
=== Metacity is now known as edocb
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=== Guest71787 is now known as Metacity
llogiqhi folks. A few days ago, I had a problem with the BCM43142 wireless of my Lenovo Z510 notebook. I sort of fixed it temporarily by downgrading the kernel to a vanilla 3.16.1 (from the ubuntu kernel archives). However, the problem has recently reappeared even with the downgraded kernel.13:03
llogiqPossibly related to #139165713:10
hyponicHi.. i have installed kodibuntu that is based on a lubuntu distro. to switch between lubuntu screen and login directly to kodi i have to switch here: http://m.imgur.com/yMRXPQ7,tEq74oF now it logs into ubuntu correctly but not into kodi. where might the config be to for each one of those choices?14:20
hyponicbtw. i am new to linux in general and in the kodi channel there is no one that seems to be able to help.14:20
silverlionmoin hyperair14:22
silverlionmoin hyponic14:22
hyponicsilverlion moin ??14:23
silverlionhyponic : isn't that your screenshot that you've just posted?14:24
silverlionwith a german keyboard14:24
hyponicsilverlion no it's not mine. i copied it from the kodi forum. i have norwegian keyboard14:25
silverlionhyponic : oh sorry my mistake14:25
silverlionI'd suggest you revisit us tonight when the supports from USA are online ;)14:26
hyponicsilverlion no prob. no europeans with linux skills? :P14:26
silverlionhyponic : none available right now as it's office time in Europe. they're all trying to get their fridges refilled to be able to support at night14:27
hyponichahaha.. i will try again later tonight then :) thanks man14:28
Matty11611Hi, im currently trying to find the config file to edit on a banana pi if anyone can help14:33
testdrhyponic: you have to detail more - what is going wrong? What do you want at the login-screen?14:37
Matty11611basically my end goal is to create a board which autoboots with a silent screen and opens straight into open office powerpoint14:38
Matty11611im trying to get to my end goal in stages first starting with a quiet boot14:38
testdrMatty11611: for quiet boot - check the grub2 and its samples14:38
hyponictestdr in the top right corner of the login screen i can choose between lubuntu and kodi. which decides what i login into. if i try to login to lubuntu it works and i get the desktop. if i choose kodi it does not login to kodi. it seems that the link to start kodi is corrupt. i need to know where the settings to "that link" are and probably be able to fix it.14:39
Matty11611im completely new to programming and stuff, is that an aplication or setting file?14:39
testdrhyponic: ok - its not a question about setting the wanted keyboard-layout? -- I dont know about the windowmanager "kodi" - you may have to check the samples for other window-managers and how their setup is started from lightdm14:40
testdrhyponic:  you already know how to select a diffeent window-manager in the ligthdm login screen? -- the little icon ... and the drop-down-list there?14:42
hyponictestdr yes i know how to select. i need to know where the settings for the lighdm are so i can compare them with the ones from a working one.14:44
testdrhyponic: check the entries for lightdm in     /usr/share/xsessions14:50
Matty11611testdr, hi sorry to be a pain is there any silent boot solution for a pi board not computer, specifically a banana pi15:10
testdrMatty11611: sorry - i have not the little money to buy me a pi --15:11
hyponictestdr here is the error from the lightdm.log http://pastebin.com/AC1CbmQ6 does it make it any clearer for you?15:12
testdrMatty11611: i cannot afford a pi(or banana)15:12
Matty11611ok, any idea though how i go about silent booting one?15:13
testdrhyponic: i dont use (have installed) this windowmanager - it would make more sense to compare the session-file-content - can you paste it?15:13
hyponictestdr here is the .xsession-errors http://pastebin.com/6WCYuccJ15:14
testdrhyponic: did you check the entries for lightdm in     /usr/share/xsessions15:14
hyponictestdr here is the file under xsessions called kodi.desktop http://pastebin.com/djcYAXVk15:15
hyponictestdr yes. there are three files. like the three options from the logins creen. one called kodi.desktop one lubuntu.desktop and one called Lubuntu-Netbook.desktop15:16
testdrhyponic:  there is no "Window Manager" section in this file --- check the other working samples15:16
hyponictestdr here is the working lubuntu one http://pastebin.com/hrJPj6cY15:17
testdrhyponic: and if there is nothing starting - check the "Exec" line -- is it a valid program or shell-script?15:17
hyponictestdr yes. when i login into lubuntu and kodi-standalone from the terminal it starts kodi15:17
testdrhyponic:  did not read the pasted lubuntu-one - but i bet its the same like mine and you should identify the exec for a lxsession there -- but this cannot be used for most other windowmanagers.15:19
testdrhyponic:  i can only suggest - you do a install of other working windowmanagers -- like icewm (gnome-version?) or openbox, awsome .. etc.15:20
testdrhyponic: last - starting a window-manager out of a session is not the same like starting it as a session15:21
hyponictestdr i am not sure what you are talking about. i am a total linux noob15:23
testdrhyponic: thats why i did suggest you install some other window-managers and check the settings for those - i am sorry but i wont install this one to solve the problem15:24
testdrhyponic: you may have to wait till one drops in who uses it too15:24
hyponicok.  thanks so far :)15:25
testdrhyponic: i can only guess - maybe you have to enter the full pathname to the program "kodi-standalone"15:27
newbooter1Hi all16:09
newbooter1In lubuntu, is it possible to have a desktop shortcut for just one desktop page? Currently if I add one, it shows up on all pages.16:13
hyponic_awayanyone using lightdm ?17:16
hyponic_awayholstein can you see the conversation between me and testdr earlier?17:19
holsteinhyponic_away: i see it above, yes17:22
hyponic_awayholstein do you have any idea what it could be?17:34
holsteinhyponic_away: are you using "kodibuntu"?17:38
testdrhyponic_away: have you already tried to ask in the #kodi or #kodi-linux channels?17:48
holsteinhyponic_away: you can try using lubuntu, from the live ISO, or installed... when you see that lightdm is working as you want or not, you can consider using lubuntu18:00
holsteinif you are not using lubuntu now, then, there may be specific upstream support for lightdm that you can take advantage of..18:00
hyponic_awayholstein i tried the kodi channel. and it's based on lubuntu so it's running lubuntu. i can boot into lubuntu from lightdm that's why i am asking here18:09
holsteinhyponic_away: its actually *not*18:09
holsteinhyponic_away: it can be based on lubuntu, and something simple, like the package you are asking about, can be changed..18:09
holsteinhyponic_away: if its lubuntu, its lubuntu, and we, the volunteers here, can assist. if its not lubuntu, and is kodi, we dont build, make, support or use it here.. so, we dont have particulars on how to address anything with it18:10
holsteinhyponic_away: i would try lubuntu, try it live, and see if you have the same issue, then, you can, if you *do* have the issue, use this channel, or the main #ubuntu channel for volunteer support18:10
hyponic_awayholstein like i said earlier. i am a total linux noob. you are probably right. i was just hoping that anyone here could have an idea. but thanks anyway18:10
holsteinif you *dont* have the issue, then, you can consider using lubuntu, or xubuntu, or main ubuntu18:11
holsteinhyponic_away: i am not intending to comment at all about the quality of kodi or lubuntu in anyway.. but, if you want/need support, a larger volunteer community can provide that support18:11
holsteinhyponic_away: you really shouldnt need to address an issue with the login screen.. and i personally have not had such issues..18:11
holsteincould be any "link in the chain", so to speak, but, the chain you are current using is not created here, and if the folks who do make that chain are not around, you may need to try another chain..18:12
holsteinplaying with a metronome is *great*, as well, and its helpful.. but, you really just get better at playing with a metronome.. thats not necessarily the same as playing in time with a band18:14
holsteinsorry.. wrong chan..18:14
newbooterJust installed Lubuntu... works great! Noticed though that it is running LXDE 0.8, while newest LXDE version is 0.99. Has anyone tried running 0.99 on Lubuntu? Any issues?20:37
holsteinnewbooter: if you want, you can run whatever versions of software you like20:37
holsteini suggest, using the defaults.. they are supported, officially, and typically well supported and tested20:37
holsteinif one wants, a PPA can be added, or sources manually added that would facilitate newer/different versions.. the ubuntu releases are basically "frozen", and not rolling updates for normal packages20:38
Unit1930.99 normally means "test release before major new version"20:38
newbooterOk thanks holstein. I am a little worried that it won't reboot into graphical mode if I install 0.99 and it has issues.20:39
newbooterIs it possible to do rollback from a shell?20:40
holsteinnewbooter: sure.. you should just carry that worry over to normal computer maintenance, and plan for *when* the hardware fails20:40
holsteinhave a backup that works20:40
newbooterHm makes sense.20:41
newbooterThere was an checkmark option during install to include some 3d party software (I don't remember the exact text). I did not check that option. Is there a way to get to this option, to do this after install?20:54
zy3pDnewbooter, sudo apt-get install lubuntu-restriced-extras lubuntu-restriced-addons20:55
newbooterOkay great thanks!20:56
zy3pDsudo apt-get install lubuntu-restricted-extras lubuntu-restricted-addons20:56
zy3pDi wrote wrong in first version *g*20:56
newbooterno worries20:56
newbooterFound it via search in synaptics now, via searching lubuntu restricted addons. Didn't know that's what it was called :-)20:58
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Nixusfresh install of lubuntu 14.04.1 LTS 64 bit and says: one or more xml syntax errors were found while parsing the Openbox configuration files. See stdout for more information. The last error seen was in file "/home/nicholas/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml" line 1, with message: Start tag expected, '<' not found.23:18
wxlpastebin the config Nixus23:18
Nixuswhat do you mean? I'm really new to this, sorry23:18
wxl!pastebin | Nixus23:18
ubottuNixus: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:19
wxlNixus: i mean the actual file, e.g. ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml23:21
Nixusso paste my lubuntu-rc.xml file?23:22
wxlwell there's your problem23:23
wxlwhy don't you have the config file?23:24
wxlthat can't be a fresh install23:24
NixusIDK, this is a FRESH install, i promise23:24
wxldid you check the md5 of the iso before you installed?23:24
holsteinwhat says that?23:24
Nixusno, I'll try reinstall later today23:24
Nixusdidn't have the issue in VM23:25
wxlholstein: he has no ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml23:25
wxlNixus: right, which makes me suspect an issue in either downloading the iso or writing to the installation media23:25
holsteinor, the hard drive..23:25
wxlyeah i guess that's a possibility too23:25
wxlthe default is in /etc/xdg somewhere, right, holstein ? (sorry, i'm at kubuntu machine now)23:26
holsteini would just blow out all of .config.. just rename, and let it respawn23:26
Nixusnah, can't be the hard drive, have a new ssd23:28
wxlyou mean it's PROBABLY not the hard drive23:28
holsteinNixus: "new" is a common time for things to be bad23:28
wxloh yeah23:29
holsteinNixus: you can google search that23:29
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