
george_eWhere is the appropriate place to request additional space for a PPA?05:17
george_eOkay, I think I've answered my own question. I've asked a question here: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/26058205:26
=== jpds is now known as Guest41488
MzoorikhHi. Could someone tell me how the karma at launchpad can be improved? I found no documentation talking about...18:42
MzoorikhHi. Could someone tell me how the karma at launchpad can be improved? I found no documentation talking about...18:52
dobeyyou don't need to repeat every 10 minutes18:53
dobeyand karma goes up for activity18:53
dobeybut it's not a particularly useful number18:53
=== blr_ is now known as blr
=== popey_ is now known as popey

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