
archetechdaily repo unstable  14.10   all white screen aft update03:12
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valoriearchetech: you are using this for testing purposes?03:45
archetechill wait a day and update  03:54
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK
soeegood morning07:14
sitterI really really do hate mailing lists08:41
sitterin fact, I actually hate mailman, not the mailing lists fault08:41
Palisitter: whats wrong with mailman?08:44
sitterthe fact that I cannot set mail aliases08:44
lordievaderGood morning.08:58
Riddellsitter: there's no such thing as a good mailing list, it's impossible to do09:20
davmor2Riddell: open you own mailing list and open it to only yourself then it's a list that always makes sense........unless the other you joins and starts arguments09:23
Riddelldavmor2: but then some spambot will discover it and start spamming it and I'll have to approve or reject the spam09:25
davmor2Riddell: auto reject anything that isn't from you done09:26
RiddellI do that with all my mailing lists but then I get some employer saying I need to use my company e-mail address and suddently I can't post either09:27
Riddellwhich is harald's point about aliases09:28
davmor2Riddell: :)09:29
Riddellthe other trouble with mailing lists is non-geeks don't even know what they're called.  they call them listservs for some reason or yahoo groups (even when not on yahoo) or mail groups. just the problem of any setup that has e-mail as an interface, like debian bug tracker it's horribly confusing09:29
sitterlet's get a discourse and be done with it :P09:31
Riddellsitter: that looks like just a web forum, does it do e-mail?09:31
sitterthe real problem is that there's a big divide between users and developers, in fact looking at kde even designers and developers as developers or very techy people use mailing lists and everyone else uses forums in some form or fashion09:32
sitterRiddell: yes09:32
sitterRiddell: it's a web forum, it is a web forum that isn't designed with the 90's paradigm of what a web forum looks like though09:32
sitteralas, it does have pretty serious hardware requirements09:33
sitterRiddell: http://discourse.ubuntu.com/09:34
Riddellthat's canonical's argument with mailman too, the mailing list archives need a whole server all to themselves09:34
sitterwell, there's a lot of lists09:34
sitteroh noes, there is a bug in my stable integration logic09:35
* sitter runs around like a mad chicken09:36
Riddellsitter: what happens if I commit now to kubuntu_vivid_archive ?  will it get magically merged into kubuntu_stable and that magically merged into kubuntu_unstable ?09:36
sitterRiddell: please don't :P09:36
sitterbut yes09:36
sittersee mail09:36
sitterin fact09:37
sitterRiddell: please hold of on commits if you can help it09:37
Riddelltsdgeos: calligra uploaded so hopefully a new version can transition today to vivid09:37
tsdgeosRiddell: oki tx09:37
sitterI'd like to get a stable integration going before we proceed09:37
sitterthis will require additional refactoring to Project creation -.-09:42
Riddellsitter: okteta is ok to push?10:01
sitterRiddell: isn't okteta ported to kf5?10:07
* sitter seems to remember something10:07
Riddellsitter: it is10:07
sitterprobably should be integrated then :P10:07
_Groo_good morning10:23
Riddellhi _Groo_ baby10:25
_Groo_Riddell: hey hey Riddell 10:26
_Groo_Riddell: could you be a peach and fix plasma-desktop build in si? it failed to build for amd64 yesterday and im back on unity :(10:27
_Groo_Riddell: missed kwin dependency10:27
alketgood morning10:28
Riddellhi alket 10:29
Riddell_Groo_: hmm, well I hope to start packaging plasma beta today10:30
Riddellso I guess that'll fix it10:30
_Groo_nice :D10:30
_Groo_Riddell: but i believe it was a case of missing dependency, i didnt check but aparently plasma-desktop tried to build before kwin-data was ready10:30
_Groo_Riddell: might be a case of a simple retry build10:31
_Groo_are you gonna backport bluez5?10:31
sitterRiddell: unless you bumped versions in the Plasma/5.2 branch you can simply fix these http://kci.pangea.pub/view/utopic_stable/ then merge that into archive and you got your beta packaging10:31
* sitter going to fix them momentarily anyway tho10:32
sitteronce I got more coffee10:32
sitterkubotu: order a bucket of coffee10:32
* kubotu slides a bucket of coffee down the bar to sitter10:32
_Groo_kubotu gets us coffee???oO now, thats a useful bot!10:35
* _Groo_ pats kubotu in the back...nice nice bot..10:35
sitterkubotu: botsnack10:39
kubotusitter: cheers10:39
sitterRiddell: what to do with those? http://kci.pangea.pub/view/utopic_stable/job/utopic_stable_breeze/1/parsed_console/job/utopic_stable_breeze/1/parsed_console/log_content.html#INFO1 10:40
sitternew package or drop them in with the regular cursor package10:41
Riddellsitter: depends on size?10:45
Riddell6MB says d_ed so best split it10:46
sitter5,9M    .10:46
sitterthat's uncompressed tho10:46
Riddellso best split it says me, d_ed has as yet no opinion10:46
sitterRiddell: 94K with xz-910:47
sitterRiddell: they should be pulled in through breeze anyway though10:47
sitterotherwise we are withholding lovelyness10:47
Riddelllovelyness that isn't on by default10:47
sitterit's in the default package though :P10:48
sittercursor theme packaging doesn't setup x-default-cursor-theme alternative btw10:48
sitteror what the alternative is called10:48
Riddellok don't split it then10:48
sittermake up your mind :P10:48
sitterI am just stating thoughts here10:49
Riddellme too10:49
Riddellcertain upstreams get pissed off when we split things out so might be nice to keep them happy10:50
_Groo_are you guys talking about the new cursors in breeze?10:50
sitter_Groo_: yes10:51
sitterRiddell: yes10:51
_Groo_nice, i will use breeze white, :D10:52
_Groo_btw after 2 days with bluez5 backport i can honestly say i didnt had one single problem10:52
_Groo_that includes pulseauudio10:52
_Groo_not that i can use myself as a data sample but still10:52
Riddell_Groo_: do you have some bluetooth audio device?10:53
_Groo_less scary10:53
_Groo_yep, tested on 310:53
_Groo_an iluve10:53
Riddell_Groo_: what do you have?10:53
_Groo_2 android phones10:53
_Groo_1 pebble watch10:53
_Groo_all worked10:53
_Groo_transparently i might add10:53
_Groo_just like the old bluez10:53
_Groo_new bluez just like old bluez10:53
_Groo_that includes gstreamer too10:54
Riddellwhat do these devices do over bluetooth?10:54
_Groo_audio, file sharing, tethering10:54
_Groo_including a2dp and hfp10:55
_Groo_even shows in systemsettings / audio settings :)10:55
_Groo_status bar works, device scanning works10:56
_Groo_file transfer works10:56
_Groo_pan and obex works10:56
_Groo_although pan is still hit or miss depending on the device10:56
_Groo_but thats a bluetooth shortcoming not a bluez one10:57
RiddellI feel like I don't know how to use gadgets10:57
Riddellovidiu-florin: nice blog post about the t-shirts11:02
Riddellovidiu-florin: are they being posted off to andreas?11:02
BluesKajHiyas all11:12
ovidiu-florinRiddell: I'm trying to11:17
Riddellovidiu-florin: what's the status?11:18
ovidiu-florinthe world is upside down11:18
ovidiu-florinDHL cost: 356 € to ship directly11:20
ovidiu-florinATLASIB cost: 18 € to ship to Dortmuld, and then get someone from  Dortmund to ship to Paderborn to Andreas.11:20
ovidiu-florinand I can ship max 18 Kg with ATLASSIB11:21
ovidiu-florinthe package is 2 KG11:21
ovidiu-florinI can take 2KG in my luggage11:22
Riddellso take it in your luggage?11:22
ovidiu-florinjust a few T-shirts, to limit to 18Kg11:23
Riddellbuy some extra luggage capacity?11:23
ovidiu-florinI'm trying to get in touch with a few friend from Dortmund11:23
ovidiu-florinfor me?11:23
ovidiu-florinand carry them there myself?11:23
ovidiu-florinthat seems like a lot of luggage11:26
Riddellif that's the cheapest and easiest way then that's the thing to do11:26
sitter356 with DHL  wut :O11:29
ovidiu-florinit's ~17€ to get it as luggage on Wizz Air11:34
ovidiu-florinbut I'll have to carry it from the airport11:34
ovidiu-florincould someone come and help me?11:34
ovidiu-florinmet me at the airport there?11:34
Riddellovidiu-florin: get a taxi11:35
Riddelland keep the receipt to claim off kde gb11:35
Sick_RimmitGood day folks12:12
Riddellhola Sick_Rimmit 12:18
Riddellfeeling confident?12:18
Sick_RimmitRiddell: Hello12:29
Sick_RimmitRiddell: Yes, I'm always confident that it will either work or it will not12:30
Sick_RimmitRiddell: I'm pulling that artwork together, and planning printing, I plan to expense the cost to Kubuntu Community fund for FOSDEM materials. Do you concur ?12:31
RiddellSick_Rimmit: yep great12:32
Sick_RimmitExcellent, I really like the idea of Stickers too, I think it is very good to have something that people can take away12:32
Sick_RimmitI'm excited about this evening, I really hope I make the grade :-)12:33
=== rdieter_work is now known as rdieter
lordievaderHey Sick_Rimmit 13:10
Riddellhi lordievader, sgclark 13:17
lordievaderHey Riddell, sgclark. How are you two doing?13:17
soeehi all :D13:17
sgclarkrecovering from a terrible flu13:17
* Riddell hugs sgclark 13:18
Riddellbut not too closely, that would be dangerous for spreading viruses13:19
lordievaderBlegh, flu. Those things ain't nice.13:19
sgclarkyeah :( 13:19
* Riddell uploads plasma beta to staging13:52
BluesKajRiddell, ready for testing on the 22nd >14:01
RiddellBluesKaj: why? what happens on the 22nd?14:03
BluesKajRiddell, I was under the impression that's when plsama 5.2 was going to be released 14:04
* Riddell does 5th upload of calligra today14:04
BluesKajfor testing 14:05
Sick_Rimmitand as I was saying before I dropped off the netowrk14:06
BluesKajok , switching over to the laptop and 15.0414:07
Sick_RimmitHe has requested a new Ubuntu Server for our Jenkins CI project..14:07
Sick_RimmitNow, that's a results14:07
soeeRiddell: why staging has dependency to Kubuntu Backports ?14:17
soeealso P5 beta does not require QT 5.4 ?14:17
Riddellsoee: not for anything current14:17
Riddellplasma 5 does not require qt 5.4 but includes some fixes that only work with 5.4 so we have a suboptimal build for vivid14:18
soeeok good to know, thank you14:19
shadeslayersitter: any clue how to fix 14:31
shadeslayerlxc-start: start.c: print_top_failing_dir: 102 Permission denied - could not access /home/shadeslayer.  Please grant it 'x' access, or add an ACL for the container root.14:31
=== Sergobot__ is now known as Sergobot
shadeslayersitter: I was following https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/lxc.html#lxc-unpriv14:32
sitterI forgot again14:33
sitterchmod +x on your home14:33
sitterand or your lxc dir I think14:33
sitterthats what stgraber said anyway, didn't work for me on trusty though, I had to do more weird things14:34
sitterah yeah, I also have different maps14:34
sitterlxc.id_map = u 0 1000 114:34
sitterlxc.id_map = g 0 1000 114:34
sitterlxc.id_map = u 1 100000 6553614:34
sitterlxc.id_map = g 1 100000 6553614:34
sitterthat is map container uid 0 to host uid 100014:35
shadeslayerlxc-start: conf.c: mk_devtmpfs: 1181 Permission denied - Unable to create /dev/.lxc for autodev14:35
sittersame for groups14:35
shadeslayerthough I chmod +x'd the entire ~/.local/share/lxc dir14:35
sitterand then map container uid 1 to host uid 100000 as well as 65536 subsequent uids14:35
sittersame for groups14:35
sittershadeslayer: you'll really want to talk to stgraber for this14:36
sitterI found it all very tircky to do14:36
shadeslayermy ~/.local/share is fucked14:36
shadeslayersitter: kk14:36
sitterin fact I haven't managed to replicate it on my utopic worksation xD14:36
sitterI think14:37
shadeslayerlxc is fun fun fun14:37
sitterah no it works14:37
sitterwell, the only important thing I noticed is the more precise mapping14:37
sitterif you map the first subuid/gid for container uid/gid 0 then things have weird side effects14:38
sitterso I'd go with the specifically mapping 0 to your actual primary ids14:38
sittere.g. I seem to recall that file permissions were getting weird if one doesn't have this set, as the containers would be owned by the subuid and some tools have problems with supporting subuids so thigns fall over left and right14:39
=== ghostcube_ is now known as ghostcube
Riddellah, muon needs qca14:44
Riddellsitter: is your qca tar good to package?14:44
RiddellScottK: some progress on getting stuff into vivid-release but I'm still stuck on kate4/kate and konsole4/konsole, any thoughts on what's happening there?14:47
Riddellthe packages are transitioning but I think everything is transitioned14:47
sitterRiddell: yes14:49
Riddellsitter: and shall I scrap your upload which had dual qt4/5 builds https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qca2/2.1.0-0ubuntu1 ?14:49
sitterRiddell: you can just replace the existing one with that14:49
Riddellsitter: replace what with what?14:50
sitterqca-qt5 still builds a completely compatible qt4 version14:50
sitterdon't care much either way, but yeah if you upload it as qca-qt5 and keep the regular qca source for qt4 then you'd have to remove the dualbuild from latter ;)14:51
Riddellcan anyone get this to build? I get test failures http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/qca2_2.1.0-0ubuntu1.dsc15:03
sitterRiddell: show fail15:04
sitterRiddell: maybe needs this -> http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=qca.git&a=commit&h=4aae2dee34d2f0f6324a9e7819e29310106dc5bb15:06
Riddellsitter: http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/qca2_2.1.0-0ubuntu1_amd64.build15:10
Riddellhttp://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_5.1.95_vivid.html  hmm not too bad15:29
sitterwhy is there stuff red :@15:33
sitterthe warnings supposedly do make sense as CI hasn't been building plasma on vivid for at least a week15:34
sitterRiddell: next time let's try to get it all green right away :P15:34
Riddellsitter: well baloo and kfilemeta data are because of the different version number15:34
Riddellso that's a fault in the kubuntu-ppa-build-status script15:34
sitternot necessarily15:35
Riddellbreeze has missing language files in the .deb, but those .po files aren't in the git checkout so kubuntu ci wouldn't be likely to know about them15:35
sittermight just be that this sort of issue goes away once we start autogenerating bdeps from the dependency data fetched off of build.kde15:35
sitterand the localization we can fix by using tarme to generate the tars, which is pretty achievable now that I fixed the project parsing logic15:36
Riddelloh and calligra failed again15:38
Riddellho hum15:38
sitterRiddell: about qca... does that also happen in a ppa?15:40
Riddellnot tried yet15:40
sitterI'd suggest doing that15:41
sitterFAIL!  : CertUnitTest::crl2() Compared values are not the same15:41
sitter   Actual (crl1.thisUpdate()): 2001/04/19 14:57:20.000[local time]15:41
sitter   Expected (QDateTime(QDate(2001, 4, 19), QTime(14, 57, 20), Qt::UTC)): 2001/04/19 14:57:20.000[UTC]15:41
sitterthis is super odd15:41
* Riddell throws it up15:41
sittermerger should be completely working again, it now does always do a full merge proceedure, which takes slightly longer and will possibly result in temporary bogus whining when one pushes in quick succession to different branches, otoh it does make sure that all changes are properly propagated to all target branches15:46
sitteri.e. more reliable all in all15:47
Riddellsitter: qca2 builds fine in my PPA.  spooky15:57
shadeslayerdo any of you know how to make sure a package can't be removed from a system? Apart from marking it as essential15:57
Riddellmake something else depend on it?15:58
shadeslayerany other suggestions?15:58
sitterRiddell: probably bad test mocking that is influenced by your environment in some form or fashion15:58
shadeslayersome way to hold it, but not holding it to a specific version15:59
Riddellshadeslayer: make it depend on a meta package of a specific version, hold that version of meta package?16:00
shadeslayerI'd rather not have hold's holding back upgrades16:00
shadeslayerbut eh16:00
shadeslayerI can't think of a better solution here16:00
Riddellah muon also needs qapt transitioned16:11
Riddellshadeslayer: sitter: who knows if all the qapt bits can be moved to new version16:11
Riddellor do I have to faff around with a qapt-qt5 package?16:11
shadeslayeridk, I'm not really familiar with that16:12
sitterRiddell: there is already a release -.-16:29
sittereven integreated via unstable16:30
Riddellsitter: I know, the question is can I get rid of the libqapt 2 package16:30
Riddellhave all the rdepends been ported16:31
sitterRiddell: all been ported16:35
sitterpossibly need releases though16:35
sitterkubuntu-driver-manager certainly does16:35
sitterthen again that is native16:35
Riddellsitter: great16:35
sitterRiddell: you can leave it around16:35
sitterand I take a look in detail tomorrow16:35
sitterbut I am reasonably certain I ported all the things in august/september except for muon16:36
Riddelloh pbuilder, why do you not keep logs?16:36
Riddellkubuntu-driver-manager is uploaded, retrying to see if it builds16:37
sitterRiddell: pbuilder-dist I think keeps logs by default16:43
sitteralso pbuilder has one global log file I think, alas, it gets reset every run16:43
Riddellsitter: qca2 and qca-qt5 pushed to git.debian16:55
shadeslayersitter: what do you think is wrong here http://paste.ubuntu.com/9750153/16:58
RiddellSick_Rimmit: meeting in 5 hours?17:04
Sick_RimmitRiddell: Not too long now17:04
* Sick_Rimmit winces17:04
RiddellMamarok, yofel, shadeslayer, ScottK, valorie, _Groo_  meeting in 5 hours17:04
_Groo_Riddell: meeting for?17:05
Sick_RimmitMe, for me17:05
_Groo_Riddell: cookies? 17:05
_Groo_Sick_Rimmit: im easily bought with cookies17:06
* Sick_Rimmit notes cookies in KDE Basket todo list17:06
Riddell_Groo_: for Sick_Rimmit, but if you're interested in membership and upload rights to kubuntu-dev and kubuntu-ninjas you may want to observe and ask about those17:06
_Groo_Riddell: you made me lost a lot of cookies :P17:06
_Groo_Riddell: i was almost making him ship cookies to me... bummer...17:07
_Groo_Riddell: ill try to be here, prolly still in traffic, depends on sao paulo weather conditions for the day17:07
apolcan somebody confirm this qapt bug? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=29559417:52
ubottuKDE bug 295594 in libqapt "Error when installing deb files" [Normal,Unconfirmed]17:52
Riddellapol: confirmed18:03
Riddellwith version 2.2.0-0ubuntu218:04
Riddellsitter: I'm off for the day and I plan to take a day off tomorrow (got guests)18:08
Riddellsitter: stuff to be done if I was around would be continue packaging plasma beta in staging http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_5.1.95_vivid.html18:08
Riddelltidy up applications backports in next-staging for utopic18:08
Riddellupload plasma to vivid18:08
Riddellbackport plasma to utopic18:08
Riddellfeel free to do any of that if you feel the utopic backports need done sooner rather than later :)18:09
RiddellI'll pop back in for the meeting later18:09
Riddelloh and keep poking qca2 and qca-qt5 and calligra into compiling18:10
Riddellooh qca2 is done18:10
Riddellso is qca-qt518:10
MamarokRiddell: will try to be around, marked in my agenda19:14
ovidiu-florinwhere will the meeting take place?20:15
Sick_RimmitHello all20:17
sgclarkwhen is meeting?20:18
ovidiu-florinin almost 2 hours20:18
ovidiu-florinif I understood corectly20:18
sgclarkcan someone ping me when time? my irc window keeps getting buried20:19
ovidiu-florinsgclark: I'll try, but I won't make any promisses20:25
ovidiu-florinwhere will the meeting take place?20:41
yofel#ubuntu-meeting or here21:01
ovidiu-florinthank you yofel21:06
=== tazz_ is now known as tazz
lordievaderCan non-Kubuntu members hang around during the meeting?21:27
Riddelllet's do it in #ubuntu-meeting, more exposure there to keep kubuntu in people's minds21:36
ovidiu-florinwhere's Rick?21:37
Sick_RimmitIm here21:41
* Sick_Rimmit Runs to grab a cup of something21:42
ovidiu-florinSick_Rimmit: I've got your T-shirts ready here :D21:42
Sick_RimmitOh Excellent :-)21:43
Sick_RimmitI'm just finalising the artwork for printing items for the stand, hope to have the order place shortly21:43
Sick_Rimmitso it'll arrive in time for me to bring with me21:44
Sick_RimmitSecretly I'm hoping to lay my hands on 2 Konqi's one for each of my girls21:44
Sick_RimmitMy 10 year old Rhiannon, replaced the HDD and RAM, by stripping bits from an old HP laptop, and then went on to re-install Ubuntu 12.04 last night. I think she deserves a Konqi21:45
Sick_RimmitRight cuppa21:45
ovidiu-florinSick_Rimmit: You ordered: 1 S 2 M 1 XL21:46
shadeslayerDid I miss it21:50
shadeslayermanaged to do all of the things on my todo today21:50
Sick_Rimmitshadeslayer: Good skills21:51
soeeBluesKaj: ping21:52
ovidiu-florin8 minutes left21:52
* Sick_Rimmit palms are getting sweaty21:53
Sick_RimmitHmmm how odd.. I'm actually felling a little nervous21:53
ovidiu-florinSick_Rimmit: chill21:53
yofelno need for it, this is the membership meeting, not the dev one :P21:53
ovidiu-florinyou're awesome21:53
lordievaderyofel: The dev one is gruesome?21:54
yofellordievader: depends, we try not to be too hard, but it *is* a full hour of questioning21:55
Sick_RimmitI think it will be a long time before I apply for Dev Kubuntu-Ninja status21:55
Majdihello there21:55
Sick_RimmitI'm only just got into Yellow Belts21:55
soeeshadeslayer: the Plasma 5 beta is ready for testing from staging ?21:55
Majdidoes anyone here have some PyKDE knowledge ?21:56
ovidiu-florinMajdi: som PyQt knowledge here21:56
yofelnah, ninjas isn't that restricted, you just need to get some experience21:56
shadeslayermy interwebs be spotty21:57
RiddellMamarok, yofel, shadeslayer, ScottK, valorie: meeting in #ubuntu-meeting in 2 minutes21:58
Majdiovidiu-florin, great! I'm trying to change a plasmoid's text color because it doesn't get along with my wallpaper. The widget is transparent21:58
MajdiThe source code looks like this http://pastebin.com/EAT8dZe421:58
MajdiI don't know really what to edit, I guess the needed property would be self.theme.something or self.layout.something21:59
Majdicouldn't find any documentation that could help though22:00
MajdiI found that http://api.kde.org/pykde-4.3-api/plasma/index.html22:02
MajdiIf that could help anyhow22:02
ovidiu-florinwow this is so old22:04
Majdiyou mean the doc ?22:09
ovidiu-florinMajdi: yes, and also the code is still using PyQt422:16
Majdi:/ ...22:17
ovidiu-florinMajdi: a more recent one: http://api.kde.org/pykde-4.7-api/plasma/index.html22:18
Majdiovidiu-florin, Thanks22:19
Majdicouldn't find the class "layout" there though22:19
Majdiis it somewhere else ? and more important is it the proper class to look into ?22:20
ovidiu-florinMajdi: layout does just the layout22:20
ovidiu-florincan I see the original code?22:20
Majdi<Majdi> The source code looks like this http://pastebin.com/EAT8dZe422:21
MajdiI didn't touch anything except commeting out 2 likes22:22
Majdi#self.theme = Plasma.Svg(self)22:22
Majdi        #self.theme.setImagePath("widgets/background")22:22
Majdi        #self.setBackgroundHints(Plasma.Applet.DefaultBackground)22:22
=== yofel changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - now even more Friendly Computing | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | KF5 5.5 Status: http://goo.gl/5rMNsD | Applications 14.12.0 Status http://goo.gl/lFQbkR | cheers to our newest Kubuntu Member: Sick_Rimmit
ovidiu-florinMajdi: you can find here the docs for the plasma lib http://api.kde.org/4.x-api/kdelibs-apidocs/plasma/html/index.html22:26
ovidiu-florinI think you might need Plasma::Theme22:26
Majdito remove the ugly semi-transparent background that was here by default ^^22:26
MajdiI'll take a look22:26
ovidiu-florinor, Plasma::Svg22:26
yofelshadeslayer: got a link to the toolchain setup?22:28
* Sick_Rimmit appears with a Whoosh and a Grin22:29
ovidiu-florinMajdi: I have to go now, hope you'll manage, if not drop me a line22:29
shadeslayeryofel: not really, I usually did sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabihf and then passed the arch to dpkg-buildpackage22:30
yofellet me try that22:30
shadeslayeryofel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CrossBuilding22:30
Majdiovidiu-florin, alright, thank you very much for your help !22:30
Majdigood night22:30
ovidiu-florinMajdi: YW22:30
* ovidiu-florin is going to sleep with a good night read (http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtqml-cppintegration-definetypes.html)22:31
Sick_RimmitNite nite ovidiu-florin22:35
shadeslayeryofel: there's also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ARMKernelCrossCompile22:36
shadeslayerI think export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-linux-gnueabihf- is the important bit22:36
Riddelllordievader: added yourself to the kubuntu 10th anniversary party? https://community.kde.org/Promo/Events/FOSDEM/201522:36
* shadeslayer grumbles22:37
lordievaderErr, no, not yet. For I am not sure if I will be able to help out. I'm going with friends, and just abandoning them ain't very nice.22:37
lordievaderRiddell: ^22:39
yofelhm, lets give this sbuild thing a try22:39
Sick_RimmitOK I got to go folks, I have a 5am start tomorrow22:44
Sick_RimmitThank you all once again for approving my Kubuntu Membership22:44
Riddellsleep well Sick_Rimmit 22:46
Sick_RimmitThanks everyone22:46
* Sick_Rimmit Out22:46
sitterdid I miss the meeting22:50
lordievaderRiddell: I guess I'll pop by and help out if I can at FOSDEM. But I'll eat with my friends.22:52
Riddelllordievader: coming to the drinks event on friday?22:54
Riddellit's not fosdem if you don't spend the evening crushed into delerium drinking kumquat beer22:54
lordievaderI hear we will be there.22:55
sitterhas anyone booked me a flight yet?22:56
lordievaderTry anyhow.22:57
shadeslayersitter: flight? pft22:57
Riddellebookers is waiting for your details22:57
Riddellthey have a handy form on their webpage22:57
shadeslayertravel in style, use a TARDIS22:57
shadeslayeryofel: any luck with the sbuilder thing22:58
shadeslayerbecause mk-sbuild seems to install qemu-user-static qq22:58
yofelnah, that doesn't fit for him. Maybe he can ask Santa Claus for his sleigh22:58
shadeslayerho ho ho22:58
shadeslayersitter: ^^ burn22:58
yofelshadeslayer: trying now. First time I'm using sbuild here so I have to do the first run stuff -.-23:00
sitterscrew it23:02
* shadeslayer actually needs to write schroot scripts tomorrow, to properly mount overlayfs shit23:02
sitterI am looking at oneway 150-200 eur23:02
sitterthat is on top of 30 or so for the train23:03
shadeslayerfwiw I'm not attending23:03
tsdgeosRiddell: still wants to uninstall lots of stuff https://paste.kde.org/pgcwdmnyg23:03
tsdgeosshadeslayer: yo man! why not?23:03
Riddellhe's in london23:04
Riddellwhich has a direct train23:04
Riddellthey even built a tunnel23:04
Riddelltsdgeos: sorry, armhf is in eternal combat with krita's use of qMax(), I'm on my 8th upload of calligra today23:05
tsdgeoshe he23:05
shadeslayerdon't feel like it23:05
shadeslayeryofel: yeah no, it's using qemu-user-static :/23:06
shadeslayeryofel: OTOH you might be able to cross compile by just installing the toolchain and exposing the correct vars23:06
yofelreally? It didn't seem to install it here (I do already have it installed on the system though)23:07
yofelanyway, lets see what it does during the build23:07
shadeslayerit installed it for the trusty schroot I made23:07
yofelI used vivid23:08
* sitter can go for a 100 euros by train one way23:08
sitterovernight that is even23:09
Riddellsitter: ubuntu flavours funding is your friend23:09
yofelE: Local archive GPG signing key not found23:09
yofelstupid sbuild23:09
sitterRiddell: at laest 360 is a waste of monies23:09
sitteroh and then there's hotel23:09
sitterso not worth it :P23:09
* shadeslayer agrees23:10
yofeland now I don't have enough entropy *SIGH*23:10
shadeslayeroh oh23:10
shadeslayeryofel: install havged23:10
shadeslayeror something like that23:10
Riddellsitter: money sitting in a bank account not being used is a waste of money23:10
sittercat everything in /23:10
sitterRiddell: let's buy some things then23:11
shadeslayer!info haveged23:11
ubottuhaveged (source: haveged): Linux entropy source using the HAVEGE algorithm. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9.1-1 (utopic), package size 26 kB, installed size 101 kB (Only available for linux-any)23:11
yofellets see23:11
yofeldid the job, thanks23:12
shadeslayerquite the useful daemon23:12
Riddellyofel: just book sitter's flight to fosdem for him, I find flight prices are an excellent source of entropy23:12
sitterwhich is why I was asking whether someone booked me tickets yet23:13
sitteryou know how I am with travel prep23:13
sitteran excuse to aviod it23:13
sittercurious side note.... VIE->BRU is almost every day for the next 3 months >150eur23:14
shadeslayerwhat the fuck23:15
shadeslayerholy shit you're right23:16
yofelshadeslayer: so it does seem to try cross building, but ends with dep issues -.-23:16
sittervienna is too important23:16
sittermakes for expensive prices23:17
* sitter shakes fist23:17
shadeslayeryofel: grep: debian/control: No such file or directory23:17
shadeslayerwhat the? :D23:17
sitterand here I was wanting to try the new airrail program of austrian+austrian railways :(23:17
yofeldon't ask me :P23:18
valorieshoot, I forgot to set an alarm for the meeting23:21
valoriemy apologies for missing it23:22
shadeslayeryofel: I'll have a look tomorrow23:22
* sitter missed it beacuse he was battleing shit consumer routers xD23:22
yofellet me try with aptitude as resolver, apt-get sucks23:23
valorieI was a solid +1 for Rimmit anyway, but I should have been there23:28
valoriesitter: funny vid, I imagine that is a self portrait 23:29
sitteryofel: no, it's just that no one ever turns on the resolver debug output23:29
sitterwhich is a thing that eludes me entirely23:29
sittervalorie: very much so23:29
valoriethe leiderhosen clinches it totally23:29
yofelsitter: now you just have to tell me how to tell sbuild to do that23:30
sitterI dunno23:30
sitterI dunno why it doesn't by default23:30
yofelgee thanks :P23:30
* sitter be using lxc and nothing but lxc23:30
yofeloh great, aptitude outright ignores that I want to build armhf and just installs amd64 deps \o/23:32
yofelso much for that idea23:33
shadeslayeryofel: actually, that might just work23:33
yofelit doesn't :P23:33
shadeslayerbecause all you need is headers anyway most of the time right?23:33
shadeslayeroh :(23:33
yofelyou don't get past dpkg-checkbuilddeps23:33
shadeslayeryofel: what does it say?23:33
shadeslayercan't find certain packges?23:34
yofeldpkg-buildpackage: host architecture armhf23:34
yofeldpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: extra-cmake-modules kdoctools-dev kio-dev kross-dev libkeduvocdocument-dev libkf5config-dev libkf5coreaddons-dev libkf5crash-dev libkf5i18n-dev libkf5kcmutils-dev libkf5khtml-dev libkf5newstuff-dev libkf5sonnet-dev libqt5svg5-dev libxml2-dev qtmultimedia5-dev qtscript5-dev23:34
shadeslayerhow ... odd23:34
yofelit wants :armhf for all of those23:34
sitteroh fwiw, chdist is a handy tool to do that sort of dep check IIRC23:36
* sitter wanted to watch a movie 4 hours ago; couldn't get on netflix; now it's too late -.-23:37
=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter
shadeslayeryou have netflix in Austria?23:38
Riddellyay plasma all built on vivid (except muon) http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/plasma-status/build_status_5.1.95_vivid.html23:39
sittershadeslayer: limited23:40
sitterthere's a buttload of bbc programs though23:40
sitterso that's cool23:40
shadeslayeryou have BBC?!23:40
shadeslayeror do you mean on Netflix23:40
sitteron netflix23:41
valoriehmmm, I wonder if I could get doctor who that way instead of crappy BBC America23:42
sitterproblem is that the stuff on netflix in austria would have to have at least subs which I don't need nor want so it's a bit meh23:42
valoriewhich is half ads23:42
sitterfortunately membership isn't region bound so I just happen to vpn us netflix when I want something specific23:42
keithzgDoctor Who is all on Netflix Canada, at least.23:43
keithzg(well, except for the most recent season)23:43
valorieclassic who I can get on DVD23:43
valoriecurrent season is what I want of course23:44
valorieI've seen all the reboot eps multiple times23:44
sittervalorienetflix us seems to have a jolly publishing delay23:44
* sitter too drunk to type23:44
keithzgPublisher being protective of their DVD/Bluray sales, presumably.23:45
sittervalorie: netflux US seems to have a jolly publishing delay, latest series is 723:45
sitterso, previous one23:45
sitterthere's a lot of classic who though23:45
valorieyeah, I have to get back to that23:45
sitterkeithzg: quite possibly23:45
valoriewas almost through the first season23:46
valoriethey are fun in a rather historical way23:46
Riddellphew, good thing we voted No, means I can still use bbc iplayer and get doctor who for free23:46
sitterat any rate, as someone who doesn't own a television I can only recommend netflix ;)23:46
sitterRiddell: from spain?23:46
valorieRiddell: sounds like you may soon be living in an independent region anyway23:47
valorieyour secret plan is working23:47
sittersee, I think catalunya needs to get rid of spain and join the UK the you could iplay :P23:47
Riddellactually catalunya tv has a deal with bbc to show doctor who in catalan, the spanish don't get it at all23:49
Riddellanother good reason for independence23:49
* valorie crosses fingers about the conversation with drizt23:54
sittermy god the amount of time spent on this23:55
valoriethank you for your work, sitter23:58
valorieand you, Riddell23:58
Riddellwell hang on, he's not said he'll accept it yet23:58
valorieI know23:59
valorie::fingers still crossed::23:59

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