
OvenWerkszequence: The problem I had may have been caused by something else too. In the end, there don't seem to be audible artifacts. I use the PA-jack bridge as the default sound path for all audio on a few machines here for about a year. Everything just works no matter if it is PA or Jack out. As an example it works really well. If I was goin to add anything it would be a setting that allows choosing other system outputs besides 1&2 for those 02:05
OvenWerksI have heard there has been more done on jack channel aliases, but I haven't played with it. qjackctl now uses the same aliasing as Jack too.02:07
=== Guest52375 is now known as forestpiskie
=== forestpiskie is now known as elfy
zequencecub: Cool that he chose Ubuntu Studio over other Ubuntu flavors. I'm sure that Ubuntu is easier to get working.11:01
zequenceI mean, any flavor of Ubuntu11:01

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