
lazyPowerrick_h_: Whoooooops! I swear i know what team you work on13:53
rick_h_lazyPower: :)13:53
rick_h_old habits die hard 13:53
=== lazyPower is now known as lp|BagelRun
=== lp|BagelRun is now known as lazyPower
jcastrorick_h_, we should have juju publish by may right?14:31
rick_h_jcastro: yes, we've got a call later today to talk about it14:36
jcastrook, there's a conference in may for a charm I want to show off but we'll need publish by then14:36
jcastrois that a risky move for me or a safe  bet? :)14:36
rick_h_jcastro: when it gets closer let me know nad we'll make it happen14:37
rick_h_if we're not 100% there we'll flesh out the tools to demo 14:37
jcastro"let my code on github be listed on the store" is all I want14:38
jcastrowell, I want lots of things, but mostly that, heh14:38
rick_h_jcastro: sounds good14:38
rick_h_jcastro: yes, with confidence you can demo that in may14:38
hatchproblem with fitbit - it only counts your steps not that you've been standing around for 4h :)17:20
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
hatchhmm I have finally run out of space on my cell phone....32GB has lasted me 2 years of bloat21:04
hatchnow what....I suppose I could delete some songs or photos21:05
hatchgames, apps21:05
=== fabrice is now known as fabrice|wine
rick_h_marcoceppi: lazyPower mbruzek https://twitter.com/mitechie/status/555838939878027264 fyi, you have to click on the tweet details to see it21:29
mbruzeknicely done rick_h_21:30
lazyPowerrick_h_: opengraph data?21:30
rick_h_lazyPower: twitter card support21:30
rick_h_lazyPower: have to get it all signed off and such through them21:30
rick_h_lazyPower: soon we'll turn the svgs into pngs and then each charm can have it's own icon in the tweet21:31
lazyPoweri was following the other metadata task and saw the hangup on svgs and shed a tear21:31
rick_h_but that's later21:31
rick_h_though the work on that has started21:31
rick_h_just a chunk of work to do on the fly svg->png translations at the required sizes since everyone is different, G+, twitter, etc21:31
rick_h_and performant21:31
hatchoh that's working now? Nice - I tried this morning and i couldn't get it to work21:34
rick_h_you have to click through to the details on the tweet21:35
hatchlemme try again21:35
hatchnice it's working now21:35
hatchit wasn't working before21:35
hatchsucks that it says it's by charmers :(21:36
hatchI want credit damnit!!!21:36
rick_h_then finish publish work :P21:36
hatchit's unfortunate that it doesn't support svg :(21:38
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hatchmorning huw22:01
=== TheRealMue is now known as TheMue
=== nottrobin is now known as nottrobin_

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