
Riddellcjwatson: mitya57: we don't even use debconf's perlqt frontend in kubuntu, we use debconf-kde which is a c++ library so I expect it can be dropped00:00
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RAOFHm. Who's familiar with the seeds/germinate process? I need to know why mir-client-platform-mesa is being pulled in to the vivid touch image, and how to stop it.00:22
mdeslaurROAF: because it's a reverse-depends of libmirclient8 perhaps?00:39
RAOFmdeslaur: It's an alternative rdepends of libmirclient8, yes.00:44
RAOFBut mir-client-platform-android is explicitly seeded, and satisfies that alternative.00:45
mdeslaurRAOF: hrm, not sure then. perhaps infinity would know01:05
infinityRAOF: It's almost certainly because of the alternate dep, and could just need a blacklist.01:26
infinityRAOF: Germinate's not always bright in the face of alternate deps.01:27
RAOFLet me see if I can work out how to do that...01:28
infinityRAOF: To be fair, situations that call for blacklists usually mean your deps are wrong, but I can see how this is a curious special case, since you want two different defaults.01:28
RAOFAn alternative would be to *not* depend on a driver module at all for libmirclient8.01:28
infinityWhich is possibly also correct.01:29
RAOFThat would probably be reasonable.01:29
infinityUnless it needs it to load.01:29
RAOFWell... it's not *linked* to the driver module, but it'll fail as soon as you try to do anything with it.01:29
RAOFBut that's a solution that doesn't require me to try and work out how germinate works again, so... :)01:30
infinityRAOF: Decoupling it is probably the right thing anyway.01:30
infinityRAOF: Since the android/gnu thing really needs to *stop* being how we define "touch" and "not".01:31
RAOFHeh, yes.01:31
infinityRAOF: That all needs to be defined in hardware support packs that just drop the right bits in place, and userspace should opprtunistically use the right bits as it discovers them.01:32
infinityRAOF: Otherwise, any hope for convergence is a bit of a joke, IMO.01:32
infinityRAOF: Or any hope for touch devices with free driver stacks. :P01:32
RAOFWe've *very nearly* landed the necessary bits in Mir to do that, yes.01:37
RAOF(This has been apparent for a while ☺)01:37
lamontUnpacking python-oslo-config (1:1.6.0-0ubuntu1) ...03:00
lamontdpkg: error processing archive /var/cache/apt/archives/python-oslo-config_1%3a1.6.0-0ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack):03:00
lamont trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oslo/config/cfg.py', which is also in package python-oslo.config 1:1.5.0-0ubuntu103:01
lamontI wonder if that is already known03:01
infinitylamont: Sounds like some missing Breaks/Replaces.  Report and/or pester jamespage and/or fix it yourself cause you're still a core-dev? :)03:26
infinitylamont: Oh, already reported as LP: #141072703:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1410727 in oslo-config (Ubuntu) "package python-oslo-config (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oslo/config/cfg.py', which is also in package python-oslo.config 1:1.5.0-0ubuntu1" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/141072703:27
infinityjamespage: ^03:29
pittiGood morning04:54
ScottKmitya57: I don't know.05:48
pittislangasek: any preference for today's EU/US sprint handover hangout?06:35
slangasekpitti: preference - do you mean for time?06:36
pittislangasek: oh, nevermind, I just saw the cal entry06:36
slangasekmy /preference/ is to have it quite a bit later than I actually scheduled it ;)06:36
pitti(I didn't get a mail notification for it, weird)06:36
pittislangasek: I have a meeting 17:00 to 18:00 UTC, anything before and the hour after would WFM06:37
slangasekpitti: would an hour later work, maybe?06:40
slangasekthat's more realistic considering I'm still awake06:40
pittislangasek: yes, even two hours06:40
slangasekpitti: two hours later runs into other conflicts06:41
pittislangasek: not three hours (as that overlaps with my other meeting), but four works again06:41
doko_hangover hangout?06:43
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pittidid I actually write..06:43
pittino :)06:43
pittidoko: today is the handover; tomorrow (at Friday evening) is the hangover :)06:44
pittislangasek: time added to the pad06:45
* pitti invites jamespage06:46
pitticjwatson, slangasek, xnox: who maintains ubiquity these days? If we work review based, I'd appreciate a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/ubiquity/systemd/+merge/24653507:11
pittiI believe I tested it sufficiently, but more eyes can't hurt07:11
pittislangasek: do you want to tackle bug 1312976 for the sprint? you said you wanted to rearrange the init.d scripts as well, do that in Debian, etc.07:16
ubottubug 1312976 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "nfs-utils needs systemd unit or init.d script" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131297607:16
pittislangasek: apparently upstream also has native systemd jobs (I've seen some patches fly by via CC: systemd-devel@), so maybe we can just use those07:49
pittididrocks: ah, having a look at some touch ones?08:05
pittiI got some easy ones without android deps this week; for the others we should probably wait for xnox to wake up?08:05
pittiwell, some of those might still be simple08:06
didrockspitti: I'm currently on the edubuntu one, but I think we should start with the android config one first and try to understand how that exactly works08:06
didrockspitti: it contains a lot of upstart jobs, maybe we should do Touch once all the others are done?08:07
didrocksand do a real iterative work on it08:07
pittididrocks: I don't have a good feeling about how much work it is TBH08:07
pittiI'm not very familiar with the phone booting08:08
didrockspitti: I think it would be better to directly Do The Right Thing and revisit(Tm)08:08
didrockspitti: but TBH, seeing how close rtm is on rebasing on vivid from what I heard, I doubt they will move to systemd this cycle, still doesn't stop us of doing the work08:08
didrocksbut my gut feeling is it would be less work to really understand the dependencies and directly optimize it08:09
pittinot sure what you mean with DTRT? you mean stop listening to android events?08:09
pittiI don't think we can do that anytime soon08:09
pittimaybe for special cases like MTP (as I hinted in my reply to xnox), but I haven't investigated that really08:10
didrockspitti: it seems to me that there are a lot of jobs that are just events in the middle or specific for one device08:10
didrockspitti: I'm pretty sure some cruft piled up over time08:10
pittioh, for sure08:12
dholbachgood morning08:22
mardyseb128: hi! Does the session-migration stuff work on Ubuntu touch?08:31
tseliotdoko: hi, are we going to switch to gcc 5.0 in 15.04?08:33
didrocksmardy: it does run, yeah08:33
pittididrocks: please remove from the pad when the package moves to vivid; please keep it as long as it's in -proposed still08:33
pittididrocks: we've had several packages getting stuck08:33
mardydidrocks: cool, thanks!08:33
didrockspitti: ok, got it08:33
didrocksmardy: yw ;)08:33
didrocksmardy: if you have never used it, some hints: http://blog.didrocks.fr/post/Announcing-session-migration-now-in-ubuntu08:34
didrocksmardy: or ask me for the dh_migration usage if needed08:35
mardydidrocks: IIRC I've used it once, long time ago; but I'll certainly ask, if in doubt :-) thanks :-)08:35
didrocksno worry ;)08:35
seb128mardy, hey, what didrocks said08:38
mardyseb128, didrocks: LOL, sorry, I just realized that I mixed you guys up -- must be because of your Frenchness ;-)08:38
didrocksmardy: sure sure, "all the same" :p08:40
LocutusOfBorg1hi developerz!08:56
darkxstpitti, what locale gets used during package build tests? and is it the same on debian?09:34
pittidarkxst: C.UTF-8 usually09:34
pittidarkxst: and yes, it should be the same everywhere09:35
darkxstpitti, tracker tests fail on debian, but not ubuntu09:35
darkxstmartyn thinks its  sorting issue due to locale's09:36
pittidarkxst: oh, wait, during *package build*09:36
pittidarkxst: I thought autopkgtest, sorry09:36
pittidarkxst: so, should be C for both D and U09:36
darkxstpitti, actually I meant autopkgtest09:36
pittidarkxst: ah; Debian runs in a simple schroot, Ubuntu in qemu; that might explain it09:36
darkxstpitti, I can reproduce the debian failures just running adt tests locally in a debian vm09:38
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mitya57Riddell, I think I will keep it as it will be less delta than dropping it :)09:51
mitya57Oooh, I just realized that libqtgui4-perl is used not only when generating .pm file, but when actually drawing the interface, too.09:57
cjwatsoninfinity: blacklists are not only normally a sign of wrong dependencies, but normally flat-out don't work for what people try to use them for :-)09:59
cjwatsonpitti: I see xnox is reviewing, so I'll leave it to him.  I don't immediately see anything wrong ...10:02
pitticjwatson: thanks10:03
xnoxmorning =)10:05
pittihey xnox, wie gehts?10:08
xnoxpitti: sehr gut, danke schon ;-)10:10
pittixnox: ah, while I do see the oem-config debconf page, I can't actually do anything there10:21
pittidoesn't react to any keypresses10:21
pittixnox: that might be because its running in an upstart job which get their own PTY as stdin/out/err?10:21
xnoxpitti: yes.10:26
xnox"console output" in upstart speak, in systemd there are Stdin= Stdout= stanzas or some such, no?10:27
pittixnox: there are TTY* options; usually units don't have any tty/pty at all, their stdout/err goes to the journal10:28
pittixnox: I updated the MP10:28
pitti(comments, not code yet)10:28
pittixnox: or perhaps under upstart it collides with getty1 somehow?10:29
pittixnox: anyway, I won't put a lot of effort into debugging this under upstart now :)10:29
xnoxpitti: well, console output means that "/dev/console" is being opened with O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY10:31
xnoxin upstart.10:31
xnoxpitti: StandardIntput=tty, StandardOutput=tty for oem-config job? for both oem-config & oem-config-debconf jobs.10:34
xnox.... sorry "units". jobs in systemd are state transitions10:34
pittixnox: yep, I'm testing that ATM10:38
pittixnox: sorry, doing three things at once10:39
pittiTTYVHangup=yes too, I think10:39
pittiand TTYReset=yes also couldn't hurt10:39
pittiOK, I have a clean test VM again; my previous try purged oem-config, so using -snapshot now :)10:40
xnoxpitti: yes, it likes to purge itself.10:40
pittijamespage: do you know if someone is looking at manila?10:42
jamespagepitti, noone yet10:42
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jamespagepitti, I was going to take a look after my meeting finishes10:42
jamespagepitti, kickinz1 is looking at maas10:42
pittixnox: hah, now I have a systemd unit which behaves in the exact same way -- I see debconf, but dead keyboard :)10:49
xnoxpitti: ship it, it's no regression parity =)10:50
pittixnox: I wonder if that's a qemu quirk or so10:50
pittixnox: Bazinga!10:52
pittixnox: ok, all hunky-dory now; I updated the MP11:02
* pitti goes back to isc-dhcp and its umpteen jobs11:05
dokotseliot, no11:05
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jhenkehi, are there any plans for updating boost in the v cycle? currently in archive are 1.54 and 1.55, but upstream released 1.57 in november 201411:41
tseliotdoko: ok, thanks11:42
pittixnox: do you want to re-review the ubiquity MP, or are you happy with it?12:03
xnoxpitti: i have not looked at your recent commits.12:04
xnoxpitti: in general i'm happy with it.12:04
* pitti is very sure to not have broken upstart mode, so we might just upload it now to ease testing tremendously12:04
xnoxpitti: do you know how to merge & release ubiquity the right way, or shall I do it?12:04
pittijamespage: yay you12:05
jamespagepitti, that was a package in need of some love12:05
pittixnox: well, for merging I'd just push my commits to trunk (looks cleaner than merge IMHO)12:05
pittixnox: as for releasing, is it more than just bzr bd -S? that already does a lot of magic like downloading packages etc.12:06
xnoxpitti: yes, bzr bd -S should do the right thing.12:06
pittixnox: at least it's now I built my local test debs12:06
pittixnox: that doesn't do the "Automatic update of source packages..." thing, though12:06
pittiI suppose there's a script for that?12:06
xnoxpitti: ./debian/rules update; debcommit; bzr bd -S12:06
xnoxpitti: bzr bd -S -> does update-local which will bail the build if out of date.12:07
pittixnox: ok, I'll do that12:07
pittixnox: ah, nothing new apparently; well, last update was just a week ago12:08
pittixnox: ack, then I'll upload, and ask some cdimage folks in the afternoon to get us a new live image12:08
pittixnox: thanks12:08
pittixnox: argh, can't push, EPERM -- can you pull from my branch and push, please?12:09
pitti(or merge if you prefer)12:09
cjwatsonI generally use debuild -S rather than bzr bd -S12:09
cjwatsonwhich is not to say the latter won't work12:09
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pittiit's become a habit of mine12:09
xnoxpitti: i think i can grant you permissions.12:09
cjwatsonbut it saves effectively re-running the d-i update bits12:09
xnoxcjwatson: i added bzr bd -S magic, because you called me out on having unclean stuff in the ubiquity upload debdiffs =))))))12:10
xnoxpitti: you have permisssions now.12:10
xnoxpitti: also spam =)12:11
pittiI was afraid of that :)12:11
xnoxev: i have successfully passed the batton to pitti.12:13
xnoxpitti: congrats on being the new maintainer of ubiquity =)12:13
* pitti runs away screaming -- err, to have some lunch12:13
cjwatsonxnox: well.  mostly I called you out for not reading the debdiffs before upload :)12:14
cjwatsonbut ok12:15
jamespagepitti, re the zentyal packages; i've pinged the upstream developers who are mean't to maintain those packages; basically if they don't want to update, I suggest we remove zentyal from the archive12:16
jamespageits not been touched for over two years now so is vastly out-of-date12:17
pittijamespage: ah right, and not in Debian either; no objection to cleaning them up if they don't reply or don't want to indeed12:17
xnoxjamespage: pitti: zentyal would be broken / dangerous if we switch to systemd by default.12:19
xnoxfor pid 1.12:19
jamespagexnox, indeed12:19
xnoxalso would be nice to remove system-config-* bits.12:20
pittioh, that's the "new" name for ebox12:21
pittixnox: dangerous because they are very upstart specific and the web frontend etc. only configures that?12:21
xnoxpitti: yes.12:22
xnoxpitti: not sure where the upstream stand at, but they did claim way back when that they will maintain it in ubuntu.12:22
jamespagexnox, that's not happened so much12:28
jamespagexnox, they have ppu rights for zentyal12:28
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pittitseliot: do you have some minutes to help me understand the nvidia-prime upstart job? for bug 131225513:25
ubottubug 1312255 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "[systemd] nvidia-prime package needs systemd unit or init.d script" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131225513:25
pittitseliot: I'm fine with porting it if you don't have time, but the upstart job looks a bit weird13:25
pittiis anyone looking for a really easy upstart → systemd porting to learn about it? ltsp-cluster-{accountmanager,lbagent} are simple13:40
didrocksapw: hey, I see you are conmux's upstream, does this package makes sense under systemd or should it be replaced with manually instanced serial-getty?13:41
apwdidrocks, it does something other that that which getty does, i can add system startups if that is needed13:42
didrocksapw: I have some spare cycles to do it now, seems quite a nice one with instantiated services. Just wanted to know if you feel it worthed it13:43
pittijamespage, xnox: https://github.com/Zentyal/zentyal seems to be quite active though; it just seems they stopped uploading to Ubuntu; maybe people are supposed to use their own archive now13:43
didrocksapw: so, it seems that indeed, it does make sense, so doing it13:43
didrockspitti: FYI ^13:43
apwdidrocks, ahh, do indeed, but who knows how much use it gets these days13:44
pittiapw, didrocks: also see Debian bug 77518513:44
ubottuDebian bug 775185 in conmux "conmux: has only upstart job, no upstart dependency" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/77518513:44
didrocksapw: mind answering on https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=775185?13:44
pittiwould make sense to upload it there too13:44
didrockspitti: I'll attach a debdiff to it13:44
pittiapw: including a systemd unit upstream would be nice indeed13:44
rbasakpitti: we just had a conversation in #ubuntu-server about Zentyal. Conclusion is to remove it from Vivid.13:44
pittihey rbasak13:45
rbasakpitti: in favour of their own repository, yes.13:45
rbasakpitti: o/13:45
pittirbasak: ack, sounds good; I'll clean them up then13:45
didrockspitti: ah, you referenced the bug in the pad, funny, I was looking at conmux's bug to see if a patch was already attached were I saw we were in sync :)13:46
pittididrocks: yeah, that's a curious case -- must be the only upstart-only package in Debian :)13:46
pitti(and undeclared on top of that)13:46
didrockspitti: yeah, we found it! :) the package was in ubuntu first and just uploaded in debian as-is13:47
didrockspitti: that means though, they will have the same postrm and so on issue once switch to systemd on that package as they don't have our patch13:48
didrocks(in invoke-rc.d)13:48
pittijamespage, rbasak: zentyal> *flush*13:50
pittiok, I'll grab the ltsp-cluster-* ones now; might just as well get it over with13:53
jamespagepitti, rbasak: yes indeed13:55
jamespagepitti, I'd flush all of them13:55
pittijamespage: yes, that's what I did (not just those on the pad)13:55
pitti$ remove-package -m 'unmaintained in Ubuntu for 2 years, upstream has their own repository' zentyal-ca zentyal-dhcp zentyal-dns zentyal-firewall zentyal-network zentyal-ntp zentyal-objects zentyal-openvpn zentyal-printers zentyal-services zentyal-users zbuildtools zentyal-common zentyal-samba zentyal-squid13:55
jamespagepitti, thanks13:55
pittiI checked reverse-depends13:55
didrockspitti: do you know if it's possible to start some instances of a template service from another one (rather than running systemctl start fooservice@barinstance)?14:00
pittididrocks: Requires=otherinstance@%I.service ?14:03
didrockspitti: well, the instance name is dynamically generate, though more from a script14:04
didrockspitti: maybe a generator would be the best solution, but I feel that being a little bit overkill for conmux14:05
pittididrocks: uh, a template template?14:05
pittididrocks: how dynamic? you can also create .d dirs in /run/systemd/system/ with the extra Requires, but I suppose that needs some daemon-reload14:06
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didrockspitti: basically, there is 'for filename in dir -> start conmux-daemon@filename'14:07
pittididrocks: ah -- well, that does sound like a generator14:07
didrocksuntil now, it was conmux.upstart doing that (after starting the main server)14:07
didrocksyeah, ok, let's go for a simple generator then14:07
tseliotpitti: what is it that's not clear about nvidia-prime.upstart?14:07
pittididrocks: /bin/dash FTW :)14:08
didrockspitti: not a bin fan in term of perf as it impacts boot time, but well :)14:08
pittididrocks: well, *shrug*, the upstart job was also a script, so not really a regression?14:08
didrockspitti: true :) and so, creating some conmux.d/ -> Requires14:09
didrockson all those instance14:09
didrockssounds sane?14:09
pittitseliot: it seems it only starts start-nvidia-persistenced if prime is *not* supported14:09
pittididrocks: yes14:09
pittididrocks: and TBH, as long as a script uses only builtins and doesn't call grep and other external programs a lot, it should be fine14:10
didrockspitti: yeah, it's really rudimentary14:10
pittione can do a lot with POSIX sh already, and bash is even more powerful :)14:10
pittiok, [ "${haystack%needle*}" != "$haystack" ] isn't exactly easy to read, but much cheaper than a grep14:11
tseliotpitti: we can probably get rid of that, as we start and stop nvidia-persistenced with a udev rule /lib/udev/rules.d/71-nvidia.rules in the nvidia packages14:16
pittiapw: btw, in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1411-systemd-migration you have a WI to merge initramfs-tools; infinity once said he'd also want to do a two-way merge with Debian (but that was already a long time ago)14:17
pittiapw: just saying for coordination14:17
pittitseliot: ah, that's much more elegant indeed14:17
tseliotpitti: I think I need to take care of this myself, as I need to test it with my systems with hybrid graphics. Sorry it's taking so long, but I've focussed on the drivers (speaking of which, nvidia-graphics-drivers-346 and nvidia-graphics-drivers-346-updates are still in Vivid NEW)14:18
pittitseliot: but I figure that wouldn't provide the same "do that before lightdm" synchronization?14:18
pittitseliot: ok14:18
pittitseliot: actually I wonder if that upstart job is doing what you expect -- it basically doesn't do anything if prime-supported is true14:19
tseliotpitti: the do before lightdm is a requirement only for switching between graphics drivers (as X will be off)14:19
pittis/is true/shows something/14:19
pittitseliot: that's what's confuzing me14:19
tseliotpitti: yes, maybe I made the upstart job redundant as I now handle a lot of stuff directly in the gpu-manager14:21
tseliotthis is also why I need to check14:21
tseliot(mostly because I don't remember, it's been a while)14:21
pittirbasak, jamespage: do you know what "CPC cloud images" are? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1411-systemd-migration mentions that they have some dynamic upstart jobs14:23
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hallynpitti: thanks for your help with the versioning - do you mind also sponsoring http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/n/netcf/netcf_0.1.9-2+deb7u1.dsc ?14:27
pittihallyn: will do in a few mins14:28
rbasakpitti: that's utlemming and Odd_Bloke's department. Cloud images, basically.14:45
pittirbasak: ah, so the CPC doesn't mean anything special?14:45
pittihallyn: is debian bug 726127 fixed in testing/unstable? if so, the bug should be closed with an appropriate Version:14:47
ubottuDebian bug 726127 in libnetcf1 "libnetcf1: The function ipcalc_netmask in netcf had a bug for any netmask > 24" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/72612714:47
Odd_Blokerbasak: pitti: Also rcj.14:47
pittiutlemming, Odd_Bloke, rcj: does "CPC" cloud image mean anything special? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1411-systemd-migration mentions that they create some dynamic upstart jobs14:48
Odd_Blokepitti: We're the Certified Public Cloud team, so it just means the cloud images that we produce.14:48
pittiOdd_Bloke: ah, so just http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/ ?14:49
pittii. e. this affects all cloud images, it's not an upstart job only in some "special" fork of them?14:49
Odd_Blokepitti: I'm not 100% sure; utlemming would be able to answer that question better.14:50
Odd_Blokepitti: But we do build images from the ci.u.c images specifically for some clouds, so we do have forks/derivatives of the images there.14:50
pittihalfie: uploaded14:51
pittihallyn: uploaded14:51
pittihalfie: sorry, tab error14:51
pittiawe_: hey Tony, how are you?14:58
pittiawe_: do you want to review https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/ofono/systemd/+merge/246103 or should I just push/upload this? no-op for upstart, tested with systemd on a desktop14:59
pittididrocks, slangasek, xnox: hangout now, right?15:00
pittijamespage: ^ if you want to join, too15:01
awe_pitti, just started a mtg ( that I'm leading ), will ping you when I'm done15:01
xnoxpitti: url?15:01
* xnox saw no emails.15:01
pittixnox: in the pad15:01
pittixnox: you didn't get an invite?15:02
hallynpitti: yeah, that bug was fixed long ago in unstable.15:04
xnoxlol, i joined and the hangout froze =)15:07
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slangasekpitti: did you get the ubiquity review you were looking for?15:29
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xnoxpitti: without the property bridge, touch should boot but without mtp support and the like.15:30
xnoxlxc-android-boot & lxc-android-config are needed though.15:30
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pittislangasek: yes, ubiquity is in vivid  now15:37
pittislangasek: and xnox also told me the secret how to test it in text  mode15:37
pittislangasek: so now, while it's broken in text mode under upstart, it actually works under systemd :)15:37
pittihallyn: ah, can you close the bug then? send to XXX-done with "Version: 1.2.3-4" (first fixed version) in the first line, and then some quick explanation15:38
hallynpitti: ok - i was actualy going to do that first this morning, then realized wheezy might be a problem still :)15:39
hallynpitti: thanks15:40
pittislangasek: so if you could build a new ubuntu desktop live, I'd appreaciate -- I'd like to do the full end to end testing without the crazy casper hacking to install local .debs15:40
pittihallyn: ack, thanks15:40
slangasekpitti: I kicked off the build, it should be running now15:42
awe_pitti, looks good to me.  One question though...what's the meaning of --nodetach on the ExecStart line?15:43
awe_also does "multi-user.target" == desktop?15:43
xnoxawe_: multi-user.target ~= standard runlevel.15:43
pittiawe_: --nodetach is to keep it running in the foreground instead of demonizing15:43
xnox(default boot state for server, desktop, phone, cloud)15:44
pittiawe_: that's generally preferable under systemd and upstart, as it (1) avoids the unnecessary fork, and more importantly (2) you get the output logged properly, instead of it going to /dev/null15:44
pittiawe_: multi-user.target is roughly "runlevel 2"15:44
pittiawe_: i. e. it would be started on graphical and text boots after rcS/single user mode (in SysV terms)15:44
awe_pitti, ofonod actually does the double fork15:45
pittiawe_: unless it's decidedly graphical (like lightdm) or early-boot, it's the most common default target to hook it in15:45
awe_which is why the upstart job has "expect fork"15:45
awe_( unless I'm mistaken )15:45
pittiawe_: right, I know; but not with --nodetach15:45
awe_is there documentation for "--nodetach"?15:46
pittiawe_: I think I just did ofonod --help or so15:46
pittiawe_: it was fairly easy to find, so I guess I got it from --help or the manpage15:46
awe_sorry, for some reason I thought that was being passed to ExecStart15:47
awe_lemme check the ofono src15:47
pittiawe_: so, there's two types: Type=simple (the default) just stays in the foreground, and "Type=forking" (equivalent to upstart's "expect fork") for daemonizing ones15:47
pittiawe_: yes, it is passed to the program you specify in ExecStart15:47
pittiawe_: but with it staying in the foreground it's a lot easier to debug problems (sudo systemctl status ofono will show the recent output -- journal magic)15:48
awe_yea... sorry, just never used --nodetach before15:48
awe_so... aren't there security implications for not forking into the background?15:48
pittiawe_: so, it works just fine by itself and with phonesim (that's already systemd-ified, I uploaded yesterday)15:48
pittiawe_: no; forking is really just an old way of starting daemons when we only had SysV init15:49
pittiawe_: it's completely obsolete with upstart or systemd15:49
pittiawe_: these already do that forking/isolation for you15:49
awe_OK, not something I was aware of...  I'll take your word for it, for now.  ;)-15:50
pittiawe_: it was the same in upstart -- daemonizing and "expect fork" worked, but you never got a log in /var/log/upstart15:51
awe_pitti, reviewed/approved15:51
pittiawe_: with --stay-in-the-foreground (for whatever daemon) and without "expect fork", we had /var/log/upstart/<job>.log15:51
pittiawe_: ack, thanks15:51
awe_pitti, that cause the log output when to syslog, where I expected it to!15:51
awe_it's very useful to see ofono's log messages intertwined with NM's messages15:52
pittiawe_: you can still do that :)15:52
pittiawe_: so, I don't mind much if you want to switch to Type=forking and drop the --nodetach15:52
pittithis is just how most other stuff behaves these days15:52
pittiawe_: so you get the per-unit output separately, or everything in one log, or any filtering of the complete log15:53
awe_let's leave it as for now.  We can discuss more when we go to move the phone image to systemd15:53
pittiawe_: ack; either way, it's simple enough to flip15:53
awe_if possible, I'd like to get rid of the need for the override15:53
awe_if possible...15:53
pittiawe_: sorry, which override?15:54
awe_hey, one other thing.. if you get a chance, we're seeing an issue with phonesim-autostart on vivid: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ofono-phonesim/+bug/140114315:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1401143 in ofono-phonesim (Ubuntu) "Installing ofono-phonesim-autostart makes the phone unusable" [High,Confirmed]15:54
xnoxpitti: where is the ofono job?15:54
Odd_BlokeSo I just ran pull-lp-source and it stomped on an existing directory; is there a backup of the directory it stomped on anywhere?15:54
awe_any chance you could take a look15:54
awe_pitti, there's an ofono.override installed in touch images15:54
xnoxpitti: did you add that it should claim the BusName=org.ofono?15:54
xnoxawe_: don't worry about the touch, i'm working on the ofono override for touch.15:54
pittiawe_: ah! yeah, I guess we'll get to that when we review the touch upstart jobs tomorrow15:54
xnoxpitti: awe_: please please =) i have a patch to the event bridge to make ofono job work on the touch properly.15:55
awe_xnox, please keep me in the loop... as mentioned, if possible it'd be great to get rid of the need for an override15:55
pittixnox: no, I didn't; so far it doesn't do socket activation and notification anyway, but  I guess it wouldn't hurt15:55
xnoxawe_: there is an email on ubuntu-devel with rough plan, tomorrow i'll post working debs for testing. But I don't have phone to test it on, so will ask for remote hands.15:56
awe_xnox, ack15:56
awe_I"m off this afternoon, but will be around tomorrow to review/test/...15:56
pittiawe_: ugh, only happens on krillin, not on mako? explains why I've never seen it :/15:56
pittiawe_: I keep this open and have a closer look, and check if there's anything fishy wrt. stopping it15:57
awe_yea... if you don't have a krillin, I can do some more debug on my end, but might have to wait till Mon15:57
awe_pitti, the one pain in the ass is the upstart watchdog that we added... if the respawn limit gets hit, the phone goes into a hard reboot loop15:57
awe_( which I've suggested we get rid of and put a limit on number of reboots that happen )15:58
pittiawe_: ah, was that added only on krillin?15:58
awe_but only vivid, not rtm15:58
pittiawe_: but ofonod is running, it's just not through its upstart job15:58
awe_yea, but somehow upstart gets confused and tries to restart the ofono job15:58
awe_and fails repeatedly hitting the respawn limit15:59
awe_which then triggers the watchdog to reboot the phone15:59
awe_ad infinitum15:59
xnoxpitti: ofono on the phone should not do dbus activation, this is one of the things i have fixed....15:59
xnoxpitti: otherwise watchdog has no idea.15:59
pittixnox: ah right, so BusName= is just to determine a more precise "did that service finish starting up"16:00
awe_xnox, yea...that was fixed awhile back16:00
xnoxawe_: in systemd watchdog is builtin, thus you can specify which units to activate on failure, etc.16:00
awe_xnox, watchdog is a new thing... to detect system processes that are in a bad state16:00
awe_xnox, cool16:00
xnoxpitti: yeap, if it's on the bus, it's ready to accept connections. Previously we needed fork as the notification when it's ready.16:00
awe_anyways, I have to jump on to our stand-up16:00
awe_be around tomorrow to discuss more16:00
pittixnox: works fine, pushed to https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/ofono/systemd/+merge/24610316:07
xnoxslangasek: pmcgowan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1409639/comments/5 *shrug*16:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1409639 in juju-core (Ubuntu Vivid) "juju needs to support systemd for >= vivid" [High,Triaged]16:09
ericsnowwe (juju core) are working on getting systemd support in place for the dev feature freeze (see https://launchpad.net/bugs/1409639)16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1409639 in juju-core (Ubuntu Vivid) "juju needs to support systemd for >= vivid" [High,Triaged]16:14
ericsnowwe would welcome any pointers on gotchas we should be aware of, particularly relative to dynamic script/unit generation16:14
xnoxericsnow: use systemd go bindings; don't work to systemctl; use correct location for units.16:14
xnoxericsnow: if you are doing boot-time generation of units -> use systemd generator spec (see for example gpt-auto-generator)16:15
ericsnowalso, we rely on LXC and on cloud-init, and it is unclear from the various resources I've seen what the status is for those (relative to systemd)16:15
xnoxericsnow: for any other on-the-fly generated things store them in /run/systemd/system/, activate and enable them.16:15
xnoxericsnow: LXC in ubuntu does work i believe, talk to stgraber/hallyn for details.16:16
xnoxericsnow: i don't know the status of cloud-init port to systemd, i believe it was done a while back - pmcgowan any comment on cloud-init?16:16
stgraberxnox: at the moment LXC works on a systemd host. systemd containers don't work so well in the distro (that's what I'm working on right now)16:16
xnoxslangasek: is pmcgowan - ubuntu server team manager?16:17
pmcgowanxnox, I think you are asking the wrong person16:17
stgrabergot one more patch to get upstream and then we need to release and get 1.1 in Ubuntu16:17
xnoxpmcgowan: right.16:17
stgraberxnox: gaughen is16:17
ericsnowxnox: thanks for the updates16:17
xnoxgaughen: is cloud-init ported to systemd?16:17
xnoxpmcgowan: sorry for confusion.16:17
xnoxgaughen: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/1409639/comments/516:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1409639 in juju-core (Ubuntu Vivid) "juju needs to support systemd for >= vivid" [High,Triaged]16:17
pittiericsnow: wrt. dynamic: transient units should go into /run/systemd/system/, they will only be valid for the current boot; permanent unpackaged units (I think that's what you are after) into /etc/systemd/system/16:18
pittiericsnow: unless you generate the units automatically based on some configuration file, then you mgiht rather want a generator (which synthesizes them in /run/ based on the config)16:19
xnoxericsnow: packaged things will be in /lib/systemd/system -> thus one cannot just check for files, always talk to systemd over the API.16:19
pittiericsnow: (I'm deliberately very high-level here -- happy to dive down if you are interested in either)16:19
ericsnowxnox, pitti: how much can we depend on /run/systemd/system/ being the right path on all systems (ubuntu or otherwise)?16:19
xnoxericsnow: you should use pkg-config to query the paths, if you want dynamic discovery of the locations.16:20
pittiericsnow: those are standard upstream paths everywhere16:20
ericsnowxnox: which go systemd binding are you referring to?16:20
xnoxericsnow: but /run/systemd/system is fairly universal.16:20
pittiericsnow: /etc as well; just /lib/systemd/ isn't, but you shouldn't write there anyway (unless through .debs)16:20
gaughensmoser, can you answer xnox's question above about cloud-init/systemd16:20
ericsnowxnox: (good point on using the bindings, by the way)16:21
gaughenxnox, I would think that cloud-init is systemd friendly since we used it for snappy16:21
gaughenbut I need to pull in the expert.. ahem, smoser16:21
xnoxericsnow: the one in the archive, used by coreos & docker, actively maintained - golang-go-systemd-dev https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/golang-go-systemd https://github.com/coreos/go-systemd16:21
ericsnowxnox: I'll look into using systemd generator spec16:21
pittiericsnow: high-level: it's a program (or a script) which reads whatever config files you have, and create unit files or links (for additional dependencies) in /run/systemd/system16:22
xnoxericsnow: generator spec is ok, but is invoked very early in the boot - before one has network. It's good for static things - e.g. generate .mount units from /etc/fstab to mount things. (that's upstream in the systemd)16:22
pittiericsnow: we use that to generate units for sysv init scripts, or units for network interfaces defined in /etc/network/interfaces -- that's the spirit/use cases for them16:23
pittiericsnow: if OTOH you have a "make install" situation where you install packages and configure them through a charm, creating them statically in /etc/systemd/system/ sounds more appropriate16:23
staylor_I'm a little confused by the proper way to package a kernel for sharing, I started off with make-kpkg but it seems the official kernels may be built using the pkg-deb system built into the kernel?16:24
pittixnox, ericsnow: btw, there's nothing inherently wrong with calling systemctl; it might just not be the most comfortable/efficient API16:24
smoserxnox, um... looking at the changelog *your* name appears wrt cloud-init and systemd :)16:25
xnoxpitti: it's localised output, instead of static no? (e.g. not like upstart)16:25
* xnox eye roll16:25
smoserxnox, i really suspect there is work to do for cloud-init and systemd. i do not think that it probably behaves exactly as i'd like it to.16:26
pittixnox: yes; as I said, depends on what you want to do; if you just need to call "systemctl enable" or similar, the exit status is just fine16:26
xnoxsmoser: does it boot? i can't remember if i tried that in the end.16:26
smoserit does boot. yes. used in snappy.16:26
pittiI also run systemd in adt VMs (which are also cloud-init based), just not for the initial run16:26
xnoxsmoser: cool.16:31
xnoxericsnow: cloud-init with systemd in ubuntu works fine.16:31
Odd_Blokecjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/live-build/+bug/1411310 <-- these are the changes I've had to make to live-build to produce CPC images16:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1411310 in live-build (Ubuntu) "[PATCH] Enable tuning of EXT images produced by lb_binary_rootfs" [Undecided,New]16:33
smoserit does work, i'm almost certain there are bugs.16:34
didrocksxnox: you can always rely on systemctl show output, not systemctl cat or whatsover (and no localized output for anything in systemctl, but no garantee either that it stays stable apart from some commands like show, is-enable…)16:42
didrocksxnox: always be aware that /run/systemd/generator*/ are not bound to boot time, but by daemon-reload time, so if you update/install any package executing that command, it will be entirely cleaned and reloaded, not sure it's what they want if they don't use a generator (seems /etc would be better for them as juju is in some admin role in some way)16:44
didrocksericsnow: FYI ^16:44
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: fair enough, but you probably want somebody from foundations :)16:45
cjwatsondoesn't look too complex16:46
Odd_Blokecjwatson: Ack; is there a process I should be following that isn't "10 PING random Foundations person; 20 SLEEP 12h; 30 GOTO 10"? :p16:50
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: 10 ACQUIRE core-dev 20 UPLOAD it yourself16:50
cjwatsonOdd_Bloke: or, more seriously, subscribe ubuntu-sponsors and it should pop onto the sponsorship queue which gets frequent attention16:51
Odd_Bloke(The latter. :p)16:52
tseliotpitti: can you remind me how to switch to systemd in vivid, please?16:59
tseliot(or point me to the docs)16:59
didrockstseliot: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers#Switching_init_systems17:01
pittitseliot: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers#Switching_init_systems shows how to do it one-time or permanently17:01
pittiah, thanks didrocks :)17:01
didrockssorry, thought you already EOD ;)17:01
tseliotdidrocks, pitti: thanks!17:01
pittixnox: I alraedy reviewed the upstart logrotate one ages ago, and I'm afraid the "no classes" one doesn't tell me anything, that needs another upstream17:01
pittixnox: the update-notifier is just dropping the :sys:, is that what's meant by "class"?17:02
pittixnox: either way, that looks fine; do you want to upload that yourself, or want me to sponsor it?17:02
xnoxpitti: "no class" is a bad name, a better name would "run udev-bridge on the session upstart, in addition to system upstart"17:03
xnoxpitti: and drop memory usage of loca-bridge -> do not store all upstart jobs classes, as they are not used.17:03
xnoxpitti: and drop event bridge config file for system init as it makes no sence on the system init (retransmit system init events... to system init)17:04
pittixnox: off for dinner, but can sponsor the update-notifier MP if you can't/don't want to17:06
tseliotpitti: does the Requires= section support alternative dependencies, as with ||17:06
xnoxtseliot: no, but your alternatives (pluginA || pluginB) can both do [Install] WantedBy=the-main-one17:07
slangasekright; or you can use Wants instead of Requires17:07
* xnox looks if there is requiredby.17:07
tseliotI'd like to start the service only if either lightdm or gdm has started17:08
xnoxtseliot: it's better to ask what's your main thing, and what the alternates are.17:08
xnoxtseliot: then use [Install] WantedBy=graphical.target17:08
xnoxtseliot: without requires.17:08
xnoxtseliot: what's the service?17:09
xnoxpitti: i'll upload things tomorrow.17:09
tseliotxnox: it's a service that should replace the nvidia-prime upstart job. All it has to do, is actually unload a module when the login manager (being only lightdm or gdm) is stopped17:10
tseliotas per LP: #131225517:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1312255 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "[systemd] nvidia-prime package needs systemd unit or init.d script" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/131225517:11
xnoxtseliot: note that you can do conditionals based on udev devices, can we construct conditionals for nvidia-prime devices regardless of custom scripts in use?17:12
xnoxtseliot: in your case you should use things like Wants,Before and display-manager.target17:13
xnoxtseliot: note that display-manager.target is dynamic and is the "currently configured for use display-manager" without need of encoding "ligtdhm | gdm |...."17:13
tseliotxnox: I'm not sure we can. This is only for users of the nvidia binary driver, and it can be a bit of a mess, as the NVIDIA GPU may be disabled (in which case udev wouldn't work)17:14
tseliotxnox: is that display-manager.target or display-manager.service?17:15
xnoxtseliot: target17:15
tseliotok, thanks17:15
ericsnowxnox, pitti: thanks for the help; I'll come back if I have any more questions17:16
xnoxtseliot: it's a generic target, and each $dm.service hooks on to it. Just boot vivid and checkout things with systemctl - critical paths, boot order, dependencies etc.17:16
tseliotxnox: would [Install] WantedBy=graphical.target be useless in this case?17:17
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pittitseliot: sorry, was cooking dinner17:38
pittitseliot: not directly (as that would be a bit of gambling during boot -- which one do you start?)17:38
pittitseliot: but usually in this case you use Alias= and Requires= that17:39
pittitseliot: in your specific case, Requires=display-manager.service17:39
pittixnox: ^ FYI17:39
xnoxpitti: however i think nvidia-prime should be started before, rather than together with display-manager.17:40
pittitseliot: ah, then it's better to create a display-manager.service.d/nvidia-prime.conf with an ExecPostStop=rmmod17:40
pittitseliot: seems easier17:40
tseliotpitti: np. BTW, I was thinking that, since the upstart job only unloads the module on shutdown, then maybe something like this should do the trick: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9756959/17:40
pittixnox: that's Before=display-manager.service17:40
tseliotand leave login managers alone, since all we have to do is make sure that the specific module is not loaded on shutdown17:41
tseliotor nasty things can happens on some systems17:41
pittitseliot: I'm not 100% sure if the .d/ directories work for "virtual" units (i. e. Alias=)17:41
pittitseliot: would be nice if they did, then this would be super-easy17:41
pittitseliot: failing that, I'll think about something else, but let me try that first17:41
xnoxtseliot: could you email ubuntu-devel mailing list describing how nvidia prime works and what needs to happen, imperically, not in terms of any init system?17:42
tseliotpitti: I stole the WantedBy=multi-user.target line from the wiki page17:42
xnoxcause i really have no idea how nvidia-prime works, and it's fairly non-typical integration.17:43
pittiyeah, and the upstart job looks really the wrong way around17:43
pittiif the udev rules DTRT, it can probably just go away?17:43
tseliotpitti: udev won't help if the discrete GPU was disabled by ACPI17:44
pittitseliot: but then you wouldn't  have an nvidia card?17:44
tseliotxnox: yes, I can do that but it's really just the pre-stop stanza of the upstart job that I need at this point17:45
pittitseliot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9756999/17:46
tseliotpitti: if a system is intel+nvidia, and you disable nvidia, you still have to make sure that nvidia is re-enabled before shutdown (by unloading the bbswitch module)17:46
pittitseliot: this works fine -- after boot I get a /tmp/pwned, so the .d/ trick works fine for virtual units17:46
tseliotor the system might not see the nvidia GPU on next boot (at all)17:46
pittitseliot: ah, that's this part, not the start-nvidia-persistenced bit17:46
pittitseliot: in your case you want ExecStopPost=..., I just used that for easier visibility17:47
tseliotpitti: yes, we can leave alone the persistenced bit, that is covered by a udev rules (and it's just a leftover in the upstart job)17:47
pittitseliot: so, just ship a static file like that and all should be well17:47
pittiok, time for eating now, bbl17:48
tseliotpitti: like the one I put on pastebin, right?17:48
xnoxtseliot: pitti: i think we want to steal this job https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/bumblebee#Enable_NVIDIA_card_during_shutdown17:48
pittitseliot: just not with [Install], as display-amanger.servie already exists17:48
xnoxtseliot: pitti: on shutdown, without anything else enable nvidia card.17:48
pittitseliot: oh, ExecStopPost=-/bin/rmmod ... (the minus makes failure of that command non-fatal)17:49
xnoxtseliot: or just use that pattern for anything you want to happen on shutdown, e.g. rmmod.17:49
tseliotxnox: oh, nice17:49
pittixnox: that works too, yes17:49
tseliotpitti: ok, no "install" then17:49
pittiif you only want this to happen when ther's a display manager, my .d solution will do that, but the above will always rmmod17:50
xnoxsee ya'll tomorrow17:50
pittineed to run, bbl17:50
tseliotxnox, pitti: thanks!17:50
pittitseliot: re; so, either approach should work, it depends on whether this should always happen (also for text mode), or only if there is (or rather was) X.org/lightdm/gdm18:06
pittitseliot: for the .d/ extension you don't need to do anything, for the separate unit like in the wiki you need [Install] and dh_systemd_enable18:07
tseliotpitti: if there's no X or login manager of any kind, then I doubt the bbswitch will be loaded (as gpu-manager loads it)18:07
pittitseliot: btw, 'echo ON > /proc/acpi/bbswitch' sounds like pretty much the opposite of rmmod bbswitch?18:18
tseliotpitti: I don't echo ON, as I set the module to re-enable the GPU when unloaded anyway18:18
tseliotI think my solution is better (vs the echo ON one)18:19
pittitseliot: I was just quoting that from https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/bumblebee#Enable_NVIDIA_card_during_shutdown18:19
tseliotpitti: yes, I know. It's mostly the same18:19
pittitseliot: rmmod has a tendency to block or cause kernel crashes for some modules, but if it works for that one, ok18:19
pittitseliot: thanks18:20
tseliotyes, I haven't seen any problems with that18:20
tseliotpitti: thanks to you18:20
pittimterry: hey Mike, how are you?18:24
pittimterry: would you have some time to look at the two python MIRs in bug 1407695?18:24
ubottubug 1407695 in xmlsec1 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] python-saml2, python-repoze.who, xmlsec1" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140769518:24
pitti/lib/init/init-d-script: 12: /etc/rc2.d/S02whoopsie: -c: not found18:31
pittioh, -ENODIDROCKS18:31
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pittislangasek, ericsnow: any remaining questions for me for today?18:54
ericsnowpitti: no, thanks18:54
slangasekpitti: nope!  thanks :)18:58
pittislangasek: ah, we have a new desktop image; giving that a quick whirl still,19:00
pittijodh: would you mind blacklisting oem-config-debconf and upstart-watchdog in the to-migrate branch?19:05
hallynsay, what is it that builds a "*egg-info" file in a python related package?19:06
hallyni'm looking at the libvirt-python source package, but all it has is a rule in the .spec file to rm the files.  nothing about genearting them19:06
pittihallyn: usually setup.py install19:09
pittihallyn: sorry, setup.py build19:09
pittihallyn: i. e. python distutils19:09
hallynpitti: i don't see *distutils* in debian control, and no setup.py install in debian rules...19:10
pittihallyn: distutils is built into python19:11
pittihallyn: is it using pybuild/19:11
hallynpitti: so the complaint is that the file is present in trusty but not precise19:11
hallynis tha texpected, i.e. precise package builds didn't do it automatically, trusty's do?19:11
pittihallyn: yep, dh auto-detects teh build system as python and calls ./setup.py19:11
pittihallyn: I suppose precise's package didn't use dh yet, but had all the build steps manually?19:12
pittistill a bit odd why that didn't build an .egg-info; or perhaps it just didn't install it?19:12
hallynseems likely19:12
hallynguess i'll try by hand19:12
* pitti pull-lp-source libvirt-python precise19:12
pittierr, doesn't exist there?19:13
hallynright it was included in 'libvirt'19:13
pittihallyn: indeed, libvirt-python was added in trusty19:13
pittihallyn: hah, easy -- that used autoconf, not ./setup.py (i. e. python distutils)19:14
pittino distutils, no egg19:14
hallynso is there an easy way to add it manually to the precise package?19:14
hallynit does have include /usr/share/cdbs/1/class/python-distutils.mk19:15
hallynwell the bug reporter suggests just manually creating one19:17
hallynmaybe i'll just do that19:18
pittislangasek: yay, ubiquity-only+oem mode+systemd end-to-end testing success; and with that, good night :)19:19
pittihallyn: yeah, distutils.mk won't help you as there's no setup.py19:19
pittihallyn: shipping a statically made-up one seems easiest for an SRU, if it's crucial19:20
slangasekpitti: thanks, g'night!19:20
sarnoldhey pitti, late night :) how's the feet?19:21
pittisarnold: much better already, thanks19:22
sarnoldpitti: nice! glad to hear it19:22
pittisarnold: yeah, quite late, but I'm really happy about the progress19:22
pittimaybe tomorrow I won't start at 6 again :)19:22
* pitti waves good night19:22
hallynpitti: thanks.  (i marked the bug medium, as i don't thin kit's critical;  meaning it doesn't meet SRU threshold;  wlil see if the submitter deems it important enough to reply)19:24
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jdstrandarges: hey, now that you've been able reproduce the qcow2 corruption bug, would it be ok for me to say, migrate to ext4? I'm ok with staying on saucy qemu for now if it would help with future testing (I don't run untrusted vms)20:57
bdmurrayzul: is there an SRU bug for this heat upload in the unapproved queue for utopic proposed?21:00
argesjdstrand: running with ext4 should be fine. You shouldn't need to use saucy qemu however21:10
argesjdstrand: and yea I just reproduced it again with upstream qemu. so i'll hack on that more when I have time21:11
jdstrandarges: yeah, I wasn't clear. I meant-- I am on ext3 now. it is my understanding going to ext4 may solve my problems with later qemus21:15
argesjdstrand: yes. thats right21:15
jdstrandarges: so, I am wondering if I go to ext4 and supported qemu is ok, or if you want me to stay put21:15
argesjdstrand: nope please use ext4, i have everything documented to reprodue and fix21:16
jdstrandoh nice21:16
* jdstrand hugs arges :)21:16
jdstrandof course, now I need to decide how to get there :)21:16
jamespagebdmurray, reject that please - its gone to the wrong place21:17
jamespageit should have been for vivid21:17
* jamespage rejects21:17
jamespagerechecks rather21:17
bdmurrayjamespage: I'm sorry are you double checking?21:19
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BluefoxicyOh that is hilarious.22:08
BluefoxicySteam does a rm -rf /22:08
roadmrstgraber: hello, what's the proper way to add a config item via the lxc python api? I tried container.set_config_item("lxc.mount.entry", blah) then container.save_config() but the config file got borked and the container doesn't start :(22:27
stgraberroadmr: set_config_item on lxc.mount.entry will override the existing mount list22:29
stgraberroadmr: you probably want append_config_item in that case22:29
roadmrstgraber: oh! cool, let me try that then22:29
roadmrstgraber: \o/ it works!! yay, thanks :D22:32
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