
=== J21_ is now known as J21
bluesabreochosi: broken in the printer dialog as well00:59
bluesabreochosi: not sure if you're interested at this point, but do you want to give my latest light-locker-settings a spin? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~light-locker-settings-team/light-locker-settings/trunk/revision/12103:10
bluesabreUnit193: feel free to drop it from the seed, I'll get it sponsored normally as needed when I think its good to go03:10
bluesabreochosi: aware of any missing icons?  I've spotted a few and can bug you about them03:12
bluesabreochosi: icon, and if you think the highlight on the popover seems odd http://imgur.com/Nv4RoSa03:15
=== elfy is now known as Guest52375
=== Guest52375 is now known as forestpiskie
=== forestpiskie is now known as elfy
ochosibluesabre: well obviously, you always need to tell me about missing icons!07:37
ochosioh right, hm, they obviously fixed file-roller showing a headerbar meanwhile (thanks Laney)07:42
ochosibluesabre: pushed a fix for the popovers in greybird and found that missing cog (that must've changed names somehow, cause it worked when file-roller still had a headerbar)07:56
ochosisince i did the release of greybird, quite a few patches have accumulated already...07:57
ochosii guess i'll have to do a point release quite soon07:57
lazybear_hello, здесь кто-нибудь говорит по-русски?...09:02
ochosinot sure whether that's russian or some other slavic language, however we speak english in here09:03
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.09:03
ochosielfy: btw, that problem with xfpm's settings not being applied to X11 was resolved by me resetting xfpm's settings in xfce4-settings-editor (right click the xfpm item in the left column and hit reset)09:12
lazybear_ty for help. I will join ru channel.09:15
Unit193apt-offline 1.6 uploaded to experimental: https://tracker.debian.org/news/67162410:37
brainwashali1234: http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/sadface.php :(11:41
ali1234why you show me this?11:42
brainwashit's a nice picture of a broken root background11:43
ali1234it's a bug in whatever display manager is being used11:43
ali1234it's clearly not lightdm-gtk-greeter therefore it's not our problem11:43
brainwashso lightdm-gtk-greeter corrupts the background? it's fine while the the login screen is active, and breaks sometimes after login (~25%)11:44
ali1234no, lightdm-gtk-greeter does not corrupt the background11:44
brainwashit's xubuntu 15.04 + open source radeon driver11:45
brainwashI did not notice this in 14.04 or 14.1011:45
ali1234so it's a driver bug then11:45
ali1234why is there a picture of a clock in the bottom left corner?11:46
brainwashwhy the randomness? it works in most cases11:46
brainwashthat's a custom panel setup11:46
brainwashif it happens randomly, then it should be fixable, or?11:47
ali1234sure. just fix the radeon driver11:47
ali1234or, preferably, stop buying AMD graphics hardware because it doesn't work properly11:47
brainwashit did before :/11:47
brainwashsad face11:48
ali1234none of the open source drivers is at all reliable11:49
ali1234intel driver has had a bug that corrupts the screen for years11:49
ali1234nouveau crashes constantly11:49
brainwashmaybe radeon is now sharing bugs with nouveau (which corrupted the background in previous releases)11:49
ali1234try fglrx11:50
brainwashI will11:50
ali1234what do you see if you kill xfdesktop?11:51
ali1234please disable xfdesktop when testing because it also messes with the background11:52
ali1234actually xfdesktop might be the problem11:54
brainwashxfdesktop usually restores the background (picture). I test and disable it11:54
ali1234i think i might see the problem11:58
brainwashali1234: I disabled xfdesktop and it still happens11:59
ali1234well does it stay after everything else loaded up?11:59
brainwashit happens with xfwm4 + built-in compositor and xfwm4 + compton11:59
ali1234what happens?11:59
brainwashyes, it stays broken/scrambled (without xfdesktop)11:59
brainwashthe root background12:00
ali1234you can't see the root background when compositing is enabled12:00
brainwashit breaks immediately after the greeter disappears12:00
ali1234xfwm opens a fullscreen window with a copy of the real root background in it12:00
ali1234so the problem must be with the greeter then12:01
brainwashyes, the copied root background picture I meam12:01
ali1234and xfwm is just copying the garbage12:01
brainwashah, yeah12:02
brainwashmaybe something changed in the greeter code recently12:02
brainwashsome parts have been rewritten by the new maintainer12:02
ali1234which parts?12:03
brainwashno idea, but I will test an older version later12:03
brainwashthe utopic one, or even trusty12:03
brainwashin vivid12:03
ali1234yes the greeter background code has been rewritten12:05
ali1234the retain permanent code has been totally removed12:05
ali1234so everyone will get this annoying shitty bug12:05
ali1234thanks, new maintainer12:05
knometut tut12:06
brainwashali1234: oh.. just tested without compositor and the bug was also triggered12:07
ali1234yes it would be12:08
ali1234the new code doesn't draw anything into the root window12:08
brainwashyeah, you've explained it12:08
ali1234so it's just full of garbage12:08
ochosiwell, can be fixed easily thouh12:08
brainwashali1234: are you going to file a bug report?12:09
brainwashok, thanks12:10
ochosiali1234: you can also just file a MR and i'll take care of that12:10
ali1234i don't even know where to start12:10
ochosibut yeah, in case you don't a report is probably good12:10
ali1234the retain permanent code is totally deleted12:10
ochosithen also link it to -v-bugs12:10
slickymasterWork elfy, today's daily is uninstallable -> http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/ubiquity.php12:12
slickymasterWorkthe problem is with ubi-console-setup.py12:12
ali1234going for lunch then i will fix this12:12
slickymasterWorkit works in live session though12:13
ochosislickymasterWork: does the panel in ubiquity work as expected though?12:13
ali1234also if i find the greeter leaking pixmaps again i am going to be unhappy12:13
slickymasterWorkI'm now trying to retrieve the content of /var/log/syslog12:14
=== qwebirc681520 is now known as slickymasterWork
elfyslickymasterWork: bug 140849512:42
ubottubug 1408495 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Vivid) "Ubiquity crashes prior to keyboard configuration in 15.04" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140849512:42
brainwashbluesabre, ochosi: new comments -> bugs 130754513:15
ubottubug 1307545 in xfce4-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Power Manager settings are ignored when closing laptop lid" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130754513:15
brainwashb3nmore claims that the default value for logind-handle-lid-switch is wrong in utopic13:15
brainwashnow with those new details we should be able to identify what's broken13:17
ali1234okay, the retain permanent stuff was moved to a different file14:13
ali1234but it doesn't work any more for some reason14:13
ali123419222 al        20   0 19.146g 9.908g   5512 S  10.3 63.2 299:00.22 mousepad14:27
ali1234i think we have a problem :(14:27
ali1234on the bright side at least the computer isn't totally dying as soon as i hit swap14:28
ochosiali1234: tiny leaky-leak in mousepad? :}14:41
ali1234yeah, i dunno what happened14:41
ochosimaybe rename it to elephantpad then14:41
ochosilargest footprint in town!14:41
ali1234the weird thing is it wasn't growing14:42
ochosireally odd though, i presume you only opened text-documents with it14:42
ali1234and it's been like that for a couple of days14:42
ali1234i've been wondering why my computer is slow for about a week now14:42
ali1234so i'm  looking at this lightdm code14:44
ali1234it looks reasonable but it doesn't work14:46
ali1234master doesn't even build14:50
ali1234./configure: line 11669: syntax error near unexpected token `0.9.5'14:50
ali1234./configure: line 11669: `GOBJECT_INTROSPECTION_CHECK(0.9.5)'14:50
ali1234i can't do anything until that is fixed14:54
brainwashali1234: the greeter package in vivid is pretty outdated, so I've installed a newer one from the daily ppa (mid dec 2014)15:56
brainwashand the background is now fine15:56
brainwashnow, apport detects some segfault with the newer build. I'll report it later15:58
ali1234i can't even get it to build15:58
brainwashI haven't tried yet15:58
brainwashbut the daily ppa is pretty outdated (maybe there weren't any changes)15:59
brainwashcan you confirm that there is some delay after pressing the login button? it takes like 4-5sec until the greeter screen is destroyed and the actual session loads16:01
brainwashvery odd, authentication should not take that long.. time to check the logs16:03
brainwashand test unity-greeter :D16:03
brainwashali1234: restarting lightdm fixed it16:14
ali1234so what commit is the packaged version on?16:28
ali1234bug 136653416:29
ubottubug 1366534 in Light Display Manager "lightdm lefts a11y (at-spi*) process behind" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136653416:29
ali1234bug 137774316:29
ubottubug 1377743 in LightDM GTK+ Greeter "indicator services restart after every resume" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137774316:29
elfyochosi: been getting this http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-140115-164821.php when coming back from lock screen16:51
elfyany idea? seen it before? 16:51
elfyor indeed anyone else :)16:51
slickymasterWorkhaven't get that one yet elfy :P16:52
ochosielfy: never seen that before16:56
ochosihappens with a clean user profile too?16:56
elfyhard to tell as it's not a constant 16:56
elfyI couldn't lock now and be sure to see it 16:56
ochosigotta run17:01
ochosislickymasterWork: can't say for sure i'll make the meeting17:02
ochosihaving unforeseen guests tonight17:02
slickymasterWorkok ochosi 17:02
elfyforgot meeting tonight - got confused with the meeting tomorrow ... 17:07
slickymasterWorksom many meetings, so little time17:10
fabioxfce4-volumed: how to change the volume step size?+18:28
fabioperhaps using the same alsamixer scale that is more proportional 18:29
fabiothis is a big deal with large speakers18:51
fabio(too loud volume from a step to one more)18:56
ali1234why aren't you using indicator-sound?18:57
elfywould still do it in whatever incremement the system uses 18:58
elfyI used to do it with amixer set18:58
elfybut now I just use the volume on the amp 18:58
fabioalil1234 indicator-sound works only with mouse.. if i kill xfce4-volumed, the keyboard volume keys do not work anymore19:07
ali1234yeah, that's why the step is different19:08
dkesselplease ping me too when the meeting starts - last time i missed most of it until i got a ping from someone halfway through it ;)19:09
slickymasterWorkI'll do it dkessel ;)19:10
elfyso you should :p19:10
slickymasterWorkif I won't elfy will poke me for sure19:11
slickymasterWorkheading home ->19:11
elfyyea ... running off more like 19:12
elfydkessel: 10 minute ish warning :)21:48
slickymaster!team | meeting time!21:59
ubottumeeting time!: bluesabre, elfy, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit19321:59
knomeoh, the meeting is this late21:59
knomei thought i already missed it ;)21:59
elfyit's on the wiki :D21:59
slickymasterno you haven't :)21:59
meetingologyMeeting started Wed Jan 14 21:59:51 2015 UTC.  The chair is slickymaster. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.21:59
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick21:59
slickymasterWho's here for the meeting?22:00
elfyhobgoblin is 22:00
slickymaster#chair knome pleia2 elfy 22:00
meetingologyCurrent chairs: elfy knome pleia2 slickymaster22:00
slickymasterUnit193, finished eating?22:01
slickymaster#topic Open action items22:01
Unit193slickymaster: Not started.22:01
slickymasterlet's see22:01
slickymasterelfy ->  talk with dev people about releasing/not releasing a222:01
slickymastercare to elaborate on that?22:02
elfydone - we're not22:02
slickymasteralso elfy -> add proposed schedule to incentive pad (http://pad.ubuntu.com/QAIncentive)22:02
elfydone that22:02
slickymasterdamn, you don't miss one ;)22:02
pleia2yes, thanks elfy!22:02
elfypleia2: I thought I pinged you about that - sorry if I forgot 22:03
bluesabreHey all22:03
slickymasterI think that covers it all22:03
elfyhi bluesabre 22:03
pleia2elfy: you did, I was in flu fugue state :)22:03
slickymasterhey bluesabre, welcome22:03
slickymastermoving on then22:03
pleia2(on the mend now)22:03
elfypleia2: oh good - thought I'd forgotten to say 22:03
slickymaster#topic Team updates22:04
slickymasterpleasi don't forget to use #info22:04
elfy#info QA - nothing much done since last meeting22:04
pleia2#action pleia2 to draft stickers+incentives blog post for QA contributor giveaways22:04
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to draft stickers+incentives blog post for QA contributor giveaways22:04
slickymasterknome, I think you have something22:04
knomeslickymaster, yes, please give me some time ;)22:04
slickymasterokie doke22:05
bluesabre#info light-locker integration added to xfce4 power - manager 22:05
bluesabreGiving up on trying to type with my phone keyboard...22:05
knome#info knome worked on updating and improving the responsive design for documentation22:05
pleia2#info pleia2 firmed up Global Jam Xubuntu QA event at Gandi on Sunday, February 8th (2000 - 0100 UTC)22:06
pleia2would be nice to have some folks lurking around here so I can have people join and ask where to submit bugs ;)22:06
knome#info knome looked at exporting docbook to pdf - exports look pretty bare/bad and images are not working correctly; the exports might not be worth it since doing that requires substantially more dependencies22:06
pleia2also introduce the newcomers to some Xubuntu devs (make sure you don't bite them)22:06
slickymasterI'm inclined to agree with you knome 22:06
slickymasteron the conversion22:07
Unit193#info light-locker-settings removed from the seed.22:07
knome#info knome and pleia2 added press/marketing contact information to xubuntu.org22:07
pleia2#action pleia2 to update docs.xubuntu.org, knome has updated the bzr repo22:07
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to update docs.xubuntu.org, knome has updated the bzr repo22:07
knome#info knome has worked hard on refreshing the website looks to match 2015/the OS22:07
knome#info knome created a page with all mirrors mirroring xubuntu ISOs22:08
slickymasterbusy bee22:08
knome#info mirror.anl.gov (our preferred US mirror) is shutting down services on feb 1, we need to list another US mirror22:08
knome#info knome finalized and copied a better looking mailman info page to -devel and -users22:09
knome#action pleia2 to copy mailman info page assets under static.xubuntu.org22:09
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to copy mailman info page assets under static.xubuntu.org22:09
knome#info knome cleaned up the processes wiki page, organizing stuff under subpages; feedback welcome on irc/mailing list22:10
pleia2knome: I forget, is static.x.o stuff in a bzr repo? maybe it should be22:10
pleia2I think it's not22:10
knomepleia2, i'll set that up22:10
slickymasterI did like the new layout of the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Processes page22:10
knome#action knome to set up a repository for static.xubuntu.org content22:10
meetingologyACTION: knome to set up a repository for static.xubuntu.org content22:10
knomehmm, i think that's it for now for my updates22:10
pleia2me too22:10
slickymasteris not so dense/heavy now22:10
knomeyep, it's definitely an improvement22:11
slickymasteranything else?22:11
knomeand i'll update it with the qa stuff once i find it on my email22:11
slickymastergoing once22:11
knomeas i said, from me yes22:11
slickymastergoing twice22:12
slickymaster#topic Announcements22:12
slickymasternothing from me22:12
bluesabreNothing here at the time22:12
elfyFirst milestone we'll take part in is Beta 1 wk 18 22:13
slickymasterok team, please be sure to take an active stand on the testing side of B122:14
pleia2or sooner :)22:14
elfybluesabre: while that reminds me - any plans to drag anything from staging into default pre-Beta 22:14
slickymasterI presume you'll be mailing everyone (ML) prior to it elfy22:15
elfyoh - there is the Community Council meeting tomorrow btw22:15
elfyslickymaster: ofc22:15
Unit193I've already done all the testing upgrades I have.22:15
elfyty :)22:15
slickymasterCC meeting at what time and channel elfy?22:15
pleia21700 #ubuntu-meeting22:15
elfy-meeting 1700UTC22:15
elfyha 22:15
bluesabreElfy: stable releases and any patches we want to carry. Will work with Unit193 and ochosi22:16
elfybeat you :D22:16
slickymasterthanks for the heads up on that22:16
pleia2elfy: I'm just happy we agree22:16
elfybluesabre: ok :)22:16
elfypleia2: lol22:16
pleia2it's been a long week :)22:16
slickymasterand we're only half way through it pleia2 :P22:16
elfynot here - weekend starts tomorrow lunch time :D22:17
knomepleia2, is it too much to ask to tar the current assets somewhere?22:17
pleia2knome: can do, sec22:17
slickymaster#topic Discussion22:17
elfyshall rattle on a bit about newish things 22:17
slickymaster#subtopic Discuss replacing gnome-calculator with galculator (to get rid of CSD)22:17
slickymasterit's still in the agenda22:18
elfyI thought this was now nothing to worry about?22:18
knomei thought it was ok as well22:18
elfystill no idea what csd is 22:18
slickymasterit wasn't removed from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meeting so I thought it was still an open item22:18
Unit193Doesn't look OK here, but maybe it will later...22:19
bluesabreYeah, I think the Ubuntu team is continuing to add patches to get rid of csd22:19
elfyno idea - forgotten - and I still don't know what csd is 22:19
elfyso I would say leave it be :p22:19
slickymasterlol, will someone explain it, pretty please22:19
slickymasterUnit193, bluesabre ^^22:20
bluesabre"Client Side Decorations"22:20
Unit193Which means the application can decide what it's menus and stuff look like, not the window manager.22:20
bluesabreBasically applications are composited on their own instead of by xfwm, so it messes up integration and causes issues22:20
elfyaah ok - thanks :) 22:21
elfywasn't something else the *same* ? 22:22
bluesabreXfce had acceptable support for it now, but it can still be a headache22:22
knomefwiw, branch for static assets set up (not updated for new stuff yet)22:22
pleia2thanks knome 22:22
slickymasterthanks knome 22:22
pleia2just a general discussion thing, I'm a bit over-committed this cycle between Real Job and other things, if anyone has interest in marketing blueprint things (like picking up with surveys) please jump in, I might not get to them22:23
elfylooking 22:24
* slickymaster also22:24
knomepleia2, i just marked one of your items to DONE today ;)22:24
elfyI could find some time given that qa is taking so much of my time this cycle22:24
pleia2I thought I wouldn't travel as much, but it turns out I really like airplanes22:25
pleia2knome: yeah!22:25
elfypleia2: wing me what you have for the user survey 1 and I'll have a look 22:25
knomei won't promise anything, but i'll be working with the flyers anyway, so getting those printed might be done by somebody else than you22:25
slickymasterknome, haven't you already sorted out the alignment for printing?22:25
knomeslickymaster, mostly, see the whiteboard22:25
elfygiven that it's in progress22:25
pleia2elfy: http://pad.ubuntu.com/xubuntu-user-identifies-as22:26
pleia2elfy: our last discussion on it went bikeshed, so I lost all energy22:26
knomei'm sorry22:26
elfyyea - kind of saw that 22:26
elfypleia2: I'll see if I can move it on22:26
elfyblueprinted me for those 2 22:27
pleia2knome: no one's fault, I don't know what I'm doing survey-wise so it's hard to argue my simple-is-good points :)22:27
pleia2thanks elfy 22:27
elfywelcome - might motivate me a bit more than I am atm :)22:27
knomelinked the survey pad ot the whiteboard for future reference22:28
slickymastergo elfy go elfy go elfy 22:28
slickymastergood idea knome 22:28
* slickymaster usually spends some time looking for the pad's urls22:28
* elfy doesn't - or just looks in his index of stuff :D22:29
slickymasteranything else anyone wants to throw to the table?22:30
slickymasterok, this one was a short one22:31
slickymaster#action pleia2 to schedule next meeting22:31
meetingologyACTION: pleia2 to schedule next meeting22:31
elfyyea 22:31
meetingologyMeeting ended Wed Jan 14 22:31:35 2015 UTC.  22:31
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2015/xubuntu-devel.2015-01-14-21.59.moin.txt22:31
elfysorry and all that :)22:31
pleia2aw man22:31
elfyoh good lord 22:31
elfybad slickymaster :|22:31
slickymasterno escape pleia2 22:31
knomei'll do pleia2's meeting22:32
slickymasternow to fight the wiki22:32
elfybluesabre: one of the things that maybe we could look at - the imgur in screenshots that Unit193 has - really like that22:32
knomepleia2, that is, if you don't necessarily want to do it...22:32
pleia2knome: thanks, it's ok, I'll do it :)22:32
knomeas you wish22:33
pleia2will have to be next week though, because then fosdem22:33
bluesabreelfy: that does sound like a good one22:33
knomenext week sounds fair, not again too many updates ;)22:33
elfybluesabre: yea - but mostly what I was getting at was mousepad seems to be a bit more *advanced* in staging than the dev version - don't use parole enough to notice22:34
elfybut getting as many of those things in before 23rd February means they'd be there for B122:35
bluesabreyeah, I think (hopefully) we'll have a new stable mousepad soon... the -staging one is pretty great compared to whats in the archive22:35
elfyand as well as pointing testers at milestones we can ALSO point them at those things22:35
elfyofc - if they're in before - we can just point people at those - BUT 22:35
elfyI'd like enough notice to be able to get the testcases updated :D22:36
bluesabrelooks like feature freeze is feb 23, so we'll start pushing now22:36
bluesabrefeb 1922:36
knomejust enough time anyway22:36
elfybluesabre: oh - yea ofc - so week before B1 :)22:36
pleia2I'll be in Oman22:37
elfythat imgur thing's probably the thing I've missed most since the clean install I did last week 22:37
elfynot got Unit193's ppa in yet 22:37
knomepleia2, o22:37
pleia2coming home on the 20th though22:37
elfypleia2: not an excuse :D22:37
knomepleia2, "o'man", says i22:37
knomepleia2, just at the right time to write release notes!22:38
elfydkessel: just a quick one - there are autopilot things on QA blueprint - do they need to be postponed? 22:38
slickymasterminutes are (finally) up22:42
elfythat's quicker than I do them22:43
slickymasterwiki was on my side today elfy 22:43
bluesabrestepping away for dinner, bbiab22:43
dkesselelfy: there is a 50% chance they need to be, i say22:43
slickymasterenjoy bluesabre 22:43
elfydkessel: ok - well I'm kinda cool with you just taking the time tbh - would be really nice to get them for the next LTS perhaps 22:44
elfyso - mark them postponed if you need - I'll certainly not get in the way of you doing it :)22:45
elfymight be time to try and do another mailing list post for it - I can imagine being the only person looking to be quite daunting 22:46
slickymasterFWIW, I removed the item about replacing gnome-calculator with galculator from the discussion topic22:46
elfyand I do apologise that I can't help and that it's all voodoo to me :(22:46
brainwashshould gnome-mines be replaced too? I noticed that it uses CSD too now22:48
elfyI'd lose games completely given the chance22:49
brainwashyou can't do that!22:49
slickymaster+1 on that22:49
elfy+1 on can't or doing it ?22:50
brainwashno games? should the user play some bad browser games instead? flash ones? :>22:50
slickymastergetting rid of them22:50
Unit193What's new in mousepad then?22:59
Unit193elfy: That's a git snapshot, older one now, they want to release and just need nick to give them the permission so it should be released soon.22:59
elfyUnit193: imgur? 22:59
elfyUnit193: mousepad from my perspective is mostly enhanced menu options - obviously a text editor is a text editor 23:00
elfyas gnome options go down ... xfce go up lol23:01
Unit193Hah. :D23:02
knomeelfy, good news, found the qa process stuff while waiting for PS to work ;)23:09
knomeelfy, dropping games - exactly what i was thinking the other day23:09
knomeshipping games is so 90's23:09
knomeand the fact is that most people play browser games anyway23:09
slickymasteror console ones23:10
slickymasterI would be +1 on dropping them23:10
drcUnless you ship Gargoyle (for Interactive Fiction), which is so 80's :)23:10
knomeand legacy gamers probably enjoy playing stuff with emulators anyway23:10
elfythe way I see it is - there's only likely to be people like me who want solitaire 23:10
knomeelfy, in that case they can install it23:11
slickymasterdrc we'd have to create a mullet section for the 80s ganes ;)23:11
knomeelfy, games aren't critical for production environments without online connectivity23:11
elfyknome: yea - that's my point 23:11
elfyif I have to install something I use - I can install something I don't ... :)23:11
elfyand ... 23:12
elfyNEXT cycle - because you've not got rid of me yet - remove abiword and gnumeric and install something else 23:13
knomeor drop and don't replace23:14
* knome hides23:14
slickymasteryou're only going to be allowed to leave after the next LTS elfy 23:14
elfyI mean - use abiword - which one first use - spawns new ones if you've not got the mouse in the right place23:14
elfycome on ... 23:14
elfyslickymaster: I'm off Feb 2016 23:14
elfyoh whoops - is that mid-cycle? 23:14
brainwashhow about replacing apps with web links for online apps? :D23:14
* knome sighs at client work23:15
slickymasterwe won't let you and will hunt you down23:15
elfybrainwash: how about not :)23:15
brainwashit's the future!23:15
elfyknome: that's the nature of self-employment 23:15
knomethat's the nature of WORK :|23:15
elfybrainwash: yep - the UK is going to superfast broadband - that actually really means 2 mb/s or whatever 23:16
elfyknome: you laugh - I'm serious :(23:16
knomeand my 3Mbps upload speed actually means "somewhere along 2Mbps"23:16
elfythat's their idea of it 23:16
drcless the overhead for serveillence and backdoors.23:16
knomeotoh "A super-fast 100Mbps line" on the competitor means "You'll get maybe 8Mbps and it's more unreliable than the local post office"23:17
* knome picks smaller ISP with their own backbone, sooo much more reliable23:18
elfyhere - the infrastructure belongs to BT - everyone else rents 23:21
knomethat's how it used to be until late too23:21
elfyso - buy what you like, but if there's an issue - you talk to your supplier who talks to them23:21
knomenow we have that one other considerable ISP with their backbone23:21
elfyknome: yea - when I was a kid - it all belonged to us 23:21
elfythen politics 23:22
knomewell, yeah, one company owns the connection centers in each house23:22
knomeso kind of same23:22
knomebut if the backbone breaks, then the ISP can do something23:22
knomemum's internet was down for a few days last year or so23:22
knomebecause somebody had misconnected stuff23:22
knomenot ISPs fault23:22
knomeand when i first got my new connection from this ISP23:22
knomeit took like months23:23
knomebecause the company who owns the connection boxes didn't do their work23:23
knomebut fair enough, i didn't pay for anything for that time, nor the first two connected weeks23:23
bluesabreI'd be +1 for getting rid of games from default install23:25
elfythat's almost good then 23:26
slickymasterat least we could discuss it in the next meeting23:26
elfyI'd swap games for imgur :D23:26
elfyI'll add it23:27
knomeelfy, hah23:27
elfythere we go 23:28
elfyslipped a bit 23:28

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