
shakes808Good evening everyone01:04
shakes808I have been googling around trying to find out how to get my camera to work on my laptop and nothing yet.  Was wondering if anyone could help me :) I have tried cheese and modprobe via ubuntu forums but not it :|01:05
cmaloneyWhich camera?01:06
shakes808the integrated web cam01:06
shakes808I had it working at one point.01:06
cmaloneyWhich laptop?01:06
shakes808Then i was messing with my partitions and couldn't get anything back01:06
shakes808Wiped my entire computer, reinstalled Ubuntu on the entire drive and now I can't get it to work again01:06
cmaloneyAlso: Doesn't work with what?01:07
cmaloneyEvening rick_h_01:07
shakes808Only ever used it with Google Hangouts01:07
cmaloneyshakes808: What model laptop?01:07
shakes808It used to work before I had to wipe my drives01:07
shakes808Dell Inspiron 154501:07
cmaloneyless story, more explanation. ;)01:07
shakes808haha sorry01:07
cmaloneyAnd which version of Ubuntu?01:08
cmaloneyWhich LTS? :)01:09
mrgoodcat9 hours down, 2 to go01:09
cmaloneyshakes808: WHat have you tried so far?01:13
shakes808getting cheese and modprobe. found those on the ubuntu forum01:14
cmaloneyand does cheese work?01:17
shakes808cheese seems to work, but not when I am trying to do google hangots.01:18
cmaloneyOK so if cheese is working then the camera is working01:21
cmaloneyDid you "allow" flash access to your camera?01:21
shakes808I believe so01:21
cmaloneyCheck. :)01:21
shakes808everything is set to ask when something is going to be accessing my camera and/or mic01:26
cmaloneyOK, so if you go to Google Hangouts what happens?01:26
shakes808The light for the camera goes on and off and then nothing.  Then nothing appears in the spot it is for me and they can't see me01:27
cmaloneyClick on the video camera icon and see if that lets you turn it on01:28
cmaloneyIt seems there isn't a problem at the OS level to get you access to the camera01:29
cmaloneyso something related to hangouts isn't getting the camera01:29
shakes808So, I guess I don't need a camera ;)01:38
shakes808Thank you for your help01:38
shakes808rick_h_: Hello Rick, question about Bookie.  What frameworks does it use?01:44
rick_h_shakes808: pyramid for python, celery for job running, YUI for JS01:44
rick_h_pyramid for the python web app I should say01:44
shakes808cool.  Looking to get back in Python01:45
rick_h_cool, it's a happy place01:45
shakes808last time I touched it was the last time I was coming to the Wednesday meets01:45
shakes808rick_h_: how are the interns?02:00
rick_h_heh, they've grown up02:00
rick_h_naw, there's folks hacking on things but it's more ad-hoc and I've had a hard time keeping up with work/surgery/etc02:00
=== ADAG11 is now known as ADAG10
brousch__Isn't this the CHC coffee house? http://www.wxyz.com/news/man-robbed-at-gunpoint-for-sunglasses-at-royal-oak-coffee-shop13:12
=== brousch__ is now known as brousch
rick_h_and CHC is tonight13:35
brouschMy BiL is a Royal Oak cop. He liked the story on FB. I wonder if he made the arrest13:36
rick_h_brousch: ask him if he's on duty wed nights...say 8pm ish...and wants a free coffee :)13:37
brouschDo they have donuts?13:37
rick_h_organic kale muffins?13:38
rick_h_and morning to all13:39
cmaloneyHappy birthday _stink_14:10
rick_h_party time!14:10
_stink_something like that14:11
widoxhah. good thing its not sunny @ 8pm :)14:14
rick_h_widox: cold as it is today I'm worried about being mugged for my coat or gloves14:14
widoxrick_h_: get the thinkpad yet?14:16
rick_h_widox: :( 'released to manufacturing'14:16
rick_h_going to london on friday night so running out of days for it to get here14:16
wolfgerbrousch: cmaloney: That is interesting that Win 8 lets you see your bootup time and what impacts that. First good thing I've ever heard about Win 8.15:11
cmaloneyFirst scary bit for the morning: getting a knock on the door from neighbor that there was a mound of ice under our outside spigot.15:21
rick_h_did you tell him "of course it's ice, it's cold outside!"?15:22
cmaloneyHer, and the main issue was it should have been turned off15:22
cmaloneyHumor levels are not at minimum levels. Please try again later. :)15:25
cmaloneyThat and someone decided it'd be a good idea to put a .lnk file in a directory that usually handles .csv files15:26
cmaloneyTo which Python correctly interprets as "There's a fucking NULL in this file"15:27
cmaloneyWhich has the added benefit of having me try to figure out where the NULL is in a direcotry of .csv files.15:27
cmaloneyand realizing later on that the code (that I wrote) isn't bright enough to try globbing.15:28
brouschcmaloney: I had a spigot break last winter. Made a nice big ice stalagmite15:54
rick_h_brousch: lol ty for your comfort15:55
rick_h_you forgot to mention the free coffee :P15:55
brouschThey probably get that anyways15:56
cmaloneyThis is why I dress like a hobo. :)18:23
cmaloneyAlso: Finding out there's an instrumental metal music setting for your Smart Mix plugin for Squeezebox = A+18:24
* cmaloney is listening to Animals as Leaders - CAFO18:24
wolfgerAnimals as Leaders..... that's a documentary, innit?18:46
ColonelPanic001that's a band18:56
_stink_a rubber band18:57
cmaloneyAn awesome band.19:10
wolfgera rare band, a rattlin' band, a band down in the valley-o?19:20
* cmaloney is listening to Peter Schilling - The Different Story (World of Lust and Crime)20:16
cmaloneyI'll send something nice to the person who can name the single that this guy sang that everyone knows but few know who performed it.20:17
cmaloney(no Wikipedia)20:17
* brousch wishes he could see cmaloney twitch as he reads my tablet recommendation for his wife21:23
cmaloneybrousch: Pay no attention to that whistling sound overhead.23:39

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