
rick_h_cmaloney: http://amzn.com/B006O2F4KO02:41
cmaloneyGood morning13:03
wolfgerIt's Friday?13:05
wolfgerNo. It's not. Ergo, not a very good morning. :-P13:05
cmaloneyhar har13:11
wolfgerSorry. I'm grumpy. Yesterday should have been Friday in my opinion. I hate unproductive days.13:13
brouschcmaloney: Did you mugged last night at the coffee shop?13:14
brouschget mugged?13:14
jrwrentoday should be tues or wed. this week going way to fast.13:14
cmaloneybrousch: Nope, your bro-in-law was making sure of it.13:16
wolfgerjrwren: you can have the rest of my week, and I'll start the weekend now.13:16
wolfgerif I'm going to do nothing useful, I'd prefer to do it at home, in front of a book or a video game13:17
wolfgerStill getting Launchpad e-mails from bugs I triaged back in 2008. So sad. "Expired for linux (Ubuntu) because there has been no activity for 6013:23
jrwrenwolfger: :(13:24
jrwrenwolfger: what were the bugs? do they still exist?13:24
brouschwolfger: Heh, I got one of those a month ago13:25
wolfgerThis one that I just got was specific to a particular model of Sony Vaio.13:25
wolfgerXubuntu 8.10 intrepid ibex was freezing the laptop shortly after boot13:27
wolfgerSo yeah... real edge-case stuff13:28
wolfgerBut others are not. Here is probably the saddest bug I still get notices on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/3813113:30
wolfger2006 to 2015 with no solution13:31
brouschAh, mine was from 2012. Not as bad as yours. And it was resolved13:33
wolfgerResolved, resolved? Not closed as invalid or will-not-fix?13:35
jrwrenthat is really a firefox bug eh? and it still haunts you?13:37
wolfgerEr... uh... the e-mails still haunt me.13:38
wolfgerI switched to Chromium13:38
wolfgerkept trying to switch to Konqueror, but.... #$%$^@%$^$13:39
wolfgerI love KDE apps in general, but they just never could make Konqueror usable on the modern web13:40
jrwrenwolfger: and yet webkit was taken from konq and used to build safari and eventually chrome.  weird how that works eh?13:41
brouschObviously a web browser needs giant corporate backing to be useful13:42
wolfgerIt's amazing what money will do to improve a product13:42
jrwrenor a giant non profit?  <3 FF13:43
wolfgerFF is amazing considering it's non-profit, but I've still switched to Chrome/Chromium on all my computers. Except my phone. I dropped Chrome on the phone. FF is much better there.13:44
wolfgerphone Chrome is too bloated13:45
brouschWorks for me!13:46
wolfgerI was getting updates just to install language support for languages I will never in my life need to use. And I was having to uninstall apps from my phone to make room for the updates.13:47
mrgoodcati too run chrome/chromium everywhere13:47
mrgoodcati was having bad memory leak issues with FF13:47
wolfgerYeah, mem leaks is why I switched on Windows13:54
jrwrenWindows leaking and crashing was why I switched to linux. That was the 90s.13:56
wolfgerSure, sure. Isn't that why we all switched in the 90's?14:16
wolfgerThen Win7 came out and surprisingly didn't suck, and I got re-addicted to video games (that don't suck, as opposed to the games available for Linux). :-p14:17
cmaloneyThere's a bunch of games available for Linux now.14:17
wolfgerNow Linux is getting more support for games that don't suck, and as soon as I have a graphics card that doesn't suck under Linux I'll be using Linux a lot more often14:18
wolfgerMy big issue right now is that my graphics card isn't great under windows and it's plain horrible under Linux14:19
cmaloneywolfger: AMD?14:19
wolfgerMy next box will be a desktop14:19
cmaloneyGet a NVidia card.14:20
wolfgerplanning on it14:20
wolfgerI hear that Nvidia under Linux is actually better than Nvidia under Windows in certain aspects14:20
cmaloneyWEll, it's better than AMD in many respects14:21
wolfgerthat kind of shocked me14:21
cmaloneymostly in the "works"14:21
brouschIntel or DIAF14:25
jrwrenwhat intel chip?14:28
jrwreni thought the HD5000 was good?14:28
wolfgerIntel can DIAF14:28
wolfgerbecause my chip sucks14:29
jrwrenso? its an old one?14:29
wolfgerso far as I'm concerned, all GPU manufacturers can DIAF though. They intentionally make it difficult to know how good a card is14:30
mrgoodcatwolfger: you have trouble with intel on linux?14:30
mrgoodcatthat's surprising14:30
wolfgerMy Intel is older, yeah. HD3*0014:30
mrgoodcatthe linux drivers for intel are pretty good though14:30
jrwreni'd expect that HD3*00 to be fine for anything that isn't gaming.14:31
mrgoodcatsame here14:31
jrwrenbut yeah, its going to be slow for games.14:31
wolfgerMaybe I'm confused. Maybe my Kubuntu lappy isn't Intel. I still hate my weak Intel chip14:31
mrgoodcatand the newer 5000+ even run games pretty well14:31
wolfgerYes, I'm talking about for games14:31
wolfgerIt's weak under Win7 and unusable under Kubuntu14:32
mrgoodcati've found my intel chip to run as well or better in linux than windows14:32
wolfgerI wish I had that experience14:32
mrgoodcatI have a celeron 2955U14:32
mrgoodcatand use the on-chip graphics14:33
jrwrensomeone did a comparison of 3d in linux v. windows recently and linux was faster than windows for same tests.14:34
mrgoodcati dont have benchmark results but it certainly seems smoother to me in linux14:34
jrwrenthis is NOT the article of which I was thinking: http://www.fermicg.net/2013/09/windows-vs-linux-in-3d-rendering.html14:36
jrwrenha, maybe it was OSX v. Ubuntu of which I was thinking: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=osx10_ubuntu141014:39
wolfger$120 refurb keyboard?15:48
cmaloneywolfger: DAS keyboards are fetishized by certain mechanical keyboard folks15:59
cmaloneyand they're considered one of the better ones.15:59
cmaloneyThey're not cheap.15:59
rick_h_bah humbug15:59
rick_h_get a filco new for less than that16:00
rick_h_das made waves because they did the blank keys thing which was 'cool' and they've been riding on that ever since16:00
cmaloneyI've been eyeballing the http://elitekeyboards.com/products.php?sub=keyed_up_labs,tenkeyless&pid=es87u_cc_bbb_al16:01
wolfgerThey do look very nice, but I'm not thinking "6 times the cost of a cheap keyboard" nice16:01
wolfgercmaloney: tenkeyless? Why???16:01
cmaloneyAsk rick_h_16:01
rick_h_wolfger: mouse closer to the keyboard, less stress, more ergo16:02
wolfgerHmm. Did a search on Filco, wound up at Diatec. Not sure how. They are same price, though.16:06
wolfgerHmm. Same company two names it seems16:07
cmaloneyMore than likely16:16
cmaloneyI'm sure there's only a handful of keyboard manufacturers16:16
jrwrenkalx registration is open: http://kalamazoox.org18:32
wolfgerwho the what now?18:36
wolfgerwhat are my "core competencies"? That sounds like managerspeak18:37
jrwrenit is a "soft skills" conference.18:37
wolfgerI read that too. Just not understanding what that means.18:38
cmaloneyIt's a conference to teach you how not to be a dick. ;)18:38
jrwrenanything non-technical you do in your job.18:39
jrwrenso really, all the stuff that actually matters.18:39
wolfgercmaloney: oh, screw that!18:39
jrwrenyeah, don't be a dick is part of it, for sure.18:39
cmaloneyIt's got Elizabeth Naramore though so it has to be good.18:41
* cmaloney is downloading the videos18:41
cmaloneyI really need to give $$ to youtube-dl18:41
cmaloneyseriously, they're the bestest thing that happened to videos.18:41
cmaloneyOf course they also mean I have a backlog of videos to watch. ;)18:42
brouschWhy are you downloading them?18:43
wolfger"@kalamazoox is a hidden gem. Today was like a braver, more profane set of dev-oriented TED talks"18:43
wolfgerok, that doesn't sound horrible18:43
cmaloneybrousch: So I remember to watch them18:43
cmaloneyand if I like it I have the video to watch later18:43
cmaloneyand if it's junk I delete it18:43
wolfgercmaloney: regarding the aforementioned backlog of videos.... I don't think you process of remembering is working right18:44
cmaloneywolfger: Hush18:44
jrwrenon softskills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMsQUXHY6tA18:44
wolfgerI'll have to check out the vids after I escape the great firewall (and also am someplace quiet enough to hear anything)18:47
brouschcmaloney: Just make a bookmark in a folder: Video Queue18:47
brouschSave disk space, download bandwidth, and the queue goes with you in Chrome18:48
cmaloneyThen I have to remember to clean out the queue18:52
brouschYou have to remember to delete your downloaded files!18:54
jrwrenyou do?18:55
jrwreni just buy more and more storage.18:55
wolfgercheap hard drives ftw18:57
brouschhard drives? ew18:58
wolfgerbut then organizing and finding anything becomes a pain18:58
jrwrenoh, yeah, I guess if it is a folder full of hash named flv files, yeah, that ain't easy.18:58
wolfgerok, ok... finding anything becomes a pain, because I am disorganized. :-P18:58
wolfgergeez... they hold people accountable in here?18:59
cmaloneyActually youtube-dl will rename the files19:06
mrgoodcati'm with brousch. delete download files19:26
mrgoodcati have a cron set up daily to delete files older than x days in my Downloads folder19:27
cmaloneyI think you're with me. :)19:27
cmaloneybrousch just lives in the cloud. :)19:28
brouschI don't I live in less than 512GB19:28
cmaloneyUnfortunately the Youtube downloader changes the date on the files when it finishes19:28
brouschThe cloud is my backup19:29
cmaloneyThe cloud is my backup, I shall not DL.19:29
cmaloneyIt leadeth me down by the youtube videos19:29
cmaloneyAnd lo though I walk through the valley of the shadow of DMCA I fear no evil19:30
cmaloneyThy content and Google's staff shall protect me19:30
cmaloney[This content was removed due to a copyright claim by Universal Music and God Almighty]19:33
rick_h_gah! Thank you for choosing Lenovo. Your customer experience is priority to us. Due to the popularity of this product, we are seeing a delay in shipments and are working to meet this increased demand.20:18
rick_h_will one damn thing work out right today?20:18
rick_h_$1k to get heat back in the car, and there's no sound in it currently20:19
* rick_h_ is about to melt the snow outside with pure rage 20:19
jrwrenrick_h_: will you be cooled off by tomorrow evening?20:22
jrwrenrick_h_: either way, we can share car stories. I have a fun one.20:22
cmaloneyrick_h_: Ugh20:23
rick_h_jrwren: we on the same flight?20:30
rick_h_jrwren: cool, looks like it20:31
rick_h_jrwren: make sure to get a heathrow express ticket both ways20:32
rick_h_jrwren: you can get it and just have the email for the ticket20:32
jrwrenrick_h_: cool. I'll do that. I guess I should get it now eh?20:33
rick_h_jrwren: yea, doing it myself20:33
rick_h_figured if I was telling you to I should as well :)20:33
jrwrenoh cool, they are round trip tickets20:35
rick_h_you have to get it that way, but yea20:35
jrwrenthey ain't cheap.20:36
rick_h_half the cost of a cab one way20:37
* rick_h_ says from personal experience20:37
rick_h_and that's round trip20:37
jrwreni was about to say... WAY more than a bus, WAY less than a cab :)20:37
greg-gthe black cabs are expensive20:37
rick_h_from where we're at to the airport is 70 one way non-black bcab20:38
_stink_70 shillings20:42
greg-gpennyfarkles or something20:43
jrwrenKnuts and Gallions20:46

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