
=== tumbleweed_ is now known as tumbleweed
=== TheMuso` is now known as TheMuso
=== Guest85585 is now known as mfisch
=== kitterma is now known as ScottK
dholbachgood morning07:49
Laneydholbach: hey, do you know if the sponsor queue is automatically pulled from bzr when it updates or is that manual?11:18
dholbachI can't quite remember11:18
Laneynot sure if the change I made yesterday is in effect11:20
Laneydo you (do I) have access to check?11:20
dholbachI need to check11:22
dholbachhum, looks like I don't have access to it any more?11:28
dholbachBrian could probably help11:28
dholbachor I'm looking at the wrong place11:28
* Laney is without clue11:28
dholbachLaney, updated it11:44
Laneydholbach: thanks!11:45

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