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ruben23hi guys anyone cna help how to add additonal ssh-keys on an existing ubuntu server -i have na existing one and its pretty working ok..03:02
ruben23hi guys when i ssh-keygen -t rsa on  my ubuntu server it generates my public key and copy this to my authorized_keys but how do i ssh putty on the server after..?04:42
electricfred_Newbie with a prob.  Installing ubuntu server 12.4 onto ausu eeebox 1030 (reused machine) installs, but does not seem to boot  screen goes off, no keyboard or power switch function.  ISO created using ubuntu startup creator.  Anyone have suggestions?05:04
electricfred_seems a common problem on forums, but no one seems to have a solution.05:16
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lordievaderGood morning.08:58
Alina-malinaany tools to identify browsers of clients for ubuntu?09:45
lordievaderAlina-malina: Doesn't Apache already note that?09:58
Alina-malinait mess the user_agent09:59
Alina-malinaand cant determine09:59
Alina-malinai need something like fingerprints or something like that10:00
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lordievaderAlina-malina: That is what the browser itself sends out...10:00
Alina-malinayes, well i thought maybe some additonal things that can inject into browser10:00
Alina-malinathanks for help10:00
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Arknshi to everyone. I have a acer one with ubuntu server, no gui/desktop just terminal/console. does anyone knows something like teamviewer to share terminal? This computer is behind NAT so I cannot use a ssh.11:21
xperiahi all. small question how can i increase the memory allocation for iptables ? at the moment i am getting this error message whenever i try to add a iptables rule to a specific chain => iptables: Memory allocation problem12:15
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lnxmenWhat I need to set up in domain to configure mail server on CDN? CDN has a different IP than productive server.12:47
adscxperia: do you have a multi-cpu system?12:48
adscxperia: because afaik iptables makes a copy of the ruleset for each cpu, so it's possible you simply run out of system memory whith really large rulesets on a multicpu machine12:49
xperiaadsc: yes i have a quad core cpu. the people at netfilter said i should switch to a 64 Bit Kernel because => "i.e. 1GB limit for kernel memory. moreover, iptables uses vmalloc area which is limited to 128mbyte on 32bit kernel"12:50
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xperiai ahve also hughe problems with setting up ipset. it looks like ipset is not availble anymore or does not work with ubuntu. at least i am not able to rebuild it anymore on ubuntu.12:52
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adscxperia: and you can't switch to a 64bit kernel?12:54
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xperiaadsc: well this will need a total revision of the server as everything need to be switched to 64 Bit i think or i am wrong ? if it is only the kernel it would be easy. guess need a full new install of a new server.12:56
adscyeah, it would be best if you could do a new install12:56
xperiaadsc: more new additional work ohhhhh ! thank you lot for your replys and answers.  appreciate it.12:58
coreycbjamespage, glance systemd updates - https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/glance/systemd13:18
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jamespagecoreycb, no templating?14:16
coreycbjamespage, I just went with what Debian had14:17
coreycbjamespage, I can take a stab at templates if you prefer14:17
jamespagecoreycb, +114:17
jamespageit should be a rename of the files and stripping out most of the content14:17
coreycbjamespage, ok I'll work up some templates14:18
StuxnetHi all. Quick question. I know this isn't a security channel but in the context of SSH'ing to a headless server with PuTTY, is there a way to revoke a private/public key pair generated in puttygen (I don't see the option) or is shredding the private and public key files sufficient?14:20
Stuxnet(Redoing keys due to accidentally not saving the passphrase)14:20
maswanStuxnet: it is sufficient to destroy the copies of the private key14:25
lordievaderStuxnet: Remove it from the authorized keys file?14:25
maswanStuxnet: you might want to take it out from authorized_keys, that's roughly equivalent to revoking it14:25
maswan(if you remember all of them)14:25
StuxnetOkay, I did that first. I'm just going to shred the key file that was saved from puttygen. Thanks guys!14:28
bananapieis there a parameter for the dhclient command that allows me to get an IP but ignore all other options OR simply display the IP received by dhclient but not actually set it?14:54
rbasakbananapie: you might be able to replace dhclient-script with -sf with a trivial wrapper that just prints arguments and environment. I'm not sure if that'll work but hopefully that's a start if you can't find anything else.15:02
jamespagecoreycb, hmm horizon - do you have a kilo-1 mp for that?15:11
coreycbjamespage, I didn't create an mp yet but I can.  It's waiting on python-pint getting to main.15:13
jamespagecoreycb, create it now - I'll review and upload15:13
jamespageit can sit in the queue and then as soon as the MIR lands, it goes in15:13
coreycbjamespage, https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/horizon/2015.1-b1/+merge/24631415:13
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hxmhello, i keep getting errors like this datatec named[495]: error (unexpected RCODE REFUSED) resolving 'datatec.es/A/IN':
hxmi was looking in named.conf.* but i dont see anything15:40
jamespagecoreycb, I can see the pint dependency15:48
coreycbjamespage, can't see it?15:49
jamespagecoreycb, in the upstream requirements files?15:49
jamespagecoreycb, oh wait I'm being dumb15:50
coreycbjamespage, ok15:51
jamespagecoreycb, horizon uploaded16:25
jamespagecoreycb, it will build just fine and pull in a runtime dep on pint16:25
coreycbjamespage, great, thanks16:26
jamespagecoreycb, I rebased the download juju env file patch as well16:26
jamespagefairly trivial16:26
coreycbjamespage, thanks, I must have missed that it was disabled16:28
jamespagecoreycb, np16:28
jamespagesmb, talking of kernel problems, we seem to be seeing issues with partition table freshness on vivid16:45
jamespageour ceph and swift testing scrubs existing partitions and reformats but we are seeing: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9731880/16:45
jamespage100% of the time16:46
jamespageraising a bug now16:46
smbjamespage, I was about to ask about lp bugs :)16:46
smbjamespage, Also that is with 3.16 or 3.18 already16:46
jamespagesmb, we only switched on vivid testing today as kilo-1 is nearly done16:46
jamespage3.18 I think16:46
jamespagejust re-deploying to make sure16:46
smbcould be if you set up recently16:47
coreycbjamespage, glance updated - jamespage, https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/glance/systemd/+merge/24622716:47
smbjamespage, the kernel team ppa has also 3.19 for early testing. If that is of help16:48
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jamespagesmb, 141036316:54
jamespagebug 141036316:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1410363 in linux "partition table updates require a reboot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141036316:54
smbjamespage, oh and btw... was there not a similar thing at some point err last year...16:54
jamespagesmb, apparently so - beisner remembers16:55
smbHmmm something with umount removing the mount but not releasing the partition...16:56
jamespagecoreycb, uploaded - thanks!16:56
smbwhich went away at some point...16:56
nico___good day all, been googling for an answer wihtout luck, hoping to find some knowledgable assistance on an issue I'm having with my local repository17:06
nico___looking for a way to include the packages in a PPA in my local repo.  We use our local repo to host custom versions of packages, for example to have the most up to date zsh available on our servers17:07
nico___I'd like to include the packages in a PPA, as opposed to building the packages on my repo.17:07
nico___specifically, I want to get the latest build of duplicity on a 12.04 server from my local repo.17:08
nico___I can build a duplicty package and make it avialable in my repo, but I'd like to be able to just use packages in the official PPA without having to build the package myself and include it in my repo17:08
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nico___reason being that I don't wan't to add a PPA to all my servers.  We manage our boxes via chef, so I COULD add the PPA and ensure that the latest duplicty is installed, but that seems havy handed when I've already got a repo on my lan specifically to avoid that kind of PPA proliferation17:10
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apwjamespage, that error "2015-01-13 16:50:09 INFO mon-relation-changed mkfs.xfs: cannot open /dev/vdb1: Device or resource busy" doesn't that imply the partition is open excl already ?  which would also block the reread ioctl?17:19
jamespageapw, the block device gets unmounted, re-paritioned, re-formatted and then re-mounted17:19
jamespageit's failing on the re-formatting bit17:19
jamespageso its likely the unmount was foo-bar I guess17:19
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apwjamespage, yes, it is failing in a way that implies it is not unmounted17:20
apwso the first things to do is to check that the umount is working17:20
apwjamespage, as saking to change partition sizes which are in use will fail, with that reboot required thing, and the subsequent format fails too17:21
apwjamespage, and the error handling is non-existant for it to get that far one presumes17:21
jamespageapw, the block device does not appear in 'mount' output or the content of /proc/mounts17:22
apwcould udev be playing with it perhaps17:23
apwjamespage, does lsof say anything at that point, also if you do the proceedure by hand, does it work17:24
apwas you are mounting it with a vfat or something in it, unmounting, changing the partition tables, (and by here it has gone wrong)17:24
smbjamespage, I cannot remember the bug number but a state of where umount would seem to work btu not release the partition... thats was what I remember from last time17:24
jamespageapw, smb: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9732538/17:24
jamespagethat feels familiar17:25
jamespageapw, ext417:25
jamespagethen switching to xfs17:25
jamespagealso mbr->gpt17:25
smbthough I think oh right the jbd process was involved there17:25
jamespagesmb, I seem to remember this from before17:26
apwjamespage, ok so that implies that the journaling block device is holding on to it?17:26
jamespageapw: probably17:26
nico___found a work around, though I'm still interested in my original question re: mirroring packages from a PPA in my personal apt repo17:27
smbapw, Yeah that was the weird state I remember.17:27
apwjamespage, so, is it possible to perform these steps on an instance by hand17:27
apwto see what happens?17:27
smbapw, Which IIRC I could not reproduce locally17:27
jamespageapw, so if I just unmount /mnt (where cloud-init put it) I see the vdb parition in lsof17:31
jamespageapw, for reference its not partitioned - just /dev/vdb17:31
apwjamespage, are you mounting it r/o or r/w ?17:32
jamespagesmb, apw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ceph/+bug/137152617:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1371526 in linux "ceph-disk-prepare command always fails; new partition table not avaliable until reboot" [Undecided,Expired]17:34
apwjamespage, might be interesting to try mounting it r/o, to see how that fares17:34
smbjamespage, Oh right that was the bug17:35
jamespageapw, if I unmount it and then remount it ro, it fails17:36
jamespagerw is OK17:36
apwfails how ?17:36
smbapw, could be trying a second jbd which cannot get exclusive lock17:38
apwjamespage, this partition is being mkfs'd "outside" the instance i assume, what version is that space running17:38
jamespageapw, trusty17:38
smbapw, I wonder whether this might be a race as in when cloud-init does the mount relative to startup...17:39
apwjamespage, where can i find the code which prepares this disk outside17:42
apwjamespage, or ... can we get a dd of the partition without mounting it17:42
smbapw, I would propose I try to try to repro tomorrow with a cloud-image and data on ext417:43
apwsmb, sounds reasonable17:43
apwsmb, i would think just preparing the fs outside, and then trying to mount it in the instance, bear in mind the instance boot has done a resize too17:43
smbapw, http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/17:43
apwjust done a resize on vda17:44
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smbapw, Yeah, I think you can dd the cloud-image on any bigger vda and it resizes itself on first boot17:46
smbapw, Oh and cloud-localeds might be the tool for the data17:47
smbapw, Just from my memory that was restricted to isofs17:47
apwsmb, yeah we need to know exactly how that things is made, as i suspect it is relevant, note in jamespage's original bug a second vdc disk was not affected when mounted and unmounted from inside, so there likely is a correlation to the outside creation17:48
smbapw, Either outside creation or when all that stuff is done relative to the boot sequence17:49
jamespageapw, smb: https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/utils.py#L79417:49
lnxmenI installed ispconfig18:20
lnxmenAnd I tried to configure mail server18:20
lnxmenI clicked somewhere in ispconfig panel18:20
lnxmenand whole site is broken18:20
lnxmenserver even shows php code.... wtf18:20
lnxmenThere is no helpful information in log.18:21
superbootHi all. What is the current kernel for Ubuntu serve 14.04 (fully updated install)?19:25
lordievader!info linux-image-generic trusty19:25
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 28 kB19:25
lordievadersuperboot: ^19:26
superbootlordievader: Thanks a lot. :)19:28
collizionI feel like I'm out of date. Is update-rc.d still the way to handle service automatic start/stop?19:34
fandihi all20:02
fandii install apache2 and php520:02
fandithe problem if script cannot parse by php, the webserver will reply respond 500 ?20:04
lordievaderfandi: Yes, if php crashes Apache will most likely report a  500 error.20:07
fandilordievader: ok .. how to make error not 500 :)20:09
fandilordievader: because i only change simple script and all vhost and all my cluster server respond 500 :)20:10
fandialso my varnish :)20:10
lordievaderfandi: Write non crashing code?20:11
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fandilordievader: ok .. :)20:12
fandilordievader: do you familliar with varnish :)20:12
fandilordievader: how to increase hit rate on varnish ?20:12
lordievaderNo, I don't know varnish.20:12
fandilordievader: ok thanks20:13
Guest1_I want to compile a library and an app that uses it and have few questions relating to that. How do I update? Do I just compile the new version normally and everything is replaced and leaves no unneeded trash? Also if there're any possible problems when compiling one part (library) and installing other things from repos?21:13
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Aisonafter installation of ubuntu server, I end up in initramfs console22:52
Aisonduring installation, the drive was sdb122:52
Aisonnow it is sda122:52
Aisoncan I change that somehow in initramfs console22:52
Aisoncat /proc/cmdline shows the wrong command line22:52
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