
thumperdavecheney: not yet... mostly knowledge transfer for cherylj, although I do have one problem I'm putting off today that would be good to do00:32
cheryljyessss, give me ALL THE KNOWLEDGE!00:34
* perrito666 wants to know new zealand and thinks thumper should adopt him into his team temporarily00:38
thumperperrito666: happy to :)00:38
thumperperrito666: and... Air NZ now doing direct flights to Argentina00:39
thumperprobably has something to do with rugby and the pumas :)00:39
perrito666thumper: price in bars of gold?00:39
perrito666last time I checked direct flight was somewhere in the 20k usd :p00:40
thumperprobably going to get cheaper :)00:40
* perrito666 packs cooking gear00:40
anastasiamacperrito666: cooking gear?..00:43
perrito666anastasiamac: I am sure there is something nice to cook in new zealand and I dislike cooking without my own knife :p00:45
perrito666so who is OCR? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/736/ this inlocks the critical bug00:45
* perrito666 installs go cross compile to avoid having to go for a windows every time00:46
perrito666waigani: ?00:50
menn0davecheney: actually, wifi works, it just took an unusually long time connect after suspend. possibly nothing to do with the latest kernel.00:52
perrito666menn0: I have heard more people complain of things like that with latest kernel00:53
davecheneythumper: i plan to monopolise mwhudson 's time and grind through as many bugs as we can on our port00:58
davecheneyperrito666: reviewed01:02
davecheneyfix it, then ship it01:02
perrito666davecheney: td01:02
perrito666aghh I keep forgetting we are in 201501:03
davecheney2015, all year01:04
anastasiamacperrito666: aah... that would explain high prices on travel to nz01:04
anastasiamacperrito666: if everyone form argentine brings their ***cough*** cooking knives01:05
anastasiamacperrito666: u do know that Maories r peaceful pppl? not easily provoked? nor known for their aggression? .. :P01:05
perrito666anastasiamac: I dont know if you noticed this but there is no call where thumper doesn't have a bruise01:06
thumperperrito666: ha01:06
anastasiamacperrito666: rofl01:08
perrito666can we make the bot oblivious to the diff between - and _ ??01:09
ericsnowperrito666: I gave you a review on that restore fix01:12
ericsnowperrito666: is there a reason why you can't just add a restore_windows.go?01:12
perrito666right now the pressing time01:13
perrito666ericsnow: anyway, it was faster to stub Restore than to stub all of the methods that fail01:14
wallyworld_anastasiamac: standup?01:16
perrito666ericsnow: to be honest I am a bit curious on why do we build any of that in windows01:16
davecheneythumper: i'm not having anyluck getting someone on #is to look at that RT01:22
davecheneyericsnow: can you please close/delete this review http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/621/01:34
davecheneyit's dead01:34
ericsnowdavecheney: sure01:34
ericsnowdavecheney: the PR should be closed too01:35
thumperdavecheney: did as much poking as I could...01:35
thumpermenn0: I have a bad feeling about this01:35
menn0thumper: about what?01:35
thumpermenn0: someone elses upgrade step01:36
thumperthat I don't think it does what they thought it did01:36
thumperI cribbed someone else's setp01:36
thumperand did things slightly differently01:36
thumperparticularly about the assertions01:36
thumperperhaps it is working by side-effect01:36
* thumper shrugs01:36
menn0thumper: which one?01:38
thumpermenn0: the one in agentconfig.go01:38
thumperI'm also changing agent config01:38
thumperbut I'm trying to see where it actually gets written to disk01:38
thumperand it isn't during the step01:38
thumperhmm... only have a ConfigSetter01:40
thumperthere must be a reason why we don't write in the upgrade steps01:40
menn0thumper: not sure... looks like it's Dimiter's work01:40
thumpermenn0: ah ha01:46
thumpermenn0: the changes to the agent config are saved at the end of the upgrade steps01:46
* thumper fixes his tests01:46
menn0thumper: of course.01:47
menn0thumper: the steps are run inside a ChangeConfig01:47
wallyworld_thumper: core meeting?02:03
wallyworld_menn0: also?02:03
wallyworld_davecheney: ditto02:03
perrito666anastasiamac: I trust you noticed the coloring in thumper 's right eye02:21
thumperperrito666: you are imagining things02:21
thumpernot been hit for ages02:21
thumperas I've had to let my shoulder heal02:21
perrito666thumper: you live in a dangerous place, you have orcs for god sake :p02:21
perrito666I have senn it on tv02:22
anastasiamacperrito666: orcs r seasonal02:22
anastasiamacperrito666: only from Boxing Day onwards02:23
thumpermenn0: fyi https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1417/files02:55
thumperanyone game? http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/738/02:56
thumperwow, three pages of diff02:56
thumper$ git diff master | wc -l02:57
thumpersorry reviewer02:57
thumpermost of that is real necessary02:57
thumpersome of it isn't...02:57
thumperbut most of it is02:57
menn0thumper: i'm having a look03:46
thumpermenn0: how did you test upgrades before when the upgrade is listed against 1.23.0 and the version is 1.23-alpha1?04:06
thumpermenn0: wondering because I have a running 1.22 environment and I thought I might as well test the upgrade04:11
thumperbut since the upgrade steps are listed against 1.23.0... I don't think they'll run04:11
wallyworldaxw: blake suggested in the maas doc using "/dev/disk/by-id/<foo>" as the block device identifier. I think this would work? Can you comment in the doc to confirm?04:20
menn0thumper: I changed things a while back so that upgrade steps for the final version are run when you upgrade to any alpha or beta of that version04:21
menn0thumper: the steps will run04:21
thumpermenn0: oh nice04:21
thumpermenn0: thanks04:21
menn0thumper: it was wallyworld's suggestion. that way we can test steps while working towards a final version.04:22
thumpermakes sense04:22
menn0thumper: Fix it and ship it04:26
thumpermenn0: confirmed that starting a new environment has all agents dialing the env uuid version04:28
thumpermenn0: I wish we had a setting that could say "please restart after you have finished upgrading"04:29
thumpermenn0: thanks for the timely review of this massive piece of work04:30
thumpermenn0: but I think it should wait until monday to land04:30
thumperI still need to test upgrades and a few tweaks from the review, but running out of time today, need to pack04:30
mattywdavecheney, you still around?04:32
davecheneymattyw: ping04:33
axwwallyworld: will do.04:46
wallyworld_jam: did we ever get a definitive yes/no on whether Openstack is in scope for storage? It's missing completely from the Provider Specific Tactics section of the spec, but is a line item in the "in scope" section06:42
dimiternjam, axw, PTAL http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/740/ - migrating goamz imports from LP to GH07:44
* dimitern needs to step out for ~1h07:44
axwdimitern: lgtm07:46
dimiternaxw, thanks!07:47
axwwallyworld_: can't read your pgpmail07:50
wallyworld_oh, ffs, stupid thunderbird07:50
axwwallyworld_: you have question, do you mean for 1:1 tomorrow?08:02
axwwallyworld_: if you're around, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/142008:49
axwbot hasn't picked it up for some reason ...08:49
* fwereade out for a bit09:15
dimiternTheMue, standup?10:03
TheMuedimitern: morning and sorry for missing the hangout10:58
TheMuedimitern: third bad night in a row, had to change clothes several times10:58
TheMuedimitern: at least in the morning hours I found some sleep10:59
TheMuedimitern: so will now work on the couch reading all the networking information and ask you each time there's something unclear :)11:00
dimiternTheMue, hey, morning!11:02
dimiternTheMue, sorry to hear that :/ I hope you'd start feeling better!11:02
dimiternTheMue, sure - sgtm, there's a lot to read :)11:03
TheMuedimitern: I hoped so too, I seldom have something for more than one day. so I already canceled being at the Oldenburg English Club today :(11:04
TheMuedimitern: yeah, I thought that's a good opportunity, have to make the best out of the situation11:04
mgzperrito666: I have reopened bug 1411024 because the mac client still does not build with your change from last night11:05
mupBug #1411024: Win client/agent cannot bug built because of backup deps <ci> <regression> <windows> <juju-core:Triaged by hduran-8> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1411024>11:05
dimiternTheMue, +111:08
dimiternTheMue, I wish you a quick recovery in any case11:08
dimiternmgz, ha!@11:09
TheMuedimitern: thanks, I wish it too. *lol*11:09
dimiternmgz, I though it might be a problem as in the fix the "_linux" suffix was used, rather than _unix11:09
mgzdimitern: well, it should be an easy fix to the fix then :)11:10
dimiternmgz, however I'm not sure whether we support backups on mac os?11:11
mgzdimitern: I think we clearly don't need to at the moment11:13
mgzthere's probably no real reason it shouldn't work, but we just need the client to build for now :)11:13
dimiternmgz, yeah, but do you know if it *ever* worked on mac?11:14
dimiternmgz, because if it didn't the fix is a lot easier11:14
mgzdimitern: I suspect the old shell script hack would have, if anyone ever tried11:14
mgzit's certainly not something we signed up for supporting, or have been verifying works11:15
mgz(the backup/restore test jobs only use the client under ubuntu)11:15
dimiternmgz, cool, that's all the confirmation I need for now :)11:15
dimiternmgz, https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/1421 - that's the fix11:45
dimiternmgz, can you re-run the failing jobs after it lands manually to speed-up the unblocking?11:46
dimiterncan anyone review this please? ^^ axw, fwereade, voidspace, ?11:49
voidspacedimitern: looking11:49
dimiternvoidspace, ta!11:49
voidspacedimitern: LGTM11:50
dimiternfor some reason a RB diff wasn't generated11:50
fwereadedimitern, LGTM too, I'm just a bit too slow11:50
dimiternvoidspace, thank you, setting to merge to unblock trunk11:50
mgzdimitern: it should go straight through - the build jobs are early on as well11:50
dimiternmgz, cool!11:52
perrito666mgz: tx12:01
perrito666dimitern: and tx to you too12:02
dimiternperrito666, np, I'm opening a beer tab ;)12:03
perrito666you won it :p will have to wait until apri though12:03
dimiternhehe it's closer than you think ;)12:04
perrito666dimitern: we can go have beer and sausages with sauerkraut12:05
dimiternperrito666, great idea! we should definitely put it on the agenda12:06
perrito666well, it is on mine :p12:07
mgzci is building the new rev12:13
dimiternmgz, it would be very useful if on pages like this http://reports.vapour.ws/releases/2232 "Last build" links *both* to the job in jenkins and the console log output (ideally not as application/octet-stream but text/plain, so it can be viewed in the browser directly)12:25
mgzdimitern: yeah, I'm working on tidying those last bits up now12:26
dimiternmgz, you rock!12:26
dimiternvoidspace, please, take a look at the stub NetworkInterfaces - http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/742/12:49
fwereadewallyworld_, don't suppose you're around? wanted to ask about when we set StatusInstalling13:02
wallyworld_fwereade: give me 513:03
wallyworld_fwereade: when ModeInstalling is called and also when ModeConfigChanged is called and state is not Starting13:09
fwereadewallyworld_, right, am confused about setting it at ModeConfigChanged time13:10
wallyworld_maybe that's not necessary - i think it was a s/Installed/Installing thing13:10
fwereadewallyworld_, ok cool13:11
wallyworld_but if we do get config changed and we are not set up yet13:11
wallyworld_then installing seems reasonable13:11
wallyworld_maybe the check just needs to be expanded13:11
fwereadewallyworld_, then we should surely still be in Installing state? ah-*ha*, we might have gone into hook error on install13:12
fwereadewallyworld_, I don't think it should be a config-changed-time check though, I think it's part of committing an installed state13:12
fwereadewallyworld_, does that sound sane?13:12
wallyworld_i think so, but am a little tired so will think properly tomorrow13:13
fwereadewallyworld_, or, hmm13:13
fwereadewallyworld_, no, actually, I think you're right13:13
wallyworld_which bit?13:13
fwereadewallyworld_, setting it at the start of config-changed13:14
wallyworld_that did seem reasonable13:14
wallyworld_at the time13:14
fwereadewallyworld_, it was judicious and forward-thinking, I appreciate it13:14
wallyworld_not sure if i put it there or adapted it or whatever13:15
fwereadewallyworld_, fwiw I think you set StatusInstalling in the wrong part of ModeInstalling but I'm touching that as I go13:15
wallyworld_could well do - i am a uniter novice13:15
wallyworld_be gentle with me, it's my first time13:16
wallyworld_doing stuff with uniter13:16
fwereadewallyworld_, no worries, it's just that ModeInstalling isn't the mode func, it *returns* the mode func13:16
wallyworld_yes, you are right. maybe i was thinkin that if it was at the point of setting up for install, it should be put in installing13:17
wallyworld_ie transition from allocating to installing sooner13:17
wallyworld_as by then clearly allocation had been done13:18
fwereadewallyworld_, anyway you don't need to do anything, I just wanted to check up/rubber duck what was going on13:18
wallyworld_np, ty13:18
fwereadewallyworld_, I dunno, I think the moment we start looking up the charm is a fine time to set the status13:18
fwereadewallyworld_, btw did we get an upgrading status?13:18
wallyworld_hmmm, no13:19
wallyworld_we should probs add that, after checking with john13:19
fwereadewallyworld_, we can manage fine without it but I think it's cleaner13:20
wallyworld_i think i agree13:20
fwereadewallyworld_, cool, I will assume that'll be the approach if I bump up against it13:21
dimiternmgz, got a link to the win/mac build jobs?13:30
dimiternmgz, ah, found them from the last curse message13:33
perrito666dimitern: any luck?13:40
dimiternperrito666, well - so far so good13:42
axwif anyone's got time for a quick review, that'd be great... may have slipped by unnoticed since the RB bot didn't pick it up: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/142013:42
dimiternperrito666, only the "revision results" job has to succeed13:43
dimiternperrito666, but afaics the win/mac builds passed13:44
voidspacedimitern: looks good13:47
voidspacedimitern: still reading13:47
voidspacedimitern: why the ++ changed to --13:48
dimiternvoidspace, great13:48
voidspacedimitern: why the ++ changed to -- ?13:48
dimiternvoidspace, well, it seemed more appropriate - releasing an address should decrement the maxAddr as it could be useful for tests like Allocate, Release, Allocate13:49
voidspaceah, ok13:51
voidspaceat least you haven't claimed to do live testing on this one...13:52
voidspaceDummy implementation looks good/useful13:54
voidspacedimitern: if the -- change made no difference to any tests, or any code anywhere, then I'm sceptical it's needed at all...13:58
voidspacedimitern: other than that, LGTM13:58
voidspacedimitern: well, let me look at the dummy implementation one more time before I sign off13:58
voidspacelots of TODOs added as well13:58
dimiternvoidspace, I agree we shouldn't plan too far ahead for what tests we *might* need13:59
voidspacedimitern: I dislike/distrust code written for imaginery future use cases.13:59
dimiternvoidspace, that s/++/--/ seems like a good idea, but I don't mind reverting it if you disagree - it's just a detail anyway14:00
dimiternvoidspace, +1, although I need to get better at judging this :)14:00
* dimitern bbiab14:00
voidspacebalancing future planning with that is difficult14:01
voidspaceno easy answers14:01
voidspacedimitern: yep, LGTM14:04
=== lazyPower is now known as lp|BagelRun
voidspacedimitern: my mortgage guy is due here any minute and I'm going to make coffee14:04
anastasiamacfwereade: o/14:08
fwereadeanastasiamac, heyhey14:08
anastasiamacfwereade: how r u?14:09
fwereadeanastasiamac, good thanks, and you?14:09
anastasiamacfwereade: m good but weary14:09
anastasiamaccould I run smth by u?14:09
fwereadeanastasiamac, ofc14:09
anastasiamacfwereade: about annotations...14:09
fwereadeanastasiamac, go on14:09
anastasiamacfwereade: to meet kapil's requirments, we need to list charms14:10
anastasiamacfwereade: I've added API call to current client14:10
anastasiamacfwereade: bumping it's version but m not 100% sure it's good14:10
anastasiamacfwereade: not sure if 1 call warrants a separate API either14:11
fwereadeanastasiamac, my gut would say to have a new facade14:11
fwereadeanastasiamac, hot on its heels will, I suspect, be requirements that we delete charms14:11
fwereadeanastasiamac, etc etc14:11
anastasiamacfwereade: excellent! will change tomorrow :)14:11
fwereadeanastasiamac, and check the current api, there's a charm-info (or something) call14:11
anastasiamacfwereade: shall i move it?14:12
fwereadeanastasiamac, which would be happy on that facade I think14:12
fwereadeanastasiamac, yes please14:12
fwereadeanastasiamac, which is to say don't *move* it, leave it where it is too, and then we don't need a version change on client14:12
anastasiamacfwereade: purrrfect :) wallyworld_ and I were wondering but u've cleared it all up ;)14:12
fwereadeanastasiamac, cool14:13
anastasiamacfwereade: thnx for ur time and insight :)14:13
fwereadeanastasiamac, np14:13
=== lp|BagelRun is now known as lazyPower
dimiternanastasiamac, you've got a review on the ListCharms PR14:50
dimiternwtf?! ERROR juju.cmd supercommand.go:411 failed to bootstrap environment: dial tcp ConnectEx tcp: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.14:52
dimiternmgz, is the job itself flaky? http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/win-client-deploy/1298/console14:52
mgzdimitern: sinzui has been wrangling with it14:53
dimiternmgz, cool14:54
sinzuidimitern, ssh on that machine sucks14:54
dimiternsinzui, :/14:55
dimiternwell, I hope there's still a chance to unblock master later today14:56
mgzdimitern: build-osx-client passed, so your fix was fine14:57
dimiternvoidspace, thanks for the review14:57
* dimitern sings the happy dance ;)14:58
dimiternor dances the happy song lol14:58
dimiternoh joy15:30
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #juju-dev to: https://juju.ubuntu.com | On-call reviewer: see calendar | Open critical bugs: None
mgzdimitern: yeay! unblocked15:31
perrito666dimitern: thank youuuuu15:31
dimiternperrito666, mgz, cheers guys!15:32
katcowwitzel3: ericsnow: did either of you do a write-up on how you broke up your branch? i'm coming up on a large-ish change.16:52
ericsnowkatco: we haven't gotten there yet :)16:52
katcoericsnow: doh!16:52
katcoi suppose there must be something out there on google when the time comes16:53
ericsnowkatco: but the idea I had is to remove everything I don't want in the review and commit that on the branch and then create the PR (and review request)16:55
ericsnowkatco: then add back in the stuff for the next patch and commit in a new branch (and use rbt --parent)16:55
ericsnowkatco: then repeat until it's back up to where it was before you started splitting things up16:55
ericsnowkatco: that way you don't lose all your git history16:56
katcoericsnow: i think my general hunch was the inverse: create a new branch and begin merging in certain files16:56
ericsnowkatco: where to split things up is a different question16:56
ericsnowkatco: though keeping each review request a manageable size is one key objective16:57
katcoericsnow: yeah, that's the only reason i am doing it16:57
ericsnowkatco: the problem with that is the loss of history16:57
katcoericsnow: very true16:57
ericsnowkatco: right now our branch has over 100 commits in it (I think)16:58
katcoericsnow: wow that's awesome16:58
ericsnowkatco: and most of that is valuable information16:58
wwitzel3yeah, I'd like to avoid losing our commit history16:58
ericsnowkatco: wwitzel3 and I have taken the approach of keeping commits focused16:58
katcoericsnow: i aspire to be that diligent, but i always get trapped in the "gosh can this really be an atomic commit"16:59
katcoericsnow: as in, could this functionality stand alone16:59
ericsnowwwitzel3: one alternative is to manually generate the patches and create the review requests manually and then merge the whole branch when *all* the requests get a ship-it16:59
ericsnowwwitzel3: but that seems like more work16:59
katcoericsnow: i think i need to shift my thinking on that somehow16:59
ericsnowkatco: sometimes you can and sometimes you can't :)17:00
ericsnowkatco: usually, though, you can :)17:00
katcoericsnow: :)17:00
ericsnowkatco: try using the "-p" option to git add17:00
wwitzel3yeah -p for the win17:00
ericsnowkatco: we've used it to great effect when we've made changes that we want to split into multiple commits17:01
wwitzel3ericsnow: yeah, honestly, I think we could probably, in most cases just do file and file_test as a commit.17:01
katcoericsnow: ah cool, so you're picking out bits of files?17:01
wwitzel3ericsnow: not commit, review17:02
wwitzel3katco: yeah, we just select the bits that make up an atomic commit17:02
wwitzel3katco: I've found it much easier to do when you have all of the context, instead of trying to do with with forsight17:03
wwitzel3ericsnow: anyeay, I agree it is more work, but I think we've done a good enough job of file seperate that it is probably the best approach17:04
katcowwitzel3: i agree. i cannot with any reliability land slices of the stack without having first coded the entire stack. there's just too much back and forth as the design emerges.17:06
perrito666does anyone know how to prevent google chrome from popping those notifications before meetings??17:50
dimiternperrito666, in the calendar - edit the event and uncheck reminders17:51
perrito666dimitern: What I actually want is to stop chrome from breaking the 4th wall17:51
dimiternperrito666, Notifications -> [ Pop-up ] [ 10] [minutes] (x)17:51
dimiternperrito666, whaa? :)17:52
perrito666dimitern: I dont want to be able to pop notifications into my window manager17:52
perrito666I mean chrome17:52
perrito666There is a small bell that shows in the indicator and a pop up thing tells me that I have a meeting, I dont want chrome to do that , it is invasive and also clashes with my ubuntu calendar17:54
dimiternperrito666, aah!17:54
dimiternperrito666, those .. I knew how at some point and managed to turn them off, but I forgot how17:55
perrito666it is not obvious in the ui17:55
perrito666rick_h_: there is a nice lady talking in yourbehalf in the call18:07
voidspacedimitern: decorator fail : http://maas.ubuntu.com/docs/api.html18:15
dimiternvoidspace, I can't see anything unusual :)18:37
voidspacedimitern: :-)18:39
dimiternvoidspace, all my branches merged, finally18:42
voidspacedimitern: great18:43
voidspacedimitern: I got sidelined into mortgage applications - didn't make as much progress as I should have18:44
voidspacedimitern: but for once I have nothing planned this evening so might do some more in front of the TV18:44
voidspacedimitern: I got the signatures changed, but not much on the implementation for MAAS / EC218:44
dimiternvoidspace, no worries, I wanted to unblock you before I go today18:44
voidspacedimitern: easy stuff though18:44
voidspacedimitern: yeah, thanks18:44
voidspaceah, and the new goamz branch18:45
dimiternvoidspace, yep - shiny and squeaky18:45
voidspaceNice :-)18:45
voidspacedimitern: so, I already had booked a "geek dinner" in London of the Thursday that we're together in London18:46
dimiternok, I'll be off then - a long day that was18:46
voidspacedimitern: you'd be welcome18:46
voidspacedimitern: go have a break18:46
dimiternvoidspace, nice!18:46
voidspaceyeah, saves me a trip if I'll already be in London...18:46
dimiternvoidspace, awesome :)18:46
voidspaceI'm signing off for now18:47
voidspacegoing jogging18:47
voidspaceg'night all18:47
dimiternvoidspace, enjoy18:47
rick_h_perrito666: who da what?19:25
rick_h_perrito666: nice lady?19:25
perrito666rick_h_: on the call we where hearing an operator voice19:28
rick_h_ah lovely19:29
rick_h_what a mess19:29
sinzuiperrito666, do you have a few minutes to review http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/744/20:14
sinzuiabentley, jog: I have my lull. I will review abentley's branch first20:16
jogsinzui, that's fine, abentley, said he'd look at mine20:17
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
perrito666katco: hey, what was the magic invocation to get different output formats in juju?21:15
perrito666and which version is that in?21:15
katcoperrito666: juju status --format21:16
katcoperrito666: juju help status will give you all the options21:16
katcoperrito666: and i believe it's in >= 1.2221:16
anastasiamacdidmitern: r u still around?21:24
perrito666katco: tx a lot21:26
katcoperrito666: np, enjoy :)21:27
sinzuiperrito666, do you have a minute to review  http://reviews.vapour.ws/r/744/21:29
perrito666sinzui: sure21:30
perrito666anyone local provider savvy?21:30
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=== TheRealMue is now known as TheMue
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== Tribaal_ is now known as Tribaal
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
=== Viperz28 is now known as Guest82007

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