
=== eniLCP_ is now known as PCLine_
drkokandyBetween the snow and the game, there are almost no cars on the road here...02:21
PCLine_We have Ice here....Did you look in the ditches?02:33
drkokandyNot really, but we're on pretty flat land here02:49
drkokandyNot much in the way of ditches02:49
yano\o/ Buckeyes! \o/05:40
jenni[ Buckeyes run past Ducks to win first-ever College Football Playoff National Championship, 42-20 - The Lantern : The Lantern ] - https://j.mp/1FOlAio05:42
=== jrgifford_ is now known as jrgifford__
PCLine_Good evening.23:00
PCLine_I think its going to be a long evening with my Internet tonight!  How you doing Unit19323:07
Unit193Alive, still have coffee.23:08
PCLine_I could use some coffee tonight!23:09
Unit193Lost my host, Loki though.23:10
PCLine_Why did you lose your Host ?23:14
Unit193I'd think it didn't properly renew it's IP.23:19
PCLine_Wow - I stayed connected for more then 2 mins.23:24
Unit193What's going on?23:24
PCLine_I dont know - started yesterday with the internet but IRC was OK.  Now it seems IRC is disconnecting and Internet is ok.   I have gotten this 'Disconnected (No such device or address)' 6 or 7 times tonight.23:27
PCLine_Internet = Firefox and GMail23:27
PCLine_Oh well - Seems to be better now.23:32

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