
pugsofwrathThis may be impossible, but I want to force OpenGL to update to the current version00:54
pugsofwrathI have an older laptop, and can't play HL2 or TF200:55
pugsofwrathOpenGLis currently on 1.4 on my laptop00:55
pugsofwrathI'll port this on a forum00:58
bazhangwhy do you need that version01:03
knomebazhang, gone01:04
bazhanghah yeah01:04
bazhangperhaps he meant opencl01:04
knomehe might have very well meant opengl, hoping that would solve his isseus01:10
knome*issues too01:10
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superprowerHi. Is there a way to turn on images in Elinks? I see this option in menu, but nothing happens. I tried links2, but when i start in in graphics mode (with -g key), it starts in new window, but i want to keep him in my guake terminal.17:11
PiciI believe it should only work somewhere with framebuffer support, which is really just limited to the tty consoles (F1-F6).  There may be ways to emulate that in a terminal, but I'm not aware of any.17:14
superprower Another question. I installed SSH, in config file i changed port and disabled password auth., on phone i installed connect-bot and generated a key. Is this way OK or it is still not secured? I didn't copied any keys anywhere - i just connected, asked yes on "use a key?" or something like that and entered my password17:39
holsteinsuperprower: i personally created keys on computers.. tested the connection, *then* moved my keys to the phone in connectbot18:20
holsteinsuperprower: if the question is, "is this a safe solution?", it will work as advertised.. nothing about xubuntu, or the ubuntu ssh server package will make it more or less secure than it is upstream18:20
knomei guess key auth is generally considered safer, considering you use keys with passphrases18:21
holsteini think with any security questions, the answers are always a bit relative, and depend on the needs, and the work flow.. *many* users trust ssh18:21
holsteinknome: i used to double up.. a key with a passphrase :)18:21
knomeexactly what i meant :)18:21
holsteinbut there are other "links in the chain"..18:22
knomesure, but that's outside the scope of the connection safety18:22
holsteini think the ususals.. no root logins, changing the default port, something that blocks IPs etc after certain failed attempts to login.. those help with the ssh server connection18:25
knomethe solution that blocks the connections in the safest way is not to use SSH ;>18:26
holsteinknome: :)18:27
rio_zentaHello. Can anyone test the "Action Buttons" plugin on the panel for me. Specifically, the "Lock Screen" option. Mine seems to not work anymore.18:34
rio_zentaOr possibly never worked.18:34
xubuntu29whi need help you guys dont help me every time i came here19:49
elfywhat with?19:50
rio_zentahi xubuntu29w19:51
xubuntu29wjust you guys quit and not answer e19:55
xubuntu29wrio zenta19:55
rio_zentaxubuntu29w, I will answer if you ask...19:56
xubuntu29wthe problem isOn my Xubuntu desktop the mouse cursor gets sometimes stuck in drag mode (hand symbol) and although the mouse cursor moves but the pointer does not. Does anybody has the same problem ? Is there a simple way out of it ? I am wondering if this is a bug or some (for me) hidden screen lock feature. The only way out of this hang is to switch to another tty and restart lightdm. The problem mostly appears when having Firef19:56
xubuntu29we Firefox window to another. I may press a button accidentally while doing this, but I am not aware of this.19:57
rio_zentaxubuntu29w, screenshot??19:57
xubuntu29wmy machine is Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E4500 @ 2.20GHz,1GB RAM,Intel 946GZ Express Chipset Family.19:58
xubuntu29wHow to show screenshot here...?19:59
elfytry turning off composting20:01
elfysettings - window manager tweaks - compositor - first option20:01
xubuntu29welfy does it fixes it20:01
knomexubuntu29w, try it20:01
elfyxubuntu29w: no idea - I don't get the issue, just try it :)20:02
xubuntu29wok i will try20:02
xubuntu29wis there is a problem with my wireless mouse20:02
xubuntu29wor the pc20:03
elfywell I would try a wired one see if you get the same issue20:03
xubuntu29wok thanks man you are the man who is online here20:03
xubuntu29wother are just showing20:04
elfythat's irc20:05
elfythat's how it works20:05
elfyI've been in the channel all day - just not reading it20:05
xubuntu29wok can i play games on xubuntu20:05
elfydepends what - I'd have no idea - I don't play games on pc's20:06
xubuntu29welfy do you run xubuntu20:06
elfyyes - please - just ask questions and when people who are reading can answer they will20:07
elfyif you just want to chat then /join #xubuntu-offtopic20:07
xubuntu29wok thanks by do fun in lithuania20:08
xubuntu26whi, I have some partitions I dont what they are because I want to delete them20:56
xubuntu26wWhat can I delete here http://i.imgur.com/KjqwvHO.png I just want window partitions20:58
adrenaline_You can delete linux-swap and your ext4 partition if you want to keep windows.21:06
xubuntu26wadrenaline_: but what are the orther partitions ? like sda7 or sda521:10
rio_zentawhy do you have so many partitions?21:11
rio_zentait is NTFS. basically storage.21:11
rio_zentaYou should see them in linux as external storage media21:11
xubuntu26wCan i remove sda3 if i want just windows for the moment ?21:12
rio_zentaxubuntu26w, I'd recommend you go through each partition physically to see what is inside them. Some may not be empty and contain important info21:16
xubuntu26wrio_zenta: I see nothing I'm gonna try to mount them in home21:19
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xubuntu79wcan I install a vivid package if I'm on trusty?23:36
knomexubuntu79w, why would you want to do that?23:41
xubuntu79wknome: I want to install mpv for trusty it's v 0.3.4-1 and for vivid 0.7.2-123:43
knomexubuntu79w, installing packages from other releases isn't really advisable, and definietly not supported23:44
knomexubuntu79w, isn't there a PPA available?23:44
xubuntu79wknome: look here http://packages.ubuntu.com/vivid/mpv for trusty I have this ppa ppa:mc3man/trusty-media ( https://launchpad.net/~mc3man/+archive/ubuntu/trusty-media )23:45
knomeso if you have the version from a PPA, why do you want the one from the vivid repository?23:46
xubuntu79wknome: because they are a huge difference of version doesitmake any differences?23:47
knomexubuntu79w, the ppa says it has 0.7.2 and you said vivid has the same version23:50

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