
bdukmorning everyone04:29
magespawngood morning06:12
Kiloshi magespawn  06:12
octoquadmorning :)06:13
Kilosmorning octoquad  and othersa06:14
Kilosothers too06:14
inetprogood mornings06:20
Kiloshi there inetpro  06:21
magespawnKilos: that was like other SA, but in shorthand06:22
nlsthznGoeie more Suid Afrika06:55
Kilosmorning nlsthzn  06:56
nlsthznhow are you uncle Kilos ?06:59
Kilosim good ty nlsthzn  and you?07:03
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy  07:03
nlsthznalways good thanks :)07:04
nlsthzngot my mom visiting us here in sand land in preparation of the baby arriving in a few weeks :p07:04
Kiloswhen moms come visit even the food gets better07:05
nlsthznweb instability >.<07:06
nlsthznor perhaps windows instability :/07:06
nlsthzn1.2 gb of ram just for firefox >.<07:07
nlsthznall better again07:14
Kiloswhat was wrong07:15
Kilosand how did you fix it07:15
Kilosoh ya nlsthzn  you can go add content07:15
nlsthznwill go have a look in a bit... what is it btw?07:17
Kilosits our site that being repaired07:19
Kilosmoved to static thing07:19
Kilosinetpro  tell him07:19
nlsthznah ok07:24
nlsthznsounds good :)07:24
Kilosmazal  wb07:25
Kiloswat se jy nou07:25
Kiloswelcome to kde land07:25
mazalJa uiteindelik ne07:26
mazalHou van hom , hy is net bietjie stadig07:26
Kilosja dis bietjie swaarder maar kan meer doen07:26
Kilosoh gaan kyk hier07:26
mazalStill struggling to learn all the apps07:27
mazalBut going well 07:27
Kilostook me long to get used to it as well but now its my favourite os07:28
mazallol , synaptic was die eerste ding wat ek gedoen het , sien hy is op daai lys ook07:28
mazalHmm , interesting things in the link thanx oom07:30
Kilosja maar jy mopet daai ekstra pak by sit 07:31
Kilosdie gtk op die einde07:31
Kilossynaptic is vir my baie beter as software centre07:32
mazalWow the quick access thingy is cool :)07:39
nlsthznkonsole ftw07:43
* inetpro fails to see why you need synaptic07:56
Kilosbecause it be lekker07:56
Kilosbetter than muon package manager too which i see theyve left off07:57
Kilosit is a bit easier for us not so into cli commands inetpro  07:58
inetprowhat can be easier than cli?08:00
* inetpro never uses muon08:01
Kilosand software centre?08:01
nlsthznstill feel using terminal the fastest if you know what you want... if not then software center etc. becomes good to show choice08:03
Kilosits too slow the centre and synaptic shows better08:04
Kiloshi Vince-0  08:06
Vince-0Good morn Kilos08:07
inetproKilos: A new company has launched MTN data SIM cards which offer unlimited data for R149 per month http://mybroadband.co.za/news/broadband/116726-r149-uncapped-mobile-data-sim-launched.html08:08
Kilosoh my08:09
Kilos@ 2mb/week i spose08:10
Kiloswill look into it though08:10
Kilosthey might have even gone lte here in the time ive been away08:11
Kiloswow inetpro  further down08:19
KilosHe said they are planning to launch a similar service through Telkom Mobile, which will include unlimited mobile data, R50 airtime, and 10GB Wi-Fi access for R149 per month.08:19
Kilosso where does one get this new sim?08:22
ThatGraemeGuyno youtube allowed is 1 down side already for me08:40
ThatGraemeGuyand no detailed list on their site about exactly what they block08:40
* inetpro likes the idea of unlimited with no youtube08:42
ThatGraemeGuyi wonder if that sim would support me connecting to my openvpn server at home :D08:42
Kilosi dont use youtube anyway08:43
inetprothey will probably block all forms of video08:43
Kilostara has to get stuff for me there and email it to me08:43
ThatGraemeGuyif i can connect to openvpn then they can't block anything, they have no idea what i'm doing over an encrypted VPN :)08:44
inetproyep, not sure how sustainable it will be because people will find ways around it08:44
inetprosad reality is that video is killing our limited bandwidth08:45
Kilosi dunno how they can sell it online though, what about all the rica rigmarole08:46
inetproand there is a definite need for interwebs without video08:46
inetproguess the only way is for bandwidth to cater for full video capabilities, bandwidth pricing simply has to come down08:48
magespawnthey will have a fair usage policy on that08:55
Kilosinetpro  with that kinda uncapped we can play minetest again09:02
Kiloswill be more expensive for me though, as i now use a 2+1 for 2 months09:03
Kilosinetpro  why you think they made synaptic and muon and software centre?09:35
Kiloslemme tell you09:35
Kilosfor peeps that say whats sudo09:35
Kilosand many others too09:36
* Kilos making lice to go with my cully09:39
inetproKilos: you know sudo and you know aptitude, what more do you need to know?09:41
Kiloslol the rest that goes with it09:42
mazalI mostly use synaptic when I can't remember the package name09:42
Kilosaptitude instaal ?? is no good09:42
mazalThen cli is not an option , gotta go find the name first09:42
Kilosgotta know what you want to install09:42
Kilossynaptic rocks09:42
mazalI remember about 70% of them on a fresh install , but there is always a few that I forget09:43
Kilosfirst he nagged me for a few years to use kde now hes pushing cli all the time09:44
mazalAnd , once two days ago cli didn't see the package even though I put the correct name09:45
mazalThen synaptic does the trick09:45
Kilosyou gotta get the name exact09:46
Kiloshe just sits and smirks. when i was all for gnome he nagged and since then nothing has changed09:52
Kilosmorning superfly  09:52
superflyhi Kilos09:56
ThatGraemeGuyKilos: you want some cheese with that whine? :p10:15
Kiloshee eee10:15
Kilosi like to rev the pro at times10:16
Kilosgussie strydom10:16
inetproaptitude search rocks10:17
inetproaptitude Search Term Reference http://algebraicthunk.net/~dburrows/projects/aptitude/doc/en/ch02s03s05.html10:19
Kilosmazal  that link was for you10:25
mazalTried that now , doesn't work10:50
mazalProbably my syntex is wrong10:51
inetproaptitude search '~ifirefox'10:51
inetprothat will search for all installed packages with firefox in the name 10:52
mazalBut how do you see one that is not installed , cos that's where the problem usually comes10:52
inetproaptitude search '!~ifirefox'10:54
mazalThe ! is the difference yes ?10:54
mazalOk I see i and p infront of results. I assume i = installed and p = available but not installed ?10:56
mazalWhy does this fail :10:58
mazalsudo aptitude search '!~ubuntu-desktop'10:58
mazalE: Unknown pattern type: u10:58
inetprobecause u is not a known pattern type11:00
Trixar_zaBecause you need to use !~i before the name?11:00
mazalBy this time already found and finished installing what I wanted in Synaptic11:01
ThatGraemeGuyso different strokes....11:03
Trixar_zaGenerally it's the same kind of strokes that get the job done though11:03
ThatGraemeGuyit isn't a job for all of us11:03
ThatGraemeGuythe who does DIY on weekends uses different tools and methods than the guy who's a prefessional joiner11:04
ThatGraemeGuy*"the guy who"....11:04
Trixar_zaHey now, women of negotiable affection need to make a living11:05
ThatGraemeGuya person who does DIY on weekends uses different tools and methods than a person who's a prefessional joiner11:06
ThatGraemeGuyhappy now Captain Political Correctness? :-P11:07
inetpronow even mage[tab] left11:11
ThatGraemeGuyphew between a local mirror and an SSD installing updates is insanely quick11:40
* inetpro wants to set up a local mirror11:57
Kiloshome or work11:58
inetpronot sure whether it's worth it though, irrelevant packages change way too often11:58
inetproKilos: definitely not at home11:58
ThatGraemeGuywe run debian mirrors in cpt and jhb so we can point our customers' servers there11:59
ThatGraemeGuyand i point my laptop to it11:59
ThatGraemeGuyso updates are work are a breeze11:59
inetprohope we don't get more loadshedding12:07
inetprowe just experienced a bit of a dip here in Hatfield12:07
mazalThings are looking bad for us is something doesn't happen quick12:09
mazalI don't even want to read news anymore12:10
inetproPower Alert: Electricity supply is under severe pressure.... Please continue to keep off all geysers, appliances, stoves and most lights.12:12
mazalApparently they are bankrupt and can only go until February. They say that currently if something breaks at a plant it will take at least 2 weeks to fix. 2 WEEKS without power !!12:13
Kilosinetpro  build a mirror on a portable external man13:00
KilosMaaz  620/1913:04
MaazKilos: 32.631578947413:04
inetproKilos: they should allow you to get an updated mirror on at a public Freedom Toaster kiosk 13:54
* inetpro wonders whether these kiosks are even still around13:54
Kilosi think those toasters all crashed because of no maitenance13:57
Kilosremember that guy used to maintain the pta one13:59
Kilosthe guy that gave me the repos for 8.10 i think13:59
Kilos\or 9.0413:59
Kilosnot wasbeer?13:59
Kiloswalter leibrandt14:01
KilosMaaz  coffee on17:21
* Maaz starts grinding coffee17:21
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!17:25
Kilosevening nlsthzn  17:34
KilosMaaz  botsnack17:34
MaazYAY someone cares about me too!17:34
captineevening all18:00
Kiloshi captine  18:06
magespawngood evening18:31
Kiloshi magespawn  18:31
octoquadlol I forgot about Maaz18:59
octoquadMaaz hello!18:59
MaazSup octoquad18:59
Kilosnight all. sleep tight19:09
superflyMaaz: tell Kilos http://ubuntu-za.snyman.info/bazaar-tutorial.html19:19
Maazsuperfly: Righto, I'll tell Kilos on freenode19:19
=== magespaw1 is now known as magespawn
magespawngood evening again19:25
magespawnhey octoquad whats up/19:44
superflyhi octoquad20:16
octoquadhey superfly 20:42
* superfly is busy installing Windows stuff in WINE on a remote server with no X20:49
octoquadsuperfly, sounds like fun20:57
superflynot difficult, just painfully slow20:59
superflyssh -X20:59

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