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AkivaAvrahamgrrmmmm how should I do this...04:29
AkivaAvraham\o/ Victory is in sight :D04:56
AkivaAvrahamAutopilot3 will come to the ubuntu sdk; All I need now is to figure out a way to dynamically add and subtract menu items.04:57
dholbachgood morning08:22
AkivaAvrahamdholbach, morning :)08:52
AkivaAvrahamdholbach, almost finished here \o/08:52
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dholbachhi AkivaAvraham08:53
justCarakasubot5 0 : justCarakas 109:17
ubot5justCarakas: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:17
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Skeptics Day! :-D09:34
justCarakasare you sure JamesTait09:36
JamesTaitjustCarakas, I have my suspicions it may be a lie. ;)09:37
justCarakasJamesTait and if this is a lie what else does that source of you lie about09:38
JamesTaitjustCarakas, well, some people still believe I'm not a bot.09:40
justCarakasJamesTait hmm let me try something09:44
justCarakasJamesTait Add 34957 to 70764.09:45
JamesTaitjustCarakas, I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:46
justCarakashahaha :D09:47
justCarakasnice one JamesTait09:48
mzanettimivoligo: hey09:55
mzanettimivoligo: can you check the game? I've added the M sign, but not entirely happy with it09:55
mzanettimivoligo: first, the icon for the panel has different margins than the other icons in the panel09:56
mzanettiand for the single letter (without the coin) it looks weird09:56
mzanettiI'm thinking if I should write the M as text and then paint the lines above it09:56
mzanettialso I've changed locked levels to use the white background too, in order to reduce the contrast of the new white stars a bit and align it with the info page09:57
popeymzanetti: is there a click for "testing"?09:57
mzanettipopey: http://notyetthere.org/data/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.machines-vs-machines_0.1_armhf.click10:04
mzanettipopey: notes: the currency icons are "broken" atm10:04
mzanettipopey: the file size is huge (will be smaller soon)10:05
mzanettipopey: some optimizations for the phone still to come10:05
mzanettibut consider it as 95% done now10:05
mzanettipopey: soooo... now you have the package, this is what I want in return: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/spreadsheets/d/1Ryhvu6YMXW7mUes8KJM4maUg5P3pEP9L-il5ZFxW-AY/edit#gid=010:06
mzanettipopey: there's a sheet "Testplan popey" in there10:06
mzanettiplease fill it in as you play10:07
popey\o/ view only10:07
mzanettipopey: fixed10:07
mivoligomzanetti: hi10:07
mzanettimivoligo: hi10:07
mivoligomzanetti: just pulled, let me check10:07
mivoligomzanetti: yep, the coin does not look good and the M on the label too :(10:11
mzanettimivoligo: well, the coin could be fixed10:11
mzanettibut not sure about the M label10:11
mzanettimivoligo: you'd just need to add spacings around the coin icon just like the heart icon has10:11
mzanettipopey: and obviously tell mivoligo how awesome the artwork is :D10:13
mivoligomzanetti: right, but the lines won't be very visible10:14
mzanettimivoligo: true...10:14
mzanettimivoligo: so... going back to $?10:14
mivoligomzanetti: maybe we just go with normal M10:14
mivoligomzanetti: hmm, I'll experiment with that10:16
mivoligomzanetti: had a chance to check animation for tower-1?10:16
mzanettimivoligo: not yet, sorry10:16
mzanettimivoligo: but I implemented the new tower info dialog10:16
mivoligomzanetti: no problemo10:16
mivoligomzanetti: oh, right, it comes out rather good :)10:17
mivoligo"1 fields" though ;)10:17
mzanettimivoligo: I tried dropping all those units10:18
mzanettimivoligo: imo takes away too much information10:18
mivoligomzanetti: ok10:19
mivoligomaybe just drop fields10:19
mzanettiyeah... I guess that sounds sensible10:19
mivoligomzanetti: they are invisible anyway10:19
mzanettipopey: don't forget to set difficulty in the test plan10:20
mzanettipopey: if you decide to change to another difficulty, just copy your sheet and start again10:20
mivoligopopey: are you going to test on the phone?10:21
mzanettiyeah, he is :)10:21
mzanettirpadovani: is stuck at level 9 :)10:22
mivoligomzanetti: what about always visible towers in the bottom panel?10:22
mzanettimivoligo: you mean I should make the always visible? regardless of the selected field?10:23
mivoligomzanetti: I thought we decided to do that some time ago :)10:23
mzanetticould be...10:23
mzanettiok, will look at that10:24
rpadovaniyes, I am :S10:25
rpadovanimzanetti, could be interesting to build a tower just swiping it from bottom to the place10:25
mzanettiinteresting, yes10:26
mzanettirpadovani: did you unlock any towers already?10:26
rpadovanimzanetti, not yet10:26
mzanettirpadovani: I don't think you can get past level9 without that10:26
mivoligorpadovani: what difficulty are you playing?10:26
rpadovaniNow I just tried more times level 9 than all others level together :D10:26
mzanettimivoligo: medium10:26
* mivoligo needs to stop playing easy10:27
mzanettirpadovani: get some proper towers :D10:27
mzanettimivoligo: yeah, shame on you... only your kids should play it on easy10:27
mivoligomzanetti: :D10:28
mivoligomzanetti: I found the emails we talked about the always visible towers. "Adding towers" from 23/10/14 or so10:30
mzanettimivoligo: ah ok. yeah. I remember10:31
popeymivoligo: mzanetti annoyingly good game ☻10:31
mivoligopopey: that music :D10:31
popeyshouting at my phone means it's good10:31
popeyi dont hear music10:31
mivoligopopey: you lose a lot10:31
popeyui looks odd on vertical display10:32
mzanettipopey: yeah, will prevent that10:32
mzanettipopey: I just hoped by the time I'm done the SDK would allow me to lock an app to landscape10:32
mzanettipopey: no music?10:32
mzanettithat's odd10:32
mzanettithat's the best part of the game :D10:33
popeyyeah, no sound at all10:33
popey[55392.044167] type=1400 audit(1421145235.158:496): apparmor="DENIED" operation="exec" profile="com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.machines-vs-machines_machines-vs-machines_0.1" name="/usr/bin/pulseaudio" pid=18966 comm="qmlscene" requested_mask="x" denied_mask="x" fsuid=32011 ouid=010:34
popeyapparmour denials10:34
mzanettiI see10:34
popeyFailed to create secure directory (/run/user/32011/pulse): Permission denied10:34
popeyin app log10:34
* popey reboots10:35
mzanettiyep, makes sense10:35
mzanettipopey: no...10:35
popeytoo late, sorry ☹10:35
mzanettipopey: I'm afraid I just didn't test that yet10:35
mzanettiso won't work10:35
bzoltanpopey: could you help me to push that fix of the sudoku app?10:36
mzanettipopey: uploading new package with audio policy enabled10:36
popeywhat fix?10:36
popeymzanetti: yay10:36
popeybzoltan: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/sudoku-app/autopilot-workaround_dialog/+merge/246255 ?10:37
bzoltanpopey: Yes, that is the one10:37
popeybzoltan: ok, but I tried running those tests and they fail, can you help me figure out what I am missing?10:38
bzoltanpopey:  I captured it with my new landing ...as I added a new CPO for dialog and autopilot is a bit sensitive :)10:38
bzoltanpopey:  you are missing the new UITK from the silo110:38
popeywill that work on 14.10?10:38
bzoltanpopey:  do not know...10:39
bzoltanpopey: the test will not .. as Utopic does not have that CPO10:40
bzoltanpopey:  unless the developer installs the staging edition of the UITK for Utopic10:40
bzoltanpopey: component proxy object10:40
bzoltanpopey:  but you have valid point that from this point the AP of that app will not run on 14.10 desktop and on RTM ...10:41
bzoltanpopey:  but that is the price of not backporting the UITK  :(10:42
popeyI cant help then.10:42
popeyI only have 14.10 systems10:42
bzoltanpopey: Who can help?10:44
bzoltanpopey: you need a device with 15.04 + silo1 UITK10:45
bzoltanpopey:  the desktop can be even 14.0410:45
popeyI said I have a 14.10 desktop, you said you didn't know if it would work, now you say it works on 14.04?10:46
AkivaAvrahamHey everyone ; First working version of the Ubuntu SDK autopilot3 plugin! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTNWyXj94HE&feature=youtu.be10:48
popeyAkivaAvraham: video is private10:48
AkivaAvrahampopey, try again10:49
AkivaAvrahamahhh my soothing voice, that doesnt mumble at all :)10:55
bzoltanpopey: ehh...I know it is confusing. It works on device target where the device is on 15.04. But of course the testing can be started on Trusty and Utopic too. The phablet-test-run does not use the host environment. But obviously the 14.04 or 14.10 desktops are still not supported as runtime environment.10:58
bzoltanpopey:  same old story :) target =/= host10:58
rpadovaniARGH I lost an hour of study and I'm still not able to pas level 9!! You created a quite addictive game mzanetti and mivoligo :D10:59
mzanettirpadovani: so, did you get some proper tower now?11:00
justCarakaswaht game ?11:00
rpadovanimzanetti, yes, but I'm not able to use them as I should I suppose11:00
mzanettijustCarakas: http://notyetthere.org/data/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.machines-vs-machines_0.1_armhf.click11:00
* DanChapman is stuck on level 7 atm11:00
mzanettiDanChapman: difficulty?11:01
rpadovanimzanetti, is the click for RTM or devel?11:01
justCarakasI hope RTM :p11:01
mzanettivivid, although I guess it should run on both11:01
justCarakasoki, ill try it after work11:01
mzanettigiven the game still runs trusty11:01
justCarakasor can I install the game from my phone ?11:02
justCarakaswith wget or something11:02
popeythats what I did :D11:02
DanChapmanmzanetti: errm medium i think... Is that the default? i just hit "Play" :-D11:02
rpadovanimzanetti, ARGH, so now I can lose my time without turning on my computer? Shame on you :P11:02
mzanettithen I think it's medium11:02
popeyit is11:02
justCarakasis there an easy way to get a link from your desktop to your phone ? I must have made a type but I don't find it, i get a 404 in wget11:06
AkivaAvrahampopey, do you know who works on the ubuntu sdk plugins? I'd like to get their feedback and criticisms, and see if I can get it merged into the sdk.11:07
popeyAkivaAvraham: bzoltan ^11:08
AkivaAvrahamcool beans11:08
bzoltanAkivaAvraham: what can I do for you?11:09
AkivaAvrahambzoltan, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTNWyXj94HE -- TLDW : Run individual Autopilot3 tests from qtcreator.11:09
AkivaAvrahambzoltan, its the first working version.https://launchpad.net/qtcreator-plugin-autopilot11:10
AkivaAvrahambzoltan, criticisms welcome.11:11
justCarakasI went to the link in the browser and I get sorry there aren't currently any apps installed that can handle this type (trying to download the click) maybe that is something that needs fixing ?11:11
justCarakaspopey: is there a way to past in the terminal app ?11:13
popeyjustCarakas: no11:14
justCarakasok, ill install the game tonight than :p11:14
popeyjustCarakas: wget http://tinyurl.com/mhouyqe11:14
justCarakasow :D11:14
popeyshorter for you to type ☻11:14
justCarakashow come i didn't think of that XD11:15
mzanettipopey: I guess his issues are with installing though11:15
popeydont think so11:15
bzoltanAkivaAvraham: It is very impressive.11:15
bzoltanAkivaAvraham: things I would suggest to work on:11:15
justCarakasthanks popey11:15
AkivaAvrahamgo for it; make a list and I'll get them done.11:15
popeyjustCarakas: pkcon install-local --allow-untrusted com. <tap tap> to autocomplete11:16
bzoltanAkivaAvraham: 1. Device integration. Running tests on the desktop is less important than running them on emulator or on an Ubuntu phone.11:16
justCarakas:) you just answered the question I was typing, are you mind reading XD11:16
AkivaAvrahambzoltan, ah that will be a tall order; but I think doable11:16
bzoltanAkivaAvraham: 2. I would skip the project selection part, let's pull in the active project's tests11:17
AkivaAvrahambzoltan, mmmm hmmm.11:17
bzoltanAkivaAvraham: I prefer integration11:17
AkivaAvrahambzoltan, Agreed. this was easier, so I did it. I'll get that done though.11:18
bzoltanAkivaAvraham:  So I like the idea and it could land on the SDK. Just make it generic with devices and use the active project11:18
AkivaAvrahambzoltan, great! I'll work towards that. I'll try to do the devices tommorrow; do you know if this can be accomplished with a pure command line argument?11:19
bzoltanAkivaAvraham: let me show it to zbenjamin and let's have some regular catchup to figure out what we really want. I do love the idea and the implementation. We just need to make sure that it is nicely integrated to the flow of the Ubuntu SDK11:19
* zbenjamin looks11:19
bzoltanAkivaAvraham: I do not think so...11:19
bzoltanzbenjamin:  it sounds like a special Run config11:20
AkivaAvrahambzoltan, A good challenge then ~11:20
AkivaAvrahambzoltan, unfortunately I don't have a device; can this be accomplished with just the emulator?11:21
bzoltanAkivaAvraham:  I think the emulator should be a legit target device for testing. But I admit that I have never tried that11:23
* bzoltan is spoiled with devices11:23
AkivaAvrahambzoltan, how do you typically run tests on devices? I presume you are ssh'ing into them or something?11:24
zbenjaminbzoltan: AkivaAvraham: running on the device is a bit more challanging because you deal with installed click packages.11:24
zbenjaminbzoltan: AkivaAvraham: i do not know how to start tests on those tbh11:24
zbenjaminbzoltan: AkivaAvraham: but i could imagine that this would be runconfigurations automatically created when you load the project11:25
bzoltanzbenjamin:  phablet-test-run11:25
zbenjaminbzoltan: ok are the tests defined somewhere? like in the manifest file?11:25
AkivaAvrahambzoltan, ah, so you use phablet to interface with devices? I thought that was just for the emulator11:26
bzoltanAkivaAvraham: zbenjamin: Yes, I just run phablet-test-run "test name"11:26
AkivaAvrahamzbenjamin, oh that should be easy then.11:26
bzoltanAkivaAvraham: zbenjamin: you need the -s serial number11:26
bzoltanHello ogra_, nice to see you11:26
zbenjaminogra_: hey :) how do you find these always? ;)11:27
AkivaAvrahambzoltan, yah if its just that command line argument...11:27
AkivaAvrahambzoltan, I presume a working directory is not needed?11:27
ogra_zbenjamin, well, given i have to throw them around at times my browser has them in the URLbar history :)11:27
ogra_hey bzoltan11:27
zbenjaminogra_: do you have docs on how to package tests correctly?11:28
ogra_no, but i know baloons does, wait til he gets up11:28
zbenjaminballoons: get up ;)11:29
ogra_you have to stand in line behind popey11:29
popeyI'll happily kick you all so he only sees my requests ☻11:30
* AkivaAvraham wish he had a device :| Any word on a third ubuntu touch device, hopefully one with US/Canada Bandwidths?11:34
popeynot yet11:34
popeyWill the rumoured Meizu MX4 not work there?11:34
bzoltanAkivaAvraham:  Are not there cheaper used nexus devices around?11:35
AkivaAvrahampopey, not on my network.11:35
AkivaAvrahampopey, wind. Sprint isn't in canada11:35
popeyoh, is it CDMA?11:35
AkivaAvrahambzoltan, Maybe there are some.11:35
AkivaAvrahampopey, I forget, I just remember checking the bandwidths against bq and the mx4; neither supported it11:36
bzoltanAkivaAvraham: I think if you buy a used one then you can sell it forward few months later with little loose11:36
AkivaAvrahamI could switch phone companies... maybe I can get a decent deal. Its just that phones suck in Canada.11:36
bzoltanAkivaAvraham:  switch country :D11:37
rpadovanimzanetti, popey music ingame works on RTM11:37
popeylooks like it does HSPA+ and HSPA which the mx4 does11:37
AkivaAvrahambzoltan, not a bad idea.11:37
popeyrpadovani: ta11:37
mzanettirpadovani: yeah, I uplaoded a fixed package by now11:37
AkivaAvrahamThe WCDMA 3G frequencies cover much of the world, but the MX4 does not support AWS (1700) which is used by carriers in the USA (T-Mobile, for example) and Canada (Wind, for example).11:38
rpadovanimzanetti, mhh I downloaded it like 1 hour ago - md5sum is 1cc1e1916710a347e324cbbc48dd1d22 - is the last one you published?11:39
popeyAkivaAvraham: awwww11:39
mzanettirpadovani: 11:4211:39
mzanettirpadovani: "like 1 hour ago" :)11:40
mzanettiseems you got the new one11:40
AkivaAvrahamI just want to stick with wind. 21 per month equals full phone + texting, and unlimited (No cap) data.11:41
mzanettiinteresting... didn't know Wind exists in canada too11:42
AkivaAvrahammzanetti, are you in the US? Personally I'd like to use Ting, but they arent available here.11:43
mzanettiAkivaAvraham: I used this for a while: http://www.wind.it/it/privati/11:43
mzanettiuntil roaming with german SIM card in italy became cheaper than using italian sim cards in italy11:43
AkivaAvrahamoh nice11:43
mzanettiEU ftw11:44
AkivaAvrahamwaht? crazy11:44
rpadovaniand since next december probably in all europe there will not be roaming anymore11:48
mzanettistupidest thing ever11:48
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rpadovanimzanetti, http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-14-373_en.htm11:54
mivoligomzanetti: small bug, I forgot to change LevelSplash.qml to use new svg stars :P11:58
mzanettimivoligo: Ah, yesterday I thought "something looks weird" on that screen11:59
mivoligomzanetti: I'm at level 6 btw (medium)12:00
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dholbachdpm, do we have a piece of text to replace the /training page with? or did I misunderstand your last email?12:26
dpmdholbach, no, just the virtualbox section12:29
dholbachyes, that's what I meant12:29
dholbachbut we don't have that piece of text yet, right? Shall I get in touch with Bin?12:30
dpmdholbach, Bin & co. created the kylin live usb image, and wanted to put the instructions somewhere, so I suggested that page. I'm not sure if they've got a text yet, and it might be for the Chinese site only. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea12:31
dholbachdpm, as Kylin will probably be a bit harder to use for non-Chinese users, it will probably make sense to only put this up on the Chinese site12:31
dholbachI can update the virtualbox image to the newest utopic in the meantime12:32
dholbachalthough it'd be good to come up with a better alternative soon ;-)12:32
dpmI know, I know :)12:32
mivoligomzanetti: when I click OK on the level results window and it transition to level selection, I can see the failed star for a split second12:47
mzanettimivoligo: mhm... please report a bug12:49
mivoligomzanetti: reported, short video attached :)13:14
mzanettiok, thanks13:15
mivoligorpadovani: I'm failing on level 9 too :D13:30
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bu5hm4nhello, are the devs of lib appindicator online?14:39
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rickspencer3elopio, hey, I just created a simple ubuntu project, and it looks like the template is still not updated16:30
rickspencer3is there a place where I can see what I need to change to make the generated test run?16:31
rickspencer3balloons, do you know package I need to install to get import ubuntuuitoolkit to work?16:42
balloonsrickspencer3, ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot16:43
rickspencer3maybe we should install that along with the sdk?16:44
balloonsrickspencer3, the ubuntu-sdk meta package should pull ubuntu-ui-toolkit, but not the ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot I believe16:44
rickspencer3balloons, well, it doesn't seem logical to generate code that won't run because of unmet dependencies16:45
balloonsif ubuntu-sdk pulled ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot, it would make the sdk metapakcage dependent on autopilot16:45
balloonsrickspencer3, that is a very good point actually16:45
balloonsthat said, is qmltestrunner installed by default?16:45
rickspencer3elopio, nm, the tests run fine if I have the right stuff installed :)16:46
rickspencer3balloons, I dunno16:46
elopiorickspencer3: we are updating them as part of our current sprint.16:47
rickspencer3elopio, nice16:47
elopiowe started yesterday, and will have it merged and relesead by friday next week.16:47
bzoltanballoons: the ubuntu-sdk pulls the ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot16:51
bzoltanballoons: as defined here -> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.vivid/view/head:/sdk16:52
balloonswhen he's correct, he's correct: http://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/ubuntu-sdk16:52
balloonsrickspencer3, might want to make sure ubuntu-sdk is actually installed :-)16:53
rickspencer3ok, it must be that I installed it so long ago16:53
rickspencer3I'm on 14.04 here16:53
rickspencer3balloons, did the ap sdk docs ever get up? if so, could you paste me a link please?16:53
balloonsrickspencer3, they did, but they are outdated. For the moment, this is the best place to look: http://people.canonical.com/~nskaggs/autopilot-sdk-helpers.html16:54
balloonsbzoltan, notice http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/ubuntu-sdk doesn't contain the ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot dependency. So this must be new for utopic16:57
rickspencer3balloons, what is the recommended way to click a button in autopilot?16:58
balloonsrickspencer3, if it's not an action header or toolbar button, just select the button object and click it. So something like button = self.app.select_single('Button'), button.click_object()17:00
balloonssorry.. self.app.click_object(button)17:00
bzoltanballoons:  true, the trusty ubuntu-sdk metapackage is different17:03
rickspencer3balloons, so,it's not working for me, is there any documentation I can look at?17:04
balloonsrickspencer3, here's the specific method I told you to use: https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-14.10/python/autopilot/api/autopilot.input.html#autopilot.input.Pointer.click_object17:07
balloonsalso the tutorial on d.u.c actually gives an example of using a button: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/qml/tutorials/writing-qml-acceptance-tests/17:08
balloonsrickspencer3, I also note I said self.app.click_object; but that really needs to be a pointing device object. I assume the setup code Leo helped you with declares a pointing_device already, so you should use that17:11
rickspencer3balloons, it does not, and I cannot see in the docks what I need to import for the pointing device module17:12
* rickspencer3 assumes 17:12
rickspencer3from autopilot.input import Pointer17:12
balloonsrickspencer3, the sdk helpers can help you out here too: self.pointing_device = ubuntuuitoolkit.get_pointing_device()17:14
rickspencer3balloons, that seems more robust, as in will run on desktop or phones17:15
* rickspencer3 tries17:15
balloonsrickspencer3, right, it will return the mouse or touch as needed17:15
* rickspencer3 changes keyboard to use helper too17:17
rickspencer3basically, I guess the guidance should be to never instantiate the Keyboard or Pointer directly17:17
balloonsrickspencer3, right I would agree. Overall the AP docs need to have a little more app dev focus. I appreciate the feedback as we're working on updating them.17:19
balloonsPreviously you did something like from autopilot.input import Mouse, Touch, Pointer, then manually check to see what device (desktop, touch, etc) and instantiate the pointing_device you needed.17:20
rickspencer3balloons, yeah17:20
rickspencer3so, that's what the documentation still says :)17:20
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popeymzanetti: mivoligo imo the coins should move to the right, to be the last thing in the row18:15
popeyrather than hearts18:15
popeyon many occasions I look to the top right and think I have 10 coins, but actually it's 10 lives18:15
popeyand wonder why i cant deploy a unit, so look again and think "wtf, its going down!"18:15
ahayzenmzanetti, i got "No such file or directory: 'levelpacks/machines-vs-machines/sounds/level.json'" ... when running setup.py the second time...did i run it in the wrong dir or something?18:20
popeymzanetti: also, i agree the towers should always be visible at the bottom18:20
ahayzenpopey, new music app \o/18:28
mzanettipopey: that'll change once the towers become more expensive :D18:32
mzanettipopey: but good point, will see how it works out when swapped18:33
mzanettiahayzen: delete the lpbuild directory18:33
ahayzenmzanetti, ok :)18:33
mzanettiahayzen: and do a bzr pull of the app18:33
ahayzenmzanetti, that seems to be working thanks :)18:34
popeyahayzen: yay18:34
ahayzenpopey, and new media-hub just landed in rtm \o/ ... hint try unplugged headphones while playing music18:40
popeybit "busy" right now18:40
ahayzenhaha building towers?18:40
popeyhmm, music from your game carries on after i lock the screen18:50
* ahayzen wonders what role they are using18:51
popeymight be my odd flo18:53
popeyI added a ppa and dist-upgraded18:53
popeyahayzen: what are you expecting from plug/unplug phones?18:54
ahayzenpopey, music to stop :)18:54
popeymaybe I need to update my device18:54
popeyit just flips between speaker/headphones here18:54
ahayzenpopey, on #161 mako18:55
ahayzenpopey, was release 20mins ago :)18:55
popey191 krillin18:55
ahayzen#192 ;)18:55
popey\o/ updates18:55
popeywe love updates18:55
* ahayzen wonders if the next one will fix media-keys...18:55
popeyooh, music 782 also ㋛18:55
ahayzenhehe a 'media' update :)18:56
popeyahayzen: yay! works18:59
popeyplays for a tiny bit from the speakers18:59
ahayzenpopey, yey no more walking in to lectures and making loud noises.... yeah a tiny bit :/18:59
ahayzenpopey, so it fixes if your bluetooth speaker turns off... and if you get a phone call etc as well19:00
ahayzenpopey, as those cases would end up with music blasting out of somewhere as well19:00
popeyi have a bug about that somewhere ☻19:01
ahayzenpopey, yeah there were *many*19:01
popeyfood o'clock19:05
mivoligomzanetti: I had the same problem as popey with looking at 10 hearts instead of money today. But that didn't happen before when we used $ sign. I wonder if that might have something to do with it19:42
mzanettimivoligo: I thought the same19:43
mzanettiMaybe we should just get back to the dollar sign and leave it be19:43
mivoligomzanetti: I would do that for now. We can always change that in an update19:44
mzanettiwill revert that one19:44
mzanettimivoligo: what about the white locked levels?19:44
mivoligoI like them white :)19:44
mivoligomzanetti: what do you think?19:45
mzanettiyep, agreed19:45
mzanettiotherwise the empty white stars are too high contrast imo19:46
mivoligoyes, and it'd be consistent with the ubuntu shape in info dialog19:47
mivoligomzanetti: what do you think about the tower animation?19:48
mzanettiit's funny :)19:49
mzanettimerged it already19:49
mivoligodoes it work? I didn't check in game :P19:50
mzanettiyes, it works. it doesn't 100% match what's happening, as the tower also shoots when they're pulled in...19:52
mzanettibut not a big problem19:52
mivoligomzanetti: what do you think about changing the sound for that tower? I think when you have lots of them on the board, they sound more like music drums than a weapon :D19:55
mzanettimivoligo: feel free to find another one :)19:55
mivoligook :)19:56
mivoligo1mzanetti: my son just asked me why we use Monopoly money :D20:12
mzanettidoes that look like that?20:13
mivoligo1I have to check20:13
mzanettihmm, not really20:13
mivoligo1mzanetti: I still see the fail star when I click ok :(20:24
mzanettiyou should try not to fail :P20:25
mzanettiwill have a look20:25
mzanettiare you sure you pulled the changes?20:25
mivoligo1sorry, afk for now20:26
rickspencer3hey, does anyone have any qml code to make it easy to add a bottom edge tab?20:38
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DanChapmanrickspencer3: http://ubuntu-component-store.readthedocs.org/en/latest/_components/pagewithbottomedge.html is the most used component for it atm20:41
rickspencer3hi DanChapman20:41
rickspencer3DanChapman, this looks awesome20:41
DanChapmanrickspencer3 :-) Yes nik90_ and aquarius are doing a real nice job of creating something to enable sharing of components.20:46
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t1mpahayzen: hello21:02
t1mpahayzen: I have a fix for your bug, see https://code.launchpad.net/~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/headContentsWidth/+merge/24632221:02
ahayzent1mp, o/21:02
t1mpahayzen: feel free to test it and comment on the MR :)21:02
ahayzent1mp, yey thanks :) ... do you have those cmds handy to run the ui-toolkit ? or are they somewhere in the branch?21:02
ahayzent1mp, i've found it :)21:07
t1mpahayzen: sorry for my slow answer.. my irc client froze and I didn't notice so I thought you were not answering21:08
t1mpbut you found it :)21:08
ahayzent1mp, no worries, its in the README \o/ :)21:08
t1mpnik90_, aquarius:  I just discovered http://ubuntu-component-store.readthedocs.org/en/latest/index.html looks really good!21:08
t1mpahayzen: to try it out: bzr branch lp:~tpeeters/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/headContentsWidth && cd headContentsWidth && qmake && make && source export_modules_dir.sh, and then run your from the same terminal.21:09
ahayzent1mp, yep its just building :)21:09
ahayzent1mp, yey it fixes the bug :) i'll comment and approve21:10
t1mpahayzen: thanks :) I'll ask zsombi tomorrow to top-approve it.21:11
ahayzensweet :)21:11
mivoligo1mzanetti: I checked our Monopoly set and although there's no such sign on the notes, there is one on these property cards :) different font though21:16
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