
Riddelluploading plasma to vivid (incomplete needs baloo kfilemetadata sddm-kcm and pokit-kde added)00:57
RiddellI also missed out bluedevil due to needing bluez01:04
* Riddell sleeps01:04
* sitter wants CI to build faster -.-01:17
sitterppa full01:43
sitterwgrant: bump to 10 gib on https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/stable and https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/stable-daily and https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/stable-weekly would be lovely01:44
wgrantsitter: Done.01:45
sitterwgrant: thank you :)01:46
soeegood morning07:19
lordievaderGood morning.08:56
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Majdilordievader, morning10:14
sheytanHey, is there any iso already with plasma 5.2 beta?10:19
sittersheytan: nope10:25
sheytansitter: will there be one?10:25
sitterbeta landing was a bit delayed by working on dependencies and other tech10:26
sittersheytan: I think tomorrow's daily of vivid would have it10:26
lordievaderHey Majdi, how are you doing?10:38
Majdilordievader, all ok, what about you ?10:45
lordievaderDoing good here :)10:46
sheytansitter: ok, thanks ;)10:46
Majdithere's just something which keeps troubling me10:46
lordievaderMajdi: And that is?10:47
MajdiI already wrote about it yesterday in the channel, well it's some issue with a plasmoid written in python10:48
MajdiI'll just paste you yesterdays' messages10:48
Majdi<Majdi> ovidiu-florin, great! I'm trying to change a plasmoid's text color because it doesn't get along with my wallpaper. The widget is transparent10:48
Majdi<Majdi> The source code looks like this http://pastebin.com/EAT8dZe410:48
Majdi<Majdi> I don't know really what to edit, I guess the needed property would be self.theme.something or self.layout.something10:48
Majdi<Majdi> couldn't find any documentation that could help though10:48
Majdi* keithzg a quitté (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)10:48
Majdi<Majdi> I found that http://api.kde.org/pykde-4.3-api/plasma/index.html10:48
Majdi<Majdi> If that could help anyhow10:48
lordievaderMajdi: The code never sets a color.10:50
Majdioh, that's why10:50
Majdiso how can I prevent the widget from using the theme's color ?10:51
MajdiI know you can do that, another plasmoid that I got on my desktop does it by default ...10:52
lordievaderMajdi: Reading the documentation on how to set colors?10:52
Majdidid that10:52
Majdilordievader, there's nothing really in the documentation about that10:52
Majdinot that I found10:52
lordievaderMajdi: Do you have PyQt experience?10:54
lordievaderMajdi: http://api.kde.org/pykde-4.7-api/plasma/Plasma.Label.html http://api.kde.org/pykde-4.7-api/plasma/Plasma.Svg.html10:54
Majdilordievader, not at all :(10:55
lordievaderAh never mind the svg documentation, that is not used. Anyhow you can tell the label to be a certain color.10:56
lordievaderMajdi: You can even give the label a stylesheet.10:58
Majdilordievader, alright, thanks for your help, I'll try to figure it out10:58
Majdilordievader, I was thinking to add a line which would look like that more or less : self.label.TextColor or so10:59
Majdi= #eeee10:59
MajdiI guess11:00
lordievaderMajdi: Don't think QtGui.QLabel has a TextColor method, perhaps it has setTextColor. Not sure.11:00
Majdimaybe just a setColor method then ? the plasmoid has just 4 lines of text11:01
lordievaderMajdi: Read the documentation ;)11:02
Majdiok :D11:02
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BluesKaj'Morning folks12:00
ovidiu-florinRiddell: you around?12:20
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apolcan anybody shed some light into this bug? at least confirm it... https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31142213:51
ubottuKDE bug 311422 in misc "OR depends will used as required on qapt-deb-installer" [Normal,Unconfirmed]13:51
sitterapol: I can tell you why exactly it happpens, I have a #warning here xD14:00
apolsitter: explain it in the bug report if you can, this way next time I go bug-triaging I won't just pout and click next :P14:01
sitternot hard to fix tho, maybe14:01
apoldoesn't look like it should be14:01
apolespecially if you are on a kubuntu system14:01
* apol winks at everyone on the channel, one by one14:01
* shadeslayer hands apol a kubuntu ISO14:02
shadeslayeractually, I have a USB with Kubuntu Plasma 5 right now :P14:02
shadeslayeralso, apparently we released a Plasma 5 ISO where SDDM is busted14:03
shadeslayer( didn't start for me, had to update )14:03
sitterapol: it's not hard regardless, the algorithm is just too dumb14:04
sitteras are all algorithms in deb-installer as we have noticed in that RR you hold hostage :P14:05
apolsitter: which RR?14:05
sitterthe one with the very long and ugly dependency resolver14:06
* apol just puked a little in his mouth14:07
sitterthat function is also an abomination, alas, I don't dare refactor since it's not tested xD14:07
sitterthe really shit about this is14:07
sitterqapt shouldn't contain this logic14:07
sitterlike at all14:07
sitterthat crap shoudl have been implemented in apt-pkg 5 years ago14:07
sitterthere's even a todo about it in the header I think14:08
sitterI think there's architectural problems though14:08
apolyes, there's probably a debian policy disallowing new features14:09
sittersince apt only works on a package source list that is put into the cache; resolving a random deb (or a set of debs) would require them somehow injecting them into the apt cache, which I suppose can have all sorts of side effects given the design premise14:10
sitterof course that problem would totally go away they simply merged dpkg into apt-get >.<14:10
sittersilly separations are silly14:11
apolhttps://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=325419 ^^'14:17
ubottuKDE bug 325419 in muon "Muon starts many python3 release checkers and kill our netbook completely" [Crash,Unconfirmed]14:17
sitterapol: I think we talked about this at some point and fixed it14:25
sitterthe function doing the check was called multiple times14:26
apolsitter: I think so too, there's another one open by you very similar14:26
sitterand python being so fat would then munch of mem14:26
apolsitter: so it's all good now?14:26
sitterapol: not sure, best be checked I guess14:26
sitterI haven't noticed it anymore in a while though, so probably fixed14:26
apolsitter: if you could check, I'd be immensely happy14:28
sitterearliest next week14:29
apolok, happiness can wait :)14:30
apolagain, can anybody try this one?14:34
ubottuKDE bug 326978 in libqapt "systemsettings crashes when trying to add a preferred language" [Crash,Unconfirmed]14:34
apolsitter: maybe? *.*15:01
sitterapol: that's complicated15:02
sitterthat patch is going to change/goway/upstream/whatever though, so the origin doesn't apply to plasma5 right now anyway15:03
sitteras for the crash itself: a) you need to get an untrusted source error out of qapt and then reload the cache 15:03
sittergetting former is tricky 15:03
apolsitter: can you comment it? maybe we can just close the bug somehow?15:03
sitterclose report on launchpad15:04
sitterclose report on launchpad if still applicable15:04
sitterthe code in question doesn't even exist anymore, so I doubt this is useful at all15:05
apolsitter: what's the launchpad URL?15:06
sitterjust tell him to run ubuntu-bug kde-runtime15:07
sitterthat'll handle the rest15:07
apolsitter: by the way, did you see I finally removed muon-installer?15:08
* BluesKaj hopes muon stick s around for a while, that software center is ok, but not a s reference for application/package info15:11
sitterBluesKaj: you could maintain it, I hear there's an open position for maintainer :)15:14
BluesKajsitter, you're joking of course :)15:15
sittermuon package manager isn't really maintained15:17
BluesKajsitter, I'm  a tester, I know nothing of package management or maintenance, merely a home user15:40
sitterall things that can be learned15:49
sitterI am just saying if you find muon useful you might want to consider caring for it on a prgramming side of things15:49
BluesKajsitter, I use for reference info mostly , so any simple gui package manager will do since I usually use the konsole to install packages15:53
apolsitter: can you check the e-mail I sent before?15:56
Sick_RimmitBluesKaj: I would be willing to help you, I have only limited knowledge, but what could possibly go wrong :-)16:10
Sick_RimmitI like Muon too, but I think we could make it better16:10
apolBluesKaj, Sick_Rimmit: I would be very very very happy to mentor some love-giving to muon package manager16:12
Sick_RimmitOK Sounds like a possibility16:12
apoljust went through all muon bugs, there's many bug reports that look easy to solve16:13
apolBluesKaj, Sick_Rimmit: https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=CONFIRMED&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&component=muon&list_id=1187178&product=muon&query_format=advanced16:14
Sick_RimmitOK so plenty of Bugs comming in then16:15
sitterapol: which email I have like 300 in my inbox ...16:15
Sick_RimmitDoes it need porting to the latest version of QT, and Plasma 5 ?16:16
BluesKajSick_Rimmit, apol, I really wouldn't have time to learn something new that requires a lot of attention right now...I prefer to let the knowlegable devs handle that kind of thing16:16
Sick_RimmitOr can it just be a maintain what's there16:16
apolSick_Rimmit: no, it's ported already16:16
Sick_RimmitBluesKaj: Well, I could break it and you could test it16:17
Sick_Rimmitapol: Ah OK, that's pretty good then16:17
apolSick_Rimmit, BluesKaj: in fact, some testing of the Qt5 version would be good already16:17
BluesKajSick_Rimmit, yeah, that sounds like it could work :)16:17
Sick_RimmitMaybe I could look after it, I am certainly willing to have a look at the code, and see how much my brain hurts16:17
apolBluesKaj: well, there's not really knowledgeable developers handling muon at the moment, that's the problem16:17
apolthe code is pretty good16:18
Sick_RimmitDo you have a link to the code source ?16:18
apoluses models and views properly and display is quite separate from the backends16:18
BluesKajwell, I know nothing about code, that's my point, or one of them at least16:18
apolSick_Rimmit: http://quickgit.kde.org/?p=muon.git16:20
apolyou'll better clone it and examine locally16:20
Sick_RimmitBrilliant, I was looking but could find it, my biggest problem is finding my way around 16:21
apolSick_Rimmit: feel free to ping me if you have questions16:21
Sick_RimmitYep, What I will do, I am work now, but I will sent those links to me at home, and clone it and take a look16:21
apolor ask in the kubuntu-devel mailing list if you prefer16:21
Sick_RimmitIf I think I can do anything to get involved then I'll certainly try16:22
Sick_RimmitWorst that could happen is I fail, and well it's in no worse state16:22
apolnah, it's going to be fine, you'll see16:25
Sick_RimmitOK, cool well with your mentor help and BluesKaj doing a bit of testing, we might just have a thing16:27
Sick_RimmitSounds like a lot of fun16:27
arch-kubuhe following packages have unmet dependencies:16:42
arch-kubu kio-extras : Depends: kio-extras-data (= 4:5.1.95-0ubuntu1) but 4:5.1.2+git20150104.0043+15.04-0ubuntu0 is installed16:42
arch-kubuE: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.16:42
arch-kubu -f tends to break things16:43
BluesKajSick_Rimmit, yeah, i think muon is worth saving, that'll be a good thing :)16:51
Sick_RimmitBluesKaj: Well I can give it a try, and it's as good a place as any to get involved in commiting some code back to KDE16:53
BluesKajwell, i sure hope they fix plasma5 before KDE5 aopears on the scene 17:03
_Groo_arch-kubu: it works here (utopic) ii  kio-extras-data                                             4:5.1.95+git20150115.0205+14.10-0ubuntu0           all          Extra functionality for kioslaves data files.17:39
apolBluesKaj: what does that mean? Plasma 5 has been on the scene for a while already17:39
_Groo_try apt-get update again,maybe it wasnt published when you tried to upgrade17:39
arch-kubui had to remove the ubuntu-ci  repo17:52
arch-kubuplasma 5 vivid doesnt need any other repos  other than default to stay current is my new understanding17:53
arch-kubuper sitter17:54
arch-kubuwiki is misleading as a result of this new info17:56
soeei see 5.2beta in vivid archive, whohoo :)19:28
soeethers a problem with /var/cache/apt/archives/kio-extras-data_4%3a5.1.95-0ubuntu1_all.deb19:34
soeehmm apps dont have window decoration now :/19:37
soeeany idea how to fix it ?19:38
yofelkwin_x11 running?19:52
soeeyofel: yes, but do all packages are already in archive ?19:53
soeemaybe some are missing and thats why decorations are gone, i tried to enable staging but then a lot of packages is marked to be removed etc. soe total mess :)19:54
yofellooking at vivid-changes the upload list looks complete. Maybe something wasn't built..19:56
soeenot sure, there was one problem during upgrades with kio-extras-data do i had to use --force-overwrite19:57
soeeone moment let me reboot again19:58
soeeyofel: ok after reboot i have them :) but plasmashell didn't start had to start it manually20:00
soeeactivities does not work at all 20:03
arch-kubuI just ran into that mess and had to reinstall20:17
arch-kubuon a 2nd vm  Im in the same mess  I force removed  kio-extras-data and reinstalled it   which messes with  kio-mtp20:20
soeearch-kubu: works pretty nice 20:20
soeeim dissapointed that activites manager does not worl20:20
arch-kubuwat  ?   you sound confused20:21
arch-kubuworks nice even though its broke?  20:21
soeearch-kubu: the overal view is nice :)20:21
soeethe only think  noticed so far are activities not working20:22
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