
=== jimmy51v_ is now known as Guest28985
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kunguzmy kubuntu produces 0 kb files with opencv and python02:26
kunguzcv.write basically does nothing02:26
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Spiffy-mancan anyone tell me how to apply this patch to my kernel? I've downloaded linux-source-3.13.0, I just need to figure out the next step. https://lkml.org/lkml/2013/5/30/51303:54
en1gmahi all. im about ready to get kubuntu but i dont want stable. whats the next one up. i need to get packages that are pre-built like gnuradio 3.7 and gqrx 2.304:37
en1gmawow. its quiet in here04:40
soeegood morning07:14
jorgearmendarizMounting my windows drive on my Ubuntu machine will not reformat it? Could I be able to mv files into my windows from my linux once its mounted. Sorry for such a basic question, but I was wondering if it works the same as external hard drives.08:34
hateballjorgearmendariz: Yes, it should work just fine assuming it is ntfs and no encrypted08:35
jorgearmendarizhateball: appreciate it08:35
lordievaderGood morning.08:58
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LynoureI have a weird problem. In digital clock, I can get any other first day of the week to show other than Monday...which seems to default to Sunday instead.11:11
jbrueheHi everybody!11:27
jbrueheIs this a proper place to ask for help when I have trouble with some window behaviour on Kubuntu 14.04 ?11:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:29
jbrueheThanks, will do!11:30
jbrueheNew installation of Kubuntu 14.04 on AMD64.  I experimented with "kwin" settings, tried to set fullscreen for Thunderbird - as a result, it had no window decoration and covered even the task bar. I removed that setting in kwin (via "settings"), later the whole entry for thunderbird, but the behaviour persists, even across reboots. Hints are highly appreciated!11:33
BluesKajHiyas all11:34
jbrueheFurther Googling helped, led me to "ALT+F3" to change settings in the window even without the titlebar (right-click), there I found another "fullscreen" and unmarked it - problem solved.  Weird that the other "settings" did not lead me to it.11:57
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alvinAren't there any more recent KDE versions for plasma5 users?15:15
yossarianukalvin: what version are you running ?15:17
alvinyossarianuk: KDE 4.14.2 on plasma515:17
alvinNo idea where I can find the plasma version. But it has been unchanged since the release of 14.1015:18
alvinAh, in System Settings. It's plasma 5.1.1 on Qt 5.3.015:18
alvinI see that KDE frameworks 5.6.0 is out, but I have no idea what the relation to plasma is, or to KDE itself for that matter.15:19
arch-kubutheres a wiki for that15:20
FaalentijnMultiple in face15:20
alvinok, so KDE is split into frameworks, plasma and applications. I know the plasma version, but that's about it.15:22
vovHello everyone15:48
=== vov is now known as Guest17030
FaalentijnHello Guest17030!15:49
Guest17030i installed kubuntu 14.04 on lenovo G-500 . everything is ok but kubuntu don't recognize sound card.15:50
Guest17030i haven't any sound . how i fix it ?15:50
FaalentijnDid you read this:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems15:52
jbrueheGuest17030: Have you checked Thinkwiki?  That "G 500" is no Thinkpad, so Linux support may be limited, but Thinkwiki might still have some info: http://thinkwiki.org/wiki/ThinkWiki15:53
lordievaderGuest17030: Is the soundcard detected?15:53
lordievaderGuest17030: Does "lspci |grep Audio" return anything?15:54
Guest17030yes it dose15:55
lordievaderGuest17030: Allright, could you pastebin the output of 'sudo lspci -k|grep -A2 Audio'?15:56
lordievader!paste | Guest1703015:56
ubottuGuest17030: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:56
vov_my speed of Internet is very very bad16:07
vov_are you there?16:10
arch-kubuneed a link to correct current ppa for vivid plasma 5 updates16:13
lordievadervov_: Yes.16:17
vov_i put output your command .16:17
lordievadervov_: Ah, you are guest17030... There is no driver loaded for your soundcard.16:17
vov_yes , my connection is disconnect , i reconnect16:18
vov_yes i am16:18
vov_now what i do ?16:18
vov_i installed couple month age this version and it work very well on my laptop .16:19
lordievadervov_: This might help you: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=10354716:19
vov_ok i see link , i try it ,16:21
vov_ok now i reboot kubuntu , i will come back soon16:22
vov_i'm back16:25
vov_problem still here.16:26
lordievadervov_: What is the output of "lsmod|grep snd"?16:28
vov_output this "lsmod|grep snd" is nothing .16:30
lordievadervov_: Hmm, what happens when you run "sudo modprobe snd_hda_intel"?16:32
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lordievader!info linux-image-generic16:34
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 2 kB, installed size 28 kB16:34
lordievadervov_: What version of kubuntu are you running?16:35
lordievader!info linux-image-generic trusty16:37
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 28 kB16:37
lordievadervov_: Where did you get the 3.17 kernel from?16:37
vov_i don't know .16:38
vov_i installed kubuntu 14.04 on my laptop and i install manual kernel 3.17 but today kubuntu did damage hard and i had to reinstall it from image iso .16:40
vov_i install new kubuntu16:40
lordievadervov_: Why did you manually install 3.17?16:40
vov_i have issue on Intel HD 4000 , and i install kernel 3.1716:41
vov_maby issue is resolve .16:41
lordievadervov_: Running a custom kernel is not supported under Ubuntu.16:41
vov_now what i do ?16:42
lordievadervov_: Go back to the original Ubuntu kernel. Or compile your kernel properly.16:43
nescius__..sorry vov_, what seems to be the issue?16:43
nescius__QHD display anyone?16:43
nescius__yesterday I bought a new notebook with 3860*2100 resolution and realised that KDE is unusable16:45
nescius__with that resolution16:45
nescius__..well, partly, but still better than most other things16:46
nescius__there is no useable browser or mail client16:46
nescius__..without magnifying glass16:46
nescius__are there any plans on this, or shall I rather return the notebook/install windows?16:47
anthonymalczaneknescius__, did you try adjusting your DPI settings?16:47
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anthonymalczanekyou should be able to adjust them both in KDE and in X, depending on your video chip16:48
Guest22854lordievader, i reboot laptop and select kernel 3.13.0-44-generic now everything is work , i have sound .16:49
Guest22854how remove kernel  3.1716:50
anthonymalczanekGuest22854, you can edit /etc/default/grub and then update-grub16:50
Guest22854is it dangeres ?16:51
nescius__anthonymalczanek: of course, but kmail does not respect that in messages, dolphin resizes fonts but text bellow icons are still to small for the text to fit.. etc.16:51
anthonymalczanekit could be, if you do it incorrectly.16:51
anthonymalczaneknescius__, did you try overriding the DPI settings in Xorg?16:51
nescius__nope, dont have any xorg.conf16:52
anthonymalczanekboot to single user, remoount root as writeable, Xorg -configure from command line, and then save your configuration, add the new DPI settings (edid override and whatnot) and then reboot into X and try it out16:53
lordievaderGuest22854: That depends entirely on how you installed it, I cannot say.16:53
Guest22854ok thank lordievader16:57
rberg-I *think* you can add '-dpi ##x##' to the arguments in /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc to override16:57
nescius__I set the DPI in KDE settings, the problem is that it wrongly designed, you will see eventually when you'll get higher screen resolutions yourself17:00
rberg-I was just looking at those :( bummer they dont look right17:01
nescius__yes, it looks like a lot of work..17:03
rberg-http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=159064   this makes it seem that thats true17:04
anthonymalczaneknescius__, try setting the DPI in X. That should affect all programs17:05
nescius__anthonymalczanek: I dont have issues with font size anymore, icons are way too small in mozilla, kmail still renders font wrongly.. plasma widgets are also bit bugged when text is already big enough17:07
anthonymalczanekOkay. I think you might resolve your problem by setting a value in X, even though it may not be entirely to your satisfaction. Otherwise, yeah, there are problems with High DPI curre17:09
nescius__systemsettings and oxigen theme window decorations contain 16*16 icons which dont honor icon settings17:09
anthonymalczanekIsn't there a high DPI version of the oxygen theme somewhere? I thought I remembered that being a thing..17:09
nescius__I noticed, the kmail thing is opened since 201217:10
nescius__rberg-: thanks! the link looks like a practical solution17:11
rberg-I think Macs are doing some sort of scaling on high dpi displays too17:11
nescius__rberg-: no, I just saw one, maybe for some fullscreen apps, but by default it is just set correctly17:12
nescius__however thats the adventage of centralised development17:13
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anthonymalczaneknescius__, It's true, Macs high DPI displays do some scaling. Look into "device pixel ratio" w/r/t Retina screens and Qt.18:23
nescius__..on unrelated note, is qapt actually able to install any package? I found it somewhat buggy, it is able to install all dependencies but never the package itself18:45
john_____Salut les gros19:09
lordievader!french | john_____19:10
ubottujohn_____: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:10
john_____oh sorry19:16
john_____I didn't know about that19:16
john_____I am gonna speak english only,promise19:16
lordievaderjohn_____: No worries ;)19:19
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Compaq_nc6320Hi. I have a question, does Kubuntu have spell check like the Unity interface Ububtu.19:36
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BrumbleUbuntu' Typo19:37
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redrum1my way....19:52
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