
alesageelopio I'm having trouble getting a raw UnityTestCase going, can't get past a missing def for GRID_UNIT_PX, don't appear to be doing anything differently from any other unity8 test, any ideas?01:11
elopioalesage: yes, I saw that last week. I don't know where that var went, and we need to make that use a default value if there is none.01:13
elopiothat won't happen on the phone01:13
alesageelopio eeenteresting, ok01:14
elopioand you can set the value anyway.01:14
alesageelopio, ok I'll set up a temporary check01:14
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elfypitti: you got a minute - been looking at systemd-sysv in a vm - supposed to see upstart stanza in grub afterwards, not here - grub doesn't appear to change, but it DOES boot with systemd seemingly - both before and after grub.cfg's here http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9726418/08:07
pittielfy: hey!08:08
elfynot sure if I'm going mad - or there is in fact something up with that ;)08:08
pittielfy: can you try what happens after "sudo update-grub"?08:08
elfyand good morning to you :)08:08
pittielfy: save the previous file first, for diffing08:08
elfyoh bah08:08
elfyforgot that :D08:08
pittielfy: well, I'm not sure whether you are supposed to run this manually; I think it should happen automatically08:08
pittibut first, does that actually work? (this was just a wild guess)08:09
elfypitti: never mind - just an elfy fail ...08:10
elfynot really thinking - just did what https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers#Permanent_switch says08:10
elfynow that I've also updated grub it all looks right :)08:10
pittielfy: I at least add that there08:11
elfymight be good - others might just follow that without thinking as well :D08:11
pittielfy: done08:12
pittielfy: many thanks for pointing this out!08:12
elfyother than that - not had any problems at all for this cycle with systemd08:12
elfythe only nvidia update I had worked ok - last cycle had a couple of issues there08:13
pittielfy: nice!08:13
pittimany thanks for verifying the instructions08:13
elfywelcome :)08:13
elfypitti: what's the current plan for defaulting to systemd?08:14
pittielfy: we'll have the mini-sprint this week to convert remaining upstart jobs, then some more items to fix on https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1411-systemd-migration08:15
pittielfy: so I hope we can flip the switch end of Jan/start of Feb08:15
pittifor desktop/server/cloud08:15
pittitouch might take a little longer, but is relatively independent08:15
pittiand then next cycle address session upstart08:15
pittisorry, need to run out for a doctor appointment, bbl08:15
elfythanks for the info - cya :)08:17
elopiogood morning!14:20
elopioballoons, alesage, charles: for this week that we don't have to wait for veebers, we could make the stand up meeting earlier and then rhuddie won't have to stay late.14:21
elopiois it ok for you to move the meeting 3 hours?14:21
rhuddieelopio, good morning. sounds good to me :)14:22
paulliuelopio: I pushed a commit to the branch.14:49
paulliuelopio: BTW, can I run a method of a QML object?14:49
paulliuelopio: I mean, if we directly call IndicatorsMenu.show(), we can just open it rather than use the input stuff.14:50
elopiopaulliu: nice, I'm looking at it.14:50
elopioyou can't call a qml method.14:50
elopiopaulliu: and I think you can't edit the checked property. Does that work?14:52
paulliuelopio: yeah. I think I'll change it with the input click.14:52
elopiopaulliu: we have a Checkbox custom proxy object14:53
elopioself.select_single(ubuntuuitoolkit.CheckBox, objectName='switcher')14:53
paulliuelopio: Also I cannot open the tab because it needs to be done in the main_window.14:53
elopioand then you will have methods to check and uncheck.14:53
paulliuelopio: ok. cool. I'll use it.14:53
elopiopaulliu: which tab?14:53
paulliuelopio: I mean the IndicatorsMenu...14:54
paulliuelopio: the current open method in my commit doesn't work because the height is not enough to open it.14:54
elopiopaulliu: I think it should be self.globalRect.y + self.globalRect.height14:55
paulliuelopio: ok14:55
elopioI will give a try to your branch soon. But you are of course in the right track.14:55
paulliuelopio: Let me fix the issues, and then I'll ping you.14:56
charleselopio, balloons, alesage, I can't make today's meeting if we move it 3 hours earlier (ie, ~1h from now) but feel free to go without me; alesage can report our progress15:22
alesagerhuddie, I'm ok with moving mtg btw15:45
alesageelopio, meeting in half an hour or so ok with moi15:53
elopioballoons: charles? ^ are you ok too?15:54
balloonselopio, meeting in 5 mins?15:54
balloonsI can do it15:54
elopioballoons: 3515:54
balloonsahh, I can do that too15:55
paulliuelopio: pushed. Should work now.16:06
elopio paulliu: awesome.16:06
elopiopaulliu: you are invited to our meeting too. It's in 25 minutes.16:07
elopioI'll update the calendar. I hope charles can make it.16:07
paulliuelopio: ok16:08
charleselopio, I'm about to go afk, I can make it at same time tomorrow though16:08
charlespaulliu, elopio, alesage, I'll be back in ~90 minutes16:08
elopiocharles: ok, sorry about the late notice. I'll16:09
elopiomeet with you in 90 so we update the doc with your status.16:09
elopiopaulliu: confirmed it works.16:24
elopiopaulliu: when willl you EOD today?16:24
paulliufew hours later I think.16:24
paulliuSo, should we proposed it? I think it still needs some minor tweaks.16:25
paulliuAnd then I'll start on the PowerIndicatorHelper.16:25
elopiopaulliu: ok, I want to make some small style changes and try a couple of structure changes of the custom proxy objects16:25
paulliuelopio: ok16:26
elopiopaulliu: after the meeting, I'll start making small changes and discussing them with you here.16:26
paulliuelopio: ok16:26
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elopionuclearbob: (or somebody  else) do you know how to call a cpp method from python?17:02
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nuclearbobelopio: no17:16
elopiopaulliu: I pushed a first change, onlyy with style fixes so the branch passes pep8 and pep257.17:18
elopioyou can run flake8 to get most of the errors.17:18
paulliuelopio: ok17:22
paulliuelopio: I also fix the test_indicators.py by flake8.17:43
elopiopaulliu: cool, thanks. Now I'm trying to improve the hierarchy of the custom proxy objects.17:44
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elopiopaulliu: I've pushed a reorg of the cpos. Please review it anad let me know what do you think.17:58
paulliuelopio: ok.17:58
paulliuelopio: super cool. So when we do select_single, it will look-ups all the Classes and check with validate_dbus_object() class method?18:19
elopiopaulliu: yes. Autopiliot has a cache of objects that it checks for matches.18:20
elopioit has some implementation problems, but works ok with some care.18:21
elopiopaulliu: is there a way to set the orientation lock without the ui?18:21
elopiolike calling a dbus method?18:21
paulliuelopio: Let me check the plugins.18:22
paulliuelopio: I think yes. the indicator-display provides it.18:24
paulliuelopio: /com/canonical/indicator/rotation_lock18:25
elopiopaulliu: ok. I'm happy with the helpers, and looking at the tests now.18:26
elopioideally, we will start the test with the rotation unlocked.18:26
paulliuelopio: qdbus com.canonical.indicator.rotation_lock /com/canonical/indicator/rotation_lock18:26
paulliuelopio: ok18:26
elopioso we need to use a fixture during the test set up that unlocks the rotation, and that during the test clean up returns it to the original value.18:27
elopiosecond thing, we need to query the rotation value, to make sure that when the checkbox is checked, it is locked and when it is unchecked it is unlocked.18:27
elopiopaulliu: and third, we need to simulate a rotation and check that the shell respects or ignores it. For that we need what dandrader is writing.18:28
elopiodoes it make sense?18:28
paulliuelopio: yes.18:28
elopio paulliu: oh, one more thing. Check the checkbox, and assert that the icon is displayed in the top bar.18:29
elopiopaulliu: have you used python fixtures before?18:29
paulliuelopio: no.18:29
elopiopaulliu: take a look at tests/autopilot/unity8/shell/fixture_setup.py18:30
elopiowe need one called RotationLock, that receives a state as an argument. On set up makes sure that the state is set, and on cleanup it returns the lock to the original value.18:31
paulliuelopio: ok18:32
paulliuelopio: got it.18:33
elopiopaulliu: would you want to pair to write the tests, or do you want to give it a try on your own?18:34
paulliuelopio: why we use dbus-send command rather than using python dbus stuff?18:34
elopiopaulliu: I just copied it from somewhere else. You are right, the python dbus makes it look nicer.18:35
paulliuelopio: yeah, I'll try it myself first. And see how it goes.18:36
dkesselelfy: fyi, I am affected by bug 1410406 and thus cannot dogfood vivid atm...18:38
ubot5bug 1410406 in lightdm-gtk-greeter (Ubuntu) "black screen after booting, 100% cpu usage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141040618:38
elfythanks for letting me know though :)18:39
balloonsdkessel, wow.. ouch!18:39
dkesselballoons: yup...18:39
* balloons decides maybe he won't reboot18:39
paulliuelopio: Because the timezone diff is too large for us to be paired. So I'll try to write a version and check with you later.18:40
dkesseli updated yesterday or the day before. so i guess if you haven't had it today, you're fine...18:40
elfyI must have updated and rebooted with that then18:41
balloonsI updated this morning and was planning on rebooting this afternoon18:41
balloonsI'll wait a few hours before I do so now ;-)18:42
elopiopaulliu: agree. I think we can continue by mail.18:43
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* dkessel says "buon anno" to Letozaf_ while leaving. I missed your message the other day21:06
Letozaf_dkessel, buona anno to you too :) thanks21:06
Letozaf_balloons, this mp is still pending https://code.launchpad.net/~carla-sella/ubuntu-docviewer-app/test-go-to-page-pdf-file/+merge/244690 you remember why ?21:12
balloonshello Letozaf_21:12
Letozaf_balloons, hello :)21:13
balloonsLetozaf_, weird, I approved it; why did it never merge?21:13
Letozaf_balloons, do not know, at least do not remember why21:13
balloonsthe pre-req did merge21:13
Letozaf_balloons, could it just got forgotten ?21:13
balloonsyou want to resubmit perhaps to get jenkins to re-pick it up?21:13
Letozaf_balloons, ok21:14
balloonsLetozaf_, let me try and force it first21:14
Letozaf_balloons, ok thanks21:14
Letozaf_balloons, howzit ?21:16
balloonsLetozaf_, excellent actually. I found out my wrist is not broken, just quite sore :-)21:17
Letozaf_balloons, good, so you will recover sooner :)21:17
balloonsLetozaf_, merged.. odd it didn't before, but :-)21:26
Letozaf_balloons, thanks, I just think it got stuck :)21:26

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