
dholbachgood morning07:31
josemorning dholbach!07:48
dholbachhey jose07:48
josehow's life over Germany?07:48
dholbachit's great - I had a nice weekend with our family and the family of my sister's husband - how about you? how are things over there?07:50
josesounds cool! everything going good over here, on vacation until April so got lots of time to take a look at Ubuntu stuff :)07:52
dholbachnice :-)07:54
elfymorning dholbach jose07:59
josehey elfy!07:59
dholbachhi elfy07:59
dholbachhola dpm!08:15
dholbachhow are you doing?08:15
dpmgood morning dholbach, and good morning everyone!08:16
dpmdoing well, looking at my inbox now :)08:17
dpmdholbach, did you have a nice xmas break?08:17
dholbachhaha, I can imagine08:17
dholbachyes, very much so08:17
dpmnice :)08:18
joseheyo dpm!08:22
dpmhola jose :)08:22
dholbachdpm, call time?11:01
jcastropleia2, jose: hey is there a -ca booth @ scale?13:30
mhall119jcastro: there's an Ubuntu booth14:39
mhall119jcastro: I know many people from ubuntu-us-ca will be there15:26
mhall119as well as us non-californians :)15:26
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!16:52
dpmok, calling it a day too, see you all tomorrow!17:36

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