
darkxst /msg MemoServ READ NEW06:01
HoloIRCUser1Hello ✋10:25
liamHi guys, I'm trying to set up Japanese input in 14.10, but all the guides I find are for vanilla Ubuntu, which has some "Language Support" setting unavailable in UG. Anybody know where I might find the equivalent settings?13:23
mgedminmy System Preferences has two different panels for Region and Language13:44
mgedminone's upstream gnome, the other is ubuntu's13:44
mgedminbut then I also have gnome 3.14 from the staging ppa on my ubuntu gnome 14.1013:44
mgedmin(and I never tried Japanese input)13:44
mgedminI can add a Japanese input source, switch to it using Win+Space, but then it acts like a regular us-english qwerty keyboard and I don't know what's wrong13:46
mgedmin(this was using the upstream gnome thingy)13:46
mgedminthe ubuntu thingy is installing extra packages for Japanese support13:47
mgedmin(fonts, ibus-anthy , locales)13:47
mgedminnow what?  I can add the japanese input source again, and again it doesn:t seem to be doing anything13:48
mgedminother than replacing my apostrophe with a : and the like13:49
mgedminooh, I need to log out after installing japanese support13:50
liamAhh, ibus-anthy might be it.13:53
liamI'm also on 3.14. 3.12 was heroically laggy for some reason.13:53
liamAnd my prefferences only has one tab for region and language, with very few options to do anything other than add keyboard layouts.13:57
mgedminthat looks like the upstream thing14:06
liamI miss the days of <=10.04 where the way to do everything was documented for GUI and CLI.14:10
mgedminmaybe it is?14:21
mgedminubuntu has these language-support-XX metapackages that should pull in all the requirements14:21
mgedmin(I just don't know where they're documented)14:21
liamOoh, good stuff. Thanks, I'll look into it.14:22
MrSavagecould i get some help with formatting ubuntu-gnome as a bootable usb?15:39
liamAre you running Windows right now, or Linux/OSX?15:55
MrSavageliam: I'm actually running ubuntu-gnome16:14
MrSavageliam: i'm trying to put it on my laptop16:14
liamOh, okay.16:19
liamSo you've a USB disk, an ISO, and you're running linux?16:19
liamIf the USB disk has nothing on it, you should be able to do it this way:16:20
liamsudo fdisk -l # will show you your disks, and should let you know what label your USB has (e.g. /dev/sdc ; each partition on it will be numbered, e.g. /dev/sdc1)16:21
MrSavageliam: yeah16:23
MrSavageliam: it's sde116:24
MrSavageliam: i tried using "dd" but it didn't boot and was saying something was corrupted16:24
MrSavagebut my computer was able to read fine16:24
liamOnce you know which disk it is, you can: sudo dd if=ubuntu-gnome.iso of=/dev/sdX # where X is the correct letter.16:25
MrSavageliam: I already did that16:25
MrSavageliam: my laptop won't boot the usb16:25
MrSavageis it because my laptop doesn't have uefi?16:25
liamThis performs a byte-for-byte copy of the ISO onto your USB disk. Once you boot frm the USB, you should get straight into the Live-CD screen.16:26
liamThen /dev/sde is the USB itself.16:26
liamMrSavage: Hmm... Try using unetbootin to create it.16:26
liamSorry, my internet connection is fucking shocking. Probably a lot of these messages are arriving late.16:26
liamNot having EUFI should make things easier. :D16:26
MrSavageliam: I tried unetbootin and it was giving me something was corrupted or unreadable16:26
liamMrSavage: what was it saying was unreadable? The ISO?16:28
MrSavagefor unetbootin, i'll have to format and check16:28
MrSavagebut for dd, the screen goes away too fast16:28
liamAlso, has your laptop been able to boot from USB before?16:28
MrSavagefor windows yeah16:29
MrSavagemaybe it's because my laptop doesn't use uefi?16:31
liamThe screen goes away too fast? What do you mean?16:39
MrSavageliam: it boots into windows16:40
liamMrSavage: But what screen are you talking about? I honestly have no idea what the problem is.16:51
MrSavageliam: it shows a black screen when i try to boot to the usb and shows a line of text16:52
MrSavagethen boots into windows16:52
liamMrSavage: Does the text tell us anything enlightening?16:52
MrSavageliam: it goes away too fast for me to read it16:53
liamOkay... And this USB works fine on your PC?16:53
MrSavagealright let me check16:54
MrSavageliam: it wouldn't boot on my pc either16:57
MrSavagei used of=/dev/sde16:58
MrSavagefor dd that is, is it because i didn't specify a partition?16:58
MrSavageliam: do i have to format my /dev/sde first properly to be iso or something?16:59
MrSavagealso apparently i can't select a usb now for unetbootin17:01
MrSavageliam: with unetbootin i get a message saying "Failed to load COM32 file menu.c32"17:15
liamSorry, was out.18:26
liamMrSavage: /dev/sde shouldn't have to be partitioned first. Whn you dd the iso, you overwrite the partition table with the table that's in the ISO.18:26
liamMrSavage: As for the unetbootin error, I have no idea. I've been using dd since I learned what it does.18:28
liamMrSavage: Maybe the guys in #ubuntu can help more. That channel probably has much more actvity.18:29
VinceNGood Afternoon,  Was hoping to get some help troubleshooting a new Ubuntu Gnome 14.10 install on VirtualBox.  I keep getting random lockups and I can't seem to find out why.  I've verified the Guest Additions are installed and the Driver is enabled, I've also tried searching with Google but was unable to find anything that seemed relevent to my specific situation.  Would anyone be willing/able to provide a little assistan18:50
liamVinceN: It could be gnome 3.1218:55
liamA lot of people have had something similar. My installation was insanely laggy on a pretty high-spec machine.18:55
liamVinceN: The solution for me was to upgrade to gnome 3.14, as shown here: http://www.webupd8.org/2014/10/how-to-install-gnome-314-in-ubuntu.html18:56
VinceNLiam: Thanks, How can I verify what version of Gnome I am running?18:57
VinceNgnome-session --version got it18:58
VinceNWow... I'm on 3.9.90 apparently18:58
VinceNOk, I thought I had selected the update in place option when I was installing19:01
VinceNApparently I did not, I guess I should make sure everything is up to date before I start screaming for help LOL19:01
VinceNBeen away from Linux for a bit, trying to come back to it19:06
VinceNGlad folks put this togeather.  I just can't make heads or tails of Unity, though Gnome changed alot since the last time I used it also.19:06
semicolonfelt same as well19:07
VinceNNow is 3.12 in the main repository at this point or do I have to add the development source?19:08
semicoloni believe its updated to 3.1419:10
octoquadHi VinceN, you can use the main and staging ppa's: https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/ubuntu/gnome3 & https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/ubuntu/gnome3-staging19:10
octoquad3.14 is available in main under 15.04 which is still in development19:10
VinceNAwesome,  Just finished the system update.  Rebuilding my Virtualbox Drivers now.... Will try that once i'm done19:10
VinceNForgot you had to do that after kernal updates.19:11
octoquadyou will get 3.14 in the staging ppa as well for 14.1019:12
octoquadgnome-shell --version: GNOME Shell 3.14.319:12
VinceNThat's likely the safest bet since it will be built for the OS19:12
VinceNI would think............19:12
semicolonits working smooth for me until now19:13
VinceNOn virtualbox?19:13
VinceNOr metal?19:13
semicolonon metal19:14
octoquadsemicolon, what were you doing?19:16
semicolonoctowuad: sorry, I didnt get you.19:17
VinceNWow, Maybe it's just Chrome.................................19:17
VinceNSystem starts stuttering bad when its running.19:17
octoquad"<semicolon> its working smooth for me until now"19:17
octoquadVinceN, how much RAM have you allocated to the VM?19:18
VinceNA gig19:18
octoquadno enough19:18
octoquadneed 219:18
octoquadat minimum19:18
semicoloni tried to use nvidia drivers from additional drivers and it broke.19:18
VinceNWow really?19:18
VinceNMan I am outa date.......19:18
octoquaddepends on the hardware you running off19:18
octoquadhttp://ubuntugnome.org/ even mentions 1.5GB as a minimum19:19
semicolonso I moved on to bumblebee, now its quite well.19:20
octoquadsemicolon, yes, bumblebee seems to work a bit better19:20
VinceNThanks Octoquad.  Last time I messed with this stuff the bare OS would run on about 800mb to a gig fine without too many other programs running.19:20
VinceNI dunno why I didn't think that19:20
semicolonmy system using 1.1GB right now with just hexchat on.19:21
octoquadhehe all good19:21
VinceNPushed it up to 4 Gigs..... Wow this is much better.19:22
VinceNLogging off for a bit guys.  I think i'm going to stay on the Vanilla Gnome version for now.  Seems to be running fine with the ram boost.19:45
VinceNTTYL, Thanks for your help :-)19:45
octoquadNo problem :) Enjoy!20:07
JDAIIII'm using a piece of software that requires libtiff4-dev however I'm on ubuntugnome 14.10 which replaces this with libtiff-dev. Does anyone forsee issues with installing 4 and 5 side by side20:11
darkxstoctoquad, VinceN gnome-shell itself should run fine on 1GB but it doesnt leave much spare for other things like browsers etc20:36
darkxstJDAIII, the deb packages probably wont be co-installable but the libs should be20:39
octoquadhey darkxst20:57
JDAIIII guess that I will have to add the trusty repo in order to download that library. hmmmm22:13

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