
mwhudsonhow can i "configure a project's bug tracker" to point at github?00:35
wgrantmwhudson: You can't at the moment. We should really add at least linking support.00:38
wgrantThough syncing should be doable as GitHub has a sensible API nowadays.00:39
blrwgrant: this makes me sad https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid_xmlrpc/pull/301:58
blrwgrant: actually, I may be looking at the wrong module02:00
blryep! carry on :P02:02
cjwatsonwgrant: Any reason I shouldn't release at least lazr.sshserver today?10:44
wgrantcjwatson: No objections from me. Looks great, thanks.11:17
cjwatsonwgrant: lazr.sshserver released and in lp-source-dependencies; https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/split-lazr.sshserver/+merge/245647 ready for review12:00
wgrantcjwatson: Yay12:05
wgrantlifeless: Could you please add me as an owner on PyPI for: lazr.batchnavigator lazr.config lazr.delegates lazr.enum lazr.exportedfolder lazr.lifecycle lazr.restful lazr.uri oops oops_amqp oops_datedir2amqp oops_timeline oops_twisted oops_wsgi wadllib launchpadlib12:14
cjwatsonOK, time to release txpkgupload as well I think.13:11
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lifelesswgrant: I don't have exportedfolder20:52
lifelesswgrant: whats your pypi user id?20:52
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lifelesswgrant: done for all the ones I had22:01
wgrantlifeless: Thanks.22:02

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