
=== Metacity is now known as edocb
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jubo2Konversation - Great Justice01:01
monkeyjuicehows it going jubo201:10
archetechfresh kubu 15.04 alpha1  dhcp doesnt  receive an ip01:22
jubo2archetech: I hear of local DNSSEC01:26
archetechnm   dhcp server eroor01:26
jubo2EROOOOORRRR!! ÖRRR!!!01:26
jubo2Konversation - Great Justice01:29
jubo2I've been logging _everything_ with Konversation and it's only ~780MB01:30
valoriejubo2: what do you mean by "great justice"?02:19
valorieI agree that konvi rocks02:19
militantpotatoHey, I have a dual monitor setup, with a TV connected via an HDMI cable, and my monitor through DVI.  I'm having an issue with GRUB where it only displays on the Television, which is annoying because it is either off, or being used for something else.  What do I add/change in the grub config to force it to show on my primary display (monitor).  I'm using Kubuntu 14.0402:29
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest92600
Dragnslcrmilitantpotato: that isn't specific to Kubuntu, so you can also try asking in #ubuntu. It probably isn't even specific to Ubuntu, so some general pages on the web about grub might work.02:48
militantpotatoDragnslcr: Thanks.  I've posted in #ubuntu and #grub, and have been googling for two days.   I THINK i may need to add an acpi command to grub, but I'm not finding much.02:50
DragnslcrIt might be a BIOS setting, too02:54
militantpotatoMy bios lets me choose between onboard or PCI-E as a default display device only :(02:59
militantpotatowelp I'm attempting video=DVI-D03:10
militantpotatofingers crossed03:10
=== Shaun_ is now known as Shaun
bjrohanDoes anyone have experience getting a USB modem to work with Ubuntu? Trying to connect a Cricket ac175003:19
jimmy51v_hello... i have a box i can't get to other than with ssh right now.  i need to access the UI (KDE) somehow to save quite a drive and a lot of hassle.  what can i do?  it's kubuntu 14.04 64-bit.  thanks03:24
grafthey folks, i don't seem to be able to suspend to disk from the K-menu, even though sudo pm-hibernate works just fine04:03
graftany idea how to fix this?04:03
graftfresh install of 14.1004:04
valoriesounds like you might need to search launchpad for bugs about that?04:08
valorieI think I've heard that before04:08
ubottuIf you find a bug in Kubuntu, please follow the instructions at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting to report the issue to the developers.04:08
graftapparently it is disabled by default for some reason04:23
soeegood morning07:19
lordievaderGood morning.08:56
rydhwanim in plasma 5 i update today but have :An error occurred while applying changes: /var/cache/apt/archives/kio-extras-data_4%3a5.1.95-0ubuntu1_all.deb trying to overwrite '/usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/kio_mtp.mo', which is also in package kio-mtp 0.75+git20140304-108:58
lordievaderrydhwan: Install it with dpkg and the --force-overwrite flag.08:59
rydhwanErrors were encountered while processing:  /var/cache/apt/archives/kio-extras-data_4%3a5.1.95-0ubuntu1_all.deb E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)09:06
lordievaderrydhwan: Could you pastebin the full error?09:08
lordievader!paste | rydhwan09:08
ubotturydhwan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:08
soeerydhwan: updates comr kubuntu-ci, staging or the packagesd are already in vivid archive ?09:10
lordievaderrydhwan: As I said, install it with dpkg and the --force-overwrite option.09:12
rydhwanwhat command ? thanks09:14
lordievaderrydhwan: "dpkg" and give it the "--force-overwrite" flag.09:15
rydhwandpkg kio-extras-data --force-overwrite   exact ?09:19
lordievaderNo, have you read the dpkg man page?09:20
rydhwanim new09:21
lordievaderrydhwan: man dpkg09:21
klerikHello, how I can use separeted trash dir on every disk, which mount from fstab?09:21
klerikIt possible?09:21
lordievaderTrash is stored in your homedir, for as far as I know.09:23
klerikyes, but when I delete large move, system move it on my homedir. This is not OK09:24
lordievaderHmm, don't know if that can be changed. I allways use shift+delete.09:26
hateballklerik: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18803209:27
ubottuKDE bug 188032 in general "deleting files in external hard disk moves them to trash" [Wishlist,Confirmed]09:27
=== varun_ is now known as Guest97872
klerikthank, so... shift+delete09:30
lordievaderklerik: Note, that deletes things right away.09:33
lordievaderrydhwan: kio-extras-data.deb does not reside in your home-dir.09:33
lordievaderrydhwan: Its something along "sudo dpkg -i /var/cache/apt/archives/kio-extras-data-<version>.deb --force-overwrite".09:34
=== infamy is now known as Guest98491
LynoureBluesKaj: (sorry for massive delay, ~25h), yes, the digital clock widget shows calendar when clicked, a week on each row. And I cannot make the weeks to start on Monday, for some reason.10:48
Lynoureoops, damn, he is not here.10:48
JunkHunkI have a sh file where I write all the changes I do to the system...I created a shortcut on desktop but I cant change icon10:51
JunkHunkI cant change icon either to the folder shortcut on panel...it keeps the home folder icon despite being used to open other folders...how would I fix this?10:52
JunkHunkis there any kubuntu variant for docky or cairodock?10:54
=== dan_ is now known as Guest87963
floownkparted doesn't exist no more ?11:10
floownI seen only gparted and parted in deposit11:10
floownok it's partitionmanager now11:12
yossarianukfloown: yo ucan install gparted also on kubuntu11:15
yossarianukI would just use parted + gdisk/fdisk11:15
hateballHmmm, I can't get this thing to output to a second monitor :|11:19
hateballgot a laptop in a bay, normally using 1 external monitor. kscreen detects a second one which I can enable but it's "ghosted"11:19
hateballnothing gets output to it11:19
hateballxrandr shows it properly too11:21
hateballnice power outage, think it killed every FOT in existence11:28
hateballfuck sake11:28
hateballsorry for the language and wrong window :|11:29
floownyossarianuk: yep, thx11:34
=== kbroulik is now known as kbroulik-lunch
JunkHunkhello I am trying to get rid of desktop panel using docky instead...but I dont really know how to add the start button and desktop button to docky could anybody help¿11:51
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:00
techmadiHello. I am having trouble using TOR browser for Mint 16.12:39
techmadican anyone provide assistance?12:39
alvinThis is #kubuntu, but it will probably be the same. Just12:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:40
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.12:40
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:42
rudybotdogtechmadi:  mint 16 is eof  i think upgrade to mint 17 would help you. but ast in @mint12:42
techmadithank you.12:42
domedronhi to all12:44
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Guest6440 atutti17:28
domedronCiao a tutti17:30
domedronc'è qualcuno che può aiutarmi a configurare Quasal in modo da connettermi in una web chat esistente?17:30
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:31
=== rudybotdog is now known as mydogsnameisrudy
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naftilos76Hi, is there an app to fit a dual layer dvd into a single ?17:47
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dbz2khello is anybody online?19:40
CrellHello folks.  After a recent reboot, my system font settings seem to be AFU.  I don't think I made any changes to the font configuration in, um, ever.  But everything appears jaggy, smaller, and non-anti-aliased.19:48
dbz2khi ho do I delete items from the open with menu in dolphin. I got wine uninstalled, but "winebrowser" is still there and can't figure out to delete from open with menu19:48
CrellAny idea what got screwed up and how to un-screw it?19:48
soeedbz2k: check dolphin settings if there is some service related to wine19:48
dbz2ksoee: tried but it not in any packages19:49
dbz2ksoee: any idea where to manually delete from open with menu19:50
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