
AlanBellUnit193: what is the plan for Drone?00:12
Unit193AlanBell: To use it in #kubuntu, #ubuntu, and likely #ubuntu+1 if needed.  It's been in debug mode past few months, which means it reports to -monitor when it'd take action, and it generally has better coverage of the different types of attacks than unopaste/AttackProtector does.  I sent a message to the list that outlines the features and plan, though a couple things have changed since.00:15
AlanBellOK, so what action do you want me to take? retire unopaste?00:18
Unit193Just for #ubuntu right now.00:18
AlanBellUnit193: sorry, broadband went down, not sure if I missed something there00:33
Unit193<+Unit193> Just for #ubuntu right now.00:33
Unit193Not sure if you'd want to add someone as an admin in case the test doesn't go well, but I see you're the only one.00:35
AlanBell00:36 -!- unopaste [meetingolo@ubuntu/bot/unopaste] has left #ubuntu ["AlanBell"]00:36
Unit193OK, and I've enabled Drone` now.  Thanks.00:37
AlanBellunopaste was in #kubuntu, #ubuntu, #ubuntu-irc, #ubuntu-release-party, #ubuntu-sandbox, and #unopaste00:37
=== jpds is now known as Guest41488
rwwI set cmode -j on #ubuntu while everything's bouncing around, so we don't get as much -unregged forwarding21:45
rwwwill reset +j 5:10 when it calms down21:46
=== popey_ is now known as popey
rwwreset +j22:15
* rww wanders off22:15

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