
alesageelopio, around? autopilot q00:14
elopioalesage: 10 more minutes before a break to go to the gym. How can I help you?00:14
alesageelopio, trying to use an 'Eventually' to wait for something to appear00:15
alesageelopio this is very basic but the item doesn't exist yet, so I'll be waiting for the statenotfound exception to cease to be raised?00:15
alesageelopio, or what would you do?00:15
elopioalesage: I think I would use wait_select_single00:16
alesageelopio, basic enough, yes00:16
alesageelopio thanks, I think I was making this too difficult for self00:16
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alesageelopio, finding some difficulty in building this qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu, are you on utopic or vivid?16:29
elopioalesage: vivid.16:29
elopioalesage: I just did sudo apt-get build-dep qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu16:30
elopioand bzr bd16:30
alesageupgrading is always a risk for me b/c I'm on a mac :(16:31
* balloons picks up his chin from the floor16:32
davmor2balloons: you really need to do something about that leprosy16:37
alesagedavmor2, just curious, what do you suggest?16:38
davmor2balloons: chin on floor :)16:38
davmor2alesage: maybe a bandage around the chin to stop it dropping on the floor intially maybe seeing a doctor :)16:40
alesagedavmor2, reasonable suggestions all16:40
davmor2alesage: by the way I can't remember if I add all the Riddick films to the list so pitch black, chronicles of riddick and riddick :)16:42
alesagedavmor2, heh, ok :) , recall seeing Pitch Black whai back in the 90s, need to catch up16:43
balloonsso many movies with open endings16:45
alesageyou'd think of it as a story with a beginning middle and end but I guess it's more of a chronicle16:55
davmor2balloons: nearly every film has an open ending nowadays that's why the ends are always so lame so the next film can pick up from the lame ending and say so you thought they were dead muhahahahaha16:55
balloonsalesage, heh, hence the name :-)16:59
elopioping paulliu: are you here?17:25
paulliuelopio: yes. what's up?17:26
elopiopaulliu: we are having our stand up in two minutes. Would you like to attend, or tell us your status here?17:28
paulliuelopio: ok. I think we are waiting for the bug to be fixed.17:29
paulliuelopio: The Rotation Lock and gsettings value not matching.17:29
elopiopaulliu: ok, thanks.17:31
elopioballoons: joining us?17:31
balloonselopio, omw17:33
elopiopaulliu: charles has other blocking bugs to fix, so in the meantime is there something else we can do?17:57
elopiomaybe a another indicator, or a test that it's not affected by that bug?17:57
paulliuelopio: yes. I'm looking into the Power  indicator.18:06
paulliuelopio: http://people.canonical.com/~thomir/ueqa-code-proposals/proposals/indicator-power/index.html18:06
elopiopaulliu: awesome. charles and alesage have also been doing some work for that proposal, maybe you guys can talk to make sure that you are not doing the same work.18:07
paulliuelopio: ok18:08
alesagepaulliu, our branch is here fwiw lp:~indicator-applet-developers/unity8/indicator-power-autopilot-test18:08
paulliualesage: ok.18:09
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balloonselopio, why do you want to start all known applications with https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/autopilot/tests_for_known_apps/+merge/246531?20:36
elopioballoons: to make sure they don't break.20:44
elopiocurrently there are three applications broken in vivid. But only one of them is under test.20:44
balloonselopio, what does 'all' entail though? ahh three; how is that controlled?20:44
elopioballoons: the known apps are a dictionary that has app name and desktop file.20:45
elopioall means all the apps that are in that dictionary.20:45
balloonsseems a bit odd to me. I'll have to pull the branch to understand I think. Are they intended to be example apps from each toolkit or something20:46
elopioballoons: it's a thing we don't use much. You can register an app, calling a method that will put the name and the desktop file into this dictionary20:47
elopioballoons: then you will be able to call self.process_manager.start_app in any point of the test, just passing the name.20:48
balloonselopio, ohh.. I remember that, right20:48
elopioand the ProcessManager.KNOWN_APPS has a group of common apps pre-registered.20:48
balloonsyes.. I remember indeed. It knows about calc, text editor, etc20:48
balloonsthanks elopio :-)20:48
elopioI'm not sure how useful is it. But it's there, and it's broken.20:48
balloonsyea, major legacy stuff20:49
balloonsmy first ap test used it20:49
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