
tiwakejust tried installing ubuntu 14.10 on my desktop and it does not want to do anything04:41
tiwakeBIOS gets done with POST, and then it drops to a blank screen04:42
tiwake(this is after installing, with no obvious problems with the install process)04:42
tiwakeits almost like grub didnt even install or something04:42
tiwakeyeah, that was the problem04:56
MarkDudeshift does not bring up grub?05:12
* MarkDude had similar problem14.04 had to shift into grub- do advanced mode, resume normal boot. Then repair display. Have not had issues with earlier05:14
MarkDudeDid it let you choose grub? For my Lubuntu 14.10 I had no such option XD05:14
tiwakeno option05:15
tiwakebut I repaired grub from my liveDVD05:15
MarkDudeYep, that sorta bummed me out- thats rude IMHO :D05:15
tiwakesilly thing05:16
MarkDudeIt just chose what was best- then decided I no longer wanted to see grub, nor my 6+ Distros05:16
MarkDudeI could not find a directly related bug, but for my 14.10 & 1404 I had to do a silly fix05:17
tiwakeits not letting me kill X to get to the command line05:18
tiwake<ctrl><alt><F2> drops me to a blank screen05:18
MarkDudeIm almost wondering if 14.10 is a version to skip. Im so much happier with 14.04- with many different desktops05:19
MarkDudeTry using advanced settings in grub.05:20
tiwakeI need to install the NVIDIA drivers05:21
tiwakeneed to kill X to do that05:21
MarkDudeOh that fun loop. Sorry05:21
MarkDudeNouveau hell05:21
tiwakehow do I install XFCE or KDE desktops?05:22
tiwakeoh maybe that did it05:31
tiwakeyay, I think I have the driver properly installed05:35
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