
pittiGood morning04:54
desrtpitti: moin05:03
pittihey desrt, how are you?05:04
desrtpitti: bad.05:18
desrtthe inotify manpage lists lots of limitations, caveats, inherent races and downright bugs that will ruin your day05:19
desrtand it's incomplete :(05:19
* desrt has been finding a few other issues....05:19
* desrt is finding that inotify has an unfortunate interaction with O_TMPFILE05:20
pittidesrt: hm, I have a similar feeling about wetware :/05:22
desrtinotify is nice enough to tell you about 'write close' after you close() a writable file descriptor on a file05:24
desrtwhich is great... because open() writable of a new file gets reported as a create05:24
desrtso you can know not to look at the file as soon as you see a CREATED event05:24
desrtsince the process still have to write() write() write() close() it before there is interesting content there for you05:25
desrtand this even deals nicely with the usual 'safe' paradigm of creating files by writing to a temp file, calling fsync() and then renaming it into place05:25
desrtsince you get a MOVE_TO event, which is distinct from the CREATE event05:26
desrtso you know that you don't need to wake for CLOSE_WRITE05:26
desrtwhen using O_TMPFILE, though, you get a CREATE event when you link the final result into place05:26
desrtand since the original file was created anonymously, it doesn't have a dentry pointing back at the directory05:27
desrtso you get no CLOSE_WRITE when it closes05:27
desrtsame problem applies to link() in general as well as mkdir(), symlink(), bind(), ...05:30
desrtat least with mkdir(), bind(), mknod(), etc. you can inspect the file to see that it is special... link() is trouble, though05:32
didrocksgood morning06:57
darkxsthey didrocks07:09
didrocksevening darkxst07:10
darkxstyes! a nice one for once, finally stopped raining ;)07:11
pittibonjour didrocks, ça va ?07:13
pittihey darkxst07:13
pittididrocks: happy systemd day!07:14
darkxsthey pitti, how is it systemd day?07:16
pittidarkxst: today and tomorrow is a virtual systemd porting sprint07:16
pittidarkxst: see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2015-January/038635.html07:16
darkxstpitti, oh I see, I have a rather large backlog of emails atm, so must have missed that07:19
darkxstalthough I think most of gnome is in pretty good shape, except maybe gdm, but that is fixed in debian already I believe07:19
darkxst(and in no way critical, it mostly works as is)07:20
didrockspitti: happy systemd day as well! :)07:20
pittididrocks: I've got ubiquity and oem-config working \o/07:20
didrockspitti: oh nice! was it hard or it was just complex to test?07:21
pittididrocks: writing the units was relatively simple; it's just uber-hard to test07:21
didrockspitti: yeah, I guessed so :) it reminds me when i had to fix casper and test it live during christmas 2009 :p07:21
pittididrocks: i. e. break=casper-bottom,  chroot, manually call dhclient, use netcat to transfer your .debs, etc.07:22
didrocksI learned more than I wanted on casper-bottom scripts that I always wanted to :p07:22
pittididrocks: I noticed that the machine-id-commit job fails on the live system07:22
didrockswaow netcat!07:22
didrocksfun :)07:22
pittididrocks: yeah, scp doesn't work on the crappy initramfs term07:22
pittididrocks: it's apparently not fatal, but a bit of a wart07:22
didrockspitti: ok, did you open a bug on machine-id-commit?07:22
pittino, not yet07:22
didrocksplease do and assign me, I'll have a look after this systemd days07:23
seb128hey didrocks pitti desktopers07:41
didrocksmorning seb128 :)07:41
pittibonjour seb128, ça va ?07:45
pittiseb128: nous avons essayé ton schnaps à week-end avec nos voisins -- c'est delicieux !07:46
pittiseb128: j'aime les marons, avec beaucoup des herbes07:46
seb128lut pitti, ça va bien !07:47
seb128super ;-)07:47
seb128pitti, "herbes" ;-)07:47
seb128but you say "d'herbes"07:48
pittiseb128: ah right, the old trap07:48
pittididrocks: bug 141114008:12
ubot5bug 1411140 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-machine-id-commit.service fails on live system" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141114008:12
didrocksthanks! :)08:12
willcookemorning all08:45
didrockshey willcooke!08:45
seb128hey willcooke08:49
larsumorning willcooke!08:49
larsuhi seb128!08:49
willcookeOT:  Is Digital Ocean any good?09:00
willcookewhat up Laney09:04
willcookeThere are some men at the end of the road installing a new phone cabinet09:04
willcookeI think our village might be about to enter the 21st century09:05
seb128hey lane09:05
seb128hey Laney09:05
seb128there is a crumbs under my tab key09:05
didrockswillcooke: it's a sponsor of LAS, that's all I can say about them :)09:05
didrocksmorning Laney!09:05
Laneyvillage life eh09:07
Laneybeing in Alconbury over Christmas was like the dark ages internet wise ...09:07
willcookeha!  I had to get an ISDN2 installed when we lived in Alconbury09:07
Laneythe WRT54G that I gave them 10 years ago is still working fine, which is amazing09:07
Laneyhey seb128 & didrocks09:07
willcookeSolid router that09:08
larsumorning Laney!09:08
Laneyyo larsu09:09
Laneyhow's it going?09:09
larsugreat! How about you?09:09
Laneypretty good09:12
Laneyclimbing's been in the news this morning ;)09:12
darkxstLaney, only time climbing gets in the news here is when bush walkers fall off a cliff09:14
seb128nice unity SRU to trusty ;-)09:20
seb128Trevinho, ^ nice work! :-)09:26
willcooke+1 thanks Trevinho09:27
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Trevinhowillcooke: thanks (and to seb too :))10:40
* Laney gets some mysterious "jayatana" package installed on his system ... :)10:42
TrevinhoLaney: it's nice, it gets the appmenu on java apps10:43
TrevinhoLaney: I've been using it for some time, it works well10:43
Laneyneed to find something javaish to use10:44
TrevinhoLaney: well... jdownloader or... any simpler app example like the standard jEdit10:45
didrocksLaney: never heard about it :p10:46
TrevinhoLaney: I guess it would be nice to make possible to trusty users to get it without a ppa also, but... It's not possible to add new packages at this point, right?10:46
Trevinhodidrocks: the changelog denies you :P10:47
Laneymdeslaur: do you want to handle https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/1366790 as a security update?10:59
ubot5Launchpad bug 1366790 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu Trusty) "Fix for CVE-2014-1949 (GTK 3.10.x)" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:00
Laneymarga: thx for the debdiff11:00
margaLaney, yw11:00
margaLaney, I wasn't aware until recently that it affected gnome-screensaver as well.11:01
larsuis it just me, or are there more compiz/unity crashes recently?11:23
larsuhm, I now have a firefox window in the background that I can interact with. But I can't move it to the foreground and it doesn't appear in alt-tab11:24
mitya57attente_, hi, do you mind if I land lp:~mitya57/unity-gtk-module/lp1383382, or do you have other pending unity-gtk-module changes?11:27
larsumitya57: is this still an issue for you (the transparent stacks part)? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art-pkg/ubuntu-themes/trunk/revision/34311:35
larsuI can't reproduce it...11:35
larsualso, I got a messaging menu entry for new sms and new phone call after connecting to an irc server in polari. yay telepathy!11:36
mitya57larsu, oh, no, that is not needed with new Gtk+11:36
mitya57That property existed only in 3.10 AFAIK11:36
larsumitya57: which property?11:36
mitya57oh, you were asking about another part11:37
larsumitya57: ah okay I can remove that as well. I was talking about making the stack in header bars transparent11:37
larsuright. Weirdly in the same commit :P11:37
mitya57let me try11:37
larsuwidgets are transparent by default11:37
larsuand I can't find a place that overrides the background for stacks11:38
mitya57larsu, I can't reproduce that issue with polari anymore11:39
larsumitya57: ok, I'll remove the rule for now. Thanks for testing!11:40
mitya57larsu, btw, what do you think about lp:~l3on/ubuntu-themes/gnome-shell-fixes ?11:43
larsumitya57: hm, lots of unrelated commits11:44
larsusome of which are already merged (like the gtk-icon-source stuff)11:44
larsuwe definitly need the shadows11:45
larsuI haven't added them yet because I want to keep these windows look as broken as possible11:45
larsuso that more people complain to Trevinho  ;)11:45
mitya57Some parts of that branch are quite important for GNOME Shell/Flashback, but I can't say anything about other parts11:46
larsuthere's also some changes for gedit?11:46
larsuwould be nice if those were separate merge requests11:46
larsualso, the branch doesn't cleanly merge into trunk anymore11:46
mitya57For gedit, nautilus, gnome-terminal and unity-greeter...11:47
mitya57Probably I need to cherry-pick the stuff I need (i.e. gnome-panel.css) and create a separate MP for that11:48
Trevinholarsu: eheh11:50
larsuTrevinho: just messing with you ;)11:51
larsu(still want that patch, though)11:51
Trevinholarsu: i know... once I'll make my hands dirty with compiz soon11:56
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mdeslaurLaney: yeah, I'll handle it as a security update12:26
mdeslaurLaney: thanks12:26
Laneymdeslaur: we have lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gtk/ubuntugtk3trusty btw12:28
Laneyif you can push there after it's uploaded12:28
mdeslaurLaney: sure12:29
Laneyrock on12:29
seb128mdeslaur, Laney, I'm lacking backlog but I guess you are speaking about bug #1366790 ?12:34
ubot5bug 1366790 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu Trusty) "Fix for CVE-2014-1949 (GTK 3.10.x)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136679012:34
mdeslaurseb128: yes12:34
* seb128 cross for his list12:34
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larsuochosi, Laney, seb128: I'd very much appreciate some testing on this branch: https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/ubuntu-themes/stop-using-unico/+merge/24656613:31
* larsu tried lots of apps, but it's quite a change13:31
larsu(even though not that much css changed actually)13:31
larsuhm: Launchpad encountered an internal error during the following operation: generating the diff for a merge proposal.  It was logged with id OOPS-3fcd77bfd8f5bd561dee1cdd48f40c79.  Sorry for the inconvenience.13:32
didrockslarsu: did you try some swing apps like eclipse which are using a gtk theme?13:32
larsudidrocks: no, good point, thanks13:32
didrockslarsu: refresh, I can see the diff13:33
larsume too13:33
didrocks1742 lines (+74/-1478) 8 files modified13:33
larsugot the email anyway13:33
larsudidrocks: most of that is removing a file that wasn't used (but had lots of references to unico)13:33
seb128larsu, sure can try, but I'm probably not the best to notice minor stylish changes since I don't usually pay much attention to details13:33
didrockslarsu: shut up and take the credit dude! ;)13:34
larsudidrocks: HAHA ok :)13:34
ochosilarsu: btw, any reason you still use so many pixmaps, e.g. for buttons?13:35
larsuseb128: you're the only one I know that uses radiance. Just look out for something that's really off (probably enough if you wait for the merge)13:35
seb128larsu, ok13:35
larsuochosi: (a) history (b) performace (c) I don't want to be the one recreating them pixel perfectly with css gradients13:36
ochosilarsu: really? pixmaps are faster than css?13:36
ochosithe other two are perfectly understandable13:36
ochosii just didn't know about (b)13:36
larsuochosi: yes, quite a lot13:36
ochosithat sort of sucks tbh13:37
ochosibut still, good to know13:37
larsuochosi: blitting an image is much faster than asking cairo to draw a bunch of gradients and borders and shadows...13:37
ochosianyway, i'll give it a shot!13:38
ochosianything to look out for specifically or just a general checkup to see whether anything is off13:40
larsuochosi: focus rings13:40
larsuyou only see them when you keyboard-navigate13:41
desrtbonan matenon, ubuntanoj13:41
ochosiyeah, just wanted to say the new open-file dialog really sucks big time in that respect13:41
larsuoh, just in general - not related to the theme?13:42
ochosiadwaita does a slightly better job there13:42
ochosiit has that dotted outline inside some widgets13:42
ochosimostly listviews13:42
larsuit has them in all widgets13:42
larsuit's much better13:42
ochosistill, not very visible..13:42
ochosiyeah, it has them everywhere, but with buttons i see no issue in Ambiance, that's quite obvious13:43
ochosiwith listviews, there's just no focus outline whatsoever13:43
larsuyeah :/13:43
ochosibut as i said, even in adwaita it's too subtle to be really clearly visible13:43
ochosiit's a bit inconsistent that menus are dark and popovers are bright13:44
ochosi(sorry, i know that's not what you asked me to look at...)13:44
larsuI agree. I gave them a bright background because popovers are more like dialogs than they are menus13:45
ochosithe other focus outlines i could spot look good!13:45
larsualso, dark background on them is fugly13:45
larsualso, we do have bright menus as well, because design13:45
attente_mitya57: sure, lgtm13:46
ochosilarsu: oh, you do? humm... :]13:47
ochosiright, so from my brief look around i'd say the only problem i see are listviews13:48
larsubut those had the problem before, no?13:48
ochosineed to check13:49
larsuit's a problem, but not for this MR13:50
larsuthanks for testing!13:50
ochosii wonder why shotwell has such a messed up "status corner"...13:51
ochosithere, the focus outline looks a bit meh13:52
ochosi(but again, not a regression)13:53
ochosianyway, summing it up, good work there!13:53
larsuochosi: this is actually not the focus outline, but the fact that the labels are selected by default when you tab to then13:53
larsuI wonder why, that's really strange13:53
ochosiyeah, that corner is theme-wise also broken13:53
ochosii mean it has that sunken-in style to it that doesn't really exist anymore in gtk313:53
ochosiit even looks really bad with adwaita13:54
willcookeseb128_, is it possible to poke phone settings from the command line?14:06
willcookemlankhorst has a broken screen and so cant get in to the settings app to disable the screen time out14:06
seb128_willcooke, what do you want to do exactly?14:06
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mlankhorstset it to infite :p14:08
mlankhorstwillcooke: ok I think I have a hack for -2x14:11
seb128willcooke, mlankhorst, is that the "lock on idle" you want to change?14:11
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mlankhorstand screen turning off14:12
willcookemlankhorst, @ hack - cool!14:14
Laneyyou can use powerd-cli somehow to keep the screen on14:14
mlankhorstI'm not 100% sure if it completely works since I get some corruption (maybe resize borked?), but probably good enough..14:14
mlankhorstwillcooke: if you want to test https://mblankhorst.nl/etc/Xmir14:18
willcookethx mlankhorst14:18
mlankhorstadd -2x to the command line14:20
willcookeI was about to ask :D14:20
* mlankhorst is telepathic14:20
willcookelooks pretty good, a little bit of corruption to start, but thats fine14:24
willcookejust need to get metacity to use a reasonable font size14:24
mlankhorstoh right..14:25
mlankhorstwillcooke: yeah looks like I need to do some hacks to fix initial screen size :P14:29
mlankhorstthat's why you're getting corruption14:29
willcookes'no biggy14:29
mlankhorstor I should just clear everything instead..14:29
mlankhorstI think I will do that, it will some issues anyway..14:32
willcookeqengho, seb128 - can you guys point me at the main LP page for Chromium?    There seem to be quite a few places.  I'm looking for a specific commit14:34
qenghowillcooke: You probably want  https://code.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/vivid-working14:35
willcookethx qengho14:35
qenghowillcooke: That's packaging.14:36
seb128willcooke, what in chromium? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser has the versions/bugslist14:58
willcookeseb128, sorted, thanks14:58
willcookelarsu, I've still got this huge fonts issue in Xmir:  https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-0H4Gcl0ogpw/VLfXncNCsvI/AAAAAAAAJDM/bSsvO-dGj7k/w860-h879-no/1.png15:08
willcookeany clues?15:08
willcookeI'm using metacity as a WM15:09
willcookeis it likely to be a metacity thing?15:09
larsuerr, good question15:09
larsuthe settings keys are set to something sensible I presume?15:10
willcookeyeah, based on our quick conversation the other day I set them to 10 or 8 or something15:10
larsuhow about org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences titlebar-font15:11
larsuthis is about big fonts in title bars, right?15:11
* larsu has problems parsing that screenshot15:11
willcookelarsu, sorry, otp - will check15:25
mdeslaurLaney: , seb128: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2475-1/15:31
xnoxbregma: i would like a shortcut or command to force move all windows to display115:32
xnoxbregma: or forexample force remove display15:33
xnoxcause on display-port screen disconnect i often have windows "stuck" on the external monitor15:33
xnoxon 14.04 LTS15:33
* xnox ponders if turning mirror mode on and off would do the trick.15:33
bregmaxnox, the compiz "put" plugin will do that15:33
xnoxbregma: aha! that's what I need.15:34
bregmaassuming it hasn't bitrotted, we don't normally enable it so it doesn't get a lot of testing15:34
xnoxbregma: any way i can help with fixing the monitor disconnect bug though?15:34
xnoxbregma: on reconnect it realises that it had windows on dead screen -> moves them to the first screen & initialises the external monitor afresh.15:35
bregmaxnox, is the problem that X does not realize the monitor is gone?15:35
xnoxbregma: correct - but i cannot tell you exactly.15:36
seb128mdeslaur, thanks15:36
larsuLaney: so ... our pure-css spinner doesn't work anymore in 3.14 (see #gtk for details if you're interested)15:36
bregmaCompiz is relying on xrandr for screen size change events to adjust the window placement, no xrandr events to response15:36
xnoxe.g. i see the windows in the alt-tab on the app, switching to one window of the app shwos animation switching to it -> by making it fly off the main screen into nothing.15:36
larsuLaney: do you know if we have a spinner icon somewhere?15:36
larsuLaney: could also use the one from adwaita - or the cool one from the phone15:37
* larsu wonders if that looks good on desktop15:37
xnoxbregma: i have openned ccsm but there is no put plugin =(15:38
Laneylarsu: what's the phone one?15:39
bregmaxnox, that's odd -- I see it under Window Management15:40
xnoxbregma: hm, i see in the move plugin that I can do Alt-F7 and move the window to the other screen with keyboard, that would do for me.15:40
xnoxgrid, move, place, resize, scale, snapping15:40
bregmahuh, well if move works, use it15:40
larsuLaney: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/qml/Ubuntu/Components/Themes/Ambiance/artwork/spinner@30.png15:41
Laneyoh this one15:42
larsuadwaita's in orange looks neat as well15:42
mlankhorstwillcooke: I think the current version should handle resize better, I'm clearing the entire buffer before copying the old contents. :P16:06
willcookemlankhorst, sweet16:06
mlankhorstwillcooke: can you redownload? I should have fixed the transparant corruption at the start16:26
willcookemlankhorst, thx16:26
mlankhorstbut I can't read the contents, if you want I should be able to add rotation though16:27
willcookemlankhorst, rotation would be super useful16:27
mlankhorstlowriter on the screen's too tiny to read now :P16:28
mlankhorstworking on doubled makes it easier to add rotation, same codepaths are affected. It's just a drawing call I need to fix and messing around with width/height16:31
mlankhorsttons of if cases later..16:58
mlankhorstyeah, input doesn't rotate but otherwise it works :P16:59
mlankhorstI'll try to hook up the full thing later17:00
willcookethanks a lot mlankhorst17:08
* willcooke -> EOD17:54
willcooketa ta17:54
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