daftykins | i'm getting abuse in a PM from 'pustyi' | 03:16 |
daftykins | err now it's turning racial 0o | 03:18 |
rww | sigh, he's back /again/? | 03:20 |
rww | sec | 03:20 |
daftykins | which one is this? | 03:20 |
rww | aaaapie, BadApe, badape, batsazz, copsblk, helltest, letsgets, liberalPIGS, ralphsme, ratlerkaa, ratsbag, scatsear, snakebreath, ubagtu | 03:20 |
daftykins | hmm interesting, i don't recognise any of those. must be a friend/alternate nick for that one that was just in whining at me | 03:21 |
rww | he PMs random people | 03:22 |
daftykins | the 'qietjam' fellow | 03:22 |
daftykins | phunyguy: i figure you may've had an issue with how i addressed a user earlier, i would imagine you've never taught teenagers :) | 03:23 |
daftykins | when a user refuses to even scrollback a page or two to find a command already suggested, if you keep holding their hand they can take advantage of that. | 03:24 |
daftykins | i'd appreciate you taking problems up with me directly instead of just making faces though | 03:24 |
phunyguy | It just came off as rude. | 03:27 |
phunyguy | so does what you are doing now. | 03:27 |
phunyguy | rude and confrontational. | 03:27 |
daftykins | so i shouldn't bring it up in future? | 03:29 |
phunyguy | I apologize for doing that in public.... | 03:33 |
phunyguy | that's as far as I will go. | 03:33 |
phunyguy | (besides, you turned around and did the same thing) | 03:33 |
daftykins | hmm, which turnaround thing? | 03:33 |
daftykins | i do agree with you about that incident, but i think i've done a lot to improve the friendliness over the past few months :) | 03:34 |
daftykins | considering how many idiots and trolls come in on a regular basis it's a tough place to keep a cool head in | 03:34 |
daftykins | anyway i'm going to step away now, thanks for the quick response rww | 03:35 |
ubottu | theadmin called the ops in #ubuntu (william1978) | 08:38 |
rww | two factoid-related things I wish our users would read: | 08:39 |
rww | 1) "(ONLY use this trigger in emergencies)" ~ from ops factoid | 08:40 |
rww | 2) "Please ask the user to speak in the correct language /before/ firing one of these triggers at them." ~ IRC Guidelines | 08:40 |
rww | @mark #ubuntu cfhowlett asked *again* to cut down on shotgunning factoids when he doesn't know answers | 08:47 |
ubottu | The operation succeeded. | 08:47 |
AlanBell | hggdh: hiya | 14:09 |
ikonia | hello AlanBell, nice to see you acctive. | 14:37 |
AlanBell | I check in from time to time :) | 15:18 |
ikonia | still nice to see you active | 15:21 |
popey | Is it possible to reclaim #ubuntu-podcast ? (which is currently owned by freenode-staff) ? | 15:44 |
hggdh | AlanBell: Unit193 would like to have Drone` dealing with floods, lowfloods, and others on #ubuntu. Can you please coordinate with him? | 16:00 |
hggdh | popey: yes, it is possible, it is part of our namespace | 16:12 |
AlanBell | hggdh: Unit193 sure | 16:13 |
hggdh | AlanBell: thank you | 16:13 |
popey | hggdh: what's the process? | 16:13 |
hggdh | popey: I (or someone in the IRCC) have to ask staff to give ubuntuirccouncil +F; we then get to own the channel, and can work on it | 16:14 |
popey | ok. Great. | 16:15 |
hggdh | popey: already asking staff for it | 16:16 |
popey | \o/ | 16:16 |
* popey hugs hggdh | 16:16 | |
* hggdh hugs popey back | 16:16 | |
retroispresto | [07:15] <choker> Muffin asked me to ask you. If you love enough to lick asshole [07:15] <retroispresto> Pardon? [07:16] <choker> I heard you picked johnjohn101 ass | 21:16 |
retroispresto | choker is messaging random peeps in #ubuntu-offtopic | 21:17 |
Pici | retroispresto: thanks, removed. | 21:18 |
retroispresto | okay. | 21:18 |
xangua | can I please be unbanned? my internet connection has been dropping a lot lately, I mean I live in mexico for god's sake :P | 23:17 |
ikonia | hello xangua | 23:17 |
ikonia | ahh you've had some stability problems | 23:17 |
ikonia | is it ok now ? | 23:17 |
xangua | And I was eating a huge burger so I wasn't even on the screen | 23:17 |
ikonia | yes, but is the connection stable now | 23:18 |
xangua | well I'm using irccloud right now | 23:18 |
Unit193 | To be precise, you were having maxsendQ issues. | 23:18 |
ikonia | I've removed the ban forwad for you | 23:21 |
xangua | well I'm basically using a irc bouncer, so it should be ok for now | 23:22 |
xangua | this is already the second time in a lifetime | 23:22 |
* xangua You’ve been banned from #ubuntu-offtopic :P | 23:25 | |
ikonia | there you go | 23:25 |
phunyguy | thanks ikonia | 23:26 |
ikonia | no problem | 23:26 |
phunyguy | xangua: did you get my PM? | 23:26 |
xangua | I don't get PM's :P | 23:26 |
phunyguy | just curious if it made it through | 23:26 |
phunyguy | oh | 23:26 |
phunyguy | haha | 23:26 |
phunyguy | carry on then. | 23:26 |
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