
pmatulisanything to worry about re leap second or should i just organize a party? ;)00:58
visiothow can i enable eMMC on my board , the Memory Card  Interafce is initialized already but i'm not able to see mmcblk in kernel log messages04:40
apwjibel, hmmm well those builds never did turn up, so it is not every 2 days either ...11:55
jibelapw, I didn't figure out what's wrong yet. If I run them from my account it's fine, but from jenkins it does nothing.12:11
apwjibel, lovely, we so love jenkins12:57
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staylor_I'm a little confused by the proper way to package a kernel for sharing, I started off with make-kpkg but it seems the official kernels may be built using the pkg-deb system built into the kernel?16:31
apwstaylor_, we build ours directly using dpkg-buildpackage -S etc16:42
staylor_apw: so if I need to build a kernel for distribution I should be making my own debian/ dir from the ubuntu kernel packages then and not bothering with make-kpkg or make deb-pkg?16:43
apwstaylor_, making your own version or whatever yeas, and just building direct, i fyou are making a drivative then linux-lowlatency etc are doinga good job16:45
staylor_apw: okay thanks, the documentation tends to be more focused on building a custom kernel for personal usage so doesn't really provide a system for maintaining changelog and ensuring packages are all correctly signed for apt-get distribution.16:46
apwyeah, i would expect you to follow the pattern for linux-lowlatency there, and use a PPA for distribution16:47
infinityzequence: It's that time of month again: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-lowlatency/+bug/141091121:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1410911 in Kernel SRU Workflow "linux-lowlatency: <version to be filled> -proposed tracker" [Medium,In progress]21:16
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