
=== doko_ is now known as doko
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=== kickinz1|afk is now known as kickinz1
=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|afk
=== kickinz1|afk is now known as kickinz1
* stgraber waves16:03
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jan 15 16:04:33 2015 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:04
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:04
slangasek[TOPIC] Lightning round16:04
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round
sil2100Please be warned, my internet connectivity comes in waves16:04
sil2100So I apologize if I take long to asnswer16:04
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e barry doko stgraber jodh bdmurray slangasek caribou infinity mvo sil2100 robru)16:04
sil2100*answer damn it16:05
slangasekmvo jodh infinity doko bdmurray robru sil2100 stgraber barry caribou slangasek16:05
slangasekmvo is off this afternoon16:05
dokomehh, cjwatson escaped ...16:05
jodh* snappy:16:06
jodh  - Yet more boot polish :)16:06
infinity* I've been sick, so don't recall everything I did or didn't do16:08
infinity* Played with the usual kernel SRU stuff16:08
infinity* Worked more on IBM PPC packages16:08
infinity* Babysat a PPC and ARM server move in 1SS and restored all our infra16:08
infinity* Stuff and things16:08
dokoback from vacation, catching up on email, currently updating openjdk16:09
bdmurraytested of ReleaseFirstSeen and ReleaseLastSeen in canonistack16:10
bdmurraysubmitted RT #77829 regarding updating oops-repository in staging16:10
bdmurraymodified errors front end to display Release name instead of package version for first and last seen16:10
bdmurrayworked on javascript changes in errors to display the package pocket16:10
bdmurraysubmitted RT #77923 regarding updating errors / daisy in staging for (15.04 (U)) display of stuff16:10
bdmurraycreated armhf crashes received graph in graphite16:10
bdmurrayupdating the error tracker to work with python-django 1.6 (LP: #1291604)16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1291604 in Errors "error tracker does not work with django 1.5" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129160416:10
bdmurrayuploaded updated T and U fixes for rsyslog bug LP: #136682916:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1366829 in rsyslog (Ubuntu Utopic) "7.4.4-1ubuntu2.1 makes rsyslogd to take all the CPU in OpenVZ" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/136682916:10
bdmurrayirc discussion with pmcgowan regarding the error tracker and how to use it16:10
bdmurrayhelped somebody write an apport package hook16:10
bdmurray✔ done16:10
bdmurrayuploaded packages to vivid to get debug symbols for all architectures16:10
robru* started working on irc bot support for CI Engine Ticket System16:11
robru  - have a fix for queuebot spamming the channel every time it starts, just need to deploy that...16:11
robru* Hotfix for unhandled exception in CI Train failing to identify supported arches for source packages that don't exist at the destination archive16:11
robru* Completed staging deployment of CI Train16:11
robru* Wrote wiki page with staging deployment instructions https://wiki.canonical.com/UbuntuEngineering/CI/Playbook/StagingTrain16:11
robru* Added initial details to mojo spec to support production deployment of CI Train (RT 77970)16:11
robru  - one branch defining SSL configuration.16:11
robru  - second branch defining SSO configuration.16:11
robru* Published a bunch of silos as always.16:11
sil2100- Landing team work, silos coordination, preparing landing e-mails16:11
sil2100- Fixing broken commitlog generation infrastructure16:11
sil2100- Backlogging on e-mails16:11
sil2100- Attending discussions related to future post-RTM branching plans16:11
sil2100- RTM status meetings16:11
sil2100- Coordinating landings and releases for this weeks milestone16:11
sil2100- Setting up VPN access16:11
sil2100- Reviewing and testing big feature addition to appmenu-qt516:11
sil2100- Reading up about systemd!16:11
sil2100- Preparing new formal rules for trainguard duty * Making sure there's always a trainguard per timezone * Finding resources for constant maintenance * Preparing trainging of new trainguards16:12
sil2100- Writing up milestone reports: for the current and previous ones16:12
sil2100- Slowed down by a cold16:12
sil2100Next week:16:12
sil2100- Finalizing the new trainguard process with Alexander16:12
sil2100- Finishing automation of landing e-mails16:12
sil2100- Preparing for the big milestone at the end of the month16:12
stgrabercontainer stuff:16:13
stgraber - Released LXCFS 0.1, updated our website for it and uploaded to the archive16:13
stgraber - LXC and LXD code reviews16:13
stgraber - Debugged and submitted a bunch of systemd fixes for unprivileged containers16:13
stgraber - Setup a new arm64 buildd (the previous one was unexpectedly decommissioned)16:13
stgraber - Various meetings about LXD16:13
stgraber - Discussions with the Linux Foundation about ContainerCon 201516:13
stgraber - Figured the last details about Linux Collaboration Summit 201516:13
stgraber 16:13
stgrabersystem-image stuff:16:13
stgraber - Talks about system-image mirrors16:13
stgraber - Tweaked the configuration for snappy armhf16:13
stgraber - Introduced version_detail for all images16:13
stgraber 16:13
stgraber - Fixed a couple of small bugs in the LP sync script16:14
stgraber - Re-cronned all of our scripts (crontab got emptied somehow)16:14
barrysi: repairing trunk test suite.  nearly finished with LP: #1373467 branch (config.d directory) - one test suite issue left, then will land in trunk.16:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1373467 in Ubuntu system image "Support config.d directory" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137346716:14
barrysnappy: debugged max recursion issue.  reviewed mvo's patch in upstream python (issue 23228).  other stuff.16:14
barrydebuntu: LP: #1398059.  more git-dpm testing for debian-python.  review python-lockfile 1:0.10.2-1.  debian bug #77421316:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1398059 in python-virtualenv (Ubuntu) "virtualenv -p python2.6 fails with ValueError: zero length field name in format" [Low,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139805916:14
ubottuDebian bug 774213 in zope2.13 "zope2.13: import zope.security._proxy -> SystemError: dynamic module not initialized properly" [Grave,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/77421316:14
barryother: python-graphite issue 1081 debugging (python setuptools). finally updated some shared administrivia files from ubuntu one to spideroak.  python-world 3.1.16:14
slangasekand no caribou today, ok16:16
slangasek * snappy development work ongoing16:16
slangasek  * fixed an issue with boot delays under systemd if no DHCP server was present16:16
slangasek  * discussed libnss-extrausers and the open questions of adduser16:16
slangasek * open job req for Foundations tech lead.  Know anyone interested?16:16
slangasek * upstart-systemd porting sprint, ongoing today/tomorrow on #ubuntu-devel - making good progress on the list of upstart jobs16:16
slangasekany questions over status?16:16
cyphermoxslangasek: might want to add me to your script in the future?16:16
slangasekcyphermox: in the future yes - do you want to report anything today?16:17
cyphermoxI don't have anything relevant to report, no16:17
slangasekfeel free, but I wasn't going to put you on the spot :)16:17
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB16:18
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
slangasekanything else?16:18
barrymonday is a usa holiday16:18
bdmurrayWho is the best person to look at bug 1408495?16:18
sil2100Yay for cyphermox in teh team16:18
ubottubug 1408495 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Vivid) "Ubiquity crashes prior to keyboard configuration in 15.04" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/140849516:18
infinityI want pie.16:18
cyphermoxhey, I want pie too, fax me some?16:18
robrucyphermox: welcome!16:18
infinitycyphermox: You can have pie if you look at bug 140849516:19
* barry wants pypipypypie16:19
slangasekcyphermox: do you have time to look at bug #1408495?16:19
cyphermoxthis afternoon I might, otherwise tomorrow16:19
cyphermoxI'll ask questions as appropriate16:19
slangaseksounds good, thanks16:19
cyphermoxthis is good, I can use my fancy french keyboard to reproduce the issue16:20
infinityHON HON HON.16:20
slangasekyes, the good old azathoth layout16:21
cyphermoxyou haven't seen the fr_CA keyboards blessed by OLF yet16:21
slangasekok, clearly this meeting has run its course16:21
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jan 15 16:21:47 2015 UTC.16:21
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2015/ubuntu-meeting.2015-01-15-16.04.moin.txt16:21
slangasekthanks :)16:21
infinityThe en_CA keyboards with the random pointless French keys are bad enough.16:21
mdeslaurcyphermox: with the little man climbing the stairs icon, etc? :)16:21
infinityWhich is why I buy en_US keyboards.16:21
cyphermoxmdeslaur: https://www.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/ressources/bibliotheque/depliants/20110819_clavier_normalise.pdf16:22
stgraberinfinity: oh yeah, that canadian multilingual keyboard is awful. I only really saw it in Federal government offices though16:22
cyphermoxI don't remember seeing the man climbing the stairs ;)16:22
stgraberinfinity: quebec have yet another fr_CA layout which is different from that. And then everyone in their right mind uses a US keyboard :)16:22
infinitystgraber: IBM misguidedly shipped it as the default layout on some of their SKUs for a while, and ordering from IBM US was the only way to avoid it.16:22
stgraber(with one of the international layouts so we can still type accents and stuff fine)16:23
mdeslaurcyphermox: the older acnor ones had a man climbing stairs as the alternative key IIRC16:23
cyphermoxoh, the acnor.16:23
mdeslaurinfinity: oh, yuck16:24
stgraberI've had DELL screw up when ordering keyboards from them but haven't had any problem with Lenovo so far.16:25
cyphermoxinfinity: I ordered that keyboard on purpose on my thinkpad. I'll let you laugh at me when I see you16:25
stgraberAlso a friend of mine told me that Apple's site which sells you refurbished hardware doesn't mention what keyboard the hardware has, so if you are in Canada and order from that, it's keyboard layout roulette (with either canadian multilingual, fr_CA or US)16:26
mdeslaurcyphermox: on purpose? with the weird shaped vertical enter key?16:26
infinitystgraber: Well, hard to say if the period I'm discussing was IBM's or Lenovo's fault (machine was branded Lenovo, but I was on the phone with IBM) but, yeah, I got it with a scary Canadian keyboard, and the only recourse I was given was to return the Canadian one, and then talk to a US rep (which was an extension transfer in the same call center, lolz) to order a US one.16:26
infinitystgraber: But the Canadian folks literally had no way to send me a US one.16:26
cyphermoxmdeslaur: no, it was a corner enter key16:26
stgraberinfinity: oh wow :)16:26
stgraberinfinity: well, Lenovo still has that weird setup today that Thinkpad support is provided by IBM. With different phone numbers for Thinkpads and other cheaper Lenovos because of that.16:27
stgraberbut I've had IBM tech support in Canada ship me replacement US keyboards in the past, so they must have figured that one out now :)16:28
infinitystgraber: It was an Ideapad, not a Thinkpad, which doesn't help.  Canadian VARs keep stock of en_US keyboard FRUs for Thinkpads, but the Ideapad is sort of sold as an all-in-one as-is deal: you get what you get, and scew you if you wanted something different.16:29
xnoxinfinity: yes. I've moved to Dell XPS from idea/thinkpads, works good and has nice ubuntu logo engraved on the back.16:30
infinitystgraber: I just thought it was bizarre that someone's market research in Canada determined that what all Canadians wanted was a keyboard layout that 85% of us have never even seen before. :P16:31
mdeslaurinfinity: and that of the remaining 15%, most people deliberately try to avoid :P16:32
infinitymdeslaur: Good for you.  Fight the power.16:32
stgraberxnox: but no trackpoint and you get some coil noise (if that's an XPS 13) which would drive me nuts pretty quickly (whether you can hear it depends on people)16:32
stgrabermdeslaur: where it gets ridiculous is when you're in a Quebec company with > 50 employees, because then you HAVE to have french keyboards...16:34
cyphermoxotherwise *everyone* avoids those abominations16:35
stgraber"Hardware includes keyboards, printers, fax machines, smart devices andother data-input and output peripherals. Indications on command buttons andkeyboards must be in French. If applicable, an electronic display in Frenchmay reproduce or generate French diacritical marks (acute and grave accents, cedilla, diaeresis)."16:35
infinitymdeslaur: Do you use compose or dead keys when typing in French on your US keyboard?16:36
cyphermoxinfinity: good to see you're well aware of just how ridiculously complicated this all is16:36
infinitycyphermox: Dude, I type in Japanese on US keyboards, you ain't got nothing on me.16:37
cyphermoxoh boy16:37
xnoxstgraber: i can at night, true.16:37
infinitycyphermox: Basically, typing in Japanese means *every* key is a dead key.16:38
infinitycyphermox: You type vaguely phonetically, and then every once in a while, a character pops out.16:38
cyphermoxyeah, I've played with it too16:39
stgrabersame thing with Pinyin for Chinese, though you typically always have characters show up sorted by probability, then you pick from those16:40
infinitystgraber: Japanese is more messed up than Chinese, cause it reduces between three character sets.16:40
infinitystgraber: So, you start out with a few phonetic characters, then it goes "HEY, I CAN TURN THOSE INTO SOMETHING SMALLER", which it does, then it goes "HOLY CRAP, I CAN TURN ALL OF THAT INTO A SINGLE KANJI", and you just marvel at the magic and go about your day.16:41
cjwatsonI use compose for Irish, if only because apostrophe not being apostrophe bugs the hell out of me16:48
cjwatson(but I only type a pretty limited amount in Irish, as yet ...)16:48
* pleia2 waves17:00
pleia2#startmeeting Community Council17:01
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Jan 15 17:01:15 2015 UTC.  The chair is pleia2. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.17:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick17:01
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council Meeting | Current topic:
pleia2#chair czajkowski17:01
meetingologyCurrent chairs: czajkowski pleia217:01
pleia2Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda17:02
pleia2today we're hoping to do a catchup with the Xubuntu team and Ubuntu Studio17:02
pleia2anyone from either of those teams about? :)17:02
elfyyou and me probably ...17:04
* pleia2 nods17:04
pleia2we never got a reply from the studio folks when you told them about this meeting17:04
dholbachsorry, another meeting took a bit longer than expected17:05
czajkowskidholbach: np17:05
pleia2#chair dholbach elfy17:06
meetingologyCurrent chairs: czajkowski dholbach elfy pleia217:06
pleia2#topic Xubuntu catch up17:06
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council Meeting | Current topic: Xubuntu catch up
* pleia2 switches to Xubuntu hat17:06
czajkowskipleia2: so how are things in the land of Xubuntu ?17:06
pleia2manual testing continues to be a challenge volunteer-wise, but in general things look pretty healthy17:07
dholbachare there many changes planned in this cycle?17:07
dholbachare lots of things happening upstream right now?17:07
pleia2nothing major, elfy?17:08
* dholbach hasn't really followed xfce development in the last time17:08
elfynothing major afaik17:09
dholbachok... I just wasn't sure if there were any big things which needed integration - like new stuff in gtk or whatever or new features17:10
pleia2our new features blueprint: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-v-features17:10
pleia2pretty standard set of changes for us17:10
czajkowskipleia2: what are the challenges that ye face?17:10
elfydholbach: the gtk update I believe we dealt with pretty much17:10
pleia2we were worried about systemd early on, but that's not happening this cycle so :)17:10
elfywell it is - but later :)17:11
dholbachand a trello board17:11
dholbachyou look well organised! :)17:11
pleia2czajkowski: aside from lack of volunteers for some of the day to day stuff like testing, none really17:11
elfydholbach: trello - tried that for a cycle - not using it now17:11
elfyI use it for qa is all17:11
dholbachah ok... it was mentioned on the blueprint17:11
pleia2yeah, we're back to just blueprints17:11
czajkowskipleia2: ack. getting volunteers across the board does seeem to be an issue a lot of teams face17:12
elfydholbach: oh - that was just a specific board for a specific issue17:12
dholbachI see17:12
pleia2I'm hosting a QA jam for Xubuntu next month, hopefully drum up some local contributors17:12
dholbachwe do the community Q&A sessions every week - I was just wondering if anyone of you could join us and maybe show off some of the work you've been doing or talk about what where help's required17:13
pleia2I can pass along the request to the team17:14
dholbachmaybe some kind of hangout before UGJ might help as well to get more testers signed up17:14
dholbachthat'd be great17:14
dholbachwe're always happy to have people to talk to in there17:14
dholbachevery minute interviewing somebody in the hangout is a minute less where somebody asks "is the phone out yet?" :-)17:15
elfyha ha ha17:15
dholbachexcellent... so yeah... I will try to start another conversation about UGJ again17:15
dholbachit'd be great if we invited some more testers there again17:16
dholbachballoons, ^ more testers! :-P17:16
balloonspleia2, I saw, good luck and let me know if you need anything. You're a pro at this now :-)17:16
elfythat's be nice - though what we tend to fight most against (at least I do) is the fact that half the time people can't even get a usb to work properly without random hacks to boot them :(17:17
pleia2balloons: thanks, will do :)17:17
dholbachhow did the general coordination with the desktop team go?17:17
dholbachwere there any problems wrt gkt/gnome bits and so on?17:17
pleia2I don't know17:18
* elfy neither17:18
elfyI *think* that in general we get help most of the time when we drop by17:19
dholbachok... just thought I'd bring it up -- I think it's been a while since Ubuntu's and Xubuntu's desktop goals resulted in technical conflict situations17:19
elfybut ochosi would be the one to answer that17:19
dholbachhow do you get most feedback from Xubuntu users?17:20
* mhall119 is here now17:20
dholbachmhall119, hey hey17:20
pleia2social media17:21
elfydholbach: across the support board mostly - some social stuff - pleia2 would know more of that17:21
pleia2we're putting together a poll this cycle to ask more specific questions about the users and their usage17:21
pleia2the user list and #xubuntu usually allow us to collect pain points, most of the devs chip in for support at least on IRC17:21
pleia2s/list/mailing list17:22
dholbachthat sounds great - having a good feedback loop should help a lot in improving Xubuntu, and bringing users close enough to the team to get them to help out eventually :)17:23
=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|afk
elfydholbach: we can but hope so17:23
elfycertainly from my point of view - it's gone backwards17:24
dholbachbackwards in which way?17:24
pleia2the reviews for this past release have been pretty glowing http://xubuntu.org/press/17:24
elfyholbach: testing, lack of :)17:24
pleia2so folks writing distro reviews think improvements are being made :)17:24
dholbachelfy, ok17:24
pleia2yeah, testing, no fun when elfy ends up doing most of it as QA lead :\17:25
dholbachmaybe, when you do the poll, you could also ask people how they found out about the poll - maybe that'd help to figure out which channels they use and where you could get in touch more?17:25
czajkowskielfy: why do you think people don't get involved?17:26
elfyreally have no idea czajkowski17:26
czajkowskiis there an incentive to get involved?17:26
czajkowskilike making a fuss of their work17:26
czajkowskior a blog post17:26
pleia2it's tedious, and making usb sticks is hard and there aren't great instructions that work universally17:27
elfythe lts effort was really really good - last cycle was quiet - expected, this cycle is unfortunately worse17:27
czajkowskia reason for people to feel like they are contributing17:27
czajkowskipleia2: aye17:27
pleia2elfy notes all contributors in his announcements17:27
dholbachthat's really really nice17:27
pleia2we do blog posts, emails directly to all the testing members and to -devel list17:27
pleia2this cycle we're giving out stickers to some of our top testers17:27
elfyif we get that sorted17:27
pleia2share on social media too17:27
elfythat's just sat around gathering dust for months now though - not blaming anyone though :)17:28
pleia2a lot of the docs still tell folks to use testdrive too, which is just virtualized testing and not everything we need (I haven't used testdrive in a while and not even sure it works?)17:28
dholbachmaybe we should have a discussion about this on ubuntu-devel@ or something?17:29
dholbachto figure out what we can recommend17:29
dholbachand make sure that it works17:29
elfyI gave up trying to collate what worked where and with which version17:30
elfythere's a bug for a lot of it - try and find it17:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1325801 in usb-creator (Ubuntu Utopic) "failed to boot from USB disk with error: gfxboot.c32: not a COM32R Image boot:" [Critical,Triaged]17:30
dholbachyeah, I'm subscribed to that one :)17:31
elfythen some people use unetbootin - that has issues17:31
elfydholbach: :)17:31
elfyeven had dd failing to work17:31
dholbachbut yeah... I think it'd help to try to get everyone's attention and point them at the problem, so we can figure this out together17:31
pleia2and dd only works if your usb stick isn't that awful cheapo one you picked up at a conference ;)17:31
dholbachI'm sure you're not the only ones wondering about what to recommend17:31
pleia2even then, dd is hard on usb sticks17:32
pleia2most weren't meant for such aggressive writing17:32
* dholbach nods17:32
elfyI did a clean install the other day with usb-creator - still the same bug, creating vivid stick from within vivid17:32
pleia2I can take notes about pain points during the global jam in a few weeks17:33
elfymight be useful to get some direction from the Community QA guy with this usb issue - whoever that is :p17:33
dholbachright, I pinged him about it17:34
elfyhe hates me :p17:34
dholbachall right... mhall119, czajkowski: any more questions from you while we have the xubuntu folks here? :)17:34
elfyI always ask awkward things :)17:34
dholbachelfy, I don't believe you :)17:35
elfyhe he he17:35
dholbachI'm super happy with what you have done, especially when I heard how you invite people into the Xubuntu community17:35
dholbachthat's just great :)17:35
elfyyea - agreed :)17:36
dholbachI'm all done with questions :)17:36
elfyI've got none for me either :)17:36
dholbachhave we heard from any ubuntu studio folks?17:36
dholbachdoes anyone have any other subjects you wanted to discuss?17:37
pleia2#topic Any other business17:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | Community Council Meeting | Current topic: Any other business
elfyshout out to ian-weisser and those involved with http://community.ubuntu.com/contribute/find-a-task17:38
pleia2yeah \o/17:38
dholbachwoohoo    *\o/*17:38
dholbachyes, great work :)17:38
elfylovely to see something come of the discussions on the community mailing lists17:38
pleia2nice to see something come out of the flurry of discussion on the community team list in Nov-Dec17:38
pleia2elfy: great minds!17:38
elfyhe made a thread on the forum re that - I copied it and stuck those17:39
elfyI guess we should try and kick start some of that pre-xmas stuff now the hols are well and truly done with17:40
dholbachyeah, now we can make find-a-task more prominent on the page and we should be good :)17:40
Laneywhat's wrong with the CSS on http://packaging.ubuntu.com/ ?17:40
* Laney just found-a-tasked his way to that :-)17:40
dholbachit was OK this morning... or the day before17:41
knomeit's linking to non-existing files17:41
dholbachall right17:41
dholbachwe need to fix that17:41
pleia2reminds me, who do we nudge about loco.ubuntu.com's planet-like feed being stuck in december?17:42
pleia2hasn't updated in a few weeks17:42
dholbachpleia2, mhall119 or daker would know17:42
dholbachLaney, I can look into it tomorrow unless somebody beats me to it17:42
knomewhile somebody is working on packaging.*, there are two invalid links17:42
knome<li><a href="https://www.facebook.com/ubuntudev"class="facebook">Follow Ubuntu Development on FB &rsaquo;</a></li> <li class="last"><a href="https://twitter.com/ubuntudev"class="twitter">Follow Ubuntu Development on Twitter &rsaquo;</a></li>17:42
knomeadd a space before class="..."17:43
dholbachknome, noted down17:43
dholbachit'd be nice if we could get packaging.u.c closer to how developer.u.c is laid out now17:43
dholbachmuch nicer to read17:44
knomehard to say what the difference is with the css files being nonexistant :)17:44
dholbachlike if you look at https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/apps/qml/tutorials/building-your-first-qml-app/ for example17:44
dholbachknome, sure :)17:44
dholbachanyway... not subject of this meeting - thanks in any case for pointing out what's broken17:45
knomedholbach, if there are small things and canonical design/IS says it's outside their scope, you can generally try to ping me to see if i can help17:45
dholbachknome, that'd be great - what happened in the case of packaging.u.c was that it relied on CSS of developer.u.c when it was still a wordpress site17:45
dholbachthat changed a couple of days ago :)17:45
knomedholbach, yep, looks like it17:46
dholbachI'll file a bug17:46
knomedholbach, maybe the files are safe somewhere though, and can be put back at least temporarily17:46
dholbachfor me that's going to be tomorrow morning, I will need to run in a few17:46
dholbachfiled bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-packaging-guide/+bug/1411349 for now17:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1411349 in Ubuntu Packaging Guide "CSS broken" [Undecided,New]17:48
dholbachok... anything else?17:48
dholbachif not, let's wrap up this meeting :)17:48
elfynot from me17:48
dholbachI'm all set17:48
dholbachpleia2, czajkowski, mhall119? anyone else?17:48
pleia2all done17:48
mhall119not from me17:49
dholbachthanks a lot everyone!17:49
dholbachand have a great rest of your day!17:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Jan 15 17:49:48 2015 UTC.17:49
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2015/ubuntu-meeting.2015-01-15-17.01.moin.txt17:49
* dholbach hugs pleia217:49
dholbachsee you! :)17:49
pleia2have a good evening17:49
elfythanks everyone :)17:50
=== YoBoY_ is now known as YoBoY
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Ursinha
=== broder_ is now known as broder
=== balloons is now known as Guest8667
=== jared_ is now known as Guest57998
=== maxb is now known as Guest47523
=== Pici is now known as Guest32967
=== charles_ is now known as Guest52246
=== Tribaal_ is now known as Tribaal
=== dkessel_ is now known as dkessel
=== robru_ is now known as robru
=== DalekSec_ is now known as DalekSec

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