20:58
inetproso that must be http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/12/16/%23ubuntu-meeting.txt ?20:59
inetpro[20:29] <alpacaherder> superfly: Cases like the lack of connectivity in South Africa is why I pushed to get apt-offline seeded on the Xubuntu discs to avoid chicken and the egg problems using it.  It is the only flavor that has it on the disc but it helps bridging those gaps.20:59
inetpro[20:30] <superfly> alpacaherder: yeah, Kilos has actually done some work toward something like that.21:00
Kilosya that21:00
Kiloswhat was that21:00
inetprowhat does it do?21:01
Kilosi forget21:01
KilosMaaz  google apt0offline21:02
MaazKilos: Wow! Google couldn't find anything21:02
KilosMaaz  google apt-offline21:02
MaazKilos: "Offline Package Management for APT - Debian Administration" https://www.debian-administration.org/article/Offline_Package_Management_for_APT :: "APT-Offline - Debian" http://apt-offline.alioth.debian.org/ :: "Debian -- Details of package apt-offline in wheezy" https://packages.debian.org/wheezy/apt-offline :: "Debian -- Package Search Results -- apt-21:02
Maazoffline" https://packages.debian.org/apt-offline :: "Chapter 9. Offline Package Management - Xub…21:02
inetprolooks complicated21:04
Kilosoh i remeber looking at that21:05
Kilosi think i found apt-rdepends around that time too21:05
Kilosgood night all of ya. too late to do all this thinking21:08
Kilosyo octoquad  21:08
octoquadhey Kilos 21:08
Kiloswb magespawn  21:08
inetproKilos: I would still rather go with the full mirror rather than apt-offline21:08
magespawnty signal all over the place tonight21:08
inetprobut having said that, we need to look at it again21:08
Kilosinetpro  you cant post your full mirror to someone in the sticks21:09
Kiloslike ceres21:09
inetproyou can21:09
Kilosand the cost21:09
Kiloswhen it doesnt come back21:10
inetproI'm not saying you should, I'm just saying you can21:10
Kilosstill think a remastersys dvd is the easiest cost efeective way21:11
inetprothe scenario that I am looking at is not to solve one individual's problems but to do it for many 21:11
inetproin other words, ship it to one guy and he installs on many machines21:12
Kilosya thats fine if they are in bunches21:12
Kilosi see what you are saying21:12
inetproor he even distributes to many21:12
magespawnalso with a full mirror the people are not locked to your choice of software21:13
Kiloswell full mirror is beyond me21:14
inetproonly challenge is to keep it somewhat up to date21:14
Kilosgood night guys. sleep tight21:14
magespawnwell once the intial download is done that should not be too much hassel21:15
inetprogood night Kilos21:15
magespawnalways half way through a conversation21:17
inetprogive him a break... I gave him a hard time now21:18
inetprobut hopefully we can work something out 21:19
magespawni think that is part of what keeps him coming back21:19
magespawnno special treatment21:19
inetprono but it is late after all21:19
inetprotomorrow is Sunday anyway21:20
magespawnwith all the bright minds around here, i would imagine so21:20
inetprohaha, lot's of the bright minds have left21:20
inetprolots as well21:21
magespawnwell then we'll just use the hard working ones then21:24
* inetpro wants to try apt-offline in a isolated VM environment asap21:28
* inetpro calling it a night for now 21:29
magespawncool beans21:30
inetprogood night21:31
magespawngood night21:33
magespawngood night all21:54

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