
Unit193ochosi: That's massivly crashy, yes..  I'd thought you tested it.00:49
=== gridcube__ is now known as GridNet
Unit193brainwash: freshplayerplugin done anything good?07:32
elfyochosi bluesabre - looks like end Jan/beginning Feb for systemd default 08:20
ochosiUnit193: nope, i just wanted the opportunity to test it09:05
brainwash_ochosi: this dbus call works http://lpaste.net/11836009:57
brainwash_"/org/freedesktop/ScreenSaver" instead of just "/ScreenSaver"10:04
MezWhat's the best way to go about reporting xubuntu security issues these days ?10:20
Mezhello? Is this thing on?10:28
ochosiMez: i've already replied to your bugreport11:05
ochosibrainwash: right. guess that means there'll have to be another bugreport. sucks cause i don't have kde around to try whether that works with their screensaver as well11:07
ochosiMez: no need for private chat, that bugreport could also just as well be public btw11:10
brainwashwhich bug report? :)11:10
Mezochosi: I can film that bug if you want.11:11
MezIt is definitely happening on multiple PCs here.11:12
ochosino need to film it11:12
Mezmight be something to do with multi-screen/whatever11:12
ochosihave you checked whether light-locker is running?11:12
ochosi(ps -A | grep light-locker)11:12
ochosiand how do you lock your session?11:12
ochosibrainwash: just the typical thing that we had a 1000 times already11:13
Mezochosi: light-locker is not currently running.  I lock my session using ctrl+alt+del11:13
brainwashoh noes11:13
ochosiMez: if it isn't running, then start it. bug fixed.11:13
ochosihow shall the locker lock the session if it isn't running?11:13
Mezif I lock my screen, it shows it's running?11:14
Mez % ps -A | grep light-locker                                                                        dev/packaging one11:14
Mez 2853 ?        00:00:00 light-locker11:14
MezSorry, my mistake, I thought that was actually the grep it'd brought back11:14
ochosiso if you lock with light-locker-command -l from the terminal, what happens exactly?11:15
ochosibrainwash: anyway, you have more experience with taking ppl through this, feel free to take over i gotta go in 5mins anyway11:15
Mezochosi: it switches me to a lock screen on vt811:16
Mezochosi, and then I hit ctrl+alt+f7, and bypass entering my password 11:16
Mezto get back to typing to you here.11:16
ochosiMez: i can't help you to debug this now, simply cause i don't have time11:18
ochosibut it's working for pretty much everyone else, in case that helps you ;)11:18
ochosiso clean install, update all packages and it should work11:18
ochosimaybe someone else can help you get to the bottom of what's not working for you11:19
Mezochosi: This is a clean instlal, update all packages :)11:19
MezI'm setting up a VM to replicate it11:19
brainwashMez: kill the currently running instance of light-locker and restart it in debug mode "light-locker --debug"11:21
brainwashnow lock the screen11:21
brainwashcan you please link your bug report also?11:22
ubottuError: launchpad bug 1410195 not found11:25
MezVM seems to work with the locked screen11:28
brainwashMez: your bug report is still not visible to all people (private)11:29
brainwashthe log file contains some error messages11:31
brainwashin any case, if it's really a bug, please forward it upstream -> https://github.com/the-cavalry/light-locker11:33
brainwashUnit193: maybe, test it and you will know11:39
brainwashUnit193: I use chromium with pepperflash to view flash content, so I cannot tell11:40
Mezbrainwash: I've kinda tracked it down, so that post is public now11:58
knomelderan, hullo12:06
knomepeople, check your work item statuses in blueprints so they are uptodate12:07
brainwashMez: great :) and don't forget to file the upstream report12:11
bluesabreknome: ofc12:57
bluesabreUnit193: will have the new light-locker-settings released and uploaded tonight, so you can drop from the seed after that point12:57
bluesabreochosi: if you get a chance, can you also take a look at lightdm-gtk-greeter to see if there is anything else we want to merge/add for 2.0?12:58
bluesabreelfy: would lightdm-gtk-greeter testing fit in before systemd?12:59
elfybluesabre: don't see why not if we're missing A2 13:12
ochosibluesabre: i guess we'd have to take a look at all those branches pending for merge against the greeter...13:17
elfybluesabre: just so you're aware - nothing is now planned until w/c 16Feb 13:35
brainwashali1234: can you reproduce bug 1379176 in 14.10 or 15.04 (ideally with a new user or clean profile)?15:15
ubottubug 1379176 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) ""Clear" button has no effect in Settings > Window Manager > Keyboard tab" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137917615:15
brainwashthanks for testing it :)15:19
knomeelfy, i'll drop the qa process stuff in the wiki today (within the next hours) now that i've cleaned up the proessses page18:11
pleia2sorry for not doing the QA goodies blog post draft yet, came down with the flu on friday and just now starting to be less zombie today18:13
elfysort the health out first :)18:15
elfythat's been hanging about since the middle of the last cycle another week isn't going to make a lot of difference18:15
elfyor week(s) :)18:15
knomepleia2, does that mean i can poke you about more things too? :P18:19
knometime to work on $paid_work for a while now18:20
knomebut brb18:20
pleia2knome: that means I'm now buried in work I didn't do for the next four days and won't be able to  add new work for a week or so ;)18:21
knomeawwh :(18:22
knomepleia2, tell hp they made me work a lot on the flyer printing because linux printing is weird and that i would like you to get compensation for that as paid hours used to contribute to xubuntu18:23
pleia2I use a Brother printer18:28
knomepleia2, i said they made *me* to work a lot... ;)18:29
pleia2heh :)18:29
knomei remember back then when brother was publicly considered the "laser printer for people who can't afford a laser printer"18:29
knomeat least the people who i knew thoght that..18:30
knomeincluding my father :P18:30
Unit193bluesabre: Wonderful, thanks.20:03
ochosievening all20:53
* dkessel spreads brother printers everywhere he installs ubuntu in the last years21:07
ochosifeel free to stop by at my place, i could really use a printer21:09
brainwashochosi: want to take a look at some log files and comments (recently added)? bug 130754521:12
ubottubug 1307545 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Power Manager settings are ignored when closing laptop lid" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130754521:12
dkesselyou can get a printer only model for less than 80€21:12
ochosibrainwash: gah, not that again21:13
brainwashochosi: I know, but it's affecting many users, so maybe we can somehow solve the mystery21:13
Unit193ochosi: Blame upower or systemd, that's always the in thing.21:16
ochosiunfortunately it's mostly true21:16
brainwashor find a way to get the correct log files21:16
brainwashsadly, people blame the power manager for not being 100% compatible21:17
ochosifor some reason the power manager says a few times that Action=org.freedesktop.upower.suspend is authorized=FALSE21:19
ochosifor #19 it's obvious21:20
ochosithe inhibit config doesn't include the lid-switch21:20
ochosiit should be21:20
ochosiInhibiting systemd sleep: handle-power-key:handle-suspend-key:handle-hibernate-key:handle-lid-switch21:20
ochosibut it is set to21:20
ochosiInhibiting systemd sleep: handle-power-key:handle-suspend-key:handle-hibernate-key21:20
ochosifor b3nmore everything seems to work, so not sure i get why he's posting there21:21
ochosiand yeah, his config reflects that21:21
brainwashah, so the logind-handle-lid-switch settings is wrong?21:21
brainwashin the first case21:21
ochosimy guess is that this is a simple update problem with old settings being kept21:21
ochosihence logind not being inhibited correctly21:21
ochosiyeah, i would say so21:22
ochosibut this is not a setting transparent to the user, so resetting the config should add the handle-lid-switch21:22
ochosifrankly, i gave up on following that mess when it was decided to "invert the logic/naming"21:23
brainwashyeah xD TRUE or FALSE.. what the heck is going on here21:24
brainwashboth options seem to have drawbacks21:24
ochosii guess logind-handle-lid-switch should be "false"21:24
ochosiwhich options?21:24
brainwashtrue or false21:25
ochosiyou mean because of the black screen bug?21:25
brainwashyes, it's a mess21:25
ochosii don't think that's a problem, iirc we fixed that21:25
ochosiit just gives you control over logind but doesn't really inhibit it21:26
ochosiso if you set it to suspend on lid close it just let's logind handle the whole thing21:26
brainwashthe last comment is confusing too21:26
ochosiif you set it to lock or blank, it inhibits logind21:26
ochosiso no downside21:26
ochosiand the setting should be applied by xfpm itself in the background, depending on your other settings21:26
ochosiso in b3nmore's case, logind doesn't handle the lid because he's just switching off the screen on lid-close21:27
ochosiso logind-handle-lid-switch=false21:27
ochosi(actually that *does* make sense)21:28
ochosif-pel has some odd setup, not sure why his output says that logind handles the lid21:28
ochosimy guess is he only set "switch off screen" on battery, but has ac plugged in21:29
ochosisomething like that21:29
ochosior his config is still old and he didn't follow your instructions or managed to screw that step up21:29
ochosiso, all clear? :)21:29
ochosiwell i might have to pastebin all i said for brainwash...21:35
ochosiwhat a mess21:40
Unit193Slightly, but you did see the global, no?21:41
brainwashochosi: b3nmore says that FALSE -> black screen bug, TRUE -> pm settings ignored21:41
brainwashin utopic21:41
brainwashfor logind-handle-lid-switch21:41
brainwashand FALSE is the default value21:42
ochosias i said, the power manager should change that value depending on your config21:42
brainwashdepending on the lid close action21:43
brainwashso, the bottom line is that his black screen bug is has a different cause21:45
ochosiif logind handles the suspend-lid-action, then the black screen bug is not the one we fixed21:46
ochosithen yeah, he's seeing something else21:46
ochosifor instance, i consistently get that bug with the nouveau driver21:46
ochosiwith nvidia, everything is fine21:46
ochosiactually i don't even get to the greeter anymore if i set lock on suspend to true21:46
brainwashuhm, that's bad21:48
brainwashhopefully this whole thing can be fixed before 16.04 :)21:51
ochosii dunno, i'm not actively pursuing this anymore21:52
ochosiit's working for most people and we'll deactivate lock on suspend by default21:53
ochosias far as i can see, i've done all i can21:53
brainwashochosi: right, I'll try to close this report. the new logs and comments just confirmed that the default settings (if applied) work fine22:02
ochosibrainwash: yes, that's how i read it22:03
ochosithing is, people will always obsess with this bug in some ways22:03
ochosijust as there are 1000 bugreports on suspend not working nicely on linux in general22:03
ochosithe only problem we have is that people think it's our fault when it isn't22:04
knomehey ochosi 22:05
ochosihey knome 22:05
ochosiand wb22:05
knometime for a PM?22:05
ochosibluesabre: not sure what/who is at fault, but the spinner in catfish's statusbar is broken in Gtk3.14 (with all themes, incl. Ambiance and Adwaita)23:25

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