
bdukmore almal04:17
SubOracleMorning all06:09
bdukHi SubOracle 06:31
Kilosafternoon za peeps07:06
KilosMaaz  coffee on07:07
* Maaz washes some mugs07:07
Kiloshi thoquz  you still here07:08
Kilosthats good07:08
thoquzHey, I'm here07:08
Kilosmorning superfly  inetpro  nuvolari  Squirm  octoquad  nlsthzn  bduk  bushtech  07:08
inetprogood mornings 07:09
inetprooh and hi Kilos07:09
Kilosare you at work yet or still loafing inetpro  07:09
inetproloafing, what is that?07:09
Kiloswhat you are doing when you go hmm...07:10
Kilosyou know i mean still on holls man07:10
* inetpro is always at work07:10
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!07:11
Kilostoday i need to chat to someone who has a lappy with ssd in it07:11
KilosMaaz  ty07:11
MaazYou are welcome Kilos07:11
Kilosonly thing i can think of why this ssd gives hassles is it might have gpd mbr issues07:12
Kilossmartctl shows no errors ever reported or anything else thats not good07:13
Kilosuefie thing07:13
superflyhi Kilos07:16
bdukMorning all07:21
bdukkilos, what is a goog burner to use in kubuntu07:22
Kilosthe best touse anywhere07:22
bdukDoesnt start up07:22
Squirmmorning all07:22
bdukmore Squirm 07:23
Kiloswhat doesnt start up?07:23
superflybduk: run it from the command line and see if you see an error message07:23
Kiloshows Squirm  07:23
SquirmKilos: He's good07:23
bdukThanks Squirm  trying brasero first 07:24
Squirmpleasure bduk07:24
Squirmand I use Brasero07:24
Kilosbduk  are you on kubuntu07:27
KilosSquirm  have you use k3b07:27
SquirmI don't use KDE07:28
Squirmbut no07:28
SquirmI haven't07:28
Kilosno matter man i even install it on unity07:28
Kilosimo better burner07:28
* Squirm shrugs07:28
Squirmbrasero did what I needed it to do07:28
Kilosi had some prob when trying to burn something and brasero failed and k3b worked07:29
Kilosso ive stuck with it07:29
Kilosnow bduk  gotta install brasero to kde?07:30
bdukJust playing around with it but already not convinsed07:31
Kilossudo gdisk -l /dev/sdc shows me07:34
Kiloscan that gpt stuff there be hassling me07:34
SquirmKilos: what's your problem?07:40
Kilosstruggle to install. zero drive then can install but withing 3 days probs start. like hanging etc07:40
Kilosive checked everything i think and only thing left is that gpt might be causing probs07:41
Kilosi cant just do a clean install at all07:42
Kilossays it cant write /07:42
Kilosi think i must go this route07:44
Squirmif you format a drive, it removes GPT anywya07:52
Kilosi dont think so07:52
Squirmwell, you have a choice between GPT and MBR, you can't have both07:53
Kilosmbr or gpt are in fist few bytesd that formatting doesnt delete07:53
Kilosyip i want mbr07:53
Squirmand if you have MBR, then you don't have GPT07:53
Kilosand maybe also i gotta turn off uefi in bios07:54
Squirmif UEFI was causing an issue, you wouldn't even be able to boot07:54
Kilosi read once that gpt can leave residue behind that interferes with mbr07:54
Kiloslisten again. if i zero the ssd then i can install and it works for a couple of days07:55
Kilosi cant do a clean install after that first install works07:55
Squirmand if you zero the drive, it should replace everything with 0's07:56
SquirmMBR, GPT, all your blocks07:56
Squirmso GPT is removed then anyway07:56
Kilosbut gdisks shows there still some gpt stuff there07:56
Squirmand again it'd be overwritten when you setup the mbr07:57
Kilosso now i wanna force mbr in and gpt out07:57
SquirmI still don't think that's your problem07:57
Kilosif i dont first zero the drive i cant install anything on it07:58
Kiloslike i cant install xp even07:58
Squirmwhat does it do??07:58
Kilosor any ubuntu flavour07:58
Kilosxp takes forever to get to where it parts the drive and i can go the whole route of making only xp then when it tries to install it runs and runs then gives error unable to format08:00
Kiloswin7 does same08:00
Kiloslinux gets to parting and i can let it erase and use entire disk then when running for hours it sayd cant write to /08:01
Kilossame with manually setting up partitions08:03
Kilosive even used gparted check function and no errors anywhere08:05
Kilosjust used parted and entered this command08:19
Kilosmklabel msdos08:19
Kilosno trying 12.04.2 install08:19
Kilos12.04 in08:29
Kiloshi SDCDev  08:36
SDCDevhey Kilos08:37
=== SDCDev is now known as Rynomster
Kiloshi Rynomster  08:37
Kiloshaha wb08:37
Kilosyou just wanted to be greeted twice?08:37
Rynomsterhehe yea :P08:45
Rynomsterim sitting at the beach working08:49
Rynomsterhehe I met the right people :P they gave me an extension cord and wifi access08:55
superflynice, Rynomster. which beach?09:08
RynomsterPort Edward, one of the little hidden beahes09:08
Rynomsterits very windy today though, so going to go chill at the restaurant09:09
SquirmRynomster: that's a nice town09:14
Squirmwell, went there quite a while ago09:14
Rynomsterits beautiful :)09:16
superflyI've heard of it, never been there.09:28
Kilosmost southerly dorp in natal 09:28
Kilosstayed at the police camp for few months while working at voortrekker starnd09:29
thoquzHave any sand entered the fan holes on the laptop? How do you remove it?09:50
Kilosssdhmm... 10:03
Kilosssdnow to try crash it10:03
thoquzHey, crash what?10:04
Kiloslol the ssd with 12.04 on10:08
inetproKilos: take a hammer10:08
Kilosif it allows me to install another os alongside i think its fixed10:08
Kilosinetpro  its too expensive to flatten before trying every option there is10:09
Kilosssdwbb if at all possible10:17
Kiloshmm... resizing takes a while10:31
Kilosconfiguring hardware 10:42
=== Rynomster is now known as SDCDev
Trixar_zaHey Kilos - you still playing Minetest?11:25
KilosTrixar_za  no data to play anymore man11:29
* Kilos cries11:29
Trixar_zaYeah, it does eat data for breakfast, huh?11:52
Kiloscan blow 2g in a day11:57
Kilosthats my data for 2 months11:58
KilosMaaz  seen thatgraemeguy11:58
MaazKilos: thatgraemeguy was last seen 1 day, 17 hours, 7 minutes and 6 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2015-01-10 10:51:22 PST], and has been offline on freenode since 2015-01-11 10:24:13 PST11:58
Trixar_zaA 100MB or so I can understand, but 2Gb? You must be really into it :P11:58
Kilosask inetpro  11:58
Trixar_zaI know somebody that hosts serveral servers, but he requests that they be 'different'11:59
Trixar_zaThe one has moon gravity and if you go to far away from the 'base' you start to sufficate11:59
Trixar_zaIt's really nice11:59
Kilosinetpro  tell him how much data goes with minetest11:59
Kilosoh my11:59
Kiloshey Trixar_za   how come you not involved in helping get our site goping12:00
Trixar_zaA site for what?12:00
Kilosyou gotta wait now till the fly posts the info12:00
Kilosour ubuntu site man12:01
Kilosbeing improved and stuff12:01
Trixar_zaI'm pretty sure fly would do a better job at it12:06
superflyTrixar_za: actually, all we need now is content.12:06
Kiloswe all gotta help man he doesnt have time to do everything on his own12:06
kilosssdhmm... running from 2 12.04'2 alonmgside12:50
SquirmHey superfly, Trixar_za13:27
superflyhey Squirm13:36
inetprokilosssd: what you mean with "running from 2 12.04'2 alonmgside"?13:49
Kilos12.04.5 alongside 12.04.213:50
Kilosoh you spoke to him13:50
inetprorunning both simultaneously on the same SSD?13:51
kilosssdno man 13:51
kilosssdyou choose one at a time to boot from13:51
kilosssdbut before i could get nothing alongside anything else13:52
kilosssdhow do you get both to run same time13:52
Kilossimultaneously = same time13:53
inetprowell surely one partition is just inactive while the other is active? 13:57
inetprowhatever file system you have on the inactive partition should be irrelevant 13:58
Kilosso how can you ask if they running simultaneously13:59
inetprothat's what it looked like to me when reading your message13:59
inetprojust doesn't make sense14:00
Kilosnext move is to bring the ssd here and clean install 14.04 kde14:01
Kilosthen if it crashes ill strat digging my grave14:02
inetprojust keep the partitions as they are now14:02
inetproand don't go messing with the mbr again14:03
Kilosi googled spanne and dont see that there should be any diffs between installing to ssd or hdd14:03
Kilosian said something about win8 having the os hidden somewhere on drive because they dont supply dvds anymore14:06
Kilosso im not sure what caused this hassle14:06
Kilosmaybe was in a uefi lappy14:07
Kilosi go fetch sheep. they dont want to come past where the snake got the other one14:13
Kilossticking flies in top of needles all over dont work as scarecrows for other flies15:08
Squirmhome time15:14
Squirmit's been a long day15:14
magespawnhi Squirm 15:14
magespawnjust in time to hi15:14
magespawnKilos: ping15:15
Kiloshi magespawn  sorry was outside15:38
Kilosoh magespawn  pong as well15:39
magespawncool beans Kilos 15:40
magespawnjust saying hi is all15:42
Kiloslol oh hi hi magespawn  15:43
Kilosdunno where the cool beans come in but ya15:43
Kilosits an idea to add beans in tomato sauce to my curry i think15:44
magespawnbeans are always cool, and very under used when cooking15:48
magespawncool beans = lekker15:48
Kiloshi Private_User  15:51
Kiloshi Tonberry  16:33
magespawngotta go chat later all16:55
captineevening all17:47
Kiloshi captine  17:47
Kilosgonna bring the ssd here and see what crashes17:49
=== Kilos- is now known as Kilos
Private_Userhi Kilos17:51
captinequick one for the KVM people.  installed some VM's using Virtual Machine Manager (which i believe to be the gui for qemu/kvm vms).  machine boots and is set with a bridged network (all done using the gui tool).  The machine gets the IP address assigned to it ( from my network dhcp server.  I can ping the world from the VM (google.com) and can ping my file server etc, but cannot ping the host machine of the vm or connect to the vm's webserver fr17:54
captineom the host machine17:54
captinejust tested and can connect to the vm's webserver from another computer17:55
captinevery confused17:55
captineis this normal?17:55
captinefrustrating as virtualbox worked well, but my skills may need enhancing for kvm....18:03
kilosssdmoved working ssd from old pc to here and it works18:07
kilosssdand i learned something else now18:07
kilosssd12.04 cant see d-link modems18:08
kilosssdif booting from scratch. but if a reboot from a drive that sees the modem then drive stays alive and 12.04 sees it18:08
kilosssdthis pc switches everything off on shutdown, and then dlink sleeps too18:09
kilosssdon old pc usb things stay alive18:09
kilosssdhow do i now keep one osb socket alive?18:13
kilosssdinetpro, you here?18:15
inetpronot really, why?18:15
kilosssdi have turned off all eufi stuff here in bios, ssd works here with installs from old pc18:16
kilosssdhow dow i install kde now without changing tha=e partitions18:16
kilosssdeverything is diffewrent here so swap must grow for starters18:17
inetproyou have never installed without messing up your partitions?18:18
kilosssdsorry for all the typos18:18
kilosssdyes when i made the partitions and not let ubuntu make them18:18
kilosssdlike i always make / and /home18:19
kilosssdhere linux made what it wanted18:19
kilosssdand 2g swap18:20
kilosssdand i got 4g ram so want 4g swap too18:20
superflycaptine: for anything other than toy virtualisation, VirtualBox sucks. I've used KVM a little.18:21
superflycaptine: are you sure your VM's network adapter is using bridged mode and not NAT?18:21
inetprokilosssd: there's really no rocket science in creating your own partitions and telling ubuntu to use those in stead of doing it's automated thing18:25
kilosssdya man but i was trying to just get the ssd working. now its working i will make home apartheid18:26
inetprojust read the screen18:27
inetprothe options are there during installation18:27
kilosssdya other18:28
kilosssdthen you choose everything18:28
kilosssdi havent noticed one that will install to same place as old os18:28
kilosssdwhat have i missed18:28
inetproI really don't know the screens and all the options but I have not re-arranged my partitions for many years18:30
kilosssdoh dont you make a separate /home18:31
inetproyes, but I set up my partitions manually on first installation18:32
kilosssdya well then i must do a clean install on the ssd man18:33
inetpromy partitions are; root, swap, spare and data. That's it!18:34
kilosssddont forget i was still trying to get the thing working properly18:34
kilosssdoh no /home18:34
inetprowell my data goes into /data18:34
kilosssdyou leave home in root18:34
captinesuperfly, definitely using bridge18:36
captineusing a windows machine, i can connect to it's webserver18:36
captineusing the hosts machine, i cannot connect 18:36
inetpro$ sudo mkdir /data/my && sudo chown ME:ME /data/my && sudo ln -s /data/my /home/ME/my18:36
kilosssdi think ill keep this 12.04 unity here and delete the second one and install kde to there18:39
inetpronow when I install a fresh release my spare partition becomes root and the previous root just gets a new label18:39
captinemaybe i should just try lxc or docker, instead of full VM's....18:39
kilosssdeish inetpro thats ingewikkeled man18:39
inetproand ubuntu takes care about creating the bootup menu so I can revert to the previous version if I have to18:39
inetprovery simple stuff18:40
superflycaptine: Windows host name?18:40
kilosssdyeah like fixing a torque converter18:40
superflycaptine: sorry, what are you running where?18:40
kilosssdinetpro, sssshh hulle besig18:41
captineok.  my mac mini is running ubuntu desktop on "bare metal" with kvm and an ubuntu vm called "weberp".  Ubuntu desktop called "mini", ubuntu server called weberp.18:41
captinewindows machine is a laptop18:41
inetprohulle kan tussen die lyne lees18:41
captineall are in the range18:42
superflycaptine: ah, OK, gotcha.18:42
superflycaptine: can you "ping weberp" from your ubuntu desktop (aka mac)18:42
captinejust really strange that the hypervisor cannot browse to the vm's address....18:42
captinesays no route18:43
captineFrom mini.captine.za.net ( icmp_seq=6 Destination Host Unreachable18:43
superflywhat does "ip route" say?18:43
captinetraceroute to weberp (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets18:43
captine 1  mini.captine.za.net (  3000.063 ms !H  2999.959 ms !H  2999.92918:43
superflycaptine: do you have an external domain called "captine.za.net" ?18:44
captinedynamic dns18:44
captinemy proxy issues that18:44
captinei mean router18:44
superflynot a good idea to make your internal domain name the same as your external domain18:44
captinerunning pfsense.  you can see it gives out the ip address correcly18:44
magespawngood evening 18:44
captinesuperfly, i meant to go with .local 18:44
superflybut I don't think it's that18:45
superflyhi magespawn18:45
captinerouter should be blocking all incoming traffic18:45
captineso am not too stressed.18:45
superflyBTW http://www.theverge.com/2015/1/7/7508651/leap-second-2015-earths-rotation-slowing18:45
superflycaptine: it's not about incoming traffic, it's about your computers getting confused because they're trying to resolve DNS externally for an internal network.18:46
superflycaptine: but as i said, I doubt it's that in this case18:46
captinei will look at changgin it in the future.  just a single line ont he proxy.18:47
magespawnhey superfly captine 18:47
captinehi magespawn 18:47
magespawnnetwork problems captine 18:48
inetprosuperfly: hopefully the master clocks will take care of all that18:48
superflycaptine: what does the "ip route" command on the mac tell you?18:48
captinesorry.  not sure of that command18:48
captinehow do i run it>?18:49
inetprocaptine: is it not a firewall issue on pfsense?18:49
captineshouldnt be.  used virtualbox fine when the mac was running osx.  also worked fine in virtualbox on my macbook pro some time back when that had ubuntu18:50
captinewonder if it some crappy mac network hardware that doesnt have good drivers for ubuntu>18:50
captinelet me browse the firewall18:51
inetprosounds odd18:52
captineyip.  am tempted to install virtualbox to see if i get the same thing18:53
inetprocaptine: netstat -ar18:55
captinethink i have the answer18:55
captineper this, it is expected that the host cannot communicate to the vm when using the bridge18:56
captinethey have some "workaround" i am readin on18:56
captinevery weird18:57
inetproyep very weird, nice that you found that18:59
inetprovirtualised networking still makes my head spin in circles 19:00
captineyip.  it is giving me a headache19:01
kilosssdinetpro, remember  my data for maaz19:02
inetprocaptine: so nice but can get very messy19:02
kilosssdmaybe i must save it to stick too19:02
inetprokilosssd: what are you talking about?19:03
captineinetpro, that's why i normally just bridge everything...  let the dhcp take care of it on the network... but it is hving a downside with this kvm19:03
kilosssdi need to sleep so no energy to do installs and want to look more at19:04
kilosssdsudo mkdir /data/my && sudo chown ME:ME /data/my && sudo ln -s /data/my /home/ME/my19:04
kilosssdmaaz my data19:04
Maazsudo mkdir /data/my && sudo chown ME:ME /data/my && sudo ln -s /data/my /home/ME/my19:04
kilosssdthat will need some explaining when i got energy19:05
kilosssdlike me is miles but wth is my19:05
inetprothat is a name for a folder19:05
inetprokilosssd: after having done that I can see contents of the folder as follows: 'ls -l ~/my/' 19:07
superflycaptine: in your terminal, type in "ip<space>route" and press your enter key19:07
superflycaptine: I was using KVM but never had that problem, from what I can recall19:07
kilosssdive saved all of that inetpro but it gonna take lotsa thinking on my part19:11
kilosssdmaking a /home partition seems much easier19:11
kilosssdto me anyway19:12
inetprokilosssd: oh you are most welcome to do it your way19:12
* inetpro just saying that is how I do it19:13
kilosssdok now listen carefully19:14
inetprothe point is, you do not need to re-arrange partitions on each installation19:14
kilosssdcan i do that in this working system19:14
kilosssdwhat now19:15
inetprowhat do you want to do now?19:15
kilosssdnow i want to sleep. but i was thinking what you said about not changing partitions19:16
kilosssdwhy havent you blogged it19:17
inetprowhy should I?19:17
kilosssdso you can just give links and not nead to work things out everytime19:18
kilosssdyou could have one page as kilos kinda help page19:19
inetprono, no, no, no19:20
kilosssdand another for normal geeks19:20
inetprowb ThatGraemeGuy19:20
kilosssdhi ThatGraemeGuy 19:20
captinesuperfly, http://slexy.org/view/s20q8FcO6019:20
superflyhi ThatGraemeGuy19:21
kilosssdnight all. sleep tight19:22
superflycaptine: ThatGraemeGuy can probably help you better than I can19:22
Kilosnight peeps. see ya moerrow19:22
captinesuperfly, thanks.  night Kilos 19:22
captineThatGraemeGuy, you have a minute or 20 for some kvm questions19:22
inetprocaptine: you use both eth0 and wlan0 on the same network at the same time?19:23
captineit only uses the one19:24
captinei can disconnect the wireless19:24
captineit just connects19:24
captinedisconnected wifi now19:24
inetprocaptine: I see three different networks;, and
ThatGraemeGuycaptine: sure, I can't guarantee I can answer any though. I don't have a lot of deep KVM knowledge. Using proxmox, which hides all the deeper stuff19:26
inetproyou mind explaining the problem again?19:26
captineso first, i tried proxmox but the kernel requires some manual building of modules which i wasnt in the mood for, so:  I have Ubuntu desktop installed as a "bare metal" host system on a mac mini.  I installed virtual machine manager and kvm.  i have 1 vm (ubuntu server 14.04) running using a bridged network.  the vm cannot ping the host and the host cannot ping the vm but other machines on the network can communicate with both and visa versa19:28
captinefound this which states the host shouldnt be able to see the vm's...  http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/Guest_can_reach_outside_network,_but_can%27t_reach_host_%28macvtap%2919:29
captinewhen in bridge mode... so am trying to figure out the workaround19:29
captineor may just go back to virtualbox....19:29
captineinetpro, i think the network was setup when i installed juju, and am guessing it is the lxc network19:30
ThatGraemeGuyyeah you've already lost me, sorry :)19:30
captinelol.  how u finding proxmox19:30
ThatGraemeGuyworks for us19:30
ThatGraemeGuyinstall it, use it. end.19:30
captinewas dead keen to run it, but as I said, having no network working, and then needing to use memory sticks to transfer modules and build them for the network was too much effort19:31
captineu use it at work?19:31
captinenice.  my company insist on windows 2012 hyperv on an ibm pureflex19:31
captinei hope for some linux to take over our infrastructure...19:32
ThatGraemeGuywe only run debian in my team19:32
captinestock debian, or ubuntu etc19:32
ThatGraemeGuyand the rest of the company is debian/centos19:32
captineif you dont mind me asking, which company do you work for?19:32
ThatGraemeGuyonly windows stuff in our DCs is what customers run on their root servers19:32
ThatGraemeGuyI work for Hetzner19:32
captineah.  cool19:33
captineand proxmox is the tool for all your vms or just for your team?19:33
ThatGraemeGuywe don't have a VM product offering, but we use proxmox for internal stuff19:33
captinei will be sure to mention it to my windows admins...19:34
ThatGraemeGuytest environments, debian repo mirrors, etc.19:34
captineanyhow, going to go crash.  night all.19:35
magespawngood night all20:47
=== tumbleweed_ is now known as tumbleweed

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