
rockobeeks: i searched for but and found nothing00:01
theonepeople, i need some assistance fixing an HP laptop through ubuntu. I am currently running ubuntu from an external HDD and trying to install it in the internal HDD (which when i tried using lice CD completely failed). any help?00:01
rockobeeks: i searched and found nothing00:01
hydrajumptrism: so it is possible. the first option you describe what would I need to do to unity-greeter before recompiling for prime to show up and is this difficult to compile and install?00:02
rockobekks: damn i cant type today sorry   i cant find either00:02
bekksrocko: So both tools arent found when typting "which mii-tool" and "which ethtool"?00:02
rockobekks: sorry i typed in treminal and /sbin/mii-tool00:03
rockobekks: /sbin/ethtool00:04
rockobekks: sorry iam a win > linux convert here lol still learning00:05
bekksrocko: So whats the output of "sudo mii-tool eth0"00:05
QwertieI somehow managed to hide the clock in the top right of unity and I cant figure out how to get it back. The clock settings under time & date are all grayed out.00:06
rockobekks: eth0: negotiated 1000baseT-FD flow-control, link ok00:07
CpuIDhey ppls, ive got a kernel module (ixgbevf) which exists in both the standard kernel, and an updated module installed with dkms. the original exists as kernel/drivers/net/ethernet/intel/ixgbevf/ixgbevf.ko and the new exists as updates/dkms/ixgbevf.ko. whats the safest way to disable/remove the original module to ensure the new module will load as its replacement everytime on boot?00:08
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hydrajumptrism: I found this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/unity-greeter/trusty/view/head:/src/menubar.vala#L240 but I'm not sure what I'd need to add to load the python indicator. Have you done this?00:10
bekksrocko: So did you try to configure an IP manually?00:10
rockobekks: no i do not know how to do that00:11
djhashAnyone to assist in checking possibly corrupt partition(s)? fdisk -l /dev/sda identifies partitions as HPFS/NTFS/exFAT. How can I mount them?  mounting using tntfs results in failed to mount invalid argument, ntfs signature is missing.  Backstory: Two SSDs were in a RAID0, now attached to an LSI controller with the foreign configuration imported. No important information on the drives, I just would like to see if I can get to the00:11
djhashprevious data in them. Maybe end up learning something. (used to contain some scratch files, and probably window's pagefile)00:11
bekksrocko: You could try following this guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide/network-configuration.html#ip-addressing00:12
cyclob|workam i able to automate permission setting for new ftp files?00:14
studmufAnyone on here using rsync for file backup?00:33
ikoniastudmuf: sometimes00:34
studmufOr know how to compare the files of two paritions00:34
imbezolstudmuf: rsync with -n would do it00:34
bekksdiff would do the job, too.00:35
imbezola whole partition?00:35
ikoniastudmuf: rsync compares it on trigger00:35
ikoniaimbezol: yes00:35
bekksikonia: Depends on what you are trying to do.00:35
imbezoli was thinking that too but too messing00:35
imbezoler, messy00:35
ikoniait I use -x to not traverse mounted on different partition file systems00:35
ikoniabut it depends on what I require what options I use00:35
imbezolyeah nice thing about rsync is you can specify the direction00:35
imbezolexclude files, etc00:36
imbezoldiff it's yes no if they are different.. even if the newer version is on the target00:36
bekksimbezol: So what are you actually trying to achieve?00:37
bekksmerging to filesets?00:37
imbezolgood question, but not for me00:38
mynameisdeletedso.. thoughts on torrent based apt system.. rather than gettign packages from the web on busy servers... get them over torrent from other users who have already downloaded that particular package00:38
mynameisdeletedin exchange for some upload you can download ubuntu packages faster with apt00:39
mynameisdeletedI guess I'd have to start with a torrent mirror of ubuntu 15.04, and 14.10 and 14.04   and a sort of apt mirror which has torrent files for every package...00:39
cpslcktrjnfor what gain? I've never really had an issue with speed with the hundreds and hundreds of mirrors out there00:39
imbezolme either00:40
mynameisdeletedI can get 1.1GB ubuntu iso in 30 seconds via torrent00:40
imbezoland i don't have to suffer with a poor connection because i'm torrenting all the time00:40
mynameisdeletedand in 10 mins via http00:40
imbezolbut you're not downloading an iso through apt00:40
ki7mtMe either, my local mirror is very fast :-)00:40
mynameisdeletedlocal mirrors are a better option if you are installing on computers that share internet00:40
mynameisdeletedI always get < 1MB/s00:41
mynameisdeletedwhen I torrent I get 20MB/s00:41
mynameisdeletedisntead of <100:41
imbezolperhaps time to try out some other mirrors00:41
mynameisdeletedus ubuntu mirror is slow00:42
mynameisdeletedI'd like it to pick fast sources for me00:42
mynameisdeletednot have me test them all and pick whats the fastest at that moment00:43
bekksmynameisdeleted: http://askubuntu.com/questions/39922/how-do-you-select-the-fastest-mirror-from-the-command-line00:43
mynameisdeletedalso if I install 100 ubuntu machines on a lan on shared cable or dsl00:44
mynameisdeleted99% of package fetching will happen locally between machines on the lan00:44
mynameisdeletedwithout me setting up a mirror or performing mirror selection00:44
imbezolmynameisdeleted: set up a cacheing proxy00:45
bekksSo use netselect on the apt mirror, and use an apt mirror in your lan :)00:45
bekksapt-cacher-ng :)00:45
ki7mtyeah, simply caching can work just as well00:45
mynameisdeletedI like a configurationless autodiscovering option00:45
mynameisdeletedyou dont have to use it00:45
bekksmynameisdeleted: You like 100x the download bandwidth :P00:45
bekksmynameisdeleted: Using apt-cacher-ng you will have the LAN speed for already downloaded packages.00:46
mynameisdeletedI can provide install dvd or usb stick.. and there is no needs for caching proxy00:46
thinkpaddHi, Do you know how can I enable fingerprint in thinkpad T440s? I have used these commands, but it does not find my device. any idea?00:46
thinkpaddsudo apt-add-repository ppa:fingerprint/fingerprint-gui && sudo apt-get update00:46
thinkpaddsudo apt-get install libbsapi policykit-1-fingerprint-gui fingerprint-gui00:46
mynameisdeletedany computer can be the proxy00:46
rebsthinkpadd, i have the same model00:46
mynameisdeletedand if the first proxy goes down it doesnt matter00:46
rebsi dont think there is proper support for the 440 s yes00:46
mynameisdeleteda caching proxy server is a single point of failure for all your other workstations getting dpkg's00:46
rebslast i checked was maybe 3 months asgo00:46
bekksmynameisdeleted: you can load balance them as well.00:47
imbezolsounds like you've got it all figured00:47
thinkpaddrebs: Have you tried recently?00:47
rebs3 months ago00:47
mynameisdeletedanyways.. just make a new apt fetchign method over http and cdrom00:47
mynameisdeletedcalled torrent00:47
thinkpaddrebs: http://zecheru.com/thinkpad-fingerprint-ubuntu-14-04/00:47
bekksmynameisdeleted: and a transparent caching proxy is not even noticed, so if it goes down, no one will notice it.00:47
mynameisdeletedit uses a torrent mirror and fetches the torrent for the deb and rtorrents it00:47
bekksmynameisdeleted: Personally, I dont see a reason for torrenting debs :)00:48
thinkpaddrebs: It did not find my device although.00:48
imbezolbekks: mine has never gone down and it's nice because it caches a lot more than just apt :D00:48
mynameisdeletedit will be experiment00:48
bekksimbezol: Mine too :)00:48
mynameisdeletedif others like it maybe it gets adopted more00:48
mynameisdeletedif not.. oh well00:48
mynameisdeletedI'll use it00:48
bekksmynameisdeleted: So implement it, as an experiment :)00:48
mynameisdeletedmaybe I'll even submit to ubuntu.. but either way I can host my own ppa00:49
mynameisdeletedif others like it they are free to use it00:49
mynameisdeletedand may save the ubuntu official mirrors some load00:49
thinkpaddrebs: Have u installed sth for trackpad?00:50
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k1l_yes, hello01:06
U94hi all How to create a bootable USB stick on Ubuntu01:22
k1l_U94: what iso is it? ubuntu isos are hybrid and you can dd them just onto the bare usb stick01:23
SolexiousIs there a way to set default printer by program? Its getting boring having to switch to my dymo label printer when I use glables...01:24
U94k1l_,  yes iso I want to boot windows in usb from linux01:24
Homely_GirlHello Collective Brains! :)01:25
k1l_U94: i dont think that is possible, you need a windows to make a windows stick, afaik01:25
Homely_GirlI'm finally using Ubuntu 14.04, but having trouble getting my HP Deskjet to print! I installed it 'n even have the blue HP Icon in my task bar, but when I print nothing happens, help please!01:26
U94k1l_,  ok then :)01:26
kryptonradonhow do I use ssh-add? my old system asked me for my private key password when I logged in, I want to enable that on 14.0401:26
U94k1l_,  unet bootin cant do that?01:26
k1l_U94: i dont think so.01:26
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, Did you use the hp tool to load the drivers?01:27
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, I didn't I went to setttings into printer 'n added it, it auto detected it.01:28
U94k1l_,  ok but i found this http://askubuntu.com/questions/59551/how-to-burn-a-iso-to-a-usb-device01:28
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, Not sure if the icon you see is the hp tool or the printers, if you right click do you see options?01:29
k1l_U94: then give it a try if you want.01:29
U94k1l_,  yes thats why I'm going to do right now :) thanks :)01:29
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, There are settings01:29
dts|pokeballhey,,, if anyone can answer this i would be very appreciative https://askubuntu.com/questions/573904/setting-up-subdomains-for-ubuntu-server-14-0401:30
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, Do you see hp device manager if so open it.01:30
Emanon`1Hi all, I've got an issue with my computer shutting off while starting up ubuntu. I can run the bios and mem tests (no issues found) without issue but as soon as I go to load up the desktop the computer shuts down mid way. I thought it was the PSU getting overloaded because when I removed the memory to check each one individually it would start, as soon as I01:30
Emanon`1tried to run with both it would die. I also had it die while running it with one stick after a few hours of being on. Any ideas? 14.04 lts01:30
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, Lemme plug printer back in 2 mins01:30
bubbasauresno prob01:30
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, Done that, now what?01:31
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, Is the printer showing on the right?01:32
bubbasauressorry left01:32
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, Yes01:32
gsilvaptGood evening. I can't use my camera properly. It gets upside down either using Skype or Hangouts. I've followed some instructions I found on AskUbuntu and on the forums. It's an Asus laptop. Any suggestion to fix this?01:32
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, In the top bar are tools if you linger the cursor they tell you what they do, I would remove the printer let the HP tool add it test and if not working use the diagnose hplip driver option.01:33
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, Okey dokey, back soon....01:34
Emanon`1Note that I got a new psu and ruled the psu being an issue out01:34
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, My 14.04 setup was actually missing some packages and this fixed it.01:34
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, ok01:35
jrmHi.  I just intsalled Ubuntu for the first time.  It's in a VM (bhyve with FreeBSD as the host) and I would like to expand the image allocated to the VM following the instructions at the very bottom of this page: https://www.monkeybrains.net/support/bhyve.  I can get up the part (delete 2 and 5), but after that I'm a little lost.  Can anyone point me in the right direction.  Here is the partition table: http://slexy.org/view/s25uLEO49c.01:37
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, It's installing missing packages, well done you, let's hope this works!01:39
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, Mine was working, but I came across this tool on the channel, from a great helper, and just ran it.01:39
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, Knowledge is power! :D01:40
bubbasauresworking but needed debugging for sure01:40
yukinoI know that I have my wifi drivers installed, but its saying that it is hardware disabled. My "fn" fuction button that I use to disable/enable the wifi switch, doesn't seem to be working01:40
yukinoWhat would be a good solution?01:41
Homely_Girlbubbasaures,  How do I know when it's done?? :P It's alternating between / | and \01:41
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, THe terminal will tell you it's just running01:41
bubbasauresdoing the voodoo that it be doing. ;)01:42
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, I'm just so chuffed to have got myself a Lenovo Thinkpad 'cos Ubuntu flies on it!! :D01:44
yukinoI know that I have my wifi drivers installed, but its saying that it is hardware disabled. My "fn" fuction button that I use to disable/enable the wifi switch, doesn't seem to be working01:44
yukinoWhat would be a good solution?01:44
bubbasaures!details | yukino01:44
ubottuyukino: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)01:44
bubbasauresyukino, Channel needs the wifi hardware your dealing with at the least01:45
yukinoyea, woops, sorry about that: Intel PRO/WIreless 3945ABG01:46
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, It's failing to communicate with my printer :( I just turned it off 'n on again 'n no....01:46
yukinoThis is for the m400 portege toshiba tablet01:47
hydrajumpwhy can't I change theme from command line like this `gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface gtk-theme 'Radiance'`01:47
hydrajumpnothing happens01:47
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, The HP tools added the printer for you, as I suggested?01:47
kryptonradonhow do I get ssh-add to ask for my password when I log in?01:48
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, Not seen a no communication in this app, what do you see?01:48
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, Are you using a usb hub perchance?01:49
Homely_Girlbubba, no hub, one cable from prn to laptop!01:50
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, Only a direct usb cable from prn to laptop01:50
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bubbasauresHomely_Girl, So how do you know the communication is faulty, time and a guess or in the terminal, or other way?01:51
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, When I ran the diagnose drivers thingy it goes thru installing missing stuff 'n then red writing comes up saying prn either off or other problem 'n cannot find it.01:52
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, I'm trying a different usb socket....standby!01:53
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, Hmm, the tool can be closed right click quit, I would do that and the printer again just for a test. Standing by otherwise.01:54
ki7mtwell, you may want to check and see if the user is in both dialout and lp groups01:55
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, now it said I have no printer configured??01:55
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, After?01:55
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, No, I was in the middle of rediagnosing the driver when u told me to quit.....so you want me to quit the hp thingy 'n do what to my printer? :)01:56
samthewildoneI'm having a problem here.01:57
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, I would restart both off than on.01:57
samthewildoneIts taking me about 10 minutes to connect to freenode now ?01:57
samthewildonethis started happening about 2-3 hrs ago...01:57
bubbasauressamthewildone, Rest of the net?01:57
Homely_Girlbubbasaures,  I'll shut it all down 'n then printter on first 'n then laptop?01:57
ki7mtFeed the squirrels more more acorns, they go faster then :-)01:57
samthewildonealso when trying to update, it takes forever.01:57
samthewildonebubbasaures, I checked my net speed and it is fine.01:58
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, No real first or second we are just trying to knock out variables.01:58
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, I'll be back!01:58
bubbasauressamthewildone, My guess servers are slow no problem here, just a guess.01:58
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:59
samthewildoneI need to write down that channel01:59
samthewildonealways forget...01:59
samthewildonebubbasaures, strange... I know it happened around a couple of hours ago but, don't know why.01:59
samthewildonebubbasaures, I thought my IP was banned.02:00
bubbasauressamthewildone, I can omly guess on this......so. ;)02:00
mynameisdeletedhaha.. my local umd mirror is much faster than us.archive.ubuntu.com02:01
mynameisdeletedstill not 20MB/s02:01
mynameisdeletedbut 3MB/s is better than 0.3MB/s02:01
bubbasauresmynameisdeleted, awesome however off topic.02:02
mynameisdeletedI'm still making my torrent apt-method02:02
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, I'm baaaack!02:02
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, Sure, you reboot or something?02:03
bubbasauresnone of my business really, ;)02:03
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, It's a Thinkpad, it's FAST!!!02:03
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, Should I go thru diagnose again?02:04
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Kouenis there a way to overwrite Android OS and put Ubuntu for phones02:04
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, Not sure what did you do since we last talked?02:05
bazhang!touch | Kouen02:05
ubottuKouen: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch02:05
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, I turned laptop off 'n printer off 'n switched on prn then laptop02:06
KouenThanks sorry for my mistake02:06
axel_hi homely girl02:06
Kouensalutations ;)02:06
Homely_Girlaxel_, Hi there02:06
axel_how are you?02:06
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, sure, this is beyonde me I think however, could be as simple as a shorting cord.02:07
Homely_Girlaxel: Frustrated as I can't get my printer working!!02:07
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, A good point, will see if I can dig up another usb cable!02:07
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, HPLIP device status says communication error!02:08
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, You need better help than me, I don;t know how to look at this in the terminal, mine have always just worked.02:09
axel_homely: can i help you?02:09
Homely_Girlbubbasaures,  I know as Linux systems analyst who lives fairly locally, will invite him for coffee 'n tell him to bring a usb cable! lol02:10
bubbasauresHomely_Girl, sounds like a plan.02:10
nodemanAfter a long session i finally got my system to boot manually through initramfs, my /boot is full and corrupted. I have raid5 full disk encryption and lvm, can i just reinstall grub like in this post? or do i need to configure something as well? :http://superuser.com/questions/614257/how-do-i-recreate-a-wiped-boot-filesystem-in-ubuntu02:11
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, Was so hoping to sort it myself! lol02:11
Homely_Girlaxel_, I've instaled my printer, but am getting communication error! :(02:12
yax51I seem to be having issues with my ubuntu, and was wondering if anyone could help?02:13
yax51I am running 14.04 32bit. and just installed the updates02:13
yax51now, it has no network and no mouse02:14
yax51using an ethernet cord and usb mouse02:14
bubbasauresyax51, SWe have ahad kernel upgrades, how you tried an earlier kernel set?02:15
Homely_Girlaxel: if you live in Wales, and have a spare usb cable, I'll make the coffee!!02:15
yax51bubbasaures: not sure how to do that without network, or a mouse02:15
Psil0CybinHey everyone long time :)02:16
bubbasauresyax51, At grub02:16
yax51bubbasaures: I'll check it out02:16
Psil0Cybin Hey guys quick question i am trying to install wireshark on ubuntu, using apt-get install wireshark, now I have it installed and it wont find my devices unless I run it as root (obviously not recommended) I typed in dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common and it says that allowing nonroot users to run wireshark/being allowed to capture packets, could be a security risk....why is this?02:16
bubbasauresyax51, If you are not seeing grub tap the shift key as you power on.02:16
Psil0CybinIf I am following the guide should I ignore that error message? It seems like I am damned if i do, damned if i dont.02:17
yax51bubbasaures:" Ok, I am showing grub, with ubuntu, and advanced options, and mem tests02:19
yax51bubbasaures: I found it, :P02:19
yax51bubbasaures: Ok now I have my mouse back, but still not detecting network via ethernet cable02:20
Homely_Girlbubbasaures, Thanks for your help, hopefully it is just a dodgy cable!!02:21
bubbasauresno prob02:21
Homely_Girlaxel_, Thanks for offering to help, but I'm gonna try what bubbasaures suggested.02:22
pksadiqPsil0Cybin: A quick search gives me http://wiki.wireshark.org/Security02:22
Homely_GirlGood by my favourite Brains!! :)02:22
bubbasauresyax51, Just a test on the kernel, others will be better overall for really good help.02:23
yax51WOOT!!! ok got it back up!02:23
Psil0Cybinpksadiq: That wiki states that root access is not required, but my devices cannot be found without root access. It also states....Debian, Ubuntu and other Debian derivatives02:24
Psil0CybinBy installing Wireshark packages non-root users won't gain rights automatically to capture packets. To allow non-root users to capture packets follow the procedure described in /usr/share/doc/wireshark-common/README.Debian02:24
yax51bubbsaures: thanks for your help. Now is there a way to remove the update kernals from grub, so I don't need to do that each time I boot it up?02:24
pksadiqPsil0Cybin: dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common ?02:24
Psil0Cybinyea pksadiq that is the command I ran...02:24
Psil0Cybinin order to add my self to the user-group02:24
michael_j_phello fellow linux users02:25
bubbasaureshello bi-ped02:25
Psil0Cybinpksadiq: after that command I was going to run sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $USER02:25
bubbasauresI assume, ;)02:25
Psil0Cybinand it said it should work but that first command, gave me awarning saying its not secure to add my self to the wireshark group or give the group access rights to root , etc02:26
Psil0Cybinso I am jut confused...02:26
Psil0Cybinpksadiq: sorry for bothering you but maybe you can explain this to me, what would be the proper procedure..in order to see my devices....all guides I am reading on the wiki state I need to give the wireshark root access/add my self to the group, instead of just simply doing sudo wireshark02:27
pksadiqPsil0Cybin: Did you try this for setup: http://wiki.wireshark.org/CaptureSetup/CapturePrivileges ?02:28
mijkhey, I'm trying to set up high reso console in Ubuntu Server02:29
mijkI can't seem to get i tgoing02:29
Psil0CybinWell I saw that page, pksadiq but i scrolled down to the Ubuntu section, where it states to view the readme, that says to add my self to the wireshark group....02:29
Psil0CybinDebian, Ubuntu and other Debian derivatives02:29
Psil0CybinBy installing Wireshark packages non-root users won't gain rights automatically to capture packets. To allow non-root users to capture packets follow the procedure described in /usr/share/doc/wireshark-common/README.Debian02:29
militantpotatoHey, I have a dual monitor setup, with a TV connected via an HDMI cable, and my monitor through DVI.  I'm having an issue with GRUB where it only displays on the Television, which is annoying because it is either off, or being used for something else.  What do I add/change in the grub config to force it to show on my primary display (monitor).  I'm using Kubuntu 14.0402:30
Psil0Cybinbut the README, just gives theory but not any commands to execute...I understand in practise what it is stating but i want to double check to make sure I do not do more damage, than good.02:30
pksadiqPsil0Cybin: it says dpkg-reconfigure wireshark-common, I think.02:31
Psil0Cybinyea that is what I did one second I will copy the exact error message.02:31
Psil0Cybinpksadiq: it says "│ Dumpcap can be installed in a way that allows members of the "wireshark" system group to capture packets. This is      │02:31
Psil0Cybin │ recommended over the alternative of running Wireshark/Tshark directly as root, because less of the code will run with  │02:31
Psil0Cybin │ elevated privileges.                                                                                                   │02:31
Psil0Cybin │                                                                                                                        │02:31
Psil0Cybin │ For more detailed information please see /usr/share/doc/wireshark-common/README.Debian.                                │02:31
Psil0Cybin │                                                                                                                        │02:31
Ben64Psil0Cybin: don't do that. are you in the wireshark group? find out by typing "groups"02:32
yax51Thanks for all your help guys :)02:32
Psil0CybinBen64: groups does not even list wireshark yet :P02:33
Ben64Psil0Cybin: then do that02:33
Psil0Cybinwould it be done with $ sudo usermod -a -G wireshark $USER ??02:33
pksadiqBen64: He just needs to know whether there is any security issue adding him to wireshark group...02:33
Ben64Psil0Cybin: yep02:34
Psil0Cybinit says group wireshark does not exist, sorry what would be the proper command to create the group :)02:35
Ben64you need to do the reconfigure stuff to create it02:35
k1l_group needs a relogin? or even a reboot?02:36
Psil0CybinBen64 when I run the dpkg command, I get this02:36
trismPsil0Cybin: on that screen you saw with dpkg-reconfigure, it wasn't an error, you select yes or no with tab and hit enter, yes should create the wireshark group02:36
Psil0Cybintrism: but is that secure, I am aware it is not an error but more of awarning02:36
Psil0Cybinis it safe to hit yes, and add my self/create the group?02:36
Ben64if you want to capture packets without sudo, yes02:37
Psil0Cybinokay but why would it give me that warning saying it was not advised?02:37
Psil0CybinWhy does it say "Enabling this feature may be a security risk, so it is disabled by default. If in doubt, it is suggested to leave it disabled"02:37
k1l_Psil0Cybin: because wireshark is a security risk at all02:37
Psil0CybinThat line just got me worried...02:37
Ben64it doesn't say that, it says if you don't know what this does, don't do it02:37
pksadiqPsil0Cybin: re-read : ...recommended over the alternative of running Wireshark/Tshark directly as root,...02:38
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Psil0Cybinokay pksadiq thanks guys just wanted to double check..what you guys thought02:38
Psil0Cybinbefore i hit yes...02:38
Psil0Cybinwould the only security risk , but if someone has access to my machine they can capture my packets?02:38
Psil0Cybinor has ssh access to my machine?02:38
Psil0Cybinis that the only security risk ?02:38
Psil0Cybinbe if ... *02:39
happyfr0ggHello. Where does KDE store the splash theme files?02:39
k1l_Psil0Cybin: really. if you need wireshark not just to break into your neighbours wifi, then you want to read into the documents and get a clue what you do there at all.02:39
Psil0Cybink1l_: I am getting it installed for school, we have a whole unit on it after I finish my Cisco course....02:39
k1l_Psil0Cybin: you actually allow all programs to wireshark your wifi now.02:40
Psil0CybinI want it to be installed on my computer without installing windows...02:40
Psil0Cybinmy class recommends using windows....I want to stick to ubuntu/debian and have wireshark02:40
Psil0Cybini just want to make sure i have it installed in a secure manner.02:40
k1l_there is no secure manner. the program is to break secure manners.02:41
Psil0Cybink1l_: so, all together, any method i do (adding my self to wireshark group) etc, its all a bad idea for the reason you stated??02:41
k1l_you just choose in which foot you will be shot. not if at all.02:41
Psil0CybinLOL good statement...slash analogy02:41
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Psil0Cybinso I guess ill just add my self to group and hope for the best...but now I will keep that in mind, all programs could potentially wireshark me....hmm02:42
pksadiqPsil0Cybin: Anyway, its much secure than using wireshark and windows. :-)02:42
Psil0Cybinis there a waay to perhaps add my self to group and remove my self from group after use?02:42
pksadiqPsil0Cybin: If you stick on to the packages via official repo (only), you don't need to be much scared of the system to spy on you.02:43
Psil0Cybinyea I got it all from the offical repos...02:43
Psil0Cybinjust I never thought once the program is installed, other programs could use it against me lets say if they where coded too....but i guess it makes sense because by adding my self to group, my user can run wireshark thus allowing any program too...that is correct right?02:44
Psil0CybinJust want to resay all the information provided so i make sure i got it.02:44
guzzlefryDoes Ubuntu's installer create raids?02:47
compdocthe server version might02:47
nodemanguzzlefry: Server version does02:47
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto02:47
guzzlefryoh good02:47
Psil0Cybinpksadiq: so if i understand sorry in very basic form, any method of adding my self to group allows other programs access to capture packets? correct? k1l_02:50
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dupingpingQt4.8.6 have an error.02:54
dupingpingIt's wrong in font rendering.02:54
dupingpingBandal font could not be shown as Bold in over 48 pt.02:54
dupingpingHow can i solve this problem?02:55
pksadiqPsil0Cybin: If you need to be that much secure, 1. Add a new user and add that user to wireshark group, and use that user only when you need to capture. 2. Use more secure Distro like Debian GNU/Linux. 3. Disable services like ssh. As you said, you are learning, its not wrong to make mistakes. :-)02:55
Ben64pksadiq: probably shouldn't suggest other distros in #ubuntu ... and debian isn't "more secure"02:56
vince_HI, My name is Vincent. I need help to configue my touchpad02:57
pksadiqBen64: Sorry, Ubuntu frequently updates packages like firefox, where there could be unknown issues, but debian after freeze, it won't modify. That's why I recommended that.02:58
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Psil0Cybinpksadiq: I am really using Debian, at the moment I came here because Debian/Ubuntu is very similar..and i love the people here, SSH is disabled...but thank you that is what i will do!03:23
Psil0Cybini will create a new user! :D Thank you pksadiq and everyone, but last question so i create the new user, and then su into that user and then run the dpkg-reconfigure command correct?03:24
bubbasauresPsil0Cybin, debian has a channel use it03:25
damigHi all03:26
bubbasaureswe really just love being lied to03:26
Psil0CybinI am not lying to anyone, Ubuntu/Debian same thing really .. no?03:27
Ben64Psil0Cybin: no!03:28
Psil0Cybinfine..then i apologize...03:28
Ben64thats why there are different channels and different names and different websites03:28
Ben64i see you come in here a lot, don't do so for debain any more03:28
Psil0Cybinwell i run both Xubuntu and Debian, so I do come here mostly for Ubuntu help03:29
Psil0Cybinhence why I was quick to ask the question here...i appologize.03:29
damigI would like to have your advice choosing a new laptop ... I plan to install ubuntu so the linux support is very important for this choice03:30
damigso I hesitate between an Asus BU401 and an Lenovo Thinkpad T44003:31
damigThere are more laptops certified by Lenovo than by Asus on ubuntu.com03:33
damigIs that because of hardware compatibility or users prefer Lenovo than Asus ?03:34
damigWith similar devices would you choose Asus or Lenovo ? I would like to have advices based on your linux experience03:36
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fermulatorI have backups (Deja-dup) configured in Ubuntu 12.04. Then upgraded to 14.04, and since then all the backups are failing. In the UI, the "Back Up Now..." button in the overivew is greyed out. Does anyone know what's going on here? (some reading hints that the upgrade causes the remote directory to not know the upgraded system?)03:42
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derek01Hey guys,  I had a update to 12.04 from 10.04 fail half way through installing. Gui isn't coming up, although I can hear the sound of the login screen coming up.03:51
derek01Trying to get WiFi working via command line so I can update, having no luck03:54
OerHeksderek01, hold shift @boot and use an older kernel, and start the upgrade again?03:58
bubbasauresderek01, Any screens, things get hidden behind?03:59
bubbasauresdoh login?, my mistake04:00
happyfr0ggIf I create a Windows 7 virtual machine (appliance) using VirtualBox, will I need to purchase a Windows 7 license key?04:00
bubbasaureshappyfr0gg, ##windows04:00
OerHeksdesktop 10.04 support ended some months ago04:00
xangualike 48 months ago, yes04:01
happyfr0ggbubbasaures - thanks.04:01
* OerHeks counts to 2004:02
xanguaOerHeks: ooh sorry, 44 months :P04:02
derek01Oerheks: oldest kernel boots to a failsafe gfx mode, and has no keyboard support. Switching to a any other console brings up nothing04:02
derek01Under a regular boot I can access a console, but it's being picky about a WiFi connection04:03
OerHeksderek01, i suggest backup your data and do a fresh 14.04 install04:03
derek01OerHeks: can't really so that without being able to first download a new release. Which I can't, because I can't get a connection to my router04:05
derek01Sorry, 12.04 not 10.0404:05
bubbasauresderek01, 12.04 to 14.04?04:06
derek01Bubbasaures yes04:09
bubbasauresderek01, I would agree with the backup and install, however is it backed up now?04:10
derek01Data isn't an issue. Having an Internet connection to be able to get a new release is.04:10
bubbasauresderek01, This no nite etho or wifi?04:11
bubbasauresderek01, can you try etho?04:11
derek01Bubba: Not available04:12
bubbasauresderek01, Cool, well that's all here from me you've painted your self into a corner. ;)04:12
OerHeksuse the machine you are typing on now.04:13
derek01Cell phone04:13
derek01Been trying to understand nmcli,  with no luck. I can get it to see the connection, but not tell it to connect to it04:15
derek01Same with iwconfig, got it to connect and no errors with dhclient eth1, but still no internet04:17
OerHeksderek01, i think this way:  nmcli c up id <SSID> iface wlan0 # or wlan1 depends on your situation04:24
derek01Oerheks: unknown connection : ssidhere04:25
hendrichBefore I seriously consider purging Ubuntu from my PC like the Illumenati uses Ebola as a eugenics experiment to remove Africa, I need a kind stranger's help.04:26
hendrichWhere do I go for Driver issues?04:26
OerHekshendrich, nice way to ask for help ... not04:26
bubbasauresone free ignore04:27
OerHeksderek01, then i am out of ideas, your upgrade wrecked too much i am afraid04:27
derek01Oerheks: gah. I was afraid I might hear that. Well thanks for the help guys04:28
hendrichI'm sure Africa will be fine, but I'd really appreciate it if there is somone can mention a suppourt forum or something.04:28
somsip!ask | hendrich04:30
ubottuhendrich: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:30
hendrichubottu: Sorry, what?04:32
ubottuhendrich: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:32
hendrichubottu: What.04:32
hendrichHoly crap, you really are a bot.04:33
hendrichWhat kind of hell did I stumble into04:33
somsiphendrich: you ask here for driver issues. You just need to give us more details than you have04:33
hendrichsomsip: To be fair I'm just asking for a link to a support forum, but I don't suppose you have an AMD card, do you?04:35
somsiphendrich: lots of AMD info here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD04:36
derek01Oerhek: got it! Found an ethernet cable, auto cleaned old packages, release upgrade and boom! On my way04:39
OerHeksderek01, great, have fun!04:39
derek01Thanks again.04:39
hell_how to add repository?04:40
visiothow can i enable eMMC on my board , the Memory Card  Interafce is initialized already but i'm not able to see mmcblk in kernel log messages04:40
xanguahell_: what repository?04:40
OerHekshell_, sudo apt-get install add-apt-repository && sudo add-apt-repository <repo>04:40
hell_to get update from that site...!!04:40
hell_for skype?04:41
somsiphell_: http://www.howopensource.com/2012/10/to-install-skype-4-0-0-8-in-ubuntu-12-10-12-04-using-ppa/04:41
OerHekshell_, for skype, enable 3th party repo in softwarecenter, skype is in it.04:41
xanguahell_: what site¿ you just need to enable partner in software centre04:41
hell_where can i find the software center in backbox ?04:42
xangua!partner | hell_04:43
ubottuhell_: Canonical's partner repositories provide a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »04:43
somsip!derivatives | hell_ (backbox is not supported AFAIK)04:44
ubottuhell_ (backbox is not supported AFAIK): Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu itself, as other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)04:44
hendrichUbuntu is out of control and there are no brakes, had to restart04:44
hendrichSo is there still anybody who can point me to a support forum?04:45
somsiphell_: gave you a link already04:45
somsiphendrich: gave you a link already04:45
hell_yea ..k04:45
hendrichsomsip: Like I just mentioned, I crashed so I'd appreciate it if you can link me again04:45
somsiphendrich: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/AMD04:45
hendrichkthx somsip, you're kool with a k04:46
hell_can i format my external harddrive which has been corrupted  ?04:47
hendrichhell_: Yeah, on Ubuntu atleast04:47
hell_in backbox and how?04:47
hell_hendrich: backbox is build on ubuntu as the base...04:48
somsiphell_: and it's not supported here04:48
hendrichhell_: Don't use backbox, on Ubuntu I installed Getparted and it worked wonders.04:49
hendrich*I didn't use backbox04:49
OerHekshell_, that info should be here http://blackboxwm.sourceforge.net/BlackboxDocumentation04:49
hell_how to do it in ubuntu?04:49
hendrichDo you have the Ubuntu App Store aka Software Centre?04:49
hendrichSearch "getparted" in it04:50
hendrichThen use it to look for your curroupt drive04:50
hendrichAnd format with whatever architecture04:50
crazyhorsehey.. what's the fastest way to get hashes of everyfile on a hdd?04:50
crazyhorsealso will splitting it between cores make a difference, or will it all be IO bound?04:50
hell_ok....will i able to recover my files?04:50
somsip!info md5deep | crazyhorse04:50
hendrichhell: gparted, thats the name04:51
ubottucrazyhorse: md5deep (source: md5deep): Recursively compute hashsums or piecewise hashings. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.2-1 (utopic), package size 638 kB, installed size 1342 kB04:51
hendrichhell_: I can't answer that because I'm a linux nub, I don't think gparted does that.04:51
jzp113hi someone use the pycurl?04:51
somsipjzp113: people in #python04:52
crazyhorsesomsip: looks interesting04:52
somsipcrazyhorse: if not, http://askubuntu.com/questions/318530/generate-md5-checksum-for-all-files-in-a-directory04:52
hell_is there anyother way to do it?04:52
jzp113ok fine04:52
hendrichSo is there an actual way to copy/paste stuff from the desktop to the Ubuntu terminal?04:52
somsiphendrich: highlight, then middle click in terminal04:53
EriC^^hendrich: copy and paste what?04:53
cyclob|workright mouse click in the terminal04:53
hendrichNeither works04:53
EriC^^hendrich: are you using xterm?04:53
wadSo I plugged my trusty old USB scanner into my laptop, and I can see it with lsusb. Simple Scan sees it just fine. But when I click "scan", it says "failed, unable to start scan"04:55
wadAny ideas on how to resolve this issue?04:55
hendrichEric^^: I apologize but I think you might as well of asked me where the gnomes keeps their purple rainbow dinosaurs04:55
hendrichCan you explain it like I'm autistic?04:55
wad"scanimage -L" doesn't show it. Hmm.04:57
hendrichwad: It sounds stupid but did you try plugging it out and back in? Thats what I did and it worked.04:58
wadI'll try it. :)04:58
hendrichGoodluck bro04:58
EriC^^hendrich: whats so confusing? are you using xterm ( the terminal )05:00
EriC^^hendrich: or gnome-terminal ..etc.?05:00
hendrichEric^^: I'm afraid that you're speaking an alien language to me05:01
hendrichIts a big black box.05:01
hendrichIt had white words in it.05:01
hendrichAnd I hate it.05:01
hendrichAnd I have to log into it.05:01
hendrichThats all I know.05:01
EriC^^ok, in that case let me try not-alien05:02
hendrichYes, that would be appreciated.05:02
EriC^^hendrich: 3H#(^@#h *&^#^$&* (&$& ?05:02
hendrichxlr_fff bas45 XXXX05:02
hell_i am not able to detect my  external harddrive ?05:04
hell_wat shld i do nw?05:04
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hendrichWhat the hell_: are you doing?05:04
hendrichhell_: Did you format it?05:05
hell_ not yet...am not abnle to detect tat corrupted harddirve...!!05:05
EriC^^hell_: sudo parted -l shows nothing?05:06
EriC^^hendrich: type gnome-terminal05:06
OerHeksEriC^^, he is using blackbox, not gnome/unity05:07
EriC^^in the terminal05:07
EriC^^OerHeks: oh ok05:07
hell_its not showing my external harddirve05:07
hendrichEric^^: It said a bunch of [stuff] failed.05:08
EriC^^hell_: maybe try to unplug and plug it back in? what does sudo lsblk -f show?05:08
EriC^^hendrich: why dont you use fluxbox? it's basically blackbox but with tabs and slightly better05:09
hell_still the same05:09
EriC^^( also written in c++ )05:09
hendrichEric^^: What in the unholy fuck is a fluxbox05:10
hendrichWhats a blackbox05:10
hendrichWhat are you saying05:10
hendrichIs it a black box? Is that the terminal?05:10
hendrichIs Flux in a box?05:10
hendrichYou're saying things to me and it does not compute05:10
EriC^^hell_: try sudo blkid maybe05:11
EriC^^hell_: also try to unplug the hdd then plug it back in05:11
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hell_still the same05:12
EriC^^hell_: type dmesg | tail after plugging it in, maybe it shows something05:12
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lotuspsychjegood morning05:13
Datz|awayHi, samba server for some reason, is resetting users password after some length of time. I have to reset it every day. Anyone have any ideas about why, or how to fix this?05:13
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hell_no chanegs05:14
hell_no changes05:14
lotuspsychjeDatz: maybe the #samba guys might know?05:18
Datzlotuspsychje: good idea, thanks05:18
lotuspsychje!samba | Datz doublecheck config here maybe05:19
ubottuDatz doublecheck config here maybe: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html05:19
DatzThanks, taking a look05:19
hendrichWho uses an AMD card here?05:20
lotuspsychjehendrich: best is to ask your question mate05:21
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hendrichlotuspsychje: I don't understand.05:22
lotuspsychjehendrich: ask your specific problem here in chat05:22
OerHekshendrich, what ati card?05:22
hendrichOerheks: HD677005:22
hendrichIs it normal for Ubuntu to shit bricks when you switch from Proprietary drivers to Open Source ones?05:23
hendrichBecause now I can't switch back thru Additional Drivers05:23
lotuspsychjehendrich: ubuntu version?05:24
lotuspsychjehendrich: did you try 14.04?05:24
hendrichlotuspsychje: Do I have to reinstall to do that?05:24
lotuspsychjehendrich: yes, but its recommended to install fresh05:25
hendrichGoddamn you AMD05:25
lotuspsychjehendrich: lets stay polite05:25
lotuspsychjehendrich: you can try recoverymode from failsafeX (grub)05:25
hendrichlotuspsychje: No. I refuse. AMD deserves to be smited upon mercilessly.05:26
hendrichAlso I have no idea what you just asked of me.05:26
hendrichWhat is a grub05:26
hendrichWhat is failsafeX05:26
hendrichWhat is recoverymode05:26
lotuspsychjehendrich: you can hold shift at boot, to enter grub and try to recover system05:26
lotuspsychje!recovery | hendrich05:26
ubottuhendrich: If your system fails to boot normally, it may be useful to boot it into recovery mode. For instructions, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode05:26
hendrichSo if I recover system, I can restore it before everything got fucked up?05:27
lotuspsychjehendrich: plz keep your language familly friendly05:27
lotuspsychjehendrich: that could help yes05:27
hendrichlotuspsychje: I can still insult AMD right?05:27
arjun_kBus error (core dumped) when trying to open nautilus05:27
lotuspsychjehendrich: because you dont know of its amd's fault05:27
arjun_khow can i resolve that]05:28
migo65hello, new to irc05:28
lotuspsychjearjun_k: can you try gksudo nautilus from terminal plz?05:28
migo65i would like to download movies05:29
hendrichlotuspsychje: I'll try it05:29
hendrichmigo65: hahahahaha05:29
CtrlAltDelicioussup everyone?05:29
lotuspsychje!warez | migo6505:29
ubottumigo65: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o05:29
hendrichSup bro05:29
lotuspsychjeCtrlAltDelicious: good morning mate05:29
OerHekshi migo65, download movies? from where?05:29
hendrichubottu: Shutup nerd.05:29
lotuspsychjehendrich: stop shouting05:29
hendrichmigo65: I assume you wish to download LEGAL movies, RIGHT?05:29
hendrichSee, its all good.05:30
hendrichmigo65: Which Ubuntu do you have?05:30
tralffI'm trying to make this alias work and curious if anyone can help05:30
tralffalias mkHosts='sudo sh -c "cat /etc/hosts.tmpl | sed \"s/THE_IP/$1/g\" > /etc/hosts"'05:30
hendrichmigo65: The one from the website?05:30
lotuspsychje!mint | migo6505:30
ubottumigo65: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org05:30
OerHeksmigo65, mint is not supported here05:31
arjun_k(gksudo:5488): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :005:31
hendrichmigo65: Does Mint have a search bar?05:31
arjun_kwhen trying gksudo nautilus from terminal05:31
lotuspsychjearjun_k: hmm that doesnt sound good05:31
hendrichmigo65: See if Mint already has a torrent client in it05:31
lotuspsychjearjun_k: could you try makeing a new user and start nautilus?05:31
arjun_kso what we can do now?05:31
OerHeksarjun_k, hat is just a message, nautilus works right?05:31
lotuspsychjehendrich: plz no supporting for mint05:31
CtrlAltDeliciousubottu: How do magnets work?05:31
bubbasauresarjun_k, What is your goal?05:31
ubottuCtrlAltDelicious: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:31
arjun_ki cant open folders in that user05:32
CtrlAltDeliciouslotuspsychje: How do magnets work?05:32
arjun_kerror comes and closes05:32
hendrichlotuspsychje: Is there a reason why? I'm not questioning your authority I'm legitimately asking if there is a rule.05:32
lotuspsychjehendrich: ubuntu support only here are the rules05:32
OerHekshendrich, mint has its own issues05:33
arjun_k<bubbasaures> i cant open folders in that user error comes and closes05:33
lotuspsychjeCtrlAltDelicious: torrent magnets?05:33
arjun_k<lotuspsychje> it is working in other users05:33
CtrlAltDeliciouslotuspsychje: What about them?05:33
arjun_k<OerHeks> i cant open folders in that user error comes and closes05:33
lotuspsychjeCtrlAltDelicious: thats not really a question for ubuntu support05:34
bubbasauresarjun_k, Bad technique is all, and not a clear at all explanation.05:34
lotuspsychjeCtrlAltDelicious: you can checkout torrent software..05:34
lotuspsychje!torrent | CtrlAltDelicious05:34
ubottuCtrlAltDelicious: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P05:34
arjun_k<bubbasaures> sorry  i didnt get u05:34
lotuspsychjeCtrlAltDelicious: you can add a magnet link to your torrent client in ubuntu05:35
CtrlAltDeliciouslotuspsychje: Thx05:35
bubbasauresarjun_k, Honestly if you do not understand you should not be doing it.05:35
CtrlAltDeliciousbubbasaures: Understand what?05:35
arjun_k<bubbasaures> what we can do now?05:36
arjun_k<OerHeks>  what we can do now?05:36
lotuspsychjearjun_k: wich ubuntu version is this?05:36
arjun_k<lotuspsychje> 12.0405:37
lotuspsychjearjun_k: are you logged in as the root user?05:37
arjun_k<lotuspsychje> no05:37
lotuspsychjearjun_k: from wich to wich are you trying?05:37
CtrlAltDeliciousarjun_k: Whats your issue?05:37
arjun_k<lotuspsychje> in normal user i was trying to open  a folder. but error comes05:38
CtrlAltDeliciouswhat folder arjun_k ?05:38
lotuspsychjearjun_k: how did you add the user, with useraccounts icon?05:38
hendrichSo is there a way to copy paste stuff into blackbox?05:38
arjun_k<CtrlAltDelicious> i cant open folders in ubuntu 12.04. error comes (Bus error)05:38
CtrlAltDeliciousarjun_k: any folder?05:38
arjun_k<lotuspsychje> yes. it was working fine till few days back05:39
arjun_k<CtrlAltDelicious> yes05:39
lotuspsychjearjun_k: updated recently?05:39
CtrlAltDeliciousarjun_k: Can you open terminal?05:39
arjun_klotuspsychje> no. after opening a particular file05:39
lotuspsychjearjun_k: wich file?05:39
arjun_k<CtrlAltDelicious> yes05:39
arjun_k<lotuspsychje> a css file05:39
CtrlAltDeliciousarjun_k: open terminal, do  cd ~/05:39
CtrlAltDeliciousthen ls -la05:40
CtrlAltDeliciouspost the results05:40
arjun_k<CtrlAltDelicious>k. then?05:40
arjun_k<CtrlAltDelicious> k05:40
EriC^^hendrich: hey man so are you in a tty right now? ( ctrl+alt+f1 ) ?05:40
hendrichEriC^^: Yep.05:40
EriC^^hendrich: ok, how'd you install the open source driver? from the additional drivers?05:41
hendrichEriC^^: Yep.05:41
EriC^^hendrich: ok, type dpkg -l | grep fglrx for me05:42
hendrichThen I rebooted and suddenly Additional Drivers told me I had "manual drivers" installed and everythign else was blanked out05:42
EriC^^i see05:42
arjun_ktotal 4641205:42
arjun_kdrwxr-xr-x 33 implemer implemer     4096 Jan 15 09:52 .05:42
arjun_kdrwxr-xr-x  4 root     root         4096 Aug 22 09:49 ..05:42
arjun_kdrwx------  2 implemer implemer     4096 Aug 20 20:06 32bitNb74withJDK05:42
arjun_k-rw-------  1 implemer implemer     2478 Dec 16 13:53 .bash_history05:42
arjun_k-rw-r--r--  1 implemer implemer      220 Aug 20 19:19 .bash_logout05:42
EriC^^hendrich: which amd card do you have again?05:42
hendrichEriC^^: Please tell me your secrets of how I can paste that into terminal?05:43
hendrichEriC^^: HD667005:43
hendrichOr 677005:43
EriC^^hendrich: you can't you'll have to type it out05:43
EriC^^dpkg -l | grep fglrx05:43
EriC^^just that line05:43
EriC^^hendrich: type dpkg -l | grep fglrx | nc termbin.com 999905:43
arjun_kdrwx------  2 implemer implemer     4096 Aug 20 20:06 32bitNb74withJDK05:44
arjun_k-rw-------  1 implemer implemer     2478 Dec 16 13:53 .bash_history05:44
arjun_k-rw-r--r--  1 implemer implemer      220 Aug 20 19:19 .bash_logout05:44
arjun_k-rw-r--r--  1 implemer implemer     3486 Aug 20 19:19 .bashrc05:44
arjun_kdrwx------ 20 implemer implemer     4096 Oct 22 19:38 .cache05:44
hendrichEriC^^: Alright bro, lemme try05:44
OerHeksarjun_k, stop05:44
arjun_kdrwx------  3 implemer implemer     4096 Jan 15 09:52 .compiz05:44
EriC^^hendrich: it will return a link to the stuff05:44
OerHeks!paste | arjun_k05:44
ubottuarjun_k: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:44
hendrichhow do i do that05:45
hendrichgot it05:45
=== Tex_Nick is now known as Queensland_Nick
arjun_k<CtrlAltDelicious> pls check the result . http://paste.ubuntu.com/9754012/05:46
hendrichEriC^^: It told me to use netcat05:46
=== Queensland_Nick is now known as Nick_Fown_Under
=== Nick_Fown_Under is now known as Nick_Down_Under
CtrlAltDeliciousarjun_k: I assume your username is implemer?05:49
cpslcktrjnhey u-bot05:49
arjun_k<lotuspsychje> what we can do now?05:49
arjun_k<bubbasaures> what we can do now?05:49
hendrichEriC^^: Sorry I'm taking so long, its not working.05:49
hendrichI don't know if I'm typing it in wrong05:50
CtrlAltDeliciousarjun_k: Do  "sudo apt-get moo"05:50
CtrlAltDeliciouspaste the results.05:50
explosivehendrich: 1 sec05:50
=== calvin is now known as Guest46334
hendrichexplosive: One.05:50
EriC^^hendrich: ok05:51
EriC^^hendrich: type sudo apt-get install pastebinit05:51
arjun_kh<CtrlAltDelicious> ttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9754034/05:52
hendrichEriC^^: Done.05:52
arjun_k<CtrlAltDelicious> user name is developer. currently i logged in to implemer using su05:53
arjun_k<CtrlAltDelicious> http://paste.ubuntu.com/9754034/05:53
EriC^^hendrich: ok type dpkg -l | grep fglrx | pastebinit05:53
lotuspsychjearjun_k: install 14.04 fresh05:54
arjun_k<lotuspsychje> but it is working perfectly for other users in hte system05:54
hendrichEriC^^: It told me I was trying to send an empty document, exiting.05:56
EriC^^hendrich: ok, type sudo apt-get install fglrx05:56
lotuspsychjearjun_k: you can always try an alternative filemanager, to test out the folders you cant open05:57
javi404what the fuck is going on in here?05:57
hendrichEriC^^: Oh god by the end of tonight these commands will be burned into my retina05:57
=== Nick_Down_Under is now known as Tex_Nick
lotuspsychje!language | javi40405:57
CtrlAltDelicioushey arjun_k you still here?05:57
ubottujavi404: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList05:57
hendrichEriC^^: Done.05:57
arjun_k<CtrlAltDelicious> yes05:57
arjun_k<lotuspsychje> which file manager?05:57
lotuspsychjearjun_k: checkout software centre05:58
EriC^^hendrich: ok, try to restart and see if it works05:58
arjun_k<lotuspsychje> it is already ther05:58
javi404lotuspsychje: language?05:58
hendrichEriC^^: And if it doesn't and horribly mucks up leaving me with a empty desktop and a unchecked Unity plugin?05:58
lotuspsychje!info dolphin | arjun_k something like this05:59
ubottuarjun_k something like this: dolphin (source: kde-baseapps): file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.14.1-0ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 1177 kB, installed size 3217 kB05:59
CtrlAltDeliciousarjun_k: do this:    sudo apt-get install cowsay fortune-mod05:59
EriC^^hendrich: come back here :)05:59
hendrichEriC^^: :'(05:59
lotuspsychjeCtrlAltDelicious: why is this helpfull to install cowsay?05:59
hendrichEriC^^: Alright, thanks for the help. You're also kool with a k05:59
arjun_k<CtrlAltDelicious> this is for?05:59
CtrlAltDeliciousWe need to check one more thing06:00
lotuspsychjeCtrlAltDelicious: check what with cowsay?06:00
CtrlAltDeliciousbut you have to install cowsay to do it06:00
lotuspsychjeCtrlAltDelicious: tell us whats it for first06:00
lotuspsychjeCtrlAltDelicious: you gonna say moo to nautilus to fix?06:01
CtrlAltDeliciouslotuspsychje: No, thats just silly.06:02
lotuspsychjeCtrlAltDelicious: well whats it for then?06:02
javi404i can't follow this fooking conversation.06:02
CtrlAltDelicioushave you never used cowsay?06:02
EriC^^CtrlAltDelicious: you want to fortunemod | cowsay ?06:02
savocainstall sl06:02
OerHeksCtrlAltDelicious, how is cowsay fixing issues?06:02
CtrlAltDeliciousOerHeks: Cowsay answers many questions.06:03
lotuspsychje!ot > javi40406:03
ubottujavi404, please see my private message06:04
javi404can we talk about systemd now?06:04
lotuspsychjejavi404: this channel is for support questions06:04
javi404ubottu: wtf are you talking about? is systemd not relavent?06:04
javi404i have a systemd question06:04
lotuspsychje!systemd | javi40406:04
ubottujavi404: systemd has been chosen as the future init system for Ubuntu, please see http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1316 for the announcement.06:04
EriC^^javi404: come back in 201606:04
javi404maybe i can be allowed to ask it before im banned ffs.06:05
javi404whats wrong with you guys?06:05
lotuspsychjejavi404: there's no reason to get angry06:05
arjun_klotuspsychje>what we can do now06:05
hendrichEriC^^: I came back just to thank you for helping me out man, Ubuntu is working again with OpenGL acceleration.06:05
lotuspsychjejavi404: you said 'talk about'06:05
EriC^^hendrich: cool, no problem :)06:05
* rww looks up06:05
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: nice fix06:05
javi404lotuspsychje: how can one not get angry? I didn't even ask my question and im getting PM from bots and mods about being on topic.06:06
hendrichjavi404: Bro, just do what I do.06:06
hendrichCount from 10.06:06
lotuspsychjejavi404: talking about packages is something else then asking a question06:06
lotuspsychjejavi404: you havent asked a question yet06:06
javi404lotuspsychje: you don't even know what my question is going to be, because you shut me down before i can ask it.06:07
lotuspsychjejavi404: and your question is?06:07
arjun_k<CtrlAltDelicious> what we can do now??06:08
arjun_k<lotuspsychje> do i need to stay here or not?06:08
javi404lotuspsychje: my question was about the path to systemd, but at this point, i should just move my farm to centos and deal with redhat bullshit.06:08
CtrlAltDeliciousarjun_k: Did you do this yet?     sudo apt-get install cowsay fortune-mod06:08
lotuspsychje!language | javi40406:08
ubottujavi404: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList06:08
rwwjavi404: the path to systemd is "wait for the next version of Ubuntu to come out"06:08
javi404lotuspsychje: what language?06:08
javi404ubottu: i was calm untill i ran into you guys06:09
ubottujavi404: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:09
javi404holy cow06:09
CtrlAltDeliciousapt get moo javi404 ?06:09
lotuspsychjejavi404: you can install systemd on ubuntu now, on your own risk..06:09
lotuspsychje!info systemd | javi40406:09
ubottujavi404: systemd (source: systemd): system and service manager. In component main, is standard. Version 208-8ubuntu8.1 (utopic), package size 1365 kB, installed size 6396 kB (Only available for linux-any)06:09
rwwCtrlAltDelicious: can we keep the cowsay and mooing nonsense out of here please06:09
javi404is this the official ubuntu support channel?06:09
CtrlAltDeliciousrww: Its not non-sense...06:10
hendrichjavi404: No. Its the hidden society of penguin people.06:10
hendrichWorship the penguin.06:10
hendrichLove thy penguin.06:10
javi404hendrich: seems like it.06:10
ubottuAs our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.06:10
rwwnow, back to actual support questions06:10
javi404ubottu: your not helpful at all.06:10
ubottujavi404: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:10
javi404scumbag bot06:11
javi404who programed that POS?06:11
hendrichjavi404: Whats the problemo bro?06:11
* lotuspsychje is rest my case06:11
rwwYes, you can install systemd in currently released versions. No, it isn't supported as PID 1 yet. No, I wouldn't recommend doing it.06:11
rwwAnything else?06:11
javi404hendrich: apparently the problem is, i can't even ask a question in here.06:11
javi404so much for community support.06:11
rwwmight I point out that you haven't actually tried yet06:12
hendrichjavi404: Uh, yeah you can. Granted everyone except Eric has a stick up their butt, but they are trying to help you man.06:12
arjun_ki thought that u will solve my issues. but no one is trying to give proper solution for the problem06:12
javi404rww: scroll up.06:12
CtrlAltDeliciousarjun_k: Im sorry man, Ill actulaly help this time06:12
hendrichRemember, they are doing this FOR FREE. Just ask.06:12
lotuspsychjearjun_k: did you try an alternative filemanager yet?06:12
CtrlAltDeliciousDo this command, and paste the results06:12
CtrlAltDelicioussudo apt-get install lolcat06:12
javi404hendrich: i understand that, but i also help for free in other channels, and dont treat people like this.06:13
chujavi404: You came in with obscenities, if you had bothered to read the guidelines mentined in the topic. You might understand why you have not been as welcomed here as you (apparently) imagined you would be. This is not the fault of this community, this is entirely your own fault. Smarten up, or leave.06:13
rwwjavi404: I did. I don't see a question from you. What is your question?06:13
javi404chu: obscenities? are you serious?06:13
chuDead serious mate.06:13
javi404rww: scroll up again.06:14
javi404chu: sorry that bad words hurt you.06:14
hendrichjavi404: Why not just have this chat start from Square One, my friend?06:14
hendrichhere, I'll start06:14
javi404ill try to confess my sins next time.06:14
hendrichHello javi404, what is your problem?06:14
javi404hendrich: good idea.06:14
javi404hendrich: im currently running my cloud on centos606:15
javi404i don't like centos706:15
javi404because of systemd06:15
lotuspsychje!ot | javi40406:15
ubottujavi404: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:15
rwwlotuspsychje: that's unnecessary.06:15
javi404how is ubuntu as far as systemd goes?06:15
rwwjavi404: Currently-released versions of Ubuntu do not use systemd as PID1. The next version, 15.04, will.06:15
javi404can someone mute that damn bot?06:16
rww15.04 will not support alternative init systems other than systemd, so if you're on the not-a-fan-of-systemd side of the fence, I'd go with something else.06:16
rww(Debian springs to mind)06:16
lotuspsychjediscussing other distro is ontopic now?06:16
javi404rww: but what is the game plan for other future versions?06:17
rwwlotuspsychje: Providing background for a support question is ontopic. Goading users is not.06:17
rwwjavi404: The game plan for all versions of Ubuntu released in the future is systemd.06:17
hendrichjavi404: Its honestly not close, i don't recommend Ubuntu for systemd yet.06:17
javi404lotuspsychje: im talking about switching distross pay attention.06:17
supercom32Do most OS's like Ubuntu need to handle ware leveling on SSD's or is that something which should happen transparently?06:17
rwwsupercom32: It's done using TRIM in the Linux kernel.06:17
hendrichWhy is a Linux Kernel called a kernel?06:18
supercom32rww: So outside of TRIM, does it do anything else? or is it up to the SSD to do the rest?06:18
javi404hendrich: well that is what i need to consider.06:18
rwwsupercom32: As far as I know, the only thing the OS worries about is supporting TRIM, and the SSD does the rest itself.06:18
zerowaitstatehendrich: it's actually called a kernel is most OS'es, it's just you hear it more in Linux because you can actually compile it yourself06:19
undecimhendrich, because it's the center of the system, like the kernel of a seed06:19
supercom32rww: I've been told by some people that to keep your drive running fast, you should only fill it to about 75% usually. If you simply partition/size only 75% of the space, would that work? or does the whole drive need to be partitioned for the SSD ware leveling to know about it and use that space?06:19
javi404so why would i move my current cluster to ubuntu?06:20
hendrichzerowaitstate: Why would you want to compile a kernel yourself?06:20
rwwsupercom32: I don't know, sorry. You might want to ask ##hardware.06:20
undecimsupercom32, You need to keep 75% of the filesystem space empty06:20
zerowaitstatezerowaitstate: to support new, interesting, or experimental things06:20
javi404supercom32: morons told you that06:20
rwwjavi404: Presumably you'd do so if you test it and it works better for you than other distros.06:20
lotuspsychjeso far for ubuntu support...06:20
hendrichjavi404: You don't.06:20
javi404rww: hendrich: basically what your saying is i should keep centos?06:21
supercom32javi484: Doesn't filling up your drive to capacity mean longer write times due to having to flush blocks and  write them again, vs just writing to an empty block?06:21
javi404supercom32: lrn2tab06:21
rwwjavi404: I'm saying that if you're considering switching, you should spin up Ubuntu on your testing gear and see if it works better for you than CentOS.06:21
hendrichjavi404: Apparently Ubuntu just had a giant Pitstorm around systemd because the guys behind Ubuntu are neckbeard.06:21
rwwIf it does, then great. If not, stick with CentOS or use something else.06:21
hendrichjavi404: Quote: "Finally, after Debian, Ubuntu's parent Linux distribution, voted for systemd , Ubuntu's founder Mark Shuttleworth announced that Canonical would support systemd rather than continue to push for Upstart."06:21
undecimsupercom32, If you just have your partitioned sized like that, it's the same as having a smaller drive. They OS needs room to work, so files can be spaced out in case the sizes are changed06:21
ki7mthendrich, to enable features that may not be enabled by default, or remove unwated features, re: Kernel: "der Kern" which I would translate to "the core".06:22
rww"pitstorm"? Ubuntu's switching to systemd, it's not controversial with us because we've *always* only supported one init system *shrug*06:22
hendrichjavi404: So basically its way too early and you really should either stick with CentOS or look around.06:22
hendrichrww: I was told not to sweat by the Penguin God06:22
javi404rww: im looking for professional feedback, you don't seem to have any, so just stop answering my questions unless you have run a 1000 node ubuntu cluster and can provide real world useful advice.06:22
redDawnIf you want the greatness of a SysV Init system, look into Gentoo06:23
hendrichGentoo is love06:23
rwwjavi404: Nobody here has run a 1000 node Ubuntu cluster, and I run Ubuntu professionally.06:23
zerowaitstatesupercom32: filling the drive lowering performance is usually a filesystem efficiency issue relating to fragmentation. Linux handles fragmentation differently than Windows06:23
undecimDoes 1k VMs count?06:23
ki7mtI have, but not with Ubuntu06:23
javi404undecim: yeah, that counts06:23
hendrichI have a robot that shoots 300 Ubuntu cluster bombs for the US military06:23
redDawnUh oh... i sense a p!ssing match06:23
undecimjavi404, gimme a couple days...06:24
rwwhendrich: cut it out with the nonsense06:24
javi404rww: then I am asking for advice in the wrong place.06:24
rwwjavi404: then leave.06:24
supercom32zerowaitstate: I was under the impression for SSD drives this was diffrent as you can only write in blocks. Thus, if a block is partially filled, you need to read it out, modify and check in again. Vs just writing to an empty block.06:24
supercom32perhaps the performance loss isn't a lot, but I guess there is something06:24
redDawndoesn't the OS just see it as a generic block device anyway?06:24
hendrichWhy would people want to compile their own kernels?06:24
zerowaitstatesupercom32: that's true, but a lot of SSD's include wear-leveling firmware to counteract that.06:25
ki7mtjavi404, That was my next statement, very few in there would have high level HPC experience, but I'm sure they are lurking from time to time06:25
redDawnhendrich, to det rid of unneccesary feautres that take up space and slow the kernel06:25
zerowaitstatesupercom32: in essence, that's what TRIM does as well06:25
rwwhendrich: generally, it's if the stock kernel doesn't enable something they need for their hardware06:25
redDawnor to enable special non standard features06:25
rwwsome people do it for performance reasons, but I've never found that to be particularly effective06:25
hendrichredDawn: Can you give me a basic example?06:25
lotuspsychjenice ontopic conversation...06:25
redDawnhendrich: Well, say you want to use a specia lTV tuner card....06:25
undecimsupercom32, It would depend on the drive firmware06:25
rwwlotuspsychje: If you're just going to sit here and ma                         │06:21:56         < hendrich> | javi404: Quote: "Finally, after Debian, Ubuntu's parent Linux distribution, voted for systemd , Ubuntu's founder Mark Shuttleworth announced that Canonical would support06:26
rww... damn cat06:26
rwwlet's try that again06:26
supercom32zerowaitstate: I see06:26
hendrichredDawn: And normally its not suppourted by Ubuntu, you'd build it yourself to do it?06:26
rwwlotuspsychje: if you're just going to sit here and make comments about on-topicness, perhaps it's time to take a break for a while06:26
redDawnWell, imean in general linux.06:26
redDawnIn ubuntu06:26
hendrichSo the kernel is like06:26
hendrichThe brain?06:27
supercom32undecim: I assume even if you don't partition the whole SSD, the SSD firmware won't care. It will wear level over the whole device under the hood for you?06:27
javi404ki7mt: i notice that now. im just surprised that before i can even get to my question, there is a pissing match and i get targetted for censorship.06:27
undecimsupercom32, It should. yeah06:27
hendrichAnd people compile kernels to do what they want? I see, never knew that.06:27
redDawnThe kernel manages the physical resources of the system so programs I write can use those resources06:27
redDawnLike keyboard input, memory, harddisks06:27
hendrichredDawn: Thanks, I want to learn everything now.06:27
hendrichWhy is Linux called Linux?06:28
redDawnI can suggest a few seminal books06:28
=== jackie is now known as Guest85512
undecimhendrich, Linus's Minix06:28
hendrichredDawn: Go ahead06:28
redDawn"A quarter Century Of Unuix"06:28
hendrichWhat exactly *is* Linux?06:28
hendrichIf the kernel is the brain06:29
javi404ki7mt: are there any people in here i should talk to maybe tomorrow when the children are in school?06:29
hendrichThen whats Linux?06:29
ki7mtjavi404, I can discuss Infiniband, Realtime regression for Lithography Mask targets, Maxwell's equations , HDP, ETCH, etc etc and the like, but that is really way OffTopic here., but06:29
redDawnLinux is  particular Kernel developed by Linus Torvalds and a few others06:29
undecimhendrich, technically, just the linux kernel06:29
redDawnits a free and open-source kernel anyone can use or change06:29
Guest85512a people whose name is Linus06:29
redDawnNow, the operating system that ubuntu is based on is called GNU06:29
javi404ki7mt: really what i want to know is, are their any advantages to looking at ubuntu.06:30
undecimhendrich, It's the piece of code that runs directly on the CPU in a Linux OS. It acts as the interface between hardware and software.06:30
zerowaitstatesupercom32: under the hood, what a lot of wear leveling firmware does is remap disk block locations so that sequential writes are physically sequential on the ssd. You can achieve the same effect with a log-structured filesystem06:30
redDawn"GNU is not Unix" A free and open Unix06:30
javi404systemd sucks, so might as well reevaluate.06:30
hendrichThen if Linux is a open-source Kernal made by Linus, what is Unix?06:30
hendrichIs Linux Unix?06:30
lotuspsychjerww: ill take a break allright, but this time your wrong about it06:30
rwwjavi404: If you don't like systemd, switching to a distro that's moving to systemd is probably not your best option.06:30
ki7mthendrich, What are you trying to do, get a better understanding of Linux in general or do you have a Ubuntu specific problem?06:30
redDawnIS linux Unix? A question still debated.06:30
redDawnIt IS unix like06:30
javi404rww: are you blind?06:30
undecimIt's close enough06:30
redDawnIts a clone06:30
javi404rww: read what i just wrote again.06:30
supercom32zerowaitstate: For SSD devices, is a SWAP file/partition still required or recommended? Or will this just somehow effect wear leveling or performance?06:31
hendrichki7mt: Well, in order to ask questions about Ubuntu, I need to know what the heck Ubuntu is06:31
javi404rww: i talked about reevaluating all distros.06:31
zerowaitstatesupercom32: i don't recommend putting swap on an SSD06:31
redDawnBasicaly, Unix was this amazing thing, but it was licensed, and some hackers hated that06:31
rwwoh for god's sake06:31
redDawnso they made a free one, called it GNU06:31
xtpeeps./test:error while loading shared libraries :libstdc++.so.6:Connor  open shared object file :No such or directory06:31
undecimWas wondering how long that would take...06:31
zerowaitstatesupercom32: i mean, you can, but swap will wear out the ssd due to frequent changes06:31
ki7mtjavi404, It's all Application Dependant, you can spen more $$ on R&D trying to answer that question rather than just investing in the app development itself.06:32
hendrichI see, so a Kernel is the brain. Unix was a closed kernel which made people mad. Linus made Linux to have an open Kernel and Ubuntu was born out of Linux.06:32
hendrichDid I get that right?06:32
rwwki7mt: you might want to move to PM, we tired of the abuse here06:32
bubbasaureszerowaitstate, SSD's now have the same mean life as spinning ones.06:32
supercom32zerowaitstate: Something that wear leveling at the firmware level won't handle well I assume?06:32
undecimhendrich, pretty much06:32
chuhendrich: There's a book called "Just for Fun" you should find a copy of and read.06:32
zerowaitstatesupercom32: bubbasaures is correct, really. It's less of a problem now than it was a few years ago06:32
Guest85512Why couldn't i name "jackie" in this chanel?06:32
redDawnAnother great book:06:33
phroa`yo rww06:33
redDawnThe design of Unix operating system by Maurice j Bach06:33
rwwGuest85512: because someone already owns that on the IRC network we use06:33
hendrichSo if Ubuntu is just a kernel, whats GNOME or Cinnamon? Are they just GUIs for the kernel?06:33
redDawnNo, ubuntu is not a kernel06:33
redDawnUbuntu Uses the linux kernel06:33
bubbasauresGuest85512, it is not the channel someone is registered with freenode06:33
undecimhendrich, Ubuntu isn't a new form of Linux Ubuntu has a copy of Linux (the "linux" packages) that it uses. I'd hesitate to call the kernel a brain (though it does a lot of intelligent stuff). It's not making decisions on what to do; that's the applications' job06:34
ki7mthendrich, If you know nothing of Ubuntu, I would start here : https://ubuntu-manual.org/06:34
redDawnThat site explains it very well, becuase they have been exlpaining it since the 80s06:34
hendrichthanks bro06:34
supercom32zerowaitstate: Ah, that helps thanks for the advice! To prevent SSD performance bottlenecks, how much free space would you recommend to have open?06:34
ki7mtI help write some of it, over the years.06:35
supercom32zerowaitstate: That is, space so the SSD firmware can do it's magic to try and keep things speedy and wear leveled06:35
redDawnIf you want to learn to progam, I advise doing it in a Linux (Ubuntu or whatever) with C.06:35
redDawnC is the language of unix.06:35
undecimhendrich, The kernel is like a government06:36
ki7mtC++ and Python, and C being a close third.06:36
redDawnPython didn't exist for most of the unix history06:36
zerowaitstatesupercom32: I honestly would not worry too much about it. A bigger concern is making sure the disk doesn't get full and crash something06:36
redDawnNow the language of linux? prob C++06:36
undecimhendrich, For example, any time a program needs more RAM, it asks the kernel through an "alloc" function, and the kernel finds it some free RAM and tells the program where it's at.06:36
Ghost96er.. anyone can guide me to install rtorrent & rutorrent in ubuntu 14.04 vps?06:37
hendrichSo the kernel acts as the Admin of the OS?06:37
zerowaitstatesupercom32: what are you running on this box?06:37
aeon-ltdGhost96: not in the repos?06:37
ki7mtI would not n't say C++ is the language of Linux, it's just a very good starting point.06:37
Ghost96yeah, i'm using repos06:37
supercom32zerowaitstate: Well, the reason I asked is because If I leave space on a drive, I tend to fill it up with junk (^_^); I plan to put Ubunu 14.04 on it.06:37
aeon-ltdGhost96: is rtorrent there?06:37
supercom32zerowaitstate: Or at least the head of stream non-LTS version of Ubuntu.06:38
OerHeksGhost96, sudo apt-get install rtorrent06:38
undecimhendrich, it also lets programs manage files. Whenever you need open a file, the program does a syscall to the kernel to open and read it06:38
OerHeksrutorrent does notexist.06:38
hendrichundecim: I see06:38
hendrichSo what exactly are the terminals and why are there 4 of them? I tried using one and when i tried doing two terminals do things at once, one got unhappy and stopped whatever it was doing.06:38
ki7mthendrich, The kernel is the interface between the physical hardware and what you eventually see as the user. It has lots of modules and apps that help it do it's thing.06:38
hendrichIs the GUI basically a fancy terminal?06:38
Ghost96.. for rutorrent i fetch it at rakshasa.no06:39
undecimhendrich, terminals are just apps06:39
xtpeepsAnyone can help me ,what's the meaning is this :  ./test:error while loading shared libraries :libstdc++.so.6:Connor  open shared object file :No such or directory06:39
hendrichundecim: Why can't they have graphics if they are apps?06:39
hendrichWhy are they black and ugly?06:39
undecimhendrich, basically any program has an input stream and an output stream06:39
zerowaitstatesupercom32: most bottlenecks on filesystems for direct attach disks is related to seek time. For SSD that is non-existent, which means you will hit either software or SATA bus limitations first.06:39
redDawn"Operating System Concepts 2012" I have an older version, has dinosaurs on cover. Highly recomend06:40
undecimhendrich, the terminal lets you see the output, and send text to the input06:40
CtrlAltDeliciousxtpeeps: Means it cant find libstdc++.so06:40
OerHeksxtpeeps, seems like you haven no libstdc++.so installed06:40
amh345I'm trying to install vpn for cisco in ubuntu. as it turns out the cisco linux vpn app is really outdated and doesnt work with newer distress.06:40
redDawnyou can get all these books without cost on the net in pdf format... if you choose06:40
CtrlAltDelicioussudo apt-get updatedb06:40
CtrlAltDeliciousthen do  locate libstdc++.so06:40
amh345anyone deal with this before?06:40
CtrlAltDelicioussee if it shows up anywhere06:40
undecimhendrich, in Ubuntu, it launches a program called Bash to give you control of the system through text commands06:40
hendrichundecim: Why not it does that without looking like MSDOS? Can I replace them?06:40
ki7mtxtpeeps, More than likely, you have a linker error or lib missing for the test06:40
aeon-ltdhendrich: text based, it requires very little rendering so not much power is needed to display termnals06:40
supercom32zerowaitstate: That's a good point.06:40
undecimhendrich, Are you talking about the Ctrl+Alt+F* terminals?06:41
amh345i found a link that apparently has patches for it.. but it's on stand ford uni's website and you need a login.06:41
zerowaitstatesupercom32: i've had SSD's on an LSI MegaRAID card, and the raid card ended up being the bottleneck06:41
hendrichundecim: Yea06:41
lotuspsychje!fr | mallory06:41
ubottumallory: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.06:41
undecimhendrich, just use the terminal app...06:41
xtpeepsLetme see THX,guys!06:41
undecimhendrich, You can change the fonts and colors and stuff06:41
hendrichundecim: Yeah, lemme rephrase my question06:41
OerHeksxtpeeps, sudo apt-get install libstdc++606:42
hendrichSee how fancy Pidgin IRC is? Its all purple, white, sexy, appealing, has tabs and everything.06:42
hendrichThe terminal is ugly as sin and basic06:42
redDawnA bsic fowgraph06:42
hendrichSo if the terminal is an app, why isn't there a terminal app for noobs?06:42
redDawnThe "terminal" is the SHell06:42
zerowaitstatesupercom32: frankly, once you hit a certain number of IOPS, stuff like the linux kernel itself can actually become a bottleneck.06:42
undecimhendrich, You're saying you don't want a text-based interface?06:42
hendrichundecim: I guess so, is that possible on ubuntu?06:43
CtrlAltDeliciousxtpeeps: Do this:   sudo ln -s /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so.6 /usr/lib32/libstdc++.so06:43
CtrlAltDeliciousand try again06:43
undecimhendrich, Yeah. It's what Ubuntu devs have spent a lot of time on.06:43
undecimWe call it Ubuntu06:43
redDawnThe text based interface is an amazingly powerful tool to programmers and powerusers. But if you want all major linux distros (ubuntu included) support GUI06:43
supercom32zerowaitstate: I see. I guess with modern SSD's a lot of these older problems are no longer an issue.06:43
undecimThe great thing about a terminal is that its unambiguous06:44
hendrichundecim: Then why do I still need to use the terminal for things like downloading fglrx?06:44
undecimhendrich, Because ubuntu and AMD haven't gotten that intimate yet06:44
redDawnInfact ubuntu is the leading Linux Distro for people new to Linux.06:44
CtrlAltDeliciousxtpeeps: did that help?06:44
OerHekshendrich, you don't have to06:44
hendrichIf Ubuntu is the leading Linux Distro for new people then it has failed for anyone using it to game.06:44
redDawnSteam on Linux?06:44
redDawnHalf life series, portal series, Arma 306:45
undecimThere's nothing Ubuntu can do about that. The game makes have to make their games more portable06:45
hendrichSo far either Ubuntu or AMD has fucked up horribly and drivers became a huge pain in the ass.06:45
redDawnWe can't force other people to do things, so if they don't want to make a game for us...06:45
undecimhendrich, I had to add nomodeset to my kernel line to get mine working06:45
hendrichThis is my second reinstall because the last time the drivers shut Unity down06:45
redDawnAlso 0ad is a great RTS like Age of empires06:45
OerHeks!language | hendrich06:46
ubottuhendrich: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList06:46
undecimhendrich, I can't recall what it did before I changed it. Don't recall it being pretty.06:46
hateballIf you're looking to game, it helps doing research so you can avoid AMD and go for nVidia or Intel06:46
hendrichit hurts being poor06:46
redDawnHate, nothing is wrong with AMD.06:46
undecimI still get better results with AMD06:46
undecimIt just takes some fiddling with drivers06:46
redDawnAMD is a great company with good hardware06:47
ki7mtSome fiddling ? that's a joke right ;-)06:47
undecimki7mt, Sounds like you had to try a few different things to get yours working. But don't think your experiences are universal06:47
zerowaitstatefrankly, the video manufacturers have a hard time keeping up with kernel developments. Linux kernel changes WAY faster than Microsoft, Apple, etc.06:47
hendrichWhy is that?06:47
ki7mtI got nothing against AMD, got a 32-core Workstation that is awesome.06:48
zerowaitstateki7mt: do you cook your breakfast on it?06:48
hendrichWhy can M$ get away with not updating their kernel often but distros like ubuntu does?06:48
redDawnhendrich, Linux isn't windows. Though it is in every technical way superior as a result of the Unix Heritage and the FOSS philosophy; we cannot force developers to develop on it. And most end user use windows, so most games a written for Windows.06:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:48
undecimhendrich, because Windows has to support every piece of software and pluggable gizmo you can think of06:49
rwwIndeed. Can we take the hardware debate and the "closed source software makes my gaming hard" to #ubuntu-offtopic, please?06:49
redDawnAnd M$ wont show us the code.06:49
hendrichrww: Okay dokey06:49
undecimhendrich, And changes to the kernel can cause problems with it. In the Linux world, package managers and the benefits of open source make this less of a problem06:49
zerowaitstatelotuspsychje: very well sir06:49
jnhghyI've installed smartmoontools to test my ssd (my system was freezing so started testing things) and when I run "smartctl -a /dev/sda" I get error and I think the ssd needs to be replaced, can anybody confirm: http://pastebin.com/2QWMZWbd06:50
lotuspsychjejnhghy: did you change bios from ide to ahci?06:50
hendrichWhere can I go to change the performance/appearance settings of Ubuntu? I see apperance but it doesn't affect anythign like the transparency/window effects06:51
lotuspsychjehendrich: install ccsm06:51
lotuspsychjehendrich: some unity effects there to tune06:51
jnhghylotuspsychje: I'll have to check that as this is set up for a while now and I can't remember .... can that cause that error to be displayed?06:51
lotuspsychjejnhghy: wich ubuntu version and ssd brand plz?06:52
hendrichWhy does Ubuntu have Amazon and why did so many people get butthurt over it? Is it there to stay?06:52
zerowaitstatejnhghy: you need to switch your bus mode to AHCI regardless.06:52
jnhghylotuspsychje: ubuntu 14.04 ssd Kingstone06:52
rwwhendrich: Ubuntu hasn't included Amazon in Unity search results for a while now.06:52
hendrichReally? This is 14.10 and its still there.06:52
redDawnhendrich, Most people who use linux prided themselves on systems that had no Microsoft style bloatware.06:52
hendrichFresh off the site.06:52
rwwhendrich: That's odd, considering I tested it literally last week.06:53
rwwThe icon is on the bar by default. Search results are not.06:53
hendrichNo, unless the website on my W7 machine gave me some wierd version, they are infact there.06:53
hendrichI know because I disabled them.06:53
mariusccI got a problem installing mongo extension for php, I upgraded php to 5.4 from 5.4 it used to work on that version, but now when I reinstall mongo it seams that the api version is not compatible06:54
rwwGood, sounds like you're all sorted as far as Amazon goes, then.06:54
xtpeepsCtrlAltDelicious:hn..known something but still have programs... THX  man06:54
hendrichYeah, but will it always be there?06:54
lotuspsychjejnhghy: takes long loading on pastebin06:54
CtrlAltDeliciousxtpeeps: Do what?06:54
rwwhendrich: that sort of thing goes to #ubuntu-offtopic06:54
lotuspsychjejnhghy: can you paste to pasteubuntu plz?06:54
mariusccnow idk how to check if there's a compatible version or I'm doing something wrong06:54
jnhghylotuspsychje: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9754229/ thank you for your effort06:55
hendrichrww: I disagree, I'm asking if there is a reason to worry if Amazon is bloatware/spyware and if its better if I remove it.06:55
hendrichAmazon is apart of Ubuntu so I need suppourt for this question06:55
redDawnYou can do anything you would like, its your system. It won't break anything if you remove it.06:55
rwwhendrich: No it's not bloatware or spyware, and you already know how to remove it and whether to do so is up to you.06:56
hendrichredDawn: Alright, thanks.06:56
zerowaitstatemariuscc: that question really needs to go to #php, although i feel your pain. php is a crime against humanity.06:56
lotuspsychjejnhghy: does sudo hdparm -Tt /dev/sda show anything?06:56
redDawnAs is javascript.06:56
rwwpuppy: #ubuntu-cn for Chinese-language discussion, please06:56
mariuscczerowaitstate: thanks alot06:56
xtpeepsCtrlAltDelicious:working on my codes,seems I didn't install opencvd06:57
CtrlAltDeliciousxtpeeps: ah, cool.06:57
redDawnI think whether is bloat-ware or not is debatable, but not here. It isn't spyware for sure06:58
ki7mtxtpeeps, You should not have created a link either, eventually, that will break you builds.06:58
aeon-ltdredDawn: it's as much spyware as google services are spyware06:58
lotuspsychjejnhghy: i would doublecheck sata cables, bios layout, ide to ahci change and firmware upgrade of your kingston06:58
redDawnI did say that? didn't I?06:59
redDawnI said it is debatable that is bloatware06:59
redDawnspyware is only spyware when it claims to be something else07:00
jnhghylotuspsychje: thanks for your suggestion, it just freeze so I'll have to reboot it if I'm on it I'll also check the cables and bios, thanks for the suggestions and your time, I really appreciate it :)07:00
lotuspsychjejnhghy: no sweat mate07:00
xtpeepski7Mt: I download the files from web , the author linked it07:00
redDawnI do like the unite search of papers though07:00
lotuspsychjejnhghy: when did this all start to happen?07:00
ki7mtxtpeeps, It's up too you ... but soon or later, that will be an issues if your your linking compiler libs07:01
shadaloohi anyone know how to get vlc to play videos while I'm alt+tabbing07:01
jnhghylotuspsychje: a few days ago... it first showed an "Operating System Not Found" error, I've rebooted it and it started... then stated freezing ... I don't remember any major changes that could have this impact (no bios changes at least)07:02
lotuspsychjejnhghy: is this an uefi machine?07:03
jnhghylotuspsychje: yes07:03
lotuspsychjejnhghy: did ubuntu work properly before on your ssd?07:03
jnhghylotuspsychje: for about 2 months yes07:03
freedom101rww: You may not know this but in 1933 a group of people started to impose the same sort of censorship you do on this irc channel, except instead of just banning someone with the click of a mouse, they rounded them up and gassed them. This group of people were the Nazi. Now you might justify to yourself why you kick people from this channel because you don't like bad words or don't agree with their ideas, but lets be clear. You are07:04
lotuspsychjejnhghy: hmm thats weird indeed, did you change anything recently?07:04
jnhghylotuspsychje: I'll start checking cables ... thanks for your help :)07:04
lotuspsychjejnhghy: okay good luck mate07:04
jnhghylotuspsychje: thanks07:04
xtpeepski7Mt: my Qt version too old07:04
ki7mtxtpeeps, then use pbuilder07:06
ki7mtxtpeeps, Or use the opensource-installer and stcik it in /opt07:07
redDawnfreedom ??07:08
redDawnare you smoking crack?07:08
xtpeepslibstdc++.so.6 need for arm07:09
xtpeepsNot for Intel07:09
ki7mtxtpeeps, Install the cross compilers then07:09
ki7mtxtpeeps, That's where I'll leave is, as I don;t deal / work well with the arm devices, they get under my skin real quick.07:11
ki7mtredDawn, he had an opinion, however misguided it may have been, it was definitely in the wrong channel :regardless.07:12
xtpeepski7mt:okey,okey ,  I finished it Thank you!!!07:12
redDawnA guy comes in and accuses channel operators of being nazi death camp operators and you say "eh just an opinion"07:13
redDawnthe lulz07:13
xtpeepski7mt: it really means alot to me07:14
ki7mtxtpeeps, what does? this program ?07:14
ki7mtredDawn, It is an opinion, he's entitled to it, just as rww was entitled to boot his @ss out for saying something so silly.07:16
rwwProbably best if we just get back to support instead of pondering it too much :)07:16
xtpeepski7mt:yes ,I'm working on my graduate proj07:21
ki7mtxtpeeps, Ok, been there, done that, just glad it wasn't ARM :-)07:22
ki7mtAnyway, I have to file some ITP's for packages. so CUL07:23
xtpeepski7mt, I am using OpenCV  for arm , do you know something about it ?07:29
ki7mtxtpeeps, Other than it's a Gtk cross compiler setup, no, not allot really.07:30
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.07:32
xtpeepski7mt,ok Thank you all the same07:32
u-bothello guys, can somebody advice me any software for web programming? ))07:36
ki7mtu-bot, depends on what kind of advise is needed, that's the question?07:37
Stanley00u-bot: html/html5/php/js/python... plenty of them :307:37
cfhowlettu-bot, gedit for editor is already on your system07:37
ki7mts/that's/what is/07:37
Stanley00u-bot: oops, sorry, misread the question :(07:37
ubottuProgramming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator07:38
kernixhey all07:40
OerHekshi kernix07:40
kernixhey OerHeks07:41
shadaloohi anyone know how to get vlc to play videos while I'm alt+tabbing07:41
bubbasauresshadaloo, This 15.04?07:41
bubbasauresshadaloo, keyboard has shortcuts, you might look there, you asked in the development channel is all.07:43
OerHeksshadaloo, you want to start a movie without mouse? use space to start07:44
xtpeepsAnyone know image2LCD07:44
xtpeepsHow can I use it in Linux07:45
cfhowlettxtpeeps, meh.  pretty ghostscript already does that.07:46
OerHeks!find image2LCD07:46
ubottuPackage/file image2LCD does not exist in utopic07:46
ki7mtDont know about image2LCD but, check into ImageMagic or GIMP for *nix, or if your really motivated, POV-Ray07:46
OerHeksxtpeeps, what does image2LCD?07:47
cfhowlettki7mt, I believe POV ray functionality has been integrated in blender07:47
shadaloono I want the movie to continue playing while I am alt+tabbing between programs07:47
ki7mtcfhowlett, Been a while for me, it may have been, Im no t sure.07:48
OerHeksshadaloo, no problem here, vlc keeps om playing while tabbing to an other app07:48
u-botshadaloo, use supper+s07:48
xtpeepscfhowlett:I wanna use it to create files. c07:50
shadaloomust be because I upgraded to 15.0407:50
OerHeksshadaloo, not supported here untill release, join #ubuntu+1 for vivid support07:50
OerHeksmight be a bug07:51
xtpeepsOerHeks:  it change image to .c07:51
xtpeepsPut the pic to arm,then show it07:52
KoboldMcGeeHey I'm having a problem07:57
KoboldMcGeeI'm running 12.04 and I can't find my update-manager07:57
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bubbasauresKoboldMcGee, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ23oAgvHlc found this might help.08:00
KoboldMcGeeThanks bubbasures08:02
bubbasauresKoboldMcGee, No problem.08:02
KoboldMcGeeWait I typed update-manager in the dash but nothing shoped up08:03
mariusccI'm trying to enable mongo extension for php, but it seams it want to load it from the wrong path althogh I tried all kind of combination, there is some sort of cache somewhere ?08:04
lotuspsychjeKoboldMcGee: start sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade from terminal08:04
OerHeksKoboldMcGee, try 'update' and see what comes up?08:05
OerHeksalso update-manager should work08:06
KoboldMcGeeWell it looked like it installed some things but I don't see any changes let me restart my system and I'll be right back08:07
KoboldMcGeeI'm back and it still looks like nothing changed08:11
lotuspsychjeKoboldMcGee: what are you trying to do exactly?08:12
bubbasauresKoboldMcGee, We have not heard what any issue was but finding the update-manager, tell us what else is going on.08:12
KoboldMcGeeWell I wated steam but it said I was missing libc.so.6 and I looked it up and it said to update but I couldn't figure it out so I want to update08:13
KoboldMcGeeI am running a practily fresh install on my chromebook because chrome os is bad08:14
KoboldMcGeeI'm not sure if a perfect install is possible but I can't really see why It wouldn't be08:15
bubbasauresKoboldMcGee, You want to be careful comparing a perfect world and the one we are in. ;)08:16
lotuspsychjeKoboldMcGee: wich version did you install on chromebook?08:16
KoboldMcGeeI think let me double check08:16
KoboldMcGeeYea definately08:17
lotuspsychjeKoboldMcGee: and 12.04 installed right out the box on chromebook?08:17
KoboldMcGeeot's a year or two old08:17
KoboldMcGeeBut I wiped it in order to install ubuntu08:18
adrian_1908If a program is updated to a new version while I'm running it (e.g. Firefox), does the old version stay in RAM while its files are replaced, or does the update create a separate directory for the new files and somehow manages the replacement/cleanup at a later time?08:19
kernixhey francesco_08:20
bubbasauresfrancesco_, no wares same as last night08:20
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bubbasauresadrian_1908 ou might ask in #firefox08:25
bubbasauresI have mine running in ram anyway08:26
adrian_1908bubbasaures: I was referring to update via the package manager, so nothing Firefox specific. I've found some forum discussions about it, that i'm ready right now :)08:27
bubbasauresadrian_1908, Ah, good, if I understand, I don't know exactly.08:29
adrian_1908The answer to this question (http://bit.ly/1ASRt3J) offers a nice and short explanation, in case anyone is interested as well.08:34
borw3Hmm, my school blocked me from updating my ubuntu version by blocking some repository, so I was thinking is it possible to still update via tor using apt-get update?08:46
bubbasauresborw3, Talk to their IT we can't do that.08:47
borw3bubbasaures: my schools IT department?08:48
bubbasauresborw3, You're asking us to be part of you breaking rules.08:48
borw3bubbasaures: It's not a rule if the person who et it doesn't know how to it happend, it's an un-intentional bug08:50
bubbasauresstraw man08:50
borw3bubbaaures:I mean that the IT department don't know themselves even how it happend08:51
borw3bubbaaures:And they are the ones in charge, so is it really breaking a rule?08:51
onlaok no. I added a line to be executed on the bootup to the file /etc/rc.local but it didnt execute on bootup, or maybe after executing it got reverted?08:53
onlathe line is setting my custom keyboard settings with xmodmap08:54
borw3onla: try adding that line to the ~/.profile file08:54
onlaadd in the bottom below the fi line I guess08:56
onlaguess that fi closes the previous multi line command, there is no exit 0 on the file08:56
onlaI try boot right away08:57
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onlano. not working08:59
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onlahave tried etc/init etc/init.d etc/rc.local ~/.profile and even one more I forgot09:01
onlaactually 2 more. Tried adding it to the ubunt gui version starup app list09:01
borw3onla: what exactly is your code?09:01
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onlaxmodmap ~/.Xmodmap < this is the command which runs xmodmap layout thing and set keys to my keyboard09:02
onlaso I can dave äö symbols on dvorak keyboard, because such keyboard doesnt exist09:03
rektanyone know how to get hbo go to work?09:03
onlado you want to see whats inside that file09:03
IndustrialHi. Is there a GUI frontend to apt-get that isn't Software Center? I remember there was something before Software Center that allowed you to select 20 packages, then click apply and it would install them.09:05
IndustrialI am really annoyed by Software Center09:05
DJonesIndustrial: synaptic09:06
Industrialwhenever I install something some stupid spinner reloads the whole app all the time. Totally unneeded and user unfriendly imho.09:06
IndustrialI created a ticket for this issue at least 5 years ago09:07
Industrialnoone has ever looked at it09:07
onlaborw3: ye actually this seem to be a common problem so no wonder it doesnt work09:07
IndustrialWhy is the spinner even there at all in the Software Center? Why cant it just update entried from Installing to Installed (just a label update!) in the background? I dunno :)09:08
bubbasauresIndustrial, 5 years and your using a gui?09:08
Industrialbubbasaures: Sometimes I use a GUI for things, yeah.09:08
bubbasauresIndustrial, Me to, just seems like a pointless goal and rhetoric is all. ;)09:09
Industrialwell I'm just saying my webapps are more responsive then this app09:09
neionzdoes anyone know if sudo-apt get install gcc-avr is maintained?09:10
rektis there another name for the hal package i know its been scraped but is there an alternative ?09:11
dai_wrkIndustrial: the app you are looking for is probably synaptic package manager, the package name is 'synaptic'09:12
onlaI am using ubuntu but I dont have the gnome specific /etc/gdm directory, is this normal09:15
mgedminonla, ubuntu uses LightDM instead of GDM by default09:15
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bubbasauresneionz, http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/g/gcc-avr/gcc-avr_4.8-2.1/changelog09:15
onlaoh ok09:15
neionzbubbasaures: thanks! Do you know whether "Non-maintainer upload." means anything?09:17
bubbasauresneionz, Not really, just was curious what it actually was and found this.09:17
mgedminneionz, https://wiki.debian.org/NonMaintainerUpload09:18
sursis SQuirrel sql client available in official repositories?09:18
neionzso much software has to be maintained in the linux world. How does anyone have the energy to keep up for so long?09:22
bubbasauresneionz, I think a lot of it is the free work of developers, it is part of the net as servers and businesses..etc09:23
bubbasauresneionz, Last I heard the LHC runs fedora, amazon is linux, 99% of the fastest super computers are linux.09:26
redDawn Linux does run in a number of high performance environments, like Crays09:27
neionzbubbasaures: so amazon, when they change something in linux, they submit it?09:28
neionzbubbasaures: they don't just keep the changes for themselves?09:28
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bubbasauresneionz, Ah, they use it, I would not know of any support, I meant the wide spread use is all.09:29
bubbasauresneionz, Here is an interesting list, http://www.comparebusinessproducts.com/fyi/50-places-linux-running-you-might-not-expect   Does not explain your question really but just an example of use.09:30
neionzbubbasaures: none of them were surprising09:32
bubbasauresI suppose not, wish there was an answer, no real answer probably just so many variables.09:33
QwertieDoes anyone know where the nvidia x server settings are saved?09:39
DrooHello can I get some help with running a java jar in a cronjob, I actually need it to start the java at a certain time, occasionally check if it is running, if it is, leave it alone, if it isnt, the start it09:40
Droojava -Xmx1G -Xms32M -jar server.jar ---is what i use to start the server in terminal09:41
mgedminDroo: supervisor is a tool that can start processes on boot and restart them if they crash, configurable via a bunch of simple .ini files in /etc09:42
mgedminit can be easier than checking if the right process is running from a cron script09:43
Droomgedmin: thanks for that I will look for it now, I connect via SSH btw I'm not at a physical terminal, does supervisor require gnome/kde or is it all terminal?09:43
mgedminpure terminal09:43
Droorepositories? apt-get? or website and wget?09:43
mgedmin(it has an optional web server where you can see if processes are running, start/stop them or look at their log output)09:43
mgedminsudo apt-get install supervisor09:44
Droooh thats outstanding09:44
Drooon its on or is apache required?09:44
DrooHey thanks alot for your time and help, really appreciate it.09:45
mgedminit has its own (Python-based) web server, disabled by default09:46
mgedminI wouldn't expose it to the internet09:46
mgedminI sometimes put it behind apache, protected by an .htpasswd and SSL, using mod_proxy09:46
mgedminit's somewhat buggy (redirects to the wrong location when you use some of the functions), but eh09:47
Droowell this is purely a game server I have it locked down other than ssh and the game09:47
Droowebsite is hosted elsewhere09:47
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y4h0hi all09:57
u-boty4h0, hi)10:05
AstaraOSAstaraOS> http://AstaraOS.us.to For AstaraOS Kernel Development10:10
AstaraOS<AstaraOS> and /server irc.AstaraOS.us.to 6667 channel #AstaraOS10:10
AstaraOS<AstaraOS> anyone interested10:10
AstaraOSAstaraOS> http://AstaraOS.us.to For AstaraOS Kernel Development10:10
AstaraOS<AstaraOS> and /server irc.AstaraOS.us.to 6667 channel #AstaraOS10:10
AstaraOS<AstaraOS> anyone interested10:10
cfhowlettastra05, that pretty much - spam.  don't spam.10:10
anti-unixlet us play firefoxhello!!!10:11
cfhowlettanti-unix, this channel is for ubuntu support so ... no.10:11
Ghost96hey, anyone have tried installing rtorrent + rutorrent manually and successfully?10:13
Ghost96*anyone here10:13
cfhowlett!patience | Ghost9610:13
Ghost96my vps is using ubuntu 1410:13
ubottuGhost96: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:14
almostworkingi have a VPN/VPS, im picking out which level of service , ill be using, ubuntu 14, is an option, amoung other distros.10:16
almostworkingleaning toward , this provider, anyway.....10:17
maubugciao atutti10:20
nikithasomeone help, im unable to see folder created on external driver with windows 7 in ubuntu 14.04 ?  im able see files  but not other folders ? please guide10:31
sheerhi. i'm having a problem connecting to a wireless network that i used to have no issue with. where's a good place to ask for help?10:33
almostworking##networking sheer , only place i can think of. on freenode .... once ubuntu picks up , thou might find answer here.10:35
almostworkingpeeps, in ##nwetworking really know their stuff, mostly enterprise talk in there10:35
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sheerthanks almostworking10:35
almostworkingnp .  , im up early shoppin, for elec. cig batteries.....10:36
avengerAnyone uses mumble here?10:36
* almostworking never heard of it... 10:36
boodllebatavenger: me when i playe age of empire with friends10:36
almostworkingif its for phones,  i use voxer alot....10:37
sheer"self-assigned IP address"  Something about that10:37
avengerI just installed it, And I want to test it. But when I tries to coonect to server there is just silence10:37
boodllebatavenger: have you configured you mic10:39
boodllebatavenger: there'll be silence if no one else is in the room10:39
avengerAm I supposed to join a channel to hear wht the peope are saying?10:40
boodllebatavenger: yes10:40
boodllebatavenger: you have to join a mumble server and then join a channel in which users are already there to hear them10:41
boodllebatavenger: i suggest you not to hear personal conversations10:41
avengerTo set your own private server, the option is in the doftware?10:43
boodllebatavenger: you have to download murmur10:46
blackyboywhat is checkpoint open server ? Will any one explain me this was only a Firewall or any thing more than that ?10:47
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OerHeksblackyboy, where do you find that 'checkpoint open server'? it is not in our repo's, is it?10:49
blackyboyOerHeks: i got one of video tutorial while searching in google for firewall, seems checkpoint was very popular and heard about this before too.10:50
OerHeksblackyboy, then find the appropriate channel for that, it is not supported here.10:50
blackyboyOerHeks: i know that if you don't know sit quite, There are lot of thinks to learn if you not interested be side10:51
OerHeksblackyboy, this is ubuntu support only, friend.10:52
blackyboyOerHeks: Ok buddy let it be, Thanks for your time.10:52
ram_how to create bootable win8 cd in ubuntu10:53
cfhowlettram_, best to use windows tools for ##windows boot.  ask ##windows10:54
supaplexram_: did you prep the cd for  20 seconds in the microwave?10:54
cfhowlett!behelpful | supaplex,10:54
ubottusupaplex,: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.10:54
supaplexsorry :/10:54
nikitha1someone help, im unable to see folder created on external driver with windows 7 in ubuntu 14.04 ?  im able see files  but not other folders ? please guide10:56
sheer$5 up for grabs if you help me connect to the network that until recently i had no issue connecting to. using a mac. :)10:57
nikithaim unable to see  folder created with windows 7 under ubuntu 14.04 on external driver. at the same time i could able see files but not folders, please guide10:58
OerHeksnikitha, you created folder and files with ubuntu on a windows 7 drive? and in windows you cannot see the folder?11:01
OerHeksthe issue is not clear to me11:01
supaplexi think he means drive, not driver11:01
nikithaOerHeks: other way round, i accessed external driver and created folders and files in windows 7, under ubuntu im unable see folders, externam driver showing the consumed space11:02
OerHeksnikitha, oh oke, in nautilus, hit ctrl + h to see hidden files/folders11:03
rubiksmomoIs there any good alternative to Unison for 2-way syncing local directory with FTP directory? When it tries to add new files to server, it fails to rename the temp files cause they are missing from server.11:04
nikithaOerHeks: tried 'hidden files' option still im unable to see11:05
nikithaOerHeks: i got pen driver also , so i check both pen drive, external driver  formatted type but show as hpfs/ntfs then how cum im unable to see ext drive folder where as in pen drive i could see11:06
OerHeksnikita ahhhh hpfs ... that is not standard supported, see http://askubuntu.com/questions/246899/how-to-automount-hpfs-ntfs-exfat-64gb-microsd-card-on-10-0411:07
OerHeksntfs is, fat32 too, but hpfs is a prop. format11:08
OerHekscarefull with writing to it, you might damage the filesystem11:08
OerHeksnikitha, don't use that ppa, from 12.04 and up :   sudo apt-get install exfat-fuse exfat-utils11:13
borw3Dayumn!!! I think I just f***ed up my Ubuntu. Now when I try to apt-get anything I get this error:11:18
borw3Dayumn!!! I think I just f***ed up my Ubuntu. Now when I try to apt-get anything I get this error:      E: Encountered a section with no Package: header11:18
borw3E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty_main_i18n_Translation-en11:18
ikoniaborw3: tone down the language, there is no need for it, nor is it welcome11:19
borw3ikonia: help me out, whenever I apt-get anything I get this:  Problem with MergeList /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_trusty_main_i18n_Translation-en11:19
ikoniaborw3: someone else in the channel will help you11:20
OerHeksborw3, seems like your lists are corrupted, see http://askubuntu.com/a/3019911:23
shazHi, Can we use the default u-boot in eMMC to boot kernel from SD card by overriding bootcmd in uEnv.txt? I am using BB-black.11:23
borw3OerHeks: solved the problem thanks11:28
OerHeksborw3, great, have fun!11:29
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poolsonhey can anyone help me with kernel modules.  im kind of new to that kind of thing and wondering how to approach getting a kernel module int my system?11:36
poolsonspecifically a spi module for this little embedded thing.11:37
mcphailpoolson: if it is an "out of tree" module there isn't a standard way and you need to refer to the module's documentation.11:38
Fuchspoolson: usually:  1) get the sources for your current kernel (or header files)  2) compile the module and install it  (usually with ./(configure, make, sudo make install, most do come with a readme)  3) load module  (with modprobe)    then you know whether it worked11:38
Fuchsto do things properly, you should create a .deb and add the module to dkms, so it is re-built every time you get a new kernel. Else you have to do that manually after each kernel update11:39
poolsonshiiit !@11:40
boodllebati recently wrote a widget for ubuntu it has some glitches anybody wanna join https://github.com/argunner/StickFace11:40
mcphailpoolson: also check to see if the module is included in the upstream kernel tree. It can save you a lot of problems if it has been included upstream11:40
nikithaOerHeks: hi, installed sudo apt-get install exfat-utils exfat-fuse           as advised still uanble to windows 7 folders under ubuntu ...11:45
poolsonmcphail ill get right on that ! ;)11:47
borw3Can I ask is there any way I can update ubuntu via socks and not http?11:48
wirherHello everybody. I have a problem with installing Qt5 designer on Ubuntu utopic. I have installed "qttools5-dev" package from repository and I still don't have qt5 designer on my PC (or I just can't find it). Do you happen to know what is wrong with that?11:50
poolsonjust googled for thsi11:51
poolsonthat was for borw311:51
nikithaOerHeks:  should i need to go back win 7 and access external drive hpfs/ntfs , copy  all content into hdd and format again ext drive with ntfs and put back content back onto external, is this only solution ?11:52
boodllebati recently wrote a widget for ubuntu /Gnome /GTk /Unity . I have zero followers on Github and zero forks on repo but i'm trying , Project  has some glitches anybody wanna join https://github.com/argunner/StickFace Take a look though thanks11:54
Fuchsboodllebat: would you mind advertising a bit less here? actually "not at all" would be nice.11:54
cfhowlettboodllebat, ubuntu-offtopic for this perhaps11:55
boodllebatFuchs: oh i'm sorry if that was annoying i would not do that again11:55
boodllebatFuchs: i need review of widget can you take a look11:56
Fuchsboodllebat: no.11:56
boodllebatFuchs: hmm that's fine11:56
harish_i changed hosts(/etc/hosts) settings for facebook.com and redirected it to and it worked, now i reverted the changes but still i redirects to localhost not actual facebook site11:56
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harish_please helo11:56
harish_please help11:56
peppertonHey folks, anyone here have experience theming Grub2? I've been working on one,  while it works, it prompts a terminal after an entry selection. Here's an example:  http://i.imgur.com/sJdDjbR.jpg Any idea what is happening here?11:57
Ben64harish_: you might need to restart the browser11:57
harish_ben64 i have already tried that11:57
harish_still its not working11:58
Ben64then you didn't fix /etc/hosts11:58
harish_at first i commented the setting in hosts file, it did not work and then i removed respective line then also it is not working11:59
cfhowlettharish_, I'm not sure restarting the browswer alone will reset the network DNS.  disconnect/reconnect to the network and test12:00
BluesKaj'Morning folks12:00
Ben64cfhowlett: its not dns, its the hosts file12:00
cfhowlettBen64, doh!  (but same theory ...)12:01
harish_still not working :(12:01
Ben64eh, works in a different way12:01
harish_cfhowlett still not working :(12:02
Ben64theres 3 options here. 1. hosts file isn't correct 2. browser needs to be restarted properly 3. there is something else going on, dns or something12:02
BluesKajresolv.conf ?12:02
Ben643 is easy to test using "host facebook.com" and seeing if it returns
harish_hosts file looks like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/9755383/12:03
Ben64why do you have ::808012:03
harish_just playing with apache tomcat12:04
Ben64the hosts file does not work like that12:04
harish_should i remove it12:04
harish_i removed those line but still i cant connect to facebook.com12:04
cfhowlettharish_, from what country?12:05
Ben64then you need to do #2 properly12:05
harish_#2 ??12:05
Ben64<Ben64> theres 3 options here. 1. hosts file isn't correct 2. browser needs to be restarted properly 3. there is something else going on, dns or something12:05
Ben64guaranteed way is to restart the computer12:06
harish_let me check it all over again12:06
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xdhjixdhsdciao ^_^12:19
xdhjixdhsdi am experiencing a problem with the installation of ubuntu 14.04 on an old computer. the video freezes after i press "try ubuntu without installing"12:20
xdhjixdhsdwhat can I do?12:21
BluesKajxdhjixdhsd, how old is the pc?12:22
pksadiqIs it possible to connect two dsl modems via dsl port?12:22
xdhjixdhsdnow it is connected via wifi12:23
OerHekspksadiq, no, besides it is not an ubuntu issue12:23
Digiti heard rumour, amazon might buy canonical.  any chance?  or wild click-bait speculation?12:23
cfhowlettDigit, clickbait12:24
rodrigograca31_why would amazon buy canonical? what would it do with it?12:24
BluesKaj!lubuntu |xdhjixdhsd12:24
ubottuxdhjixdhsd: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.12:24
rodrigograca31_Digit: why would amazon buy canonical? what would it do with it?12:25
xdhjixdhsdBluesKaj I already tried Xubuntu, without success. will i be more lucky with lubuntu?12:25
cfhowlettrodrigograca31_, off-topic discussion12:25
BluesKajxdhjixdhsd, perhaps12:25
Ben64xdhjixdhsd: depending on the cpu, you may not be able to use 14.0412:25
no_gravityHello! I connected a new mouse to my computer but the mouse cursor does not move. What can I do to diagnose the issue further?12:25
cfhowlettno_gravity, check batteries12:26
OerHeksno_gravity, what connector, ps/2 ?12:26
xdhjixdhsdBen64 it comes with a pentium 412:26
no_gravitycfhowlett: it has no batteries. its via usb cable.12:26
no_gravityOerHeks: usb12:26
Digitwas just one of the "predictions" in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZUWVSSjWK4 erm, sometime close to 50 minutes in.  (btw, great free software advocacy video at start worth seeing too)12:27
rodrigograca31_no_gravity: use anothe USB port?12:27
Ben64xdhjixdhsd: pentium 4 covers a very wide range of stuff12:27
OerHeksno_gravity, oke, what mouse?12:27
Ben64Digit: still not appropriate for this channel12:27
no_gravityrodrigograca31_: tried them all12:27
OerHeksDigit, this is technical support only, join #ubuntu-offtopic please12:27
no_gravityOerHeks: i think its called "rapoo"12:27
Ben64no_gravity: plug it in, then pastebin the output of "dmesg | tail -n20"12:28
Digito_O  oh.  ok.  didnt know where would have been apropriate for an ubuntu related question.  thnx.12:28
OerHeksno_gravity, is is plugged in an usb3 port?12:28
BluesKajxdhjixdhsd, huw much RAM?12:28
xdhjixdhsdso, can't i install normal ubuntu or xubuntu on this pc? now it is running ubuntu 11.04 smoothly. i want to upgrade only for the support12:28
Ben64xdhjixdhsd: you can try 12.0412:28
xdhjixdhsd512 mb12:28
cfhowlettxdhjixdhsd, try lubuntu 12.0412:29
no_gravityOerHeks: how do i find out what kind of usb port it is?12:29
xdhjixdhsdthank you all :)12:29
Ben64usb 3 ports have >4 wires in them12:29
OerHeksno_gravity, maybe the manual of your machine can tell12:29
Ben64a pastebin of dmesg would really help though...12:30
no_gravityBen64: http://pastebin.com/4sQkPizu12:30
BluesKajxdhjixdhsd, lubuntu 14.04 should run fine12:30
Ben64no_gravity: there you go, its not working12:30
xdhjixdhsdso, after 2017, i won't able to install most recent releases?12:31
no_gravityBen64: you mean its a broken device?12:31
Ben64xdhjixdhsd: likely, you should upgrade hardware by then12:31
Ben64no_gravity: try it on a different computer, but possibly12:31
no_gravityBen64: ok, one moment12:31
xdhjixdhsdI own a new pc, this one is my aunt's PC. i'm gonna try lubuntu. thanks. bye12:32
BluesKajlet me rephrase , xdhjixdhsd lubuntu 14.04 should run fine with 512RAM and pentium 412:33
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xdhjixdhsdmy problem with ubuntu 14.04 is that the installation process doesn't start, even if the minimum requirement is respected. maybe some drivers are missing. I hope that the installation process with lubuntu 14.04 would start12:35
SleepersTideCan you, in a laptop with two SSDs, run a hypervisor and both Windows and Ubuntu, have a shared partition on the larger SSD which both swap to (in swapfiles); one OS is host and the other swaps over network?12:35
no_gravityBen64: doesnt work on another computer as well. to hell with the device then.12:35
OerHeksxdhjixdhsd, pentium4 does not support PAE, i think that is your issue12:36
OerHeksonly lubuntu 14,04 does12:36
xdhjixdhsdok, got it12:37
natouI have this message when grub starts ubuntu "Network interface NamePolicy= disabled on kernel command line, ignoring" I found a thread about it from an arch linux forum but I'm not sure what this is all about12:37
cfhowlettxdhjixdhsd, It's 2015.  upgrade your computer and hand down your current to Aunty!12:38
mcphailcfhowlett: he may need the P4 to heat his house12:38
cfhowlettmcphail, lol!  good one!12:39
mcphailto be fair, ubuntu runs well on AMD processors of that era12:39
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saju_mlooking for a good laptop to install ubuntu 14.04, Please suggest one model, (8GB, i7)12:41
saju_mI want to run at least 3 virtual machines in my laptop for my work12:42
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection12:42
cfhowlettsaju_m, www.dell.com/developer12:42
natouanyone for my "Network interface NamePolicy= disabled on kernel command line, ignoring" problem?12:42
saju_mi found one model Asus X550LC-XX223D,  but that has touchpad issue,   is it fixable12:43
mcphailsaju_m: it is fairly unlikely anyone will ahve that specific laptop and be activce on here at this point in time. That would be a better question for a forum12:44
saju_msee, I am working on openstack, so looking for a powerfull laptop which runs ubuntu smoothly12:44
natouand Why is unity remplacing my firefox icon with a grey rectangle when it crashes for example?12:45
DJonessaju_m: I bought a Lenovo Y510P about 12 months ago, I've not had any issues with that, everything has worked out if the box with 14.04 onwards12:45
saju_m<mcphail> please send me the forum link12:46
saju_m<DJones>, thanks12:46
cfhowlettsaju_m, http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/desktop/12:47
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IndustrialHow do I get Flash player working in Chromium on Ubuntu?12:51
IndustrialI tried "pepperflashplugin-nonfree"12:51
Industrialbut Chrome (pandora.com) still tells me I don't have the plugin12:51
Industrialnvm that, needed a full restart12:52
OerHeksIndustrial, after installing pepperflash, did you perform step #2 ? sudo update-pepperflashplugin-nonfree --install >>> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/06/install-pepper-flash-chromium-ubuntu-14-0412:53
maiahello folks12:58
OerHekshi maia13:01
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PowerPenguinHi.   I am trying to find a usb wifi device that will work with Ubuntu 14.10 server.    The two I have tried so far did not work.   Once I installed extra drivers one dongle almost worked.    The documentation I have been able to find is very out of date, and not any of the dongles listed are for sale in Europe at this time it seems.13:07
blehblehI am currently testing MAAS (https://maas.ubuntu.com/) and experience a weird issue13:08
blehblehOne of the step involves downloading PXE bootable images and apparently a copy of some Ubuntu packages13:09
blehblehhowever this steps fails with:13:09
blehbleh# sudo maas-import-pxe-files13:09
blehblehValueError: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz failed checksum.13:09
blehblehNow, I would blame a network error, faulty disk or else, ..13:10
instigatorHello. I know how to change the modified date of a file using the touch command, but i am not sure how to change the date that the file was created13:10
blehblehexecept that I can confirm by downloading manualy the file13:10
fmcarreirohello everyone. How to install printserver linksys WPSM54G in ubuntu 14.10? thanks13:11
blehblehMD5 checksums are available from http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/Release13:11
ram_how cani use whats app in ubunti any idea please13:12
OerHeksram_, not, as you need a phonenumber13:13
blehblehcurl --silent http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages.gz  => 6b10830e8fb4e68b5c034b8e9c73d44e (does not match the Release file)13:13
blehblehhowver, if I try with let say Packages.bz2:13:13
blehblehcurl --silent http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2  => 2d70f3b18f96dabe7449903bd067041f (matches the Release file)13:14
ram_ubuntu file system name13:14
blehblehis it me missing something (or goind mad), or can someone confirm the issue ?13:14
bobdobbshey guys. I'm running 12.04 with two monitors from a single nvidia video card. I'm running two x displays, but the background of the rightmost monitor is stark white and seemingly impossible to change13:15
bobdobbsOn the rightmost display, if I try to change the background image or color using a gnome display setting, it sets the leftmost monitor instead13:16
bobdobbsI think I've borked some x thing up13:16
theadminblehbleh: If you are getting hash mismatch issues with APT, do sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* and try again.13:16
OerHeksbobdobbs, use the monitor settings on the monitor itself? colour-temp most likely13:16
bobdobbsOerHeks: I'm pretty sure it's ubuntu/gnome. Cos everything is normal on the monitors when I start up ubuntu, right up until the desktop environment loads13:17
bobdobbsOerHeks: this applies to both gnome and kde13:17
refjWhat is the current status of Ubuntu bug reports in launchpad? Are the developers so overburdened that they have stopped acknowledging bug reports? I ask because no one has looked at bug report I filed 2 months ago. How to escalate a bug report?13:17
mgedminrefj, basically, yes13:18
mgedminrefj, link to the bug?13:18
bobdobbsOerHeks: like, if I log out so that the 'log in' screen shows, both monitors look fine. They both have background images and colours13:19
refjmgedmin: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bug/138975413:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1389754 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "net-install for current 14.04 via iPXE on VMWare stalls for 20 minutes" [Undecided,New]13:19
mgedminbobdobbs, that could maybe be caused by different multi-monitor configurations (lightdm defaults to clone mode, the user session to extended desktop)?13:19
bobdobbsOerHeks: so then I log in. And while whichever desktop env is setting up... during the loading process, the displays to behave normalls13:19
bobdobbsbut as soon as they load, the rightmost monitor presents a blank background13:20
OerHeksbobdobbs, 'normal' until the prop. driver kicks in ?13:20
bobdobbspossibly. I suspectso13:20
bobdobbsmgedmin: yeah, I suspect that a multi-monitor config has something to do with it13:21
ygfanybody out there?13:21
mcphailOerHeks: the "proper" driver should already be loaded at the lightdm screen, though13:21
cfhowlett!ask | ygf, ask13:21
ubottuygf, ask: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:21
bobdobbsmgedmin: so I tried setting up 'twinview' from nvidia-settings... but I cant see the option in the nvidia settings gui!13:21
bobdobbsnvidia-settings does tell me that there are two monitors, each with it's own X display13:22
OerHeksmcphail, that is what i thought so too, i wonder why this occurs13:22
OerHeksbobdobbs, check systemsettings > colour, does the monitors both have a profile?13:23
bobdobbslets see...13:23
bobdobbsI very much suspect they do. checking...13:23
OerHeksbobdobbs, i had to setup them manually after install13:23
bobdobbsuhm, where is systemsettings in the gnome panel menu?13:24
OerHeksbobdobbs, in Unity it is standard on the left panel, dunno about gnome-panel13:25
lotuspsychje!info classicmenu-indicator | bobdobbs13:25
ubottubobdobbs: classicmenu-indicator (source: classicmenu-indicator): indicator showing the main menu from Gnome Classic. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.07-0ubuntu1 (utopic), package size 8 kB, installed size 105 kB13:26
erUswhere can i find wifi connections13:26
bobdobbsOerHeks: I don't think that the panel menu offers access to that setting13:29
aboudreaultany idea why my postifx always use the local relay? my domain is in mydestination and relayhost is empty13:29
bobdobbsis there a way to access that setting from the commandline?13:29
mgedminbobdobbs, run gnome-control-center13:30
mgedminor wait, was it renamed to unity-control-center recently?13:30
* mgedmin uses Ubuntu GNOME13:30
bobdobbsah, got the control center13:30
OerHeks!info gnome-color-manager13:30
ubottugnome-color-manager (source: gnome-color-manager): Color management integration for the GNOME desktop environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.3-1ubuntu2build1 (utopic), package size 1391 kB, installed size 4587 kB13:30
bobdobbshmmm... interesting13:31
bobdobbsI can't see a setting for 'colors'. but I see one for 'displays'13:32
bobdobbsand the gnome control center can only detect a single display13:32
bobdobbswhich is funny, cos nvidia-settings can see both monitors and both displays13:32
bobdobbsI guess that tells me something, but I'm not sure what13:33
mgedminthe nvidia driver doesn't necessarily use the standard linux apis (xrandr) to expose the information about monitors13:33
erteCAn anyone recomend any free cad programms for ubuntu? :)13:34
mgedminI wish I could help you debug this, but have no nvidia hardware13:34
bobdobbsshould I install the proprietary nvidia driver? would that help?13:34
mgedminand therefore no familiarity with all the configurable knobs13:34
bobdobbsactually, it probably wouldn't hurt to try. I'll give it a spin.13:35
mgedminbobdobbs, worth a try!  the standard driver supports xrandr just fine but maybe it fails to support, oh, whatever connector your external monitor is on?13:35
mgedminworst case, you end up with broken X and no gui at all :)13:35
bobdobbsoh damn!13:35
DJoneserte: There may be something on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEngineering that helps13:35
bobdobbspleeeze! not the bad old days all over again!13:35
* mgedmin has no idea13:35
* bobdobbs shudders13:35
ertethx :)13:35
mgedminI just heard that 'noveau' is not very reliable yet13:36
mgedminand the binary driver has its own share of interoperability/debuggability issues13:36
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refjmgedmin, who should I contact if I want someone to have a look at my bug report? Do you know?13:39
bobdobbsso, I've been able to describe the symptoms, but I'm not actually sure what the actual issue is13:39
mgedminrefj, I assume you don't have a support contract with canonical?13:40
refjmgedmin, you assumption is correct. :)13:40
mgedminmy gut feeling is that investigating this yourself might be the quickest route13:41
mgedminof course then you'd have the problem of getting somebody to notice and apply your patch :/13:41
mgedminmaybe try the upstream, i.e. debian?  assuming you can reproduce the issue there, assuming the issue _is_ in debian-installer13:41
refjmgedmin, yes, this is what I've been doing on and off for the last two months. I find it hard to debug the debian-installer, even with DEBUG level 5 enabled.13:41
mgedminjumping into #ubuntu-devel and linking to the bug, and asking who is familiar with the installer architecture might or might not yield results13:42
mgedmin(devs are currently busy with the upstart -> systemd conversion)13:42
refjmgedmin, thanks, i'll do that later on. Thanks for the advice.13:42
mgedminposting your findings on the bug might attract developers, if they see the bug reporter is technical enough and interested enough to investigate and answer any questions they might have if trying to narrow it down13:43
* mgedmin is speculating, not being a ubuntu dev himself13:43
mgedminotoh large amounts of not-necessarily-useful information might make the bug seem less attractive13:43
mgedmindifferential analysis might help narrow down the causes perhaps?  (e.g. does it only fail in vmware, or also on real hardware?)13:44
mgedminis it possible to get a debug shell during the automated installation process?  poke around and see what processes are running at the time?13:45
antimatroidso i installed 14.04 on my macbook pro 8.1 and use gnome classic, and switched the cmd/ctrl keys using xmodmap so that I can use cmd w/n/t etc., However now I can't get cmd tab (which is really ctrl tab) to switch between open windows. I've tried using ccsw to alter the (static) application switcher settings but it doesn't change anything, even when I disable the bindings for the ubuntu unity plugin (which isn't enabled in ccsw anyway). Any suggestions on 13:50
antimatroidi can use ctrl tab (which is really cmd tab) and alt tab to switch between open windows in the same workspace, and ctrl or alt ~ to switch between windows of the same app in the same workspace, i just want those to work with cmd (which is really ctrl) :(13:51
zetheroo1how do you track which repo source a package is being installed from?13:51
mcphailzetheroo1: apt-cache policy _packagename_13:51
refjmgedmin, again thanks for the advice. I'll do some additional testing before contacting ubuntu-dev.13:52
antimatroidalso interestingly, alt ~ doesn't work for switching between windows with chromium, but does for other applications, I imagine that's just an issue with chromium using multiple processes?13:52
XTREME-Hhey guys how to install android sdk on ubuntu???13:52
zetheroo1mcphail: ok thanks13:52
mcphailXTREME-H: I seem to remember the Android website having detailed instructions when I last installed it a couple of years ago. Has that changed?13:54
rubiksmomoAnyone know how to script delay in AutoKey?13:54
mcphailantimatroid: not sure about this one but the symptoms suggest some of the keybindings might be hardcoded... :(13:55
Picirubiksmomo: Their official channe: #ahk, would probably be the best place to ask.13:55
rubiksmomoThanks :)13:56
rubiksmomoWait. That's AutoHotKey which doesn't have Linux version?13:56
antimatroidmcphail: i figured there's something else forcing them, i'm not very knowledgeable with linux/ubuntu but if i had to guess it's hard coded into the gnome classic i'm using somehow13:56
antimatroidi know i got it to the point where i liked it previously, just can't remember how :P13:57
mcphailantimatroid: It wouldn't surprise me. But there have been so many layers of keybindings built up over Linux GUIs over the years it is hard to be sure. It can be a bit of a mess13:57
antimatroidmcphail: interestingly though, I can't find any mention online of compiz not working for application switcher stuff, even with people using gnome classic and 14.0414:01
antimatroidthough they're usually just trying to turn it on at all14:01
Mike__Hi. Somebody knows that, how can I enable the freshest (but outdated) flash player on debian 7 globally in firefox? My problem is that, now i must allow for every site separately to use flash player, and I cannot set the always activate option.14:02
zetheroo1does anyone know what this wine-compholio package is and why it comes with pipelight!? It's giving me trouble all the time with dependencies ... :P14:02
mcphailMike__: this isn't a debian support channel. Are you having the same problem with Ubuntu?14:02
DJonesMike__: You're probably better joining and asking #debian about that14:03
mcphailzetheroo1: it is a nasty hack to activate a nasty hack and breaks all the time. If you've been using pipelight for Netflix, it isn't necessary any more.14:04
zetheroo1mcphail:  sounds nasty :D14:04
mcphailzetheroo1: :)14:04
zetheroo1mcphail: so pipelight can run fine without it then?14:04
Mike__mcphail: I know. A friend of mine has the same problem, but with ubuntu. So that's why I asked here too.14:04
Mike__DJones: Okay.14:05
mcphailzetheroo1: no. But pipleight isn't needed for Netflix any more (which is why most people used pipelight in the first place)14:05
zetheroo1mcphail: I am using pipelight for Chrome ... or so I thought ...14:05
mcphailMike__: ubuntu automatically upgrades flashplayer14:05
Mike__mcphail: https://blocklist.addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/blocked/p79614:06
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Mike__mcphail: As I know no new flash players will be for linux14:07
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mcphailMike__: my flashplayer plugin updated last night. Not on that machine now so can't check14:07
phaidrosis there any comand line backup tool which can directly use smb:// as target? (want to prevent "mount && check if mounted && backup" chain14:08
zetheroo1mcphail: ok, I am totally confused ... I  have Firefox, Chromium and Chrome installed ... and each one is using a different version of Flash ...  is this normal?14:08
bobdobbsmgedmin, OerHeks solved it!14:08
bobdobbs'killall nautilus'14:09
Mike__mcphail: Ok. Thanks for the reply!14:09
OerHeksbobdobbs, nice :-)14:09
zetheroo1oh and I also have Opera installed - Opera and Firefox are using the same version of Flash version 11,2,202,42914:09
zetheroo1Chrome is using version 16,0,0,257 and Chromium is using 13,0,0,20614:10
bobdobbsthe big white screen background was nautilus!14:10
zetheroo1does each browser have it's own way of updating Flash !?14:10
OerHeksbobdobbs, odd .. who thinks of that?14:11
rubiksmomoHow can I automate a keypress every couple seconds?14:11
bynarieon 14.10, every time i close my laptop lid and come back to it later, i have to log back in and when i do my screen is black and it crashes.. and i have to reboot.. any ideas?????14:11
bobdobbsI just read a whooooole bunch of posts on the forums and somebody mentioned nautilus14:12
bobdobbsand I suddently remembered that I'd had this issue before14:12
phaidrosbynarie: check logs from console (Alt-F1)14:13
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bynariephaidros, did u mean to type ctrl+alt+f1?14:15
bynariei will check it next time it happens14:16
phaidrosbynarie: ack :)14:16
bynarieactually ill do it now.. hold on14:16
bynarieand thanks14:16
phaidrosbynarie: even in case you do not find anything, you could just restart the display manager (/etc/init.d/lightdm restart, or gdm/kdm/xdm, whatever you have installed)14:17
bynariephaidros, i just did it and the entrie system locks/crashes... cant even access console with ctl alt f1 f2 f314:18
bynarieim going to check var/crash14:19
bynariephaidros, http://pastebin.com/7FcwBmVm - in /var/crash14:20
phaidrosbynarie: sadly, I am not good in reading those dumps .. :/14:22
bynarieoh ok.. me either14:22
bynarieit does sound like its a problem with resume/suspend in the kernel14:22
bynariethats all i can interpret14:22
bynariethanks anywho for tryin tho phaidros14:23
phaidrosyeah, all I see seems to relate to pm scripts14:23
mcphailbynarie: resume/suspend remains flaky for some people. What kernel are you using? What graphics drivers?14:24
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bynariemcphail, 3.16.0-29 and nvidia binary 331.11314:26
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kalibGuys, I want to install ubuntu on a flash usb disk. Just to have a bootable usb system. My question is, 4GB will be enough for it?14:27
mcphailbynarie: There were some suspend/resume improvements in the changelog for 3.17 or 3.18 iirc. You could try a Mainline kernel but you might run into a few problems with your nvidia drivers14:27
mcphail!Mainline | bynarie14:27
ubottubynarie: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds14:28
bynariemcphail, thanks.. i have already tried 3.17 but then like u said, cant get the nvidia drivers to work14:28
rubiksmomoHow do I setup global hotkey to execute bash script?14:29
mcphailbynarie: usually a simple "apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-3.." will get the drivers working again. it is a pain to have to do it after every kernel change14:29
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bynarieok ill give it a shot14:30
bynariemcphail, as far as upgrading the kernel, should i just download the 3 debs and dpkg -i install them, or is there a more preferred way?14:31
mcphailbynarie: That is the preferred way. I compile my own but I'm a bit of a masochist14:31
bynarieok greaty14:31
bynariethanks for the help14:31
mcphailbynarie: just remeber you'll need to manually upgrade the kernel in the same way whenever vulnerabilities are patched14:32
stevenmhey if I wanted to hire someone online that has c and gtk knowledge to add features to an app - where would be the best place to start?14:32
mcphailstevenm: this is the Ubuntu support channel. You can try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic or somewhere else14:34
mateuszaHi! There is a problem with IPv6 reachability of security.ubuntu.com from HE IPv6 tunnels. Any idea who to contact?14:44
henry__can anyone please tell me how to run java gui with openjdk714:48
jattwhat java gui14:48
jatt(there is #java)14:48
henry__I ran "java -jar application.jar" and it works fine on Windows & Mac14:49
mateuszahenry__: and what's the problem on Ubuntu?14:50
henry__but when I run on Ubuntu with openjdk-7 it only plays sound, no gui14:50
bynariehenry__, have u tried using oracle-java instead of openjdk???14:51
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mermidThanks ikonia14:52
henry__@bynarie, I didn't14:52
bynariehenry__, u got to add the ppa:webupd8team/java14:52
bynariesudo apt install oracle-java8-installer14:53
bynarieor java714:53
henry__is there any workaround this? cause I need openjdk for rubymine14:55
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Guest22556anybody there?15:06
HedgeworkGuest22556: Nobody here but us chickens. :)15:06
Guest22556haha :-D15:07
optikfluffelHey there, I just have a short question. I found the command 'apt-get -q -q .....' in a script and wondered if that's only a little error they made or if this actually does something if you tell apt-get to be quiet two times.15:07
HedgeworkGuest22556: One of the first things you might learn about IRC is that it's considered most polite to just drop into a support channel and ask a specific technical question.  Checking who's awake, asking for people to tell you if they have expertise in an area, etc. doesn't make it easier to support you and is seen by the old-fashioned IRCers as a waste of their time.15:08
jellyoptikfluffel: the manual page suggests -qq has a meaning15:08
cfhowlett!ask | Guest22556, in other words ...15:08
ubottuGuest22556, in other words ...: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:08
Hedgeworkoptikfluffel: check out "man apt-get" for your answer :)15:08
optikfluffeljelly: thanks :) (to Hedgework too)15:10
Guest22556how safe is it to update the kernel for 12.04 to 13.18?15:15
OerHeksGuest22556, bad, as the kernel mainline ppa has no candidate for precise15:16
mcphailGuest22556: you can compile your own and roll back if it doesn't work15:17
hhhhow about 13.12?15:18
jellyhhh: he meant 3.1815:19
Guest22556my problem is with me having a device with nvidia optimus15:20
nodemanin my initramfs /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf have some extra stuff that prohibits mdadm --assemble --scan, how can I clean this mess up?15:20
henry__it still doesn't work15:20
mcphailGuest22556: not sure upgrading the kernel is going to help that15:20
henry__It show the gui and disappear right away15:21
Guest22556it did when i installed trusty15:21
Guest22556but now i'm planning on replacing it with caelinux15:21
Guest22556which is based on precise15:21
DJonesGuest22556: I've got a a laptop with Optimus (Nvidia 750/Intel) I've not had any issues using 14.04 or 14.1015:22
Guest22556that is correct15:22
Guest22556however i need to install caelinux which is based on precise15:23
nodemanI think I may have fixed the error, thanks15:23
henry__anyway, thanks bynarie15:23
Guest22556precise wasn't good in terms of managing dynamic gpu switching15:24
Guest22556due to its outdated kernel15:24
mcphailGuest22556: isn't the switching done in userspace, rather than the kernel?15:24
Franco_Help me please15:25
Ramchandra-Apte!ubbotu ask|Franco_15:26
Franco_Alguien que hable español que me ayude? tengo un problema en mi ubuntu15:26
mcphailGuest22556: I don't think bumblebee or optirun exist in precise15:26
Franco_i have a problem with install Net Framework 4.0 in my ubuntu 12.0415:27
Ramchandra-ApteFranco_: Hablas tu problema.15:27
Franco_me pasa que15:27
Franco_quiero instalar el net framework 4.015:27
Franco_pero cuando extrae y carga el instalador15:27
Franco_acepto las condiciones15:27
cfhowlett!es | Franco_15:27
Franco_doy instalar y me salta un problema que dice15:27
ubottuFranco_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:27
Franco_Disk :C Space required 64u mb availlable 64u mb15:28
Franco_y tengo mucha memoria15:28
Franco_he buscado en google a varios les pasas15:28
Franco_tengo el wine 1.6 la ultima version15:28
Franco_que puedo hacer?15:28
phaidrosFranco_: please use #ubuntu-es or re-ask in english, as this is an english speaking channel15:28
OerHeks!english | Franco_15:28
ubottuFranco_: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList15:28
Ramchandra-ApteAh, yes, I forgot about that :-) Franco_ por favor vas con el #ubuntu-es channel.15:28
Franco_ok :c15:29
Guest22556all i know is when kernel 13.12 was released it had gpu runtime power management in its release features, so i gave trusty a go, no gpu issues whatsoever. i need to know what is the latest kernel that is safe to upgrade to for precise to superceed or match trusty's?15:31
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mcphailGuest22556: honestly, just try any one. You can always roll back as the previous kernel will be available in GRUB15:32
Guest22556well thank you :-D15:32
Guest22556if i run into trouble i'll just ask here15:33
cristian_cHow can I browse in a mailing list archive via ubuntu?15:33
cristian_cAny ideas?15:33
cfhowlettcristian_c, every decent list has logs.  check the info15:33
cristian_ccfhowlett, I've checked the info15:33
cristian_ccfhowlett, I get 404 not found15:34
cfhowlettcristian_c, name of list?15:34
cristian_con sourceforge15:34
cristian_ccfhowlett, libinklevel-testers15:34
cfhowlettcristian_c, looking15:34
cfhowlettcristian_c, seems that option isn't there.  send a query to libinklevel-tester@lists.sourceforge.net15:36
cristian_ccfhowlett, a query?15:36
cristian_ccfhowlett, I don't know if e-mail messages to that list are delivered15:37
cfhowlettcristian_c, then no need to search the logs , eh?  :)15:37
cristian_ccfhowlett, so, I'd like to browse in the archives15:37
cristian_ccfhowlett, no, I've to search in the logs15:37
cristian_cto see if messages are delivered15:38
Picicristian_c: Try asking in #sourceforge perhaps?15:41
rhn_mk0hi! I'm getting an error about wine: Package 'wine1.7-i386' has no installation candidate.15:41
rhn_mk0is it possible that I don't have the 32-bit repo enabled?15:41
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu15:41
rhn_mk0http://wklej.org/id/1596602/ - this only mentions amd6415:42
hydrajumpis it possible to restart/refresh `nm-applet` or `network-manager` without breaking the network connection?15:42
floundersWith the new kernel (3.13.0-44) is anyone having issues with mounting USB drives?15:43
cristian_cPici, ok15:43
genii!info wine15:43
DJonesrhn_mk0: From what I can see, Wine in utopic is only at version 1.6, if its the ppa version, you'll probably need to query the ppa maintainer about it15:43
BluesKajrhn_mk0,  mkae sure you have the universe repos enabled15:43
ubottuwine (source: wine1.6): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (meta-package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.6.2-0ubuntu6 (utopic), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)15:43
geniiYou must have a PPA if it's saying 1.7 and not 1.615:44
GraemeLionflounders: Have you rebooted after the kernel installed?15:44
fwaokdaanyone know how to get fixtures to work with carrierwave? I've tried the following methods here but to no avail... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7534341/rails-3-test-fixtures-with-carrierwave/25315883#2531588315:44
rhn_mk0DJones, others: I tried version 1.6 first with the same result15:44
floundersGraemeLion: Yes I did, which is when I discovered USB wasn't working. I am currently booted into 3.13.0-43 so I could transfer a file.15:45
rhn_mk0when i run apt-cache policy, should there be i386 entry for each repo?15:48
Kento_Hi guys . My wifi connection is working bad. It disconnects often automatically and bluetooth is not working. Can anyone help me please?(Ralink corp. RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe)  lspci output is : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9756380/15:50
jrgKento_: wifi in general is rather flakey in linux... especially the realtek and broadcomm stuff.. have you tried to see if there is maybe a proprietary driver for it?15:52
GunArmany apple-ey humans know if I can use DDRescue to clone a mac OSX hard drive?15:53
cfhowlettGunArm, dd doesn't care about the OS it copies15:53
Ramchandra-Apterealtek was working well on my previous systems15:53
Ramchandra-ApteGunArm: Yes.15:53
GunArmcfhowlett: i've never used dd for cloning OS's though some I'm not sure about the nuances, don't you also have to copy the MBR seperatly somehow?15:54
cfhowlett!clone | GunArm, why not clone?15:54
ubottuGunArm, why not clone?: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate15:54
Ramchandra-Aptethe MBR is contained in the disk15:54
cfhowlettGunArm, wait ... clonezilla15:54
Ramchandra-ApteYes, clonezilla makes sense. DDrescue is only for bad sectors and hard drive problems.15:55
GunArmthats what i've used ddrescue for in the past, backing up raid array elements, but it seemed like it would work well for other things.  but clonezilla looks interesting15:56
OerHeksKento_, probably wireless N is the issue, trottle back to wireless B/G15:56
GunArmis clonezilla in the repos or will I need to boot live media?15:57
GunArm(I'm not at home to TIAS)15:57
GunArmand clonezilla will deal with the MBR and everything?15:57
cfhowlett!info clonezilla | GunArm15:57
ubottuGunArm: clonezilla (source: clonezilla): bare metal backup and recovery of disk drives. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.10.11-1 (utopic), package size 678 kB, installed size 2624 kB15:57
cfhowlettGunArm, as I understand it yes ... read the wiki though15:58
Ramchandra-ApteGunArm: for full-disk cloning I wouldn't suggest copying the mbr and everything directly15:58
Ramchandra-Apte(if you want to boot an os)15:58
rhn_mk0solution: apt-get install multiarch-support16:00
ZigguratIs there anywhere I can read the procedure of posting a free opensoruce application to the ubuntu universe repository?16:06
redDawnZigg https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu16:07
GraemeLionZiggurat: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages16:07
GunArmRamchandra-Apte: can you expand on that?  why not?16:07
GraemeLionGenerally the rule is, get Debian to go on it, and it'll get pulled in on the import freeze16:08
GunArmfor the record what I'm trying to do is upgrade the storage in my gf's macbook, so I just wanted to clone her drive onto a bigger drive and put that in16:09
HedgeworkGnurdux: Because if the two disks are even slightly different sizes and you clone via dd or similar, you can give it a broken partition table which looks like it works until such time as you suddenly lose data.16:09
ApplesInArraysI'm getting 100% of /dev/simfs in use. How would I go about resizing?16:09
GunArmHedgework: so what's the best way to do what I'm trying to do then?16:09
tomodachiHedgework: thats not entierly true16:10
GunArmgenerally?  i can research the specifics16:10
Hedgeworktomodachi: it's not ALWAYS true, but it's sometimes true, and I prefer methods where that is never true.16:10
tomodachiGunArm: if your destination disk is bigger than the source disk dd will work fine16:10
tomodachiHedgework:  read above16:10
tomodachithen afterwards you can resize partitions with your tool of choice to fill in the blank space16:10
BluesKajHedgework, a partitoner like gparted can set/fix the partition within the check option16:10
tomodachiGunArm: i did this on a macbook that had win , linux and osx successfully16:11
HedgeworkBluesKaj, tomodachi: that does work in theory...haven't tried it in years as I'd written it off as "too flakey to trust"...if you've done it more recently I'll defer to your more up-to-date knowledge.16:11
* Hedgework resizes lvs, but tries not to resize partitions.16:11
erichfHello, I have a question: I am trying to install intellij to /opt/ but I have to sudo everything -- and then chown everything to my user -- is there a better way to install things?16:11
BluesKajHedgework, it worked for me just a few months ago16:12
erichfI'm the only user, I guess I could install to my home directory16:12
erichfI'll probably do that16:12
erichfNext Question: should my home directory follow FHS?16:13
KoboldMcGeeHey I cannot find my Update-manager I typed it into the dash and not even my terminal knows what I'm talking about16:13
Hedgeworkerichf: you can install to your homedir if you prefer, though I don't understand why "sudo -s; <install things>; chmod -R 755 </opt/stuff>" is burdensome.16:13
GunArmtomodachi: so I can just put in her old drive (say it mounts to /dev/sdg) and the new drive (/dev/sdh),  I should be able to # ddrescue /dev/sdg /dev/sdh   and it willcopy the main partition and the MBR, and then use GParted to expand the partition to the rest of the drive?16:13
HedgeworkKoboldMcGee: are you trying to do it as a regular user?16:13
KoboldMcGeeNope I'm an admin16:14
erichfHedgework: its not, I just don't know what the standard is16:14
erichfI like your suggesetion though16:14
Sh3r1ffGunArm: affirmative16:14
tomodachiGunArm: mounting is pointless16:14
GunArmsorry I didn't mean mount it16:14
GunArmjust it registerrs as that device for example16:14
tomodachiGunArm: yup as long as the destination is smaller dd will work fine16:15
tomodachiI guarantee it16:15
tomodachijust dd the entire device16:15
GunArmdestination is larger you mean16:15
KoboldMcGeeI'm using a practically fresh install of unity on my chromebook16:15
Sh3r1ffGunArm: just make sure you are dd'ing from full to empty, they call dd the disc destroyer for a reason ;)16:15
tomodachiyes larger16:15
tomodachidst = larger16:15
GunArmSh3r1ff: hehe16:15
ssequeirais this the place for questions about Evolution?16:16
mgedminI'd say it is _a_ place for questions about evolution16:16
ssequeiramgedmin: okay, so I have 2 factor authentication on gmail, and evolution is refusing to sync.16:17
GunArmso the possible errors Hedgework were talking about, would have been to do with the file system pointing to disk sectors that didn't exist on a smaller hard drive?16:17
mgedminssequeira, there's also #evolution on irc.gnome.org (https://wiki.gnome.org/Community/GettingInTouch/IRC)16:17
mgedminif you don't get an answer here, you may want to try there16:17
erichfHedgework: why use sudo -s instead of sudo su? I have never seen sudo -s before.16:17
erichfs, --shell16:17
erichf                 Run the shell specified by the SHELL environment variable if it is set or the shell specified by the invoking user's password database entry.  If a command is specified, it is passed16:17
erichf                 to the shell for execution via the shell's -c option.  If no command is specified, an interactive shell is executed.16:17
* mgedmin doesn't use evolution nor 2 factor auth :/16:17
mgedminerichf, because why use two programs when one is sufficient?16:18
mgedminsudo su always seemed weird to me16:18
Hedgeworkerichf: "sudo -s" is slightly cleaner than "sudo su" (as you are using one privilege-escalating utility instead of two), and thus is my preference only out of sheer OCD-curmudgeonliness.16:18
erichfmgedmin -- the two programs being sudo AND su ? -- I'm guessing if no user is specified to sudo, root is chosen?16:19
ssequeiraI have 2 factor authentication enabled with gmail and evolution keeps rejecting my password for some reason.16:19
erichfspecified to su*16:19
Hedgeworkerichf: correct16:19
erichfdid not know that16:19
erichfthank you16:19
ssequeiraI don't know if that's how it works, or if there's something wrong with it.16:19
mgedminthere's also sudo -i16:19
mgedminone of them just runs a root shell, the other also changes environment bits to simulate a login session16:20
mgedminso $HOME changes etc.16:20
erichfsudo -i seems pretty neat16:20
chrisss123456hey all, anyone know how to use xmodmap? I'd like to use the alt-gr key on my laptop, but the computer doesnt seem to recognize it, and I was told to use xmodmap. Anyone?16:20
erichfsudo -s seems to be keeping everything in my personal users dotfiles, which i prefer16:21
erichfmy root user has no bash customization16:21
chrisss123456no one know how to use xmodmap?16:23
compdocsudo -i is what I use. just make sure you dont change ownership of files in your home directory16:24
Hedgeworkchrisss123456: on ubuntu, there are keymaps that enable alt-gr for you, so consider switching to them.  That said, xmodmap has pretty good docs :)16:24
Kento_Hi guys I have issue isntalling this driver ( sudo dkms install -m rt3290sta -v --force) output : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9756560/    source: http://askubuntu.com/questions/545238/how-to-install-wifi-driver-ralink-rt329016:24
Ramchandra-ApteGunArm: Different systems have different configurations and things. You are installing ubuntu? then you can copy your files and make it install in an existing filesystem16:24
erichfHedgework and mgedmin: so I have intellij in opt -- what is the standard regarding idea/bin/idea.sh? Should I make a link in my user's bin file to this file?16:24
chrisss123456Hedgework: oh thanks :) how do I install a keymap though?16:24
chrisss123456(silly question, i know)16:24
theadminchrisss123456: You don't need to install one, you just need to choose the right keyboard layout under System Settings -> Keyboard16:25
Hedgeworkwhat theadmin said :)16:25
ungovHello, I just installed KXstudio and now I don't get any audio out16:25
ungov    of my system. Any troubleshoot ideas?16:25
cfhowlett!audio | ungov16:26
ubottuungov: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.16:26
chrisss123456Hedgework: theadmin: ah. i have some issues with that actually. i dont seem to have the right option in the settings panel. i can only choose repeat key rates and cursor blinking, or edit shortcuts...16:26
ungovThanks ubottu, will try that16:26
Hedgeworkchrisss123456: sorry, I really don't know any of the gui tools, I'm a CLI sort of lady.16:26
theadminchrisss123456: It's under the "Layout" tab but16:26
theadminThey could of moved it, I dunno16:26
chrisss123456theadmin: I don't have a Layout tab... :/ i have 14.04 though, and it should be there. dont know why it's not16:27
theadminchrisss123456: Oh! It's under "Text Entry" now, not "Keyboard".16:28
theadminHamsters moving things all over the place.16:28
chrisss123456theadmin: ah they seem to have moved it to text entry. ok. i have Compose Level3 Super in the place of the Alt-gr key. I dont know why it doesnt let me use it for shortcuts...16:28
KoboldMcGeeHow do I update from 12.04?16:28
theadminKoboldMcGee: Just run the Update Manager, check for updates and install all of them, then you should get a notification that states a new Ubuntu release is available.16:29
Kento_Hi guys I have issue isntalling this driver ( sudo dkms install -m rt3290sta -v --force) output : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9756560/    source: http://askubuntu.com/questions/545238/how-to-install-wifi-driver-ralink-rt3290 Can anyone help me please16:29
arshiaHi , i've installed vim-gnome by the terminal , in software center i see that is installed. but when i search on ubuntu , i don't see anything. why ?16:29
KoboldMcGeeWhere do I find the update manager?16:30
Sh3r1ffarshia: what happens when you type vim in a terminal?16:30
arshiait will install with no errror16:30
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theadminKoboldMcGee: Eh, just type "Update Manager" in the dash search16:30
Sh3r1ffarshia: typing vim in a terminal doesn't install it, it runs it ;)16:31
KoboldMcGeenothing comes up16:31
Sh3r1ffarshia: what does it say?16:31
chrisss123456theadmin: any idea about why compose level3 super doesnt show up when making a shortcut?16:32
arshiai dont know16:32
arshiai cannot find the massage16:32
Sh3r1ffarshia: which message?16:33
arshiawhat , it says that it cannot download some files16:33
arshiawhat ___> wait16:33
arshiabut why ?16:34
Sh3r1ffarshia: so the install fails?16:34
arshialooks like16:34
KoboldMcGeetheadmin, nothing popped up16:34
Sh3r1ffarshia: does it specify what gives an error?16:34
theadminchrisss123456: Because it's a compose key...16:35
theadminchrisss123456: It's not an actual "key", it's more of a modifier similar to Shift but16:35
theadminchrisss123456: For example, on my keyboard AltGr+A = Á16:35
theadminchrisss123456: It does this kinda stuff16:35
arshiawait a minute , it was not for gnome vim16:35
arshiahow to find the terminal history ?16:36
kolftype "history" ;)16:36
arshiais terminal has a history ?16:36
Sh3r1ffarshia: scroll up, use arrow up to see the commands entered (.bash_history) or use ctrl + R to search for a command entered16:37
exonineCan anybody give me some direction as to how to set default xsession in Ubuntu 14.04?16:38
exonineIn 10.04 there used to be this: http://www.instructables.com/file/F8HY1ERGB4CYISO16:38
Kento_Hi guys I have issue isntalling Wifi driver ( sudo dkms install -m rt3290sta -v --force) output : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9756560/    source: http://askubuntu.com/questions/545238/how-to-install-wifi-driver-ralink-rt3290 Can anyone help me please16:40
arshiasudo aptitude install vim-gnome16:40
arshiathis was the command i entered16:40
Sh3r1ffarshia: and the error it returned?16:40
arshiawait a minute to see the history16:40
KoboldMcGeeCan anyone help me update?16:42
arshiano , i cannot see the history again.16:43
arshiayou told me that what should i do , but i didn't succeed.16:43
Sh3r1ffarshia: run the command again and see what it returns16:43
arshiaReading package lists... Done16:44
arshiaBuilding dependency tree16:44
arshiaReading state information... Done16:44
arshiavim-gnome is already the newest version.16:44
arshia0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 286 not upgraded.16:44
arshiaarshia@ArshiaAghaei:~$ sudo apt-get install vim-gnome16:44
arshiaReading package lists... Done16:44
arshiaBuilding dependency tree16:44
arshiaReading state information... Done16:44
arshiavim-gnome is already the newest version.16:44
arshia0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 286 not upgraded.16:44
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Sh3r1ffarshia: vim-gnome is installed16:44
Sh3r1ffarshia: type vim in a terminal and press enter, what happens?16:45
RamchandraAptearshia: use a paste don't spam the chat :-)16:45
arshiasomeone told me if i want to use the graphical vim , i should install vim-gnome16:46
arshiagraphical = GUI based16:46
Sh3r1ffarshia: sudo aptitude install vim-gnome installed it ;)16:47
arshiai know , but isn't it GUI based ??16:48
theadminarshia: If you installed "vim-gnome", you should run "vim-gnome".16:48
theadmin"vim" is command line.16:48
arshiafrom terminal ??16:48
theadminI usually use vim-gtk which is the official GUI version though16:48
theadminarshia: Well, I dunno if that adds a GUI shortcut. vim-gtk does16:48
theadmin!info vim-gtk16:49
ubottuvim-gtk (source: vim): Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor - with GTK2 GUI. In component universe, is extra. Version 2:7.4.273-2ubuntu4 (utopic), package size 1096 kB, installed size 2746 kB16:49
RoBo_Vhey guys  i need to know about & operaor use in terminal wha we cann it in ubuntu ?16:49
RoBo_Vand servies16:49
RoBo_Vi read about it but forgot16:49
arshiagot it.16:49
RamchandraApte& runs processes in paralell16:49
theadminRoBo_V: Generally, command1 & command2 runs command1 and command2 at the same time16:49
theadminSome use it for special street magic, for example command &disown will keep the command running after you close the terminal.16:50
RoBo_Vahem and && this mean sequential ?16:50
RamchandraApteRoBo_V: Yup.16:50
RamchandraApteIf the previous command succeeds.16:50
theadminRoBo_V: && is a bit weird. It runs the second command only if the first one gives no error.16:50
arshiasame result16:50
arshiano change16:50
arshiai installed vim-gtk16:50
theadminRoBo_V: If you want to run commands sequentially regardless of success, use ;16:50
RamchandraAptea | b runs b when a fails. a;b runs a and then b irrespective of a's status code16:51
Lee-Not sure this is appropriate channel. I'm trying to set a udev rule to set the autosuspend_delay_ms of my mouse whenever I connect it. I've tried different variations of this rule, but without success. I think I have a syntax error, but I'm not familiar enough with udev to notice it. Any assistance appreciated. Thanks: ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1532", ATTR{power/autosuspend_delay_ms}="600000"16:51
RoBo_Vtheadmin: ok noted16:51
theadminRamchandraApte: You mean ||16:51
theadminRamchandraApte: | sends output of a to b.16:51
Lee-I've seen examples that use ATTR and ATTRS, so I'm no tsure which is correct. Also this is a usb3 port, so I've tried both usb and usb316:51
RamchandraAptetheadmin: I stand corrected16:51
RoBo_Vand there is one more operator i forgot that when we put at end of command line it runs operation but in background...16:51
RoBo_Vwhat we call it ?16:52
arshiaSh3r1ff & theadmin :16:52
RamchandraAptea & will run a in the background16:52
arshiaI installed the vim-gtk , but the same result16:52
RoBo_VI see so & performing dual operations...16:53
arshiawhat is the problem ? i want to save the cpp & h files to a folder. can i do it with vim in terminal ???16:54
RoBo_Vthanks guys16:55
fwaokdaWhen I do testing. I've tested my model for it's validations for "city" and "state".  I then have a method called "location" that simply returns the string "#{city}, #{state}".  What would i write a test for on that method?16:55
RamchandraAptefwaokda: Wrong channel? This channel is for ubuntu not for programming :D16:56
fwaokdaRamchandraApte, yup thanks!16:56
RoBo_Vand guys when using & this operator ti run in backgroud. what coomand to check total services running in background ?16:57
RamchandraApteRoBo_V: jobs afaik16:58
pksadiqRoBo_V: jobs16:58
RamchandraApte(and bg and fg to move jobs to foreground or background)16:58
RoBo_Vand stopping jobs ?16:58
cpt_yossarian(and you can use kill %n where n is the job to kill them)16:58
RoBo_Vahh yes remember now... thanks RamchandraApte pksadiq cpt_yossarian16:59
pksadiqarshia: first cd to directory where you need the file to be saved. then vim filename.cpp  and write the code. Then save...17:00
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leitaohow does Ubuntu handles the leap second problem? Is it a problem for ubuntu, after all?17:02
jpdsleitao: https://lwn.net/Articles/629010/17:03
JediMasteris it possible to specify a destination IP (one on the local machine) within a rule in UFW?17:04
hydrajumphow would I compile and install this example indicator on 14.04 http://askubuntu.com/a/23420417:04
jpdsJediMaster: Yep.17:05
JediMasterI want to block port 80 by defualt on one IP of the server, but allow certain IPs access, but other IPs on the local machine should carry on serving port 8017:05
JediMasterjpds, how? =) "to any" is only for the protocol tcp/udp17:05
jpdsJediMaster: sudo ufw allow in proto tcp from network/mask to $IP port 8017:06
JediMasterjpds, thanks very much, couldn't see it on the ubuntu wiki page17:06
jpdsJediMaster: Read the man page, it has examples. :)17:06
JediMasterjpds, duh, I see =)17:07
JediMasterufw allow proto udp from port 5469 to port 546917:07
JediMasterfor instance17:07
Abner__What is the gdm ubuntu use for default?  lightgdm?17:15
RamchandraAptelightdm afaik17:15
Abner__thanks, anyone know how do I set lightgdm to request the user? I wanna write the username on login screen instead of to choose one17:18
lotuspsychjeAbner__: you need to edit lightdm for that17:18
Abner__do you knows what is the file?17:20
lotuspsychjeAbner__: /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf17:20
jhutchinsAbner__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LightDM17:20
lotuspsychjeAbner__: [SeatDefaults]17:20
lotuspsychjeallow-guest = false17:20
DrManhattanI have upgrade my samba to version 4.1.6 but Im still getting the talloc memory leak error. Is there any way I can keep samba password sync to user accounts and get rid of this memory error?17:24
tytanDo you know if the nvidia driver installed with the xorg-edgers  ppa will be updated by apt in ubuntu?17:26
everaldSomehow our ubuntu ended up with 14 header packages installed. How comes? Is it safe to remove all of them except for the current one?17:27
theadmineverald: You mean the kernel stuff?17:28
theadmineverald: Yeah. Ubuntu has a somewhat odd kernel update mechanism, it keeps the old ones around. "sudo apt-get autoremove" should help.17:28
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daftykinstytan: that's how PPAs work.17:29
everaldtheadmin, ok thanks.17:30
tytanSounds perfect ^_^17:30
tytanThen why doesn't nVidia provide a PPA?17:31
daftykinstytan: the only reason to use edgers is if your card needs v340+ though. otherwise stick with 331 from ubuntu's repos17:31
daftykinstytan: ask them.17:31
theadmintytan: Because they don't want to pay Canonical for Launchpad hosting?17:31
theadminTheir software is closed-source, Launchpad is free only for open projects.17:32
tytanWell, I assume my nVidia GT 720 is too new for the "old" drivers :/17:32
daftykinsi sincerely doubt they would use launchpad.17:32
daftykinstytan: that'd be a poor assumption17:32
tytanDidn't work with additional drivers17:32
tytanSame with GTX 750 Ti17:33
daftykinsevery version?17:33
DrManhattanI have upgrade my samba to version 4.1.6 but Im still getting the talloc memory leak error. Is there any way I can keep samba password sync to user accounts and get rid of this memory error?17:33
daftykinsGTX 750Ti is a totally different ballgame, that one requires 340+17:33
tytanIt didn't even suggest drivers17:33
daftykinsah ok maybe it does need newer then :>17:34
tytanMaybe I did something wrong or different ^^; Who knows ... But I wasn't able to install any distro besides the ubuntu 14.04.X based ones :(17:35
daftykinswell that's the best choice anyway, LTS is always preferable17:35
daftykinsbut no you probably just had to boot with nomodeset if your card is maxwell based17:35
daftykinsi'm not familiar with the GT 72017:35
tytanI'm curious about elementary OS Freya release17:35
cfhowletttytan, not supported or on-topic in this channel17:36
tytanJust like nVidia17:36
ubottuElementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.17:36
tytanIn fact eOS is closer to the topic than nVidia :D17:36
daftykinstytan: if you're running something other than ubuntu then you shouldn't be here.17:37
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daftykinsnvidia is a fine topic.17:37
daftykinsit constitutes OS support17:37
tytanCalm down. Right now I'm using Ubuntu 14.04.1 amd6417:37
daftykinswe're calm, we're just stating rules and policy.17:37
OerHekstytan, Nvidia 331.67 and up should work, but it is not in the repos, nvidia 343 is in https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa17:38
daftykinsheh, kinda already went over that ;)17:38
tytanOerHeks: Thank you. I already installed nvidia-346 over the xorg-edgers PPA ^^17:39
KeepXtremehi there, can support me with AD join with winbind17:39
tytanKeepXtreme: I don't even know what you're talking about yet :P17:40
daftykinstytan: don't offer support if you don't have a clue ;)17:40
tytanI offered support? :O17:41
daftykinsyou know what i mean :) this isn't a chat channel.17:42
KeepXtremeOs: kubuntu14.10 - Kerberos is configured corretly and working, winbind is installed and configured like on my other debian wheezy/jessie machines. However, when I try "net ads join Domain -U Admin" I get an error: "Failed to join domain: failed to set machine spn: Out of memory17:42
KeepXtremeADS join did not work, falling back to RPC...". Thus a machine account was created in AD. Also wbinfo -u/-g won't give any results17:42
tytanOk guys, since I don't have an Ubuntu specific problem at the moment I'm leaving to find a "chat channel". Thank you and have a nice day ^^17:43
daftykins#ubuntu-offtopic is that17:43
weeirc8089what's the difference in disk space between installed 32 bit and 64 bit OS?17:45
weeirc8089freshly installed *17:45
weeirc8089anyone know?17:45
cfhowlettweeirc8089, very insignificant I would suspect17:45
Lee-I'm trying to write a udev rule to set the autosuspend_delay_ms of my mouse whenever I connect it (to a usb3 port). My udev rule doesn't work and I've tried many variations of it without success. Can someone provide some assistance? Thanks! Here's an example of my rule: ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1532", ATTR{power/autosuspend_delay_ms}="600000"17:47
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nomicweeirc8089 there is the same disk space  --- 32 bit / 64 bit is the way the processor operates, not the disk17:49
weeirc8089nomic: nope, the compiled apps are different in size for x86 vs x64 architecture... they are17:50
weeirc8089nomic: nope, the compiled apps are different in size for x86 vs x64 architecture... they are, honest17:50
nomicyes but the amount of space on the disk17:50
nomicis the same17:50
weeirc8089nomic: nope, 64 bit instructions in binary code are somewhat longer in bytes per instruction17:51
jamie_can someone help me with diagnosing a problem with thunderbird17:51
jamie_I know it is a mozillas software.... funnily enough considering i work for them.... but there is no one really in tb qa over there17:53
hydrajumpis it possible to restart any of the default indicators without restarting lightdm?17:54
hydrajumpfor instance the ug-accessibility is it possible to refresh/reload that indicator?17:54
squintyjamie:  irc.mozilla.org   #thunderbird  (offical channel)17:55
jamie_wow... I guess the one listed for us is wrong then17:56
MACscranyone running their own private or even public deb repo? can it be done so that its not arch or version specific? i think so, but havent figured it out17:56
nokiomanzHi all, I have a a small ubuntu server with a few service such as apache installed. as time goes by the server as less and less memory avaiable until none is free.  Anything I can use to see is there is a memory leak somewhere ?!17:57
quackgyverI just bought an Intel NUC computer and installed Ubuntu on it, but after rebooting it says it can't find any OS17:58
quackgyverI've tried both enabling and disabling UEFI17:58
daftykinsnokiomanz: default apache config spawns too many workers, try tweaking it17:58
OerHeksMACscr, if you publisch on launchpad, you will serve 32/64 bit automaticly17:58
quackgyverAnyone know what could be wrong?17:58
daftykinsnokiomanz: however also bear in mind www.linuxatemyram.com if you're newish to Linux admin17:59
compdocquackgyver, need to set storage to legacy in the bios17:59
quackgyvercompdoc: It's already set to legacy17:59
Lee-quackgyver, did you try disabling secure boot?17:59
MACscrOrnacia: i honestly just need it for internal use. Want to use it for check_mk agent packages17:59
nokiomanzdaftykins: Thanks for the second link. That I am aware of. When i say a small server i mean small as in to test stuff up. I have 32gig ram in it :p17:59
compdocquackgyver, what did you boot from to install?18:00
quackgyvercompdoc: UEFI + Legacy18:00
quackgyverLee-: I don't know what that is :o18:00
daftykinsnokiomanz: what does top show as the top processes consuming RAM?18:00
compdocquackgyver, I mean did you boot from a usb stick, or what?18:01
quackgyvercompdoc: Yeah, I installed from USB.18:01
compdocquackgyver, at the end, grub might have been installed on your usb stick. theres a point when it asks to install grub, and you need to stop and be sure to install to the OS drive18:02
nokiomanzdaftykins: when i run a top and sort by memory usage. I have about 10-15 httpd each using 0.2-0.3% memory. memcached is using 3% and then we have all the 0.0%18:03
daftykinsnokiomanz: is this really ubuntu server? because it's not called httpd under ubuntu18:03
daftykinsnokiomanz: can you pastebin a 'free -m' ?18:03
quackgyvercompdoc: You mean using the boot disk creator thingy?18:04
daftykinsquackgyver: no the ubuntu install18:04
compdocduring the install, it asks if you want to install grub. its near the end18:04
daftykinsnah it's on the partitioner stage18:06
quackgyverand i should cancel that?18:06
quackgyverwhy is that, out of curiosity?18:06
compdocnot during the partitioner stage18:07
daftykinsit is on manual18:07
nokiomanzdaftykins: I normaly manage centos system so im used to say httpd :p         http://pastebin.com/Vt9e0E4a18:09
quackgyverI'm not sure what to do18:10
quackgyvershould I install it from USB again?18:10
quackgyverwith UEFI turned off and Legacy turned on?18:10
daftykinsyes, selecting manual partitioning. then compare the drive letters with what disks "sudo parted -l" reports18:11
daftykinsi don't see any reason for the EFI vs legacy choice, maybe look up your exact model NUC and look for quirks18:12
daftykinsmake sure you have an up to date 'BIOS' too.18:12
quackgyverdaftykins: well i can check UEFI and check Legacy18:12
quackgyveroriginally both were checked18:12
quackgyverunder boot order18:12
daftykinsyeah so your flash drive will boot in a mode relevant to one of those18:12
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI18:12
daftykinsyou can see the difference there18:12
quackgyverugh this is too confusing18:12
daftykinsgo buy Windows then :)18:13
quackgyverAlready have it. Figured I'd give Ubuntu a shot.18:13
quackgyverDidn't expect this though.18:13
Lee-idk about those intel NUC machines, but I use Ubuntu on my laptop with UEFI and secure boot just fine18:13
quackgyverShould I enable or disable the "Internal UEFI Shell"?18:14
quackgyverWeird, now it can't find the USB stick18:15
daftykinsthat option bears no relevance18:15
daftykinsso power off and back on :)18:15
daftykinsuse your head!18:15
quackgyverI've already rebooted many times18:16
everaldI'm looking for a CD ripper that can also play CDs. RipperX seems to have some play buttons for every song but it doesn't play. How comes, alternatives?18:16
daftykinswhat of power off and on = reboot?18:16
daftykinsi'm saying they're not the same thing :)18:17
daftykinsthis NUC got USB 2 and 3 or just 3?18:17
quackgyverOh. Well yeah, I've tried soft reboots as well as shutting it off and on again.18:17
Lee-Ubuntu is defaulting the autosuspend_delay_ms on my USB mouse to 2 seconds, which basically means my mouse goes to sleep after 2 seconds of inactivity. I'm trying to write a udev rule to change this when I connect my mouse, but I'm not having luck. It's as though the rule isn't triggering or my action isn't correct. Can someone point out what I should change? ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="1532", ATTR{power/autosuspend_delay_ms}="600000"18:18
quackgyverUSB 3.018:18
quackgyverIt's got one "USB 2.0 (internal header)" whatever that is18:18
daftykinsquackgyver: only? can you respond in full sentences so i don't have to keep digging to get an answer? :)18:19
quackgyverYes, USB 3.0 except for one instance of "USB 2.0 (internal header)"18:19
daftykinsand is there a newer BIOS available?18:20
quackgyverI don't know.18:20
quackgyverWhen I choose "Update BIOS" I only get to choose "Partition 1" which then takes me to a sub-menu with "EFI" which then takes me to a sub-menu with "<ubuntu>"18:21
quackgyverand <ubuntu> in turn contains nothing18:21
quackgyveri guess there are some bios updates18:22
quackgyvermaybe ill try updating it18:22
quackgyveri have version "0021"18:23
quackgyverand according to this https://downloadcenter.intel.com/SearchResult.aspx?lang=&ProductID=3744&ProdId=374418:23
quackgyvertheres a version 003318:23
BlackVenomEvening folks18:24
=== Guest28985 is now known as jimmy51v_
kazaziHi, i was trying to install from ubuntu repository ( with "sudo apt-get install nova-api ..."  command), in the middle of installation, the hole os restarted by accident.. now i cannot resume installation and it gives me these kind of errors : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9757222/ (Ubuntu 14.04)18:27
BlackVenomI currently have Ubuntu Server installed, is it easy to change the install to the Desktop edition or will this cause me issues18:27
daftykinsBlackVenom: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^18:27
goldstaram using setterm -back to set the background color for my terminal. When I resize the window the color is not updated and as a consequence half the page is the prior color. Are their any workarounds for this issue ?18:27
BlackVenomHey daftykins. I found that too when i did a google search18:28
BlackVenomjust wanted to make sure that I wouldn't fook up my install18:28
BlackVenomor find out it would only do a half ass job lol18:28
quackgyverHm. Updating to a later version of the BIOS messed up the graphics18:29
daftykinsBlackVenom: how come you started with server?18:29
daftykinsquackgyver: what graphics? ubuntu live session?18:29
BlackVenomBecause I wanted to tinker with the CLi and force myself to do the whole install and config etc via the CLI18:30
quackgyverdaftykins: Just the terminal + bios18:30
quackgyverthe bios screen became tiny and the commandline got scaled up and blurry18:30
quackgyveroh wow18:30
quackgyverit finally decided to boot into ubuntu18:30
quackgyverthen again it seems to be loading from my usb stick18:30
quackgyverso who knows18:30
daftykinsquackgyver: load EFI defaults and power cycle18:31
quackgyverwhat does loading power cycle mean18:31
quackgyverin practice18:31
daftykins'loading power cycle' ?18:31
BlackVenomOne last thing daftykins, is it safe to run the command via ssh or should I hook my box upto a monitor18:32
bubbasauresBlackVenom, Be aware this is a world wide channel how you speak and the words you use have to be clean, this is not twitter18:32
quackgyverit seems to have taken me to the usb installer18:32
quackgyverdaftykins: you said to load efi defaults and power cycle18:32
quackgyveridk what that means18:32
daftykinsBlackVenom: you're not gonna get a GUI without a desktop18:32
quackgyverill try installing ubuntu again18:32
quackgyvernow that it can finally sense the usb again18:32
daftykinsquackgyver: *sigh* - enter BIOS (the EFI setup) load the defaults, save and exit. then turn off, pull mains, plug back in and turn on18:32
BlackVenomsorry bubbasaures I meant it as tongue in cheek comment18:33
daftykinsBlackVenom: you're not gonna get a GUI without a *display18:33
BlackVenomLOL I know this daftykins :-D I meant am I ok running the install desktop command from the SSH18:34
daftykinswell it might invoke a lightdm start to start X, in which case having no display, you're gonna have a bad time18:34
daftykinsi don't think so, but you're going to need one connected afterwards anyway18:34
BlackVenomAH right OK18:34
BlackVenomI wanted to be lazy and hunt out the cable tomorrow haha18:35
BlackVenomlooks like I'll have to do it now18:35
az_i have ecryptfs, how can i backup my private key to decrypt it?18:35
quackgyverdaftykins: Loading defaults made it boot into Ubuntu18:36
quackgyverholy shit this is confusing18:36
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:36
quackgyverbut thanks for helping me18:36
daftykinsquackgyver: the actual install this time?18:36
quackgyverno like18:36
quackgyverthe real ubuntu18:36
quackgyverthat i originally installed18:36
daftykinsyes, the install.18:36
quackgyverthe first time around18:36
quackgyverthe actual install18:36
quackgyverThanks a lot for the help.18:37
amigo99On the [heap]  section of /proc/id/smaps, size is 200MB but the rest is 0 kb. anyone know what this means? Usually the size is close the sum of "Private" and "Shared" http://pastie.org/pastes/9833858/text18:37
quackgyverWould've had to come to work having to do this tomorrow if you hadn't helped me out. :318:37
daftykinsquackgyver: these EFI based systems are often buggy as hell, keeping them up to date makes OS installs a lot more predictable.18:37
quackgyverdaftykins: Yeah, apparently so18:38
TeddyMurrayhow would i make a backup iso of my server to copy to a virtual machine on my local?18:38
TeddyMurrayi dont have physical access to the ubuntu server18:38
az_i have ecryptfs, how can i backup my private key to decrypt it?18:40
arshiahow to format a USB in ubuntu ?18:40
daftykinsarshia: run gparted or disks18:40
daftykinsTeddyMurray: consult your virtualisation technology of choices' documentation. ISO is not appropriate18:40
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory18:40
arshiai didn't got it ?18:40
bubbasauresTeddyMurray, ISO not likely, used to be a 3rd party remastersys, if you can boot an iso with it's grub you could image it.18:40
TeddyMurraythanks daftykins18:40
daftykinsarshia: what?18:40
navetzdoes anyone know how I could get a list of lets say the last 100 modified files, recursively from my home directory?18:41
arshiai didn't got what you said.18:41
TeddyMurraycool thanks bubbasaures18:41
daftykinsarshia: run the programs gparted, or disks.18:41
bubbasauresTeddyMurray, Must be more ways, just my limitations is all.18:41
arshiahmmm ... thank you18:42
arshiathe format option is disablef18:42
daftykinsmaybe you need to make a partition first18:42
bubbasauresor a table18:43
arshiapartition of USB ????18:43
bubbasauresarshia, You're in  what OS and what tool as of doing this?18:43
bubbasauresnow doing this*18:43
arshiai want to format a usb18:44
daftykinsyes, flash drives have partitions too.18:44
ActionParsniparshia: yes USB sticks have partitions, this is normal18:44
ActionParsniparshia: delete the partition table on the USB and then create new. Be SURE you are messing with the right device18:45
bubbasauresright device is probably the issue18:45
arshia i'm in Disks app , but there is no option for delete the partition18:46
ActionParsniparshia: have you told gparted to manipulat the USB device?18:47
ActionParsniparshia: under the 'Gparted' menu...?18:47
kryptonradonhow do I run a program when I log into an X session?18:47
ActionParsniparshia: http://kanotix.com/files/fix/manual/images/gparted-1-main-1a-en.png18:48
bubbasauresActionParsnip, He is using the disks app is all18:48
ActionParsnipbubbasaures: same thing18:48
ActionParsnipkryptonradon: use the startup item ni dash18:48
daftykinsno, they're not even vaguely comparable18:48
bubbasauresI know but we obviously have to be aware here.18:48
kryptonradonthanks ActionParsnip , is that in the config editor?18:49
ActionParsnipkryptonradon: just searfch the dash for "startup"18:49
arshiawhat is that ?18:49
arshiathis is not ubuntu. is it ?18:49
daftykinsarshia: the clue is in the URL - 'gparted...png' that is a screenshot of the other program i recommended.18:49
daftykinsit's a bit easier than 'disks' maybe18:50
arshiadaftykins: What is that OS ???! This is not ubuntu18:50
bubbasauresarshia, OS=operating system is this ubuntu you're using?18:51
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arshiayes. ubuntu 14.04 i belive.18:51
bubbasauresarshia, We thought your were, just confirming so I knew the tools you had.18:52
bubbasauresyou have great help carry on.18:52
ActionParsniparshia: run:  sudo apt-get install gparted    then use gparted from Dash18:52
daftykinsarshia: it's a picture of the same program running either via a different desktop or on another Linux distribution. it's wearing different clothes but it's the same thing.18:52
arshiaOK, I'll try it18:53
arshiaActionParsnip: What next ??18:56
ActionParsniparshia: is gparted installed?18:56
ActionParsniparshia: ok, launch it from the Dash18:57
arshiaI did18:57
ActionParsniparshia: ok and then use the menu like in the screenshot I gave to point gparted to the USB disk18:57
arshiaOk ... just a minute18:57
squintyarshia:  fwiw, hover your mouse over the "-" which is located besides the small cog icon for "partition delete" in Disks   :)18:58
daftykinsugh don't confuse the user now.18:59
arshiasquinty: Unable ...18:59
squintydaftykins:  then maybe you should familiarize yourself with Disks first then.18:59
ActionParsniparshia: are you now manipulating the USB device?19:00
az_i have ecryptfs, how can i backup my private key to decrypt it?19:00
daftykinssquinty: i can only take that as rude given i suggested disks and gparted.19:00
arshiaActionParsnip: I want to format it19:00
ActionParsniparshia: ok, click Partition -> new partition table19:00
squintyarshia:  probably mounted.  just use gparted.  my comment was a pointer to future reference no meant as an alternative to the current advice you are receiving19:00
daftykinsand just served to confuse.19:01
squintydaftykins:  take it anyway you want.  please stop now19:01
ActionParsniparshia: oh sorry, Device -> create new partition table19:01
ActionParsniparshia: I'm doing this off sc reenshots online and memory19:01
arshiaActionParsnip: then ???19:02
daftykinssquinty: i'm familiar with disks :) i just can't explain it without looking at it. come now, we're just looking after the best interests of a user asking for assistance, i'm not looking to receive attitude19:02
squintydaftykins:  you are on ignore.  quite sick of your attitude quite honestly19:02
ActionParsniparshia: this will remove the partition table and leave unpartitioned space. You can then right click i the free space and make a partition as you need. I suggest a linux file system like Ext4. It won't nbe very usable in Windows though19:02
arshiaActionParsnip: this is an error :19:02
arshiaA new partition table cannot be created when there are active partitions.  Active partitions are those that are in use, such as a mounted file system, or enabled swap space.19:02
arshiaUse Partition menu options, such as unmount or swapoff, to deactivate all partitions on this device before creating a new partition table.19:02
ActionParsniparshia: if you want to use it in Windows, use Windows and format it to NTFS19:03
ActionParsnipI gotta jet19:03
arshiaNo , i want to use it on both windows & Ubuntu19:03
daftykinsarshia: exFAT or NTFS are still the better choices19:05
arshiaActionParsnip: I want to use the usb in both19:05
arshiayou mean that i change the type from FAT32 to NTFS ?19:06
daftykinsnot FAT32 no, exFAT19:06
arshiathe type of usb is FAT32 . you mean i should change it to19:07
arshiaNTFS or exFAT ??19:07
daftykinsFAT32 is fine if you will never have a file bigger than 4GB19:07
arshiadaftykins: You mean i should change it ?19:08
=== biledemon is now known as mgkfgyk
daftykinsdo whatever you want19:08
daftykinsjust pick one19:08
arshiadaftykins: What should i do now ???19:09
daftykinsi just told you19:09
daftykinswhat's the problem exactly?19:09
bubbasaurespicture is a 1000 words19:10
arshiadaftykins: I said i want to FORMAT a USB device in ubuntu 1419:10
daftykinsarshia: yes i know that, i'm not asking you to start from the beginning - i'm asking what the immediate issue is19:10
daftykinsoy vey19:11
arshiadaftykins: I cannot create a partition table for the USB.19:12
arshiadaftykins: The following lines are error massage :19:13
arshiaA new partition table cannot be created when there are active partitions.  Active partitions are those that are in use, such as a mounted file system, or enabled swap space.19:13
arshiaUse Partition menu options, such as unmount or swapoff, to deactivate all partitions on this device before creating a new partition table.19:13
EriC^^*cookie cereal*19:14
daftykinsarshia: yeah it means the drive is likely mounted. open the file manager program nautilus and click the eject button beside the flash drive19:14
daftykinsEriC^^: that sounds amazing19:14
* squinty passes EriC^^ some milk 19:15
EriC^^thank you squinty19:15
daftykinsbubbasaures: may i PM?19:15
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arshiadaftykins:  I've unmounted the USB. what now ??19:15
AyelisI just got an idea for the lousiest JPG compression scheme ever...19:15
daftykinsarshia: try again in gparted19:16
bubbasaures!topic | Ayelis19:16
ubottuAyelis: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic19:16
arshiadaftykins: Solved , thanks.19:16
daftykinsno problem19:16
AyelisBuilding off of bubbasaures' original topic of a picture "being 1000 words"...19:17
Ayelis(not being WORTH 1000 words, but actually being 1000 words...)19:17
arshiadaftykins: What is the best download manager for ubuntu ??19:17
daftykinsarshia: no idea19:17
daftykinswget from the command line is fine19:17
AyelisAm I "ON TOPIC" enough for you now Bubba?19:18
EriC^^Ayelis: you should hand out calculates with your jokes19:18
AyelisI'm not sure anyone's built a jpg decompressor for Ti86, Eric.19:19
BlackVenomBonjour again19:19
arshiaHow to open .xz files ? what software will help me ??19:20
BlackVenomWhat does "no talloc stackframe at ../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory" mean19:20
EriC^^arshia: xz19:21
mindphuckwhen will the "booting in insecure mode" delay get fixed does anyone know?19:21
arshiaEriC^^: What ??/19:21
EriC^^arshia: the software is called xz, type man xz19:21
theadminarshia: The program to open .xz files is called xz.19:21
rwwand the package containing xz is named xz-utils19:22
arshiaGot it19:22
SonikkuAmerica(In a similar vein the program to open tarballs is called tar)19:22
arshiatheadmin: For download it , can i type sudo apt-get install xz ??19:23
squintyBlackVenom:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/477002/loadparm-c4864-leaking-memory     fixed it for me19:23
theadminarshia: sudo apt-get install xz-utils.19:23
pragmaticenigmaarshia, if the file you are attempting to open ends in *.tar.xz, use the command "tar -xXf file.tar.xz" (replacing the file.tar.xz with the file you are trying to open)19:23
rwwI note that just tar -xf works fine19:23
pragmaticenigmarww, because it's xz, they may need to specify the compression type19:24
rww(and -X isn't actually the flag for .xz, it's -J, but it's unnecessary anyway)19:24
rwwpragmaticenigma: nope, GNU tar autodetects19:24
pragmaticenigmarww, Mine never seems to autodetect for some reason19:24
rwwodd. mine always has.19:24
* rww shrugs19:25
theadminpragmaticenigma: You must be on a verrry old system, or maybe the file extension matters?19:25
arshiatheadmin: It's already installed.19:25
mindphuckwhen will the "booting in insecure mode" delay get fixed does anyone know?19:25
theadminarshia: Well, then use it. You should be able to double-click any xz file and it will open in the Ubuntu's archive manager19:25
pragmaticenigmaI'm running 14.04... don't think that's ancient.. might be the fact that I'm running Mythbuntu and it doesn't install all the packages by default19:25
arshiatheadmin: will ubuntu support all type of compressed files ??19:26
theadminarshia: Most should be supported out of the box, except .rar (you need to install unrar for that)19:26
bubbasaurespragmaticenigma, No one has said anything but derivatives are not supported here. ;)19:30
theadminbubbasaures: Mythbuntu is official, no?19:31
ubottuMythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information and #ubuntu-mythtv19:31
pragmaticenigmaI'm well aware bubbasaures19:31
mindphuckderivatives for one derivatives for all19:31
bubbasaurestheadmin, I though it was not but if so my bad.19:31
MACscrOrnacia: yes?19:31
pragmaticenigmatheadmin, Mythbuntu is official, just not supported by this channel19:32
bubbasaurespragmaticenigma, Note I was trying to actually nicely direct you to help if it was not here. ;)19:32
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mindphucksure sure19:32
superdingusWhat are some good ways to batch file transfer from my android device to my desktop? My phone only really connects in MTP mode, and I'm sure I'm not the only one that considers MTP unusable19:32
bubbasauresand you know and still have an attitude, nice.19:32
theadminsuperdingus: Well, Airdroid is nice19:33
superdingusI'll google that. Does airdroid have a Linux install, or is it one of those chrome extensions?19:34
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org19:34
bubbasauresjust a android exstension19:34
theadminsuperdingus: It's a web-based thing, it will work in any browser.19:35
OrnaciaMACscr you pinged me 2 hours ago?19:35
theadmin(except Internet Explorer, arguably)19:35
MACscrOrnacia: my bad, autocomplete fail19:36
rwwAll official flavors of Ubuntu are supported in #ubuntu. That includes Mythbuntu and Ubuntu Studio.19:37
rwwThey *also* have their own channels. Either is fine for support.19:37
bubbasauresrww, thans19:37
superdingustheadmin: thank you, I will give that a try19:37
rwwIt's unofficial derivatives (Mint, etc.) that we draw the line at :)19:38
lolmausHi! I installed a new hard drive, created an ext4 primary partition (0.91 TiB). It immediately has 14.81 GiB used space! What the heck? I tried `cd /media/hdd2 && du -h` and it shows nothing big.19:38
DuCkNeThaving a weird issue when installing process goes by and  sudddenly getting a crash when at screen of preparing to install ubuntu check mark is there for has at least 6.5gb space and connecter to internet i click continue and it crashes after a 3 or 4 minutes19:38
pragmaticenigmabubbasaures, who has attitude? :-P19:38
OrnaciaS'fine :)19:38
daftykinslolmaus: can you share a "df -h" ?19:39
superdingusAnother quick question, this pertains to ubuntu gnome. I've noticed that despite having automatic login turned off, my desktop will still automatically log in (to my password protected account) after a brief delay19:39
superdingusUpon boot, a gray bar will appear to "fill up", like a loading animation, directly underneath my user, and when it fills, it will immediately log in19:40
user12_Can anyone point me at a guide or page that supports hybrid graphics for 10.04?  similiar to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/HybridGraphics19:40
bubbasauressuperdingus, Have you had a crash you rebooted from?19:40
daftykinsuser12_: no, 10.04 is unsupported due to reaching EOL19:40
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades19:40
user12_thanks for letting me know!!!19:41
user12_Can anyone point me at a guide or page that supports hybrid graphics for 10.04?19:41
superdingusbubbasaured: no, this is actually a relatively new installation, and totally clean (by which I mean no other PPA's or outside software)19:41
bubbasauresuser12_, 10.04 is eol19:41
daftykinsuser12_: it's unsupported on an unsupported release.19:41
user12_awesome help channel19:41
mindphuck*rolls eyes19:41
bubbasauressuperdingus, I had seen this in that circumstance on the first boot is all, no sure really.19:42
DuCkNeTuser12_: maybe time to upgrade19:42
superdingusbubbasaures: it also appears to be an intentional feature, given the fact that there is a loading sort of bar19:42
mindphuckthe last ubuntu i installed had a install reboot glitch with MSI motherboards, the new one has an insecure boot error with UEFI lol,19:43
pragmaticenigmainsecure boot errors are easily fixed though19:43
lolmausdaftykins: guys at ##linux told it was filesystem-reserved space. Found this explanation: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/7950/reserved-space-for-root-on-a-filesystem-why19:44
daftykinslolmaus: at first i thought reserved space, but the default is 5% which wouldn't factor in 15GB on a 1TB volume19:44
daftykinsbut yes tune2fs to remove19:44
mindphuckya but i got annoyed by it, ill wait until they fix it in another release, test out some other distros19:45
daftykinsmindphuck: you should update to the latest BIOS then reinstall, is this alongside Windows or Linux on its' own?19:45
pseudonymousI keep running out of diskspace.. I few hours ago I found a 37GB .xsession-errors file -- I removed that and a bunch of other stuff, cleaned up ~70GB and now I'm back to having run out of space (though seemingly without a $HOME/.xsession-errors file... How do I find the problem ?19:45
mindphucki dont have a bios i have a UEFI19:45
daftykinspseudonymous: pastebin a "df -h" ?19:45
daftykinsmindphuck: the term is still accurate for updating the firmware on the motherboard.19:45
daftykinsi'll call it update your UEFI if you really insist :)19:46
mindphuckits on the latest, i updated it before doing anything in linux, im on a triple boot (w7,deepin,ubuntu studio)19:46
bubbasaurespseudonymous, read the error files19:46
daftykinsmindphuck: GPT or MBR?19:46
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daftykinsso you installed windows 7 as EFI?19:46
mindphucki dont remember seeing as option but i know windows 8 was efi19:47
daftykinswindows 7 boot media has to be manually modified to install EFI, so you'd know19:47
weeirc8089can I change screen terminal font when a particular application is running?19:47
arshiatheadmin: How to download unrar ??19:48
pseudonymousdaftykins: that only shows me that I'm (again) nearly out of space - I just made some extra emergency cleanups and I not have some 4GB of free space. But I literally slept for two hours and somehow still wrote tens of GB worth of data19:48
mindphuckok so whats that mean, i have mbr or gpt19:48
daftykinspseudonymous: nah, in a pastebin it shows me ;)19:48
pragmaticenigmaweeirc8089, you can change the font, but the application running may not reflect the change until it has been restarted19:49
daftykinsmindphuck: hang on, you replied with an answer when you don't know?19:49
pgx13hi guys, can I ask a nooby question or is there a specific channel for them? ;P19:49
daftykinspgx13: ubuntu support questions in here, es19:49
mindphuckim going off everything i was researching and checking when i was using windows 8 and a triple boot, i didnt know everything changed for windows 719:49
bubbasaurespgx13, If ubnutu related you are fine here. ;)19:49
weeirc8089pragmaticenigma: I meant can I set a terminal font per a console application19:49
pseudonymousdaftykins: http://pastebin.com/hjBquKzC19:49
daftykinsmindphuck: just check so we know for sure19:50
weeirc8089e.g. when weechat is running I want smaller fonts than usual19:50
arshiadaftykins: Do you know how to install unrar ??19:50
poolsonhow the hell do i stop crap bing FULL SCREEN in ubuntu ?19:50
poolsoni mean seriously !19:50
daftykinsarshia: are you not finding it in the software centre?19:50
mindphuckwhere am i looking, gparted?19:50
daftykinsarshia: no you're not finding it, or no you haven't tried?19:51
SonikkuAmericapoolson: Usually hitting F11 will do the trick...?19:51
arshiaDidn't found it19:51
poolsondude that makes it worse !19:51
arshiaI had a search , but no result19:51
poolsonthen its like right to the very edges19:51
pgx13Thanks ^^ so: I'm using ubuntu 14.04 lts,  I don't know how i changed the appereance of the shutdown dialog box and I'd like to restore the original one. I spent one hour googleing this, but i couldn't come to a solution yet :/ any ideas?19:51
poolsonarrrghhhh im gonna die19:51
daftykinspseudonymous: might be handy to run the 'find' command in the terminal and use it to find files bigger than 100MB across the whole / partition maybe.19:52
bubbasaurespgx13, What did you replace lightdm?19:52
trismpoolson: the window controls are in the top left, or you can drag down from the center of the top panel, assuming this is unity19:52
arshiadaftykins: can i use the terminal ?19:52
bubbasaurespgx13, A screenshot would probably help, as you're not sure the cause.19:54
daftykinsarshia: yes, software installation is pretty simple. first off update package lists with "sudo apt-get update" then you can search for packages with "apt-cache search <thing to search for>" e.g. "apt-cache search unrar" will show the package names. then simply "sudo apt-get install <package>"19:54
Noahgood morning19:54
pgx13bubbasaures:  I don't know what I did, I was configuring Gnome classic, then when back to Gnome (compiz) I saw that19:54
daftykinspseudonymous: follow the ubuntu advice entry here but start it with "find /" so it looks in your root partition - http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/find-large-files-linux/19:55
arshiadaftykins: How to use it for opening .rar file ??19:55
daftykinsarshia: 'man unrar' for information on how to use it. 'q' to quit 'man'.19:55
bubbasaurespgx13, We just work on details, I think the closest you might have is a screenshot. ;)19:56
pragmaticenigmapoolson, what are you trying to do that is full screen. There are a lot of different applications and interfaces that you might be encountering.19:56
bubbasaurespgx13, If you used th terminal look in bash19:56
arshiadaftykins: I don't understand what it wants to say .19:56
pgx13ok, I'll send you one, sorry still new19:56
daftykinsarshia: you seem to be after someone to hold your hand to answer every single step of the process, this is not acceptable to me. you need to at least TRY by looking things up online.19:57
bubbasaurespgx13, No problem we all want to help. running history in the terminal might help, if related.19:57
arshiadaftykins: Ok , sorry. i'm new to ubuntu.19:58
pgx13bubbasaures:   https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/RR1YlfhGQAGoEllwr7fj19:59
pgx13bubbasaures, that's what i display, i'd like to have the original one, that looks like this: http://cdn3.howtogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/00_lead_image_shut_down_screen.png19:59
bubbasaurespgx13, Thanks, probably we should see what others say, does GDM sound familiar?20:01
SonikkuAmericabubbasaures: GDM? GDM is only on Ubuntu GNOME by default20:02
arshiaDoes anyone uses the FlareGet Download Manager ?? What should i do to keep it running even after a reboot ?20:02
bubbasauresSonikkuAmerica, follow the thread, this is phishing.20:02
pgx13bubbasaur: nope, still new to ubuntu, what do i need it for?20:02
bubbasaurespgx13, Not that you need it, just phishing your brain for possible details.20:03
shadaloohi just intalled gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp320:04
pgx13bubbasaures: ahahahah ok tell me how i can help =)20:04
shadalooand am still getting mp3 playback errors20:04
shadalooany suggestions20:04
pragmaticenigmaarshia, you don't need a download manager on linux20:04
bubbasaurespgx13, I can't really do more is all.20:04
arshiapragmaticenigma: why ??20:04
hioIs there any trick to justifying all the gayness that apt-get is?20:04
daftykinspragmaticenigma: heh, an OS doesn't stop your internet connection from dropping20:05
shadaloohio: are you coming from windows?20:05
bubbasaureshio, to happy for you.20:05
hiono I'm coming from opensuse where zypper is a million times better20:05
shadaloohio: then switch back to opensuse20:05
hionah i want to use ubuntu because theres moving there but it's just so bad20:05
stefan-_hey, i have a dell xps 15 running ubuntu 14.10, now when putting the laptop to sleep it often awakes after a few minutes20:05
pragmaticenigmaarshia, download managers are snake oil, the built in tools in all modern browsers do the exact same thing20:06
daftykinshio: the way it seems to go in life is the first package manager you use seems like the best. no need to bring this rant to us though, either use it or go back.20:06
stefan-_what can that be?20:06
bubbasaures<shadaloo> hio: then switch back to opensuse  read the manual on yours. ;)20:06
SonikkuAmerica!ot | hio, this isn't really a support question anyway.20:06
ubottuhio, this isn't really a support question anyway.: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:06
pgx13bubbasaures: do you know how to reset the config file for gnome 3?20:06
shadalooand am still getting mp3 playback errors20:06
shadaloohi just intalled gstreamer0.10-fluendo-mp320:06
arshiapragmaticenigma: How should i download google chrome without an download manager ?20:06
daftykins!repeat | shadaloo20:06
ubottushadaloo: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/20:06
arshiaan __> a20:06
bubbasaurespgx13, Not sure on that, unity has this and compiz20:06
hiothere is no justification for having different tools for one purpose: pkg management20:07
pragmaticenigmaarshia, like the rest of the internet. you use a web browser and go to the website hosting the file.20:07
daftykinspragmaticenigma: no they don't, firefox's download manager doesn't resume20:07
daftykinsplus some web servers don't allow resuming downloads20:08
pgx13bubbasaures, thanks anyway ^^ I'll keep trying20:08
pragmaticenigmadaftykins, firefox can resume downloads20:09
bubbasaurespgx13, That the best way to go. ;)20:09
shadaloono one knew to install ubuntu restricted extras?20:09
shadalooreally? :s20:09
bubbasauressorry no plural20:09
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arshiapragmaticenigma: You mean there is no need for a download manager , i may not be able to download the whole files. what can i do ?20:10
bubbasaureshi ram_20:11
arshiafiles : files that i want to download.20:11
pragmaticenigmaarshia, You never needed a download manager to begin with. Firefox, Chrome and all the webbrowsers will download files just fine with out any extra software.20:11
daftykinspragmaticenigma: again, connections go down. plus how do we know this user has a decent reliable broadband? very bold claims here that aren't true 100% of the time20:12
arshiapragmaticenigma: Will they keep the progress of download even on system reboot ??20:12
pragmaticenigmaarshia, is your connection that unreliable or slow?20:12
bubbasaures    dealing with things sensibly and realistically in a way that is based on practical rather than theoretical considerations.20:13
arshiapragmaticenigma: no. but the files i want to download may not get finished before 7 o clock20:13
pragmaticenigmaarshia, what is important about 7:00?20:14
arshiaWell , a long story.20:14
arshiapragmaticenigma: The important thing is : Will the browsers keep the progress of download even on system reboot ?????????20:15
daftykinsperform a test20:15
pip__I'm dual booting Ubuntu & Win 8.1 on separate HDDs.  W8.1 has its own data partition with some of its applications also installed there.  can I safely access & play video files from my Ubuntu install without royally messing up the W8.1 install?20:16
daftykinsproof is better than someone's word :)20:16
pgx13hey guys, do you know if there is a gnome channel?20:16
OlgaDKpip__ yes20:16
pragmaticenigmaarshia, to be honest, we can't support 3rd party applications here... you will need to contact the developer of that product for support.20:16
daftykins!alis | pgx1320:16
ubottupgx13: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*20:16
bubbasaurespip__, Put a shared ntfs in there and you will have two way access.20:16
arshiagot it , thanks ????20:16
arshia???? ____> ...20:17
bubbasauresOlgaDK, really how do you read a ext4 in windows?20:17
pgx13thaanks =)20:17
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pip__thanks guys.  It kind of is, except that I installed some Windows programs in the partiton to save filling up the actual OS install, which has its own 80Gb partition20:17
OlgaDKbubbasaures read it as the other way arround.20:17
OlgaDKreading ntfs from the ubuntu20:18
bubbasauresOlgaDK, Heh, easily done I and answerd with the wrong nick, doh.20:18
pip__I'm just concerned about there being applications there, although thereare no system files20:18
bubbasaurespgx13, you want a shared ntfs20:18
OlgaDKlove you anyway bubbasaures <320:18
bubbasauresdoh need more coffeee20:18
undecimThere are ext4 drivers for Windows20:19
undecimbut their slow20:19
bubbasauresundecim, right but not a safe way is all.20:19
undecimbubbasaures, reading is safe20:21
undecimbubbasaures, I wouldn't trust them for writes20:21
undecimthere's also colinux20:22
pip__thanks chaps20:22
pragmaticenigmawhat is colinux?20:24
undecimRuns Linux as an App in Windows20:25
undecimkinda like a VM, but the code runs natively20:25
undecimIt's not being developed anymore though, so I think to use it, you need an old kernel20:25
undecimA long time ago, I had a dual boot of Archlinux and Windows. Arch had a file server that I didn't want unavailable when I was gaming, so I used colinux and chrooted to my arch install and started the service20:26
undecimAs a consequence, I was able to access my Linux files from Windows using Filezilla20:27
undecimLast SF commit on colinux was in 2011 :/20:28
undecimCorrection, last update in 2011. There have been recent commits20:29
arshiaWhat is the best text editor for ubuntu ??20:29
arshiaI tried gvim , but it was not good enough.20:29
undecimarshia, I use geany20:29
undecimarshia, What kind of text are you editing?20:30
pbxarshia, what are you editing? what have you used before? what are your requirements/desires?20:30
arshiaundecim: C++ code20:30
arshiapbx: C++ code20:30
pbxarshia, and what does "not good enough" mean?20:30
undecimgeany recognizes C/C++ code structures20:30
arshiaI should allways hit tab many times after each line.20:30
pbxvim is something of an acquired taste20:30
arshiaundecim: Is geany what i want ???20:32
undecimarshia, only way to know is to try it yourself.20:32
undecimarshia, I suspect it will do what you need20:32
arshiaundecim: Ok , lets try it ???20:33
arshiawait ...20:33
undecimarshia, It's got a lot of config options, so if something minor annoys you, you can probably change it20:33
arshiaYou SUSPECT ???????????20:33
arshiaOh, nothing20:34
undecimarshia: Means that I believe the statement is true, but I wouldn't bet money on it20:34
terrasapienbut if you plan to use computers for any length of time, bother to learn emacs and then you may use the best text editor in ubuntu20:35
eggbeateror nano20:35
arshiaundecim: I got. Let's try it.20:35
shadaloousing irssi when I alt+<number> I am no longer able to switch between channels20:39
shadalooafter updating20:40
daftykinsshadaloo: are you using a terminal program with multiple tabs?20:40
f3lixAnybody knows how to get drives to automount under /media on Ubuntu Server as they do on Desktop?20:40
AyelisGeany is nice, but a lot of people in my building use Sublime. I've switched over, and it's okay, but painful to run from a terminal unless you make a shell script to disown the process.20:40
shadaloodaftykins: using bash but only 1 tab I know that multiple would switch between tabs20:40
Linux-AstaraOSfinally AstaraOS is up , check out http://AstaraOS.us.to or http://us.to , refresh ure dns20:40
shadaloothat is not the issue20:40
shadalooadvertising other distros20:40
daftykinsshadaloo: bash is a shell, not a terminal?20:40
shadaloodaftykins: w/e20:41
shadaloodaftykins: do you have any actual ideas?20:41
daftykinsshadaloo: no it's important, as how else do i know the affected terminal emulator?20:41
daftykinsok with that attitude you're on your own.20:41
arshiaundecim: Does it support other code types ???20:41
shadaloodaftykins: you're never actually helpful20:42
trismshadaloo: it's just that in gnome-terminal I seem to remember having to disable Enable menu access keys in Keyboard Shortcuts to make that work20:42
shadaloodaftykins: just spam bot commands20:42
AyelisThere are "other" distros? >_>20:42
shadaloodaftykins: FYI20:42
daftykinsshadaloo: totally untrue, but don't need your judgement here thanks :)20:42
shadaloodaftykins: just letting you know20:42
shadaloodaftykins: you're just annoying20:42
daftykinswell thanks for sharing, please keep any future incorrect comments to yourself :)20:43
undecimarshia, many\20:43
OriginDarksidedid u research what ur looking for20:43
daftykinslets get back to support now.20:43
arshiaundecim: Thanks20:43
undecimarshia, See Document > Set Filetype20:43
arshiaDoes any one knows witch app can open .exe files ???20:44
eggbeatertry #fight for other conversation20:44
theadminarshia: Wine.20:44
OriginDarksidewell some exe files20:44
weeirc8089can I change terminal font for one specific terminal window (among many which are open)?20:45
AyelisAlthough now that .NET is opensource... Maybe Wine won't have the monopoly on exes anymore.20:45
shadalootrism: that works20:46
shadalootrism: yup20:46
theadminAyelis: The .net EXE format is very different from the regular Win32 exe.20:46
nahtnamI installed a font, but I want to uninstall It. I cant find it in the user share folder. Any ideas on where it could be? Here is the info: http://i.imgur.com/jyTn9NN.png20:49
gumonshoeHello. When I perform an apt-get upgrade, is there ever a case where a networking could be disrupted (say, as part of a post install script) due to the upgrade of a package? Is there any policy I can count on that is in place to prevent such a thing from happening?20:50
robinanybody experiences with a zen kernel?20:51
eggbeaternahtnam: find it in the font viewer in the dash20:52
gr33n7007hnahtnam, find / -name "Roboto"20:52
eggbeatergumonshoe: probably not20:52
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gr33n7007hfind / -name "*.ttf" | grep Roboto.ttf20:54
nahtnameggbeater: Found it in the font-viewer, but there is no unsinstall option20:54
shadaloonext question20:54
shadalooi'd like Super+D to show desktop20:54
eggbeaternahtnam: search for the font name using nautilus, then delete it when you find it.20:54
shadaloobut ubuntu is overriding the command because of the 'hold Super + <number>' program launching20:55
moloneyI am having with the grub-install part of installing 14.04.  The system is UEFI.  I am installing from USB and make sure to boot off the USB in UEFI mode so that the installer knows the system is UEFI (this was suggested by the hardware vendor).  I am installing onto a MD RAID1 of two NVMe SSDs.  Any suggestions?  Just getting a more informative error that "grub-install failed" would be great.20:55
eggbeatershadaloo: go to keyboard settings and set Super-D as the shortcut20:55
shadalooeggbeater: you missed what I said20:55
shadalooeggbeater: it is but it doesn't work20:55
nahtnameggbeater: Doesnt show up. The only instance of roboto is in the downloads folder20:55
shadaloobecause ubuntu is overriding it20:55
eggbeatershadaloo: it appears as though i did. sorry, slow connection20:56
shadalooeggbeater: np mate20:56
nahtnamgr33n7007h: That doesnt return anything: http://i.imgur.com/MYk6gbI.png20:56
daftykinsshadaloo: could be something went wonky with your user config, create a new user and test20:56
mc_failcan i download ubuntu cloud ovf tamplate and run in on vmware player?20:56
shadaloodaftykins: yes20:56
shadaloodaftykins: when you create it a new user it will work for a while shortly20:56
shadaloobut then it too will get overriden by OS20:57
gr33n7007hnahtnam, How did you install it?20:57
mc_failfor example from here http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/releases/14.04/release/20:57
nahtnamgr33n7007h: I just double clicked it, and pressed install20:57
nahtnamI g2g unfortunately20:57
shadalooI don't want the Super+1 program launcher functionality20:57
nahtnamIll be on in 2 hours20:57
nahtnamhopefully someone else will be on to help me.20:57
mc_faildoes it work on the vmware, of orace vritual machine, or kvm20:57
CtrlAltDelicioushey everyone21:09
pragmaticenigmaarshia, the application "wine" can run many windows based programs, it isn't full featured and programs will often crash if it performs an action that isn't supported21:14
arshiapragmaticenigma: will it work for viber ??21:14
pragmaticenigmawow.. have I got serious lag issues21:14
Bundestrojanergood evening21:14
pragmaticenigmaarshia, I don't know what viber is21:15
arshiaHmmm.... strange21:15
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eggbeaterCtrlAltDelicious: hey21:16
CtrlAltDeliciousSup man?21:16
pragmaticenigmaarshia, really only one way to find out and that is to try it21:16
arshiapragmaticenigma: ok.21:16
pgx13hey guys, is there a gnome expert out there ? ;)21:18
pragmaticenigma!ask | pgx1321:19
ubottupgx13: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:19
pgx13ubouttu: ok, thanks =)21:19
arshiaHow to get gcc & g++ compiler for ubuntu ?21:20
pgx13does anyone know how to reset gnome 3 config?  or else how to change the apperaence of the shutdown dialog box?21:20
eggbeaterarshia: it should already be installed21:20
andybrineevening everyone21:21
daftykinspgx13: find out where it stores its' data e.g. maybe ~/.config/gnome and rename it, then log out and in21:21
pgx13daftykins: thanks, I'll try21:22
eggbeaterandybrine: oi mate21:22
andybrineI have been using google chrome for a long time now. Has anyone else found recently that it have become really unstable21:22
andybrinehey eggbeater21:22
eggbeaterandybrine: it did for be a long time ago.21:22
eggbeater*for me21:23
eggbeaterhave you tried Opera?21:23
arshiaeggbeater: no. when i try to compile a c++ code from Geany , i see the following error : "/bin/sh: 1: g++: not found "21:23
eggbeateror the original Chromium?21:23
eggbeaterarshia: I would suggest searching for it in the Software Center21:23
andybrineOpera is nice and I do like Chromium21:23
eggbeater*or Centre, wherever you're from :P21:23
eggbeaterandybrine: ditto.21:24
andybrineeggbeater, I use a lot of google apps and didnt really want to move away from chrome21:24
andybrineI may have to21:24
andybrineits good to hear that others are having problems with chrome as well21:25
eggbeaterandybrine: I'm pretty sure most Google apps are available as unity webapps21:25
daftykinsandybrine: considered testing a clean profile also?21:25
NGC3982Hi guys. I'm trying to run a one-line command that will send <command> to a local computer with SSH. I thought somewhere in the lines of "command > sshpass -p password ssh -luser 192.168.1.X". Shouldn't this work?21:25
daftykinsthat's where most browser woes go21:25
daftykinsNGC3982: is it not "ssh user@host command" ?21:26
andybrinedaftykins testing a clean profile? do you mean create a new profile for chrome or clear my chrome settings?21:26
arshiaeggbeater: There was a GNU C compiler witch is already installed (when i searched gcc) , and a GNU Standard C++ Library v3 witch is installed (when  i searched g++). no more result21:26
NGC3982daftykins: That should not matter, since everything after "sshpass" works out as i want to.21:27
arshiawitch __> whitch21:27
daftykinsandybrine: test with a clean newly created one so you don't have to mess with your existing one21:27
kokutHello, anyone knows how to get invited to a channel?21:27
eggbeaterkokut: know someone who's in it21:27
daftykinskokut: you're probably just trying to join the wrong channel, which is it?21:27
eggbeateror step right in21:27
bekks!register | kokut21:27
ubottukokut: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:27
eggbeaterarshia: huh. I'm sorry, I'm out of suggestions D:21:28
kokutIm registered, i want to join #bittorrent21:28
daftykinskokut: perhaps it's ## or something21:28
urgodfatherhello, simple question... do i need to update grub after editing /etc/default/grub21:28
andybrinedaftykins ok. I try that out. I prob need another google account alltogether though I would imagine21:28
daftykinsurgodfather: yeah, should say at the top of the file21:28
eggbeaterhelp /list21:28
urgodfatherdaftykins: there was only one line in my particular case21:29
kokutlol daftykins21:29
bubbasaureskokut, ##bittorrent21:29
daftykinsurgodfather: one!? that's not right 0o21:29
kokutdaftykins: ty21:29
daftykinskokut: np :)21:29
arshiais there any other solutions for my problem ??21:30
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eggbeaterandybrine: or try uninstalling and reinstalling Chrome21:31
arshiais there anyone to solve my problem.21:31
andybrineeggbeater I have uninstalled and reinstalled a few time21:32
daftykinsarshia: maybe find a development channel relevant to your language, could be more helpful21:32
mbalmerarshia, _what_ is your problem?21:33
arshiadaftykins: will codeblocks stable help me ?21:33
andybrine I think google apps are becoming much more labour intensive and chrome is taking the load21:33
daftykinsarshia: i don't have a clue what that is.21:33
andybrineI use google plus on a daily basis as well as hangouts21:33
arshiambalmer: I don't have g++ compiler.21:33
gr33n7007harshia, sudo apt-get install g++21:34
arshiagr33n7007h: Thank you.21:34
andybrineIf I ever have lots of tabs open it will crash21:34
andybrineits a real shame as I love google stuff21:34
daftykinsarshia: that would've been one google away most likely, or "apt-cache search g++" away - like i showed you earlier21:34
gr33n7007hdon't forget to escape the "+" apt-cache search "g\++"21:37
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daftykinsah good call, ty gr33n7007h21:37
gr33n7007hnp :)21:38
Jordan_Ugr33n7007h: '+' isn't a special character to bash in this context.21:38
gr33n7007hJordan_U, no but it is to apt-get21:40
Jordan_Ugr33n7007h: Ahh, yes. Thank you :)21:41
gr33n7007hnp :)21:41
Sohronhello, anyone here with linux-image-3.13.0-44-generic and an mdadm hang at initramfs?21:41
KnightoffaithQuick question. I have an partitioned sd card (swap first, EXT next, and fat32 last) that I have in a SD to USB converter. Any idea how I can see it? It doesn't automatically show up, and I don't see it in mnt21:42
dzhusWhat is the latest version of shotwell available in Ubuntu?21:42
KnightoffaithI juts need to access the EXT21:42
KnightoffaithThe swap and Fat32 should actually be blank21:42
Jordan_UKnightoffaith: Is it listed in the output of "sudo blkid"?21:42
KnightoffaithHold on, let me check21:43
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downbeamW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/leonbo/nss/ubuntu/dists/utopic/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found21:44
downbeamW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/leonbo/nss/ubuntu/dists/utopic/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found21:44
downbeamE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.21:44
downbeamany ideas?21:44
daftykinsthat's a PPA, remove it21:44
KnightoffaithGah, on Ubuntu Studio and switch user is somehow disabled... :(21:45
downbeamhow you do that daftykins21:45
downbeamhow you do that daftykins ?21:45
downbeami'm trying to watch netflix on 14.1021:45
cos_xSo when I first log in one of the first things I do is check for updates with Software up to Date.  It then asks me for my password.  10 seconds after logging in.  This is annoying.  How can I make it so that anytime after a login there is a 5 minute grace period where a password doesn't need to be input to do administrative things?21:46
downbeamdaftykins, how do i do that i'm trying to watch netflix on 14.10 and i have been all over the internet looking how to do it21:46
daftykinsdownbeam: it should work out of the box with chrome now.21:46
daftykinsyou don't need to do anything but use chrome, afaiui21:47
bubbasaures!ppa-purge | downbeam21:47
ubottudownbeam: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:47
downbeamdaftykins, how do i get rid of all my ppa's?21:48
KnightoffaithAh, found it!21:49
daftykinsdownbeam: bubbasaures' link is plenty21:49
KnightoffaithIt's actually via android, so that may have confused things a bit :S21:49
Knightoffaithit was in dev21:49
bubbasauresKnightoffaith, Can we keep the inner voice to ourselves. ;)21:49
downbeamdaftykins, what do i put inplace of downbeam?21:50
KnightoffaithBubbasaures Right, but I'm not done ;021:50
bubbasauresKnightoffaith, which means?21:50
KnightoffaithHow do I access sda? It's just listed as 'block device', can't just enter folders like usual21:51
KnightoffaithSDA is an Android thing, I assume21:51
daftykinsdownbeam: i have no knowledge of what PPAs you've added to know precisely.21:51
superdingusAny quick how to advice for setting up an SFTP server? I'm using openssh server, but I honestly don't have a handle on what I'm doing21:52
daftykinssuperdingus: what OS are you trying to connect in from?21:53
Jordan_Ucos_x: That is an interesting question. I'm not familiar with any way to accomplish that, but it should be theoretically possible, maybe using some sort of PAM hook.21:53
KnightoffaithAnyone have an idea how to read from an SDA block edvice (EXT partitioned)?21:56
bekksKnightoffaith: mount it, etc. :)21:57
zerowaitstatesuperdingus: is this for users who will only be using SFTP for shared storage, or it is going to be used as a management tool?21:57
KnightoffaithThanks bekks. I'm quite new to the linux world, so I'm doing a lot of exploring. Now that I'm thinking about it, does anyone have any good resources I could look at online for a good introduction? I have a decent knowledge of computers, but not much low-level stuff21:59
zerowaitstateKnightoffaith: check out prep materials for LPI. That gives a decent overview of managment and especially the differences between distros22:01
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bekks!mount | Knightoffaith22:01
ubottuKnightoffaith: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount22:01
squintyKnightoffaith:  Ubuntu's and Archlinux community docs are for the most part great imho.  going through an Archlinux install a couple of times is good practice.  :)22:01
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zerowaitstateKnightoffaith: I also recommend a book on OS's if the terms are confusing to you. Silbershatz and Tannenbaum are both good, although Linus might disagree22:03
KnightoffaithI'm not too bad with terms that I've run into so far, but not much working knowledge22:04
zerowaitstateKnightoffaith: Linux throws a lot at your face right at the start. It's actually are really good learning experience.22:05
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daftykinsKnightoffaith: there's a good free course for Linux introduction on www.edx.org22:08
KnightoffaithThanks folks, will take a look at these resources22:08
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KnightoffaithWell, it appears the filesystem I mounted was not my SD card, but my computer's file system. Anyone have idea on why I can't see my SD Card?22:13
natoshI can' launch the update-manager anymore and I cant modify sources in Software&Updates please help22:13
daftykinsKnightoffaith: your card reader probably doesn't like Linux, is it an external USB attached thing?22:13
ikonianatosh: explain "can't"22:13
daftykinsKnightoffaith: does your system have USB 2 and 3? try switching socket, if the Linux kernel sees a device and card connected, the output of "dmesg | tail" in a terminal will change22:14
k1l_natosh: what error?22:14
KnightoffaithThe little green connection light is on though... Find that a bit strange.22:14
Jordan_UKnightoffaith: Is it listed in the output of "sudo blkid"? (I asked this earlier and never received a response from you)22:14
KnightoffaithJordan_U I thought it was, but it turned out to my my system22:14
natoshikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9758432/22:14
Knightoffaith*be my22:14
natoshk1l_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9758432/22:15
k1l_natosh: what ubuntu is that?22:15
Jordan_UKnightoffaith: What SD card reader are you using?22:15
Knightoffaithdaftykins That brings up a very good question. I'm running on a REALLY old machine, and I'm not sure if the port actually accepts the reader (ie only 2.0 ports, but a 3.0 devce).22:16
KnightoffaithI'm using a MobileLite22:16
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daftykinsKnightoffaith: a what? :) i would doubt a card reader is USB 3.0 0o22:16
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natoshk1l_: ubuntu 14.0422:16
KnightoffaithI'm not really sure myself, I'd have to check, which I will.22:17
daftykinswell, i guess it could be but it would seem a waste. it'd be backwards compatible anyway22:17
LinkDeadHey guys, quick question.  I am trying to take my windows 7 ISO and burn it onto a usb to reinstall windows on my other laptop.  Is there a nice, easy app to do that with on Ubuntu? I tried unetbootin, but that, well, sucks22:17
k1l_natosh: did you change something on python? what did you do before that happend?22:17
LinkDeadI know there was a utility I had on Mint that did it nice and simple, but I cant find it on the ubuntu repositories22:18
natoshk1l_: I did an update and I think I did a big mistae because I added a vivid ppa for a version of a program and I delete it lather in sources.list22:18
bubbasauresLinkDead, That forked windows usb loader is gone, you ahve any friends running windows use the offical tool.22:18
daftykinsLinkDead: unetbootin requires some kind of cheat to fake the filesystem before running it i think, there's an answer on an ask page online22:18
Super-Novahello everyone!22:19
daftykinsLinkDead: as a tip though, you could make an EFI capable boot flash drive of 7 by just having an ISO extracted to a FAT partition. the intended system would need to support EFI though22:19
Super-Novahas anyone ever used THINSTATION ?22:20
ikonialeonic: no spam here please22:20
natoshk1l_: When i do a sudo apt-get upgrade I have errors like this one "insserv: Service dbus has to be enabled to start service lightdm insserv: exiting now! update-rc.d: error: insserv rejected the script header"22:20
natoshk1l_: and when I reboot it says "Ubuntu 15.04"....22:21
Ronovejoin /hak522:21
k1l_natosh: what gives you "lsb_release -d" ?22:21
bubbasauresRonove,  /j #channel22:22
leonicaaa sorry i was trying to open that server  in xchat but the window changed22:22
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natoshk1l_: I think the problem is because I remplaced trusty by vivid or something like that and when I did the update it just messed up everything...22:23
Guest79929hello could some one tell me  what is the best solution to upgrade my ubuntu 21.10 to last version22:23
natoshk1l_: Ubuntu Vivid Vervet (development branch)22:23
Guest79929hello could some one tell me  what is the best solution to upgrade my ubuntu 21.10 to last version ?22:23
k1l_natosh: looks like you messed with the system too much.22:23
bubbasauresGuest79929, Are you from the future?22:23
daftykinsGuest79929: 11.10? it'd involve far too many steps, a clean install would make more sense.22:23
Guest79929i mean 12.10   i am sorry22:23
daftykinsyeah my response still stands22:24
Ben64Guest79929: easiest would be to install 14.04 fresh22:24
daftykinsbackup + clean22:24
k1l_Guest79929: you need al updates: 12.20 > 13.04 > 13.10 > 14.0422:24
bubbasauresGuest79929, long slow upgrade days, a fresh install might be in order22:24
Jordan_UKnightoffaith: Is this the card reader you're using: http://www.kingston.com/us/flash/readers#fcr-hs3 ?22:24
natoshk1l_: what can I do now? reinstall the system ? any other solution?22:24
Guest79929ok. thank you .22:25
k1l_natosh: well, you systems seems to be in a half state to 15.04. but there is no way back to 14.10. fixing that errors would take a lot of time if its fixable anyway. i would consider a reinstall22:25
natoshk1l_: I see my fault thank you mister22:26
hiker09can someone describe in words what this line does?22:28
hiker09double[] sums = new double[instance.numClasses()], newProbs;22:28
hiker09i don't get the ', newProbs'22:28
k1l_hiker09: #programlanguage set programlanguage to the language you have there22:29
hiker09hahaah thought i was in #java...sorry!22:29
Guest79929could i work with this 12.10 without upgrading ? or not ? i am trying to install programms but i couldn't .22:30
daftykinsGuest79929: no it's unsupported and EOL22:30
k1l_!eolupgrade | Guest7992922:30
ubottuGuest79929: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:30
Jordan_UGuest79929: 12.10 hasn't had security updates for years, so is very insecure. I wouldn't recommend using it at all, especially if it's connected to the internet.22:31
k1l_Guest79929: your system got security issues a 10 year old learns in school to pass by. so i recommend you upgrade. and stick in future to LTS ubuntu releases, so you can wait for 5 years next times22:31
Hirschin order to play webms with ubuntu it seems that i do need to install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg, which is not anymore into the repositories22:32
Hirschwhat is the alternative?22:32
KnightoffaithJordan_U Sorry, went afk for a bit. :S I have a model that's quite a bit older. Looking up G1-3 doesn't come up with anything that looks similar...22:32
Ben64Hirsch: or install mplayer, mplayer2, mpv, or probably many others22:33
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SchrodingersScatguys, my screensaver says you are doing me a disservice22:34
Jordan_UHirsch: What video player are you using?22:34
HirschJordan_U: web browser, midori22:35
HirschBen64: i want it to play in the browser ;)22:35
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Hirschand this requires matroska stuff (which is in gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg)22:36
KnightoffaithAh, found it. I have a FCR-MLG3-A1. I'll go get the spect for it22:36
Ben64well that is a horse of a different color.... i'd recommend chrome/chromium/firefox22:36
HirschBen64: they dont run on this machine22:36
Ben64how could they not22:36
dm7freekdoes ubuntu get updates/new stuff before debian kinda like fedora/RHEL?22:37
Jordan_UHirsch: What happens if you try to play a webm file in totem? It should ask you to install additional packages if needed.22:37
daftykinsdm7freek: debian is ubuntu's upstream22:38
HirschJordan_U: ... which does not exist anymore in the repositories ;)22:38
dm7freekdaftykins: yes22:38
Ben64dm7freek: the relationship between debian and ubuntu is not like fedora and rhel22:38
Hirschthe last one having it was ubuntu 13.10 Jordan_U22:38
dm7freekBen64: ok, ty22:38
Jordan_UHirsch: What happens if you try to play a .webm file in totem?22:39
mindphucki need a little help, i installed Wine to run 1 program, and when i search for the program in linux i cant find it, but when i search in windows 7 its clearly there?22:39
* dm7freek wonders if anyone else experiences Windows-like crashes regularly on Ubuntu 14.04 (mounted home + LDAP).22:39
HirschJordan_U: let me check and install totem first22:39
* dm7freek is serisouly considering switching to debian or fedora.22:39
Ben64dm7freek: do whatever you want22:40
dm7freekBen64: are regular crashes normal?22:40
Ben64dm7freek: no, of course not22:40
KnightoffaithI can't find the info for the model, I think it's too old.22:41
Jordan_Umindphuck: How are you trying to search for the program in Ubuntu? How are you trying to search for anything installed within Ubuntu from Windows 7?22:41
dm7freekBen64: know where i can get more info other than 'system program problem detected' and 'don't disable apport' ?22:41
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CtrlAltDeliciousAnyone in here a networking guru?22:53
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Hirschbye and thanks Jordan_U o/22:53
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denbidhaving trouble with an update on ubntu 14.04LTS22:53
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bubbasauresoyu can set up no restarts with kernels used to do that23:16
rwwyou can remove the currently running kernel23:17
daftykinsyeah that's what i was getting at23:17
rwwit works fine unless you do certain things. so i usually reboot after removing23:17
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bubbasauresrww,  I run just one, so if I do it is curtains is all.23:17
bubbasauresbad habit really23:18
daftykinsnearly time to say goodbye to this server version of lucid - 2.6.32-71-generic-pae23:18
denbidthanks Daftykins23:18
daftykinsdenbid: all happy now? consider running a "sudo apt-get autoremove" too23:19
daftykinsthat'll remove the rest of the rubbish left over from those old kernels23:19
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denbidok thanks again23:19
bubbasauresdaftykins, I misread the install and remove, just heard remove, my mistake.23:20
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damccull"JustMock": "2014.3.1204.3", <- this is in my frameworks->aspnetcore50->dependencies section of my project.json, but I keep getting type or namespace "Telerik" can't be found. Suggestions?23:30
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samthewildone* Connecting to chat.freenode.net (2610:150:4b0f::) port 8001...23:37
samthewildone^ what is this about ?23:37
samthewildoneit just hangs ....23:37
pragmaticenigmamight be having trouble connecting via ipv623:38
O_OniGiriJordan_U: He!23:38
O_OniGiriJordan_U: I managed to install Xubuntu via BIOS (not UEFI) and it works :)23:38
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BTJusticeIs USB power saving on by default in Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS?  If it is, how can I disable it for only certain devices like my weather station?23:38
daftykinssamthewildone: ask #freenode23:38
O_OniGiridaftykins: Hi! I have managed to install Xubuntu via Legacy mode23:39
kingtatO_OniGiri: Why not uefi23:40
Jordan_UO_OniGiri: Interesting. I'm glad you got it working.23:40
O_OniGiridaftykins: I actually really want to know if UEFI would be different... I read that UEFI has a faster boot time23:40
BTJusticeUbuntu MATE is 'prettier' than Xubuntu... https://ubuntu-mate.org/23:40
O_OniGirikingtat: Yesterday I spoke with Jordan_U and daftykins, we couldn't get the install to work via UEFI23:40
BTJusticeAnd it supports UEFI.23:40
daftykinsO_OniGiri: well it does kind of for Windows, not so sure about Linux23:41
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O_OniGiridaftykins: it doesn't really matter for me :P It's fast enough for me23:41
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kingtatO_OniGiri: I found disabling secure boot allows uefi install on newer machines23:41
BTJusticeIs USB power saving on by default in Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS when the screen saver kicks on?  If it is, how can I disable it for only certain devices like my weather station?23:41
O_OniGirikingtat: already tried that, we tried like EVERYTHING :P23:41
daftykinsO_OniGiri: was that the only difference then, were we trying unity based ubuntu the other day and just xubuntu now?23:42
O_OniGiridaftykins: I was trying Xubuntu all the time23:42
kingtatUefi requires a jacked key from Microsoft inserted into the kernel. O_OniGiri23:43
jpooleTrying to build ubuntu trusty unattended and I keep getting blocked by some menu.lst no matter what I try.23:43
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daftykinskingtat: no it does not and hasn't since 201223:43
jpooleexport UCF_FORCE_CONFFNEW=YES23:43
jpoolesudo ucf --purge /boot/grub/menu.lst23:43
jpooleexport DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive23:43
jpoolesudo apt-get update23:43
jpoolesudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" --force-yes -fuy dist-upgrade23:43
jpooletrying all that23:43
bubbasaureskingtat, Not jacked purchased.23:43
O_OniGirikingtat: I don't exactly understand what you mean23:43
* lucaoli 23:44
kingtatO_OniGiri: Uefi was founded by Microsoft to prevent virus installing at boot level. So an operating system needs a key from Microsoft to use uefi. It's security.23:45
O_OniGirikingtat: Is that the reason why I didn't get the install to work?23:46
daftykinsO_OniGiri: no, kingtat is not up to date on ubuntu's UEFI history since ~201223:46
daftykinspolitely, i would ignore.23:46
kingtatO_OniGiri: that's why some Linux with older kernels don't work on newer machines. The key is in the kernel.23:47
O_OniGirikingtat: thanks for your input, but I trust daftykins :P The problem is solved anyways. So it's fine23:49
kingtatO_OniGiri: the key is sort of like DVD encryption keys. The keys have been cracked.23:49
daftykinswhat utter misinformation.23:49
O_OniGiridaftykins & Jordan_U: I just came back again to thank you guys for all your effort. Might talk to you guys in the future again ;) Wish you the best :)23:49
bubbasauresinfo easily found23:49
daftykinsO_OniGiri: my pleasure :)23:50
kingtatSo even Linus objects the use of Microsoft cracked binary keys in the kernel.23:52
bubbasaureswe are educated kingtat that is why we question your answers23:52
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dos000is there an api to initctl ? hopefully rest one ?23:53
kingtatIt's no longer gnu open source23:53
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kingtatIt now has closed source binary blob.23:53
daftykinskingtat: what you say is entirely inaccurate so please drop it23:53
ApplesInArraysWhat's to stop me from using SCP to fill up the target machine's HD?23:55
ApplesInArraysI know your IP, and I just send it to root@IP / ?23:55
daftykinsApplesInArrays: someone allowing root auth via SSH would be quite foolish23:56
ApplesInArraysI'm looking at http://askubuntu.com/questions/66492/scp-copy-over-ssh-doesnt-work-permission-denied-error-please and I can't figure out where authentication is.23:56
daftykinsand why would you waste time transferring a file? you'd just dd one.23:56
ApplesInArraysI'm just trying to wrap my head around SCP, sorry.23:56
ApplesInArraysLet's say I know it's "Anthony@IP". What's to stop me from filling up his HD with goatse?23:57
ApplesInArraysoh, -P Password23:57
kingtatApplesInArrays: a firewall will stop you23:57
ApplesInArrayssudo scp -P PASSWORD file Anthony@IP:/root23:57
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ApplesInArraysnm. -P is port. -p is preserve modification times23:58
ApplesInArrayskingtat: then it will also stop me from giving him repot.pdf?23:59
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