
rio_zentaDoes anybody know how to create a panel when using a single stretched screen across 2 monitors? My first screen has a panel but the second screen doesnt00:38
knomerio_zenta, from panel properties, enable "span monitors"00:40
knomerio_zenta, or create a new panel from that dialog.00:40
rio_zentaknome, thanks. I was just tinkering and found it.00:42
rio_zentais there no way to make 2 separate ones though?00:43
knomethere is, just add a new panel from the top of that dialog00:43
knomethere is no way to *copy* a panel so you'd have the exact same one from the GUI00:43
=== SonikkuAmerica_ is now known as SonikkuAmerica
knomebut you can definitely recreate it00:43
rio_zentaknome, I found a lot of people asking for an option where 2 workspaces are shared between 2 monitors00:46
rio_zentado you think it's possible?00:49
rio_zentaapart from launching 2 x-servers00:50
knomerio_zenta, yes, but you'll need to create two virtual desktops01:21
knomerio_zenta, i don't understand why people want it so badly though, in my opinion it doesn't bring much to the table and definitely isn't worth the hassle01:21
rio_zentaknome, how so? It creates the opportunity to treat each screen as a sort of "terminal", but with the added power of being able to share things across them.01:30
knomerio_zenta, i use a dual-screen setup and i never feel like i'd need that feature01:32
rio_zentahow is your dual-screen setup? knome01:35
knomehow in what way?01:36
rio_zentaDo you have the main screen and then all other screens on a "stretched" display? eg. "to the right of" and "to the left of" ?01:37
knomeyes, i have two similar monitors and they are one single virtual desktop01:37
rio_zentaaah interesting. I have settled for that for now. the laptop screen and external monitor01:38
nw_nickhi, I keep getting an error when mounting my DVD-ROM filesystem. The error I get is  this Error mounting /dev/sr0 at /media/macchina1/My Files: Command-line `mount -t "iso9660" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,mode=0400,dmode=0500" "/dev/sr0" "/media/myusername/My Files"' exited with non-zero exit status 32: mount: /dev/sr0 is write-protected, mounting read-only mount: /dev/sr0 is already mounted or 04:01
nw_nickI'm not using it and I can't mount it in any other way I tried04:03
nw_nickI'm currently using testdisk on a different device though, may it be its fault?04:04
nw_nickis anybody there please?04:10
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xubuntu27whi there10:16
xubuntu27wI've got a pro-blem with the update-manager after installing a fresh xubuntu 14.0410:17
xubuntu27where's the output.10:18
xubuntu27wif I try to re install (or even do a dpkg reconfigure) it fails to.10:19
Unit193xubuntu27w: Try  sudo dpkg --configure -a ; sudo apt-get install -f10:21
xubuntu27w@Unit193: nope ... http://pastebin.com/71v6vsmy10:24
xubuntu27wI'm going mad- I've been trying to fix that for the past two hours :(10:25
Unit193Don't know how  you got into the mess, but I'd purge both notifier and manager, then install them.10:25
xubuntu27wUnit192: I tried that too and it says I can't do that because xubuntu-desktop depends on it10:27
xubuntu27wreally really odd.10:27
xubuntu27wNever had that before10:27
Luyinxubuntu27w: perhaps your installation medium has been broken and led to that error?10:28
xubuntu27w@Luyin: but shouldn't the install simply fail then (and not go ahead?)10:28
Luyinnot necessarily10:29
xubuntu27whmmm... at the moment I am contemplating a re-install. But I've got shit to do :(10:31
Luyinxubuntu27w: personally, I'd do that too. it's the least messy solution. and you don't have to do it now, if you can still use the computer. or, you could use a live distro and work from that. but perhaps someone else's got another helpful idea.10:34
xubuntu27wLuyin, I sleep over that. It's just really annoying :(11:04
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=== RayneSplit is now known as Rayne
ochosisergio-br2: hey, just to let you know, i postponed all your workitems for elementary-xfce and released version 0.5, lemme know when/if you have time to contribute again14:46
sergio-br2yeah, I don't know when I will have time :p14:47
sergio-br2what work itens?14:47
ochosimostly mimes and categories14:49
ochosithe webapps i won't work on anytime soon14:49
sergio-br2lol, i forgot it14:52
sergio-br2the only one I did was lua14:52
sergio-br2ah, it's for 0.6 now, nice14:53
ochosiyou can still send a MR for that if it's ready14:53
ochosiso it isn't lost14:53
sergio-br2sorry for the absent all this time :p14:53
ochosibut yeah, i don't care about lua files too much tbh ;)14:54
ochosino problem14:54
xubuntu32wi need some help15:07
knomejust ask the question and if somebody knows the answer, they'll most likely reply15:07
superprowerHi, how do i kill process in tty mode? TY for anwser15:08
superprowerInstalled quake, launched it, but now i can't exit :D exit option won't work15:09
knomesuperprower, kill pid15:09
knomewhere pid is the process id15:09
knomeps -A to list all pids15:09
xubuntu32wmy graphics is a 82855gm but my computer uses the standard vga adapter. Need to know how to install correct driver. Running Xubuntu 14.0415:09
knomeps -A | grep quake helps find quakes pid15:09
xubuntu32wmy graphics is a 82855gm but my computer uses the standard vga adapter. Need to know how to install correct driver. Running Xubuntu 14.0415:10
knomexubuntu32w, please don't repeat, we heard the question15:10
superproweryeah, it's worked, thank's you15:11
xubuntu32wi have tried to install ppa but doesn't wrk15:12
xubuntu32walso installed mesa-utils cant find on my computer15:13
xubuntu32wanyone find an answer15:17
xubuntu56wI have a problem15:17
xubuntu32wspeak issue and someone will help15:18
cfhowlett!ask | xubuntu56w15:18
ubottuxubuntu56w: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:18
xubuntu56wI did not found any HD player,now I play SMplayer,but sound and video up down 2 or 3 second,any one can said which one best..?15:20
xubuntu56wVLC not good for my PC15:21
ShurhaianHello everybody. I've got an old Acer TravelMate laptop I've inherited and am trying to use for some basic word processing, but I can't get the wireless to connect despite ndiswrapper thinking it's working. Could anyone offer some help with that?17:28
holsteinShurhaian: depending on how "new" you are, i may just get a USB dongle that "works out of the box" in linux17:32
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:32
holsteinShurhaian: using ndiswrapper can be a bit of a hack..17:32
holsteini have used it with success, but, ideally, you can use a linux driver, native linux driver17:32
Shurhaianndiswrapper is installed, and the neti2220 driver THINKS the hardware is present. Hrm.17:33
ShurhaianBut it doesn't see ANY networks despite me being in an apartment complex that's lousy with them (my smartphone sure sees them).17:33
holsteini say, if it has a network connection, wired, just plug that in and update the OS, and see if you are offered any drivers17:33
holsteinShurhaian: run lspci and ifconfig, as suggested at !wifi and look for the chipset, and search by that..17:34
holsteincould be, its easy to use the device without the windows driver17:34
ShurhaianAh well; getting new hardware is a bit beyond my means at present. I'll try letting it update, and see if that helps the OTHER problem I was having - namely, trying to install LibreOffice failed (turned up a bunch of 404s).17:34
holsteinShurhaian: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade && sudo apt-get install libreoffice17:34
holstein^ you'll need to be connected to the internet.. wired, since you are having issues with the wireless setup17:35
ShurhaianRight, working through these. I haven't had a chance to get familiar with it yet, so I'm a bit slower than I otherwise might be. ^^;17:35
ShurhaianHm. Nothing there that I can see about InProComm chips, that's regrettable.17:44
ShurhaianErm... tried that sudo apt-get etc line, entered my password, and it eventually spit out: "E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)" then "E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?"17:47
drcShurhaian: Did you sudo all <three> commands?17:49
ShurhaianOh. You're right, I did not. Sorry.17:49
ShurhaianAlright, now it's proceeding.17:50
Shurhaianholstein: thanks for the help. It's at least installing Libreoffice now, which it wasn't before. Seems the ndiswrapper driver for this card just doesn't want to behave, I'll take the USB dongle suggestion under consideration.18:12
fabioxfce4-volumed: how to change the volume step size?18:31
fabioperhaps using the same alsamixer scale that is more proportional18:31
fabiothis is a big deal with large speakers18:51
fabio(too loud volume from a step to one more)18:56
xubuntu39whello, is there a way to have Xubuntu mount exFAT drives as well?20:04
xubuntu39wI get an error with an external hard disk, supposedly unknow filesystem20:04
xubuntu39wI read that you could install exfat-fuse but maybe it isn't necessary?20:05
xubuntu39wbtw I can't really mount through exfat-fuse either..20:10
xubuntu39wok, now the filemanager itself can.. I don't know why the terminal for mount.ex-fat doesn't20:10
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O_OniGiriHi there20:16
O_OniGiriYesterday I received my new laptop (HP ZBook 14) pre installed with Windows 8.1 using UEFI. Today I removed Windows and tried installing xubuntu, but I am getting errors after installation.20:18
O_OniGiriI get an error message saying: No bootable image was found.20:18
O_OniGiriPlease help me.20:18
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI20:19
O_OniGiriI already tried following that link.20:19
O_OniGiriStill getting same error.20:20
brainwashsadly I'm not that familiar with uefi20:20
SuperProwerHello. I used to hear about terminal - multi-window like programm, but i can't find it know. Anybody heard about something like this? It's not realy multi-window, it's terminals in terminal20:23
brainwashgoogle returns some search results which indicate that HP's uefi implementation is somewhat broken20:23
brainwashO_OniGiri: I assume that you've already searched the interwebs, right?20:23
SuperProwerIt's not the terminal, it's terminal programm*20:24
brainwashO_OniGiri: I suggest that you ask in #ubuntu also, because it's not a xubuntu specific issue20:24
O_OniGiriwill try brainwash,  thanks20:24
brainwashSuperPrower: a terminal multiplexer?20:25
SuperProwerNot sure that i know what are you talking about, give me few secs pls20:25
=== Guest97178 is now known as max12345
brainwashSuperPrower: like https://launchpad.net/terminator20:28
SuperProwerThis was TWIN (Textmode Window Environment) programm, but it looks like frozed. Is there any alternatives?20:28
elfybeat me to it ...20:28
SuperProwerand, brain, how do i write to you like you write to me? i'm prefer irssi, so i can't click your nick20:29
brainwashtype the first letters of a user nick and then hit the TAB key for auto completion20:30
SuperProwerbrainwash: oh, ty20:30
brainwashso, twin is a text based terminal emulator + window manager20:32
SuperProwerbrainwash: yeah, so, all i could find it's very old articles. It's not in repos, and it's sourceforge site seems to be deleted. Is there an similliar programm? This is not really important, but still, i wan't to try something like that.20:34
brainwashSuperPrower: you can download the source code and compile it http://sourceforge.net/projects/twin/20:36
brainwashSuperPrower: actually https://github.com/cosmos72/twin20:37
max12345so... apt doesn't update my texmaker from 4.1 to 4.1.1 automatically. Why? Is this something I have to look out for?20:43
max12345that software just doesn't update like that?20:43
brainwashmax12345: what does "apt-cache policy texmaker" return?20:45
elfymax12345: in trusty texmaker will stay at 4.1-120:45
elfyversions of software generally don't change within a release20:45
SuperProwerbrainwash: eeh.. so.. i downloaded zip from github, then in folder i run "./confige", next "make", and got many errors. Maaany errors. TY, anyway, it's almost night, so i'll read errors later.20:46
max12345installed 4.1-1 candidate 4.1-120:46
brainwashSuperPrower: some dev packages are missing I guess. these packages are needed to build software20:47
max12345well ok but 4.1-1's copyright is from 2013... wouldn't that put it way back?20:48
brainwashmax12345: you could upgrade to 14.10 (4.3-1) or request a backport of the newer version for 14.0420:49
max12345Hm I guess that makes sense... having the long term support version not update everything all the time... Didn't think about that20:52
drcSuperPrower: If you DL an app from the official repos, or use a .deb to install an app, these dependencies are mostly taken care of for you.  DL'ing the source and compiling...not so much.  If you are lucky the build will stop and tell you what it's missing.  Add that dependency, then restart the original build.  BTW, these dependencies can you several layers deep (i.e., a dependency will have another dependency...ad nausium).20:54
elfythere is a ppa for newer version of texmaker - but - you're at the maintainers mercy and there are a whole bunch of other packages at the same place20:55
elfymax12345: ^^20:55
max12345It's ok now that I know I have to manually check for updates in case something doesn't work. I was just confused because I assumed I was up to date automatically and that that included all my programs.20:57
elfymax12345: depends how you installed it originally, if you used apt then it will check for updates - but it will only update to what's in the repo's20:59

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