
igalichello happy people o/~06:47
igalici've been trying to upload a new release, and it's been hanging here for about 15 minutes now: https://gist.github.com/igalic/51382ff0dd7296670fe606:48
igalicpretty cool. i've restarted the upload, and now the first file is stalling at 7040k/7490k07:04
wgrantigalic: Any better now?07:28
igalicwgrant: checking, but then it's gonna be hard to tell if it's because i've relocated to a different office ;)09:32
igalicSuccessfully uploaded packages.09:32
wgrantigalic: There was an issue with one of our upload servers that we discovered and fixed a few minutes after you asked.09:33
igalicwgrant: nice! thank you!09:34
igalictrafficserver_5.2.0-2ah1~trusty1.dsc: Version older than that in the archive. 5.2.0-2ah1~trusty1 <= 5.2.0-rc5-2ah1~trusty109:40
igalicnow i have to delete those...09:40
igalicis there any commandline utility that lets me verify those versions *before* i punch them into debian/changelog and push them out?09:42
igaliccuz, i was totes convinced that rc5 < ''09:43
wgrantigalic: dpkg --compare-versions09:53
igalicwgrant: in retrospect, that now seems obvious._.09:54
wgrantigalic: One would generally use 5.2.0~rc5. '~' < ''09:54
igalicwgrant: ACK.09:54
igalicthank you!09:54
igalichrm.. maybe we should put that in our makefile that way.09:55
wgrantigalic: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Version09:55
igalic" The upstream_version may contain only alphanumerics[36] and the characters . + - : ~ (full stop, plus, hyphen, colon, tilde) and should start with a digit. If there is no debian_revision then hyphens are not allowed; if there is no epoch then colons are not allowed."09:56
igalicvery optimistic ;)09:57
igalic(but works in this case for trafficserver ;)09:57
cjwatsonigalic: It's not really optimism, it's enforced rules.  If your upstream versions don't fit that format then the packager is expected to transform them into that format.10:13
igalicso, i just tried patching up our makefile.am, and now git is unhappy :(10:21
igalicfatal: '5.3.0~rc0' is not a valid tag name.10:21
igalicoh, great, apparently we dropped 32bit support and i didn't realize it...10:25
cjwatsondebcommit transforms "~" to "." for the purposes of git tags.10:26
igaliccjwatson: thanks, ammended.10:30
igalici wonder, should (can?) i configure the package to not build on 32bit? https://launchpad.net/~apache-helpdesk/+archive/ubuntu/trafficserver-ppa/+packages10:37
igalicmakefile simplified: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TS-329810:37
cjwatsonigalic: https://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-controlfields.html#s-f-Architecture10:38
igalicso, right now it says any, but i'm pretty sure we don't build on sparc, or vax, or anything... other than arm and x8610:40
cjwatsonFWIW I don't think it's at all necessary to change upstream's RC naming; the ~ is quite Debian(family)-specific10:40
cjwatsonYou can do it if you like, but you don't need to10:40
cjwatsonIt's common enough to just rename for the purpose of packaging10:40
igaliccjwatson: that's just for our RC process..10:40
igaliccjwatson: and we do rename ourselves when the rc is final.10:41
igalicbut this would make rcs testable as packages of themselves.10:41
igalicwithout much fuzz.10:41
cjwatsonSure, I'm just saying that you don't need to switch from -rc to ~rc upstream in order to satisfy Debian-format packaging rules10:41
cjwatsonNothing stopping you if that's your primary target, either10:41
igalicyeah, it's not....10:42
igaliccjwatson: added this above convo as comment to the issue.10:43
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shadeslayerwgrant: can I get more space re https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/260611 :314:28
shadeslayerapparently firefox is super fat package14:28
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Saviqhey folks, is there a process we would need to follow to get a ppa to build packages for rtm? we'd probably need it to be nonvirt, too, something akin to https://launchpad.net/~unity-team/+archive/ubuntu/phone-right-edge17:32
cjwatsonSaviq: It's not possible through the web UI, but you can create the PPA using the Person.createPPA API call, which takes a distribution parameter.  You'll then need to ask webops to make it non-virtualised and enable armhf, after making sure that the owning team has and will only ever have members who are Canonical employees.17:41
Saviqcjwatson, thanks!17:42
cjwatsonSaviq: You'll need to be the owner or an admin of the team in question.17:42
Saviq"You indirectly own this team.", sounds good17:43
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