
deltquick question, is there a way to mark a package so that it doesn't get updated? ie. if i'm working on a project, and i don't want apt-get to overwrite my local version of that project....?04:39
=== acerimmer is now known as cfhowlett
holsteindelt: package pinning16:10
holsteindelt: you can do that from the GUI easily in synaptic16:10
holsteindelt: it can be problematic16:11
jarnos_htop shows 150% CPU usage for X when I use Google Maps by Firefox on Ubuntu Studio 14.04 64bit.19:49
holsteinjarnos_: is that flash?19:49
holsteinjarnos_: if so, try the pepperflash in chrome..19:49
jarnos_holstein, I think it is not flash.19:50
holsteinjarnos_: cool.. just confirm that it is or not, and  go from there19:51
holsteinjarnos_: you can always easily install chromium-browser or something like midori and test.. isolate firefox from the euqation easily19:51
jarnos_holstein, there is an issue with chromium-browser in my system: mouse cursor stops moving, if I e.g. watch youtube video, and I have to reboot.20:01
holsteinjarnos_: sure, friend.. again, thats flash related20:01
holsteinjarnos_: you can see at http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ where, flash is *not* provided for linux desktop anymore20:01
holsteinjarnos_: you can visit http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ and see that your flash version is older, and consider using the pepperflash i reference, that, as uyou can read at http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ is the latest version20:02
jarnos_holstein, no, it also happens, if I have not installed that pepperflash thing.20:02
holsteinjarnos_: how about this, *try* using the pepperflash, since, you state you have not, and you and i can both read, factually, that adobe doesnt support your situation now20:03
holsteini think you'll find that, your issue with youtue in chromium is directly related to flash, and im assuming that the google chrome issue in firefox is also related20:03
holsteinif you find that its not.. you can use20:04
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.20:04
holsteinand the support channels for adobe, and firefox directly to try and work it out.. and also, main #ubuntu ,since ubuntustudio is just pulling in firefox and other parts of this, and not doing anything to prevent them from working20:04
holsteinjarnos_: to prevent from having to "reboot" while testing, use TTY20:05
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution20:05
holsteinyou can either reboot there without forcing anything, or kill processes20:05
_DBI'm a game developer just bought a new laptop but it came with windows 820:10
jarnos_holstein, the problem is with chromium with and without pepperflash.20:10
_DBwas wondering does ubuntu studio come with any 3 modelling programs / photoshop like programs / and music producing programs20:11
jarnos_holstein, problem might be a bug in graphics driver.20:12
jarnos_holstein, do you think I could make cursor move again without rebooting?20:15
jarnos_holstein, I could test google maps in chromium without flash and hardware acceleration disabled (in advanced settings) and it is still faster than in Firefox.20:43
OvenWerks_DB: Blender comes top mind21:27
OvenWerksBlender was used to create Sintel, Big Buck Bunny and others.21:29
rwbBlender (3D modeling/animation), Gimp (Photoshop) Ardour (DAW)...  I would separate Ardour on its own machine though if you are serious about an audio workstation.21:36

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