
=== Metacity is now known as edocb
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boxeshi everyone, anybody there? I don't seem to be able to mount any disk image with Xubuntu. I always get errors. I need to mount a disk image I have on my drive so that I can use it with VirtualBox03:48
boxesI haven't found any guide that really helped, even though they were many03:48
boxesthe disk image is a 12GB img file, is it something too weird to accomplish?03:49
boxesthe /dev/loop0 is read-only but all the gui software I used seemed there was nothing wrong with mounting it yet nothing ever showed up in file manager03:50
boxesby the way the file manager itself isn't very stable, it crashes a lot and its mounting feature is a bit sloppy, is it common? May that be messing up my devices?03:52
boxesplease, I installed Linux because I knew that I could easily set up a virtual machine with my old computer inside03:52
boxesI need it03:52
boxesis anybody there please?03:53
nomicyou can mount with nfs03:53
nomicset up an nfs share --- the volumes you want to share are set up in the file /etc/exports03:54
boxesapt-get install nfs?03:55
nomicsudo apt-get install nfs-common nfs-kernel-server portmap03:55
nomicget all of those .. nfs-kernel-server on the server machine03:55
nomicnfs-common and portmap on the client03:55
nomicthen set up your share in /etc/exports03:55
boxesserver, that is to say the host-physical machine?03:55
nomicensure that you can see the ip address03:55
boxesfrom within the virtual machine?03:56
nomicyou need to set up your drive machine as a server03:56
nomicthen mount it from the virtualbox03:56
boxesand is?03:56
nomicip addresses of your machine - see them through ifconfig03:57
nomicim talking about mounting a volume so it is visible from one machine to the other -- a volume is a directory tree03:57
boxesI think this is out of my reach really03:58
nomicwhat do you want to achieve03:58
boxesI need some tutorials for this03:58
nomicnfs will share files (volumes) between machines 'network filing system'03:58
boxesjust my laptop disk image running inside a virtual machine03:58
nomicthe virtual machine boots xubuntu03:58
nomicyour laptop machine - is set up as an "nfs server203:58
nomicdo what i sazid install using apt-get03:59
boxesmy real machine boots xubuntu, my virtual will boot XP03:59
nomicthe server sets up /etc/exports03:59
nomic/home/user,sync,no_subtree_check)       <- the ip address is that of the client machine03:59
boxesis it really necessary that I run Xubuntu inside Xubuntu virtualized?03:59
nomicyou need to (within virtualbox) set up a "bridged adaptor" so you can see the ip address in virtualbox03:59
nomicit is not set up by default03:59
nomicnot sure why you want it04:00
boxesthe virtual machine boots xubuntu, you said04:00
nomiccan run xubuntu/windows / any OS In virtualbox04:00
nomica 2nd machine04:00
nomica complete machine within your machine04:00
boxesI know, I already installed XP because I wanted to see if my RAM was enough and it is04:00
nomicwhy do you need it04:01
boxesXubuntu (real) -> XP virtual04:01
nomicso you run xp within the virtual machine?04:01
nomicto share files you need a product called "samba" - to share files between linux and windows04:01
boxesfor all my little softwares I used in XP and all my XP preferences..04:01
nomicsamba = "smb"04:01
boxesI already have samba, working on smb:///04:01
boxesI mean, it was built-in.. I did nothing04:02
boxesDo you really think I need all this server-sharing thing? I thought I could just find a way to easily mount an image like I did with daemon tools or something04:02
boxesI'm no expert unfortunately04:03
boxeswhy can't I just mount things via the GUIs? I tried Furious ISO mounter and an extension for the Disk Manager from GNOME04:04
boxesneither made it04:04
boxesnor via terminal04:04
nomicif you set up an xubuntu in a virtualbox - it is a completely separate physical machine04:04
nomiclike it is sitting on your desk next to you, another PC04:04
nomicyou need "network filking system" to share files between linux machines04:05
boxeswith its own network card and physical address so?04:05
nomicotherwise the ca04:05
nomicyes, they have their own ip addressses04:05
nomicinet addresss (wirless wlan0)04:05
nomicnothing is setup up custom, for virtualbox04:06
boxesso without nfs I cannot share anything to any other linux PC?04:06
nomicyou can transfer individual files by using ssh04:06
nomicbetter nfs - then you have a volume mounted04:06
boxesreally? I didn't know.. since samba worked I believed that linux-to-linux would have been even easier04:06
nomicit is easy04:07
nomicyou just need to know how to set up nfs04:07
boxesso tomorrow with some work I'll look into nfs setup04:07
nomicas I said - on your virtualbox - set up the "bridged adaptro"04:07
nomicso it has an ip addres04:07
boxesok, but I will still need to actually mount my disk image04:08
boxesso the problem persists I think..?04:08
nomic"Bridged Adapter04:08
nomicUnder the Bridged Adapter, your virtual machines behave as any other computer on the network where the hosting system resides; it bridges the virtual and physical networks. The outside world can directly communicate with the guest machine."04:08
nomicwhen you have exported your machine that contains the virtual machine04:08
nomicyou can then mount the exported volume04:09
boxesyes thank you, it just doesn't mount anything so far04:09
boxesnow I know how to share my drive and that's useful04:09
nomic mount on vm    mount point path  -o rsize=32768,wsize=32768,intr,noatime  <- all that crap at the end speeds it up04:09
boxesbut I still need to understand why it just fails to mount everything04:09
boxesok I'm copying it thank you04:10
nomicplenty of people have been there before -- look it up04:11
nomicthere is ubuntu forums04:11
boxesis the xubuntu file manager a sloppy one anyway? Because it even fails at booting usb drives or dvds04:11
boxesoften times04:11
nomicefficient to leave questions over night - get a thread going - so when you wake up in the morning - people (experts), have looked at your problem04:11
nomicthe forum is a very busy place04:11
nomici've never had a problem04:12
boxesok, I'll try my best to express in English and will write them at 10pm (US Time Zone) which should be 4am here04:12
boxestomorrow I'll do04:13
boxesmaybe my country's community isn't totally dead though ;)04:13
boxesthanks for your help04:13
boxesI have got to go now04:13
boxesbye nomic04:14
xubuntu64wcan someone help me with something07:36
xubuntu64wi have recordmydesktop compiled with jack, but i don't know what channels to use to record07:37
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linuxwarriorhi all12:36
linuxwarriorI thinking about to switch to linux. I like xubuntu so far but a friend of mine told me that there's a vicious trojan names Turla going around and that linux is not that safe as advertised.12:39
linuxwarriorI was wondering if it's true and do i need antivirus software as well?12:39
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to Windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus12:40
linuxwarriorthank you12:41
cfhowlettlinuxwarrior, no OS is invulnerable, but linux is vastly more secure than windows.  you can always dualboot12:41
linuxwarriorthanks cfhowlett12:41
linuxwarriorI'm trying to get away completly from Windows12:41
linuxwarriorhad too much problems in the past12:41
linuxwarriorand I'm lookin g for an alternative12:41
linuxwarriorMac is not an option, crazy expensive12:42
cfhowlettlinuxwarrior, you are a perfect dualboot candidate12:42
linuxwarriori will give it a try. Are you also dualbooting?12:42
cfhowlettlinuxwarrior, for years, 99% ubuntu12:44
linuxwarriorI guess you only boot in windows for work12:45
linuxwarriorI want to use linux fulltime and xubuntu is not dofficult12:45
linuxwarriorI thought it would be more difficult but it's not that hard really, don't know why my friends keep saying its for hackers and dont use it it's not good, but I like it12:45
cfhowlettlinuxwarrior, not for work, there a few things that require windows ... VERY few12:45
cfhowlett*cough* friends a tool *cough*12:46
sidiknome, i need backlog.12:46
cfhowlettlinuxwarrior, no that was mean.  he's just ignorant of the facts.  don't worry about it.  test linux for yourself12:46
linuxwarriorI will my friend12:46
linuxwarriorthanks for your advice12:46
linuxwarriorHave a nice day12:47
linuxwarriori will install xubuntu now12:47
tewarddoes xubuntu use network manager, and has anyone seen a connection-dropping problem in multiple-access-point environments with one SSID?13:47
pacijahi... i was instructed on #ubuntu-bugs to ask here regarding my problem with Intel(R) Dual Band Wireless AC 7260, REV=0x14413:56
pacijait drops packets, or entire connection frequently (once in a few minutes) in environments where there are multiple APs with same SSID13:57
pacijaany advice on how to fix it? or at least how to submit bug report?13:58
cfhowlettpacija, thought you already filed a bug14:01
brainwashpacija: bug 135497514:02
ubottubug 1354975 in Unity Linux "iwlwifi Intel 7260 Wifi disconnects" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135497514:02
pacijathanx guys, bug was filed by someone else but hopefully i will benefit from it as well14:05
pacijaunfortunately, i don't see how do i fix it14:08
pacijashould i upgrade kernel and firmware?14:09
LazyOhi, i've installed xubuntu on my laptop, using ssd as storage device. Every time I boot up the device it does a file system check. how can i avoid that?14:25
pacijaok i disabled powesave, let's see if things get any better14:31
pacijathank you for pointing me to bug page14:31
LazyOhi, i've installed xubuntu on my laptop, using ssd as storage device. Every time I boot up the device it does a file system check. how can i avoid that?14:42
pacijai have xubuntu with ssd as well, without problem you are mentioning14:43
LazyOor at least change that behaviour to every third boot14:43
pacijai'd say your system does not get halted cleanly14:43
elfygenerally if it's checking each time that can often mean that it's finding something and then not fixing it14:45
LazyOpacija: I always shutdown via desktop button ;-)14:46
LazyOelfy: I thought that too, but can't find what went wrong. As far as I remember, it started sometime. But I can't say what I did before14:47
pacijaLazy0: try booting it from live CD/USB, and do fsck14:48
elfy+1 to that14:48
LazyOelfy: yes, i think I have to try that14:49
LazyOpacija: thanks for the URL. I have to check my fsatb for the tmpfs extensions14:50
pacijanp hope it helps14:51
LazyOwe'll see. but I have to do it later. Still at work with some free time. But LT is @ home :(14:51
pacijabtw i'd say that disabling power saving on my intel wifi card gave good results... no connection drop in more than 15 minutes!14:52
LazyOpacija: I sometimes also have dropped connections with wifi. I have two ap running and sometimes it seems to change the ap. Then conns are lost and I'm offline for some seconds14:53
LazyOpacija: but i have lot of traffic and so i think power saving is not in charge14:54
pacijaLazy0: this was happening even when I fixed BSSID in connection settings14:55
pacijanow after I disabled powersave I think I sense improvement :)14:56
pacijabut this is limited to my hardware combination of course14:56
LazyOpacija: I understand. But I just wanted to mention my experiences here ;-)14:58
pacijacool, thx14:58
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superprowerHi. When i got my PC and phone in one network, i can connect to PC by ssh with username@hostname:port. But i want to connect when i'm not at home. How can i do that?18:28
holsteinsuperprower: depends on your networking configuration.. try http://blog.trackets.com/2014/05/17/ssh-tunnel-local-and-remote-port-forwarding-explained-with-examples.html18:32
superprowerholstein: you see, i using connect-bot on phone, and can't use any commands but user@host:port.18:37
holsteinsuperprower: you can, and i have used connectbot to connect in when i have my server configured properly18:37
superprowerholstein: okay, ty.18:38
holsteinsuperprower: the issue is, you dont know all of those variables.. your user, you know.. but, the host will be the ip where the server is running, and the port will be where you have the server running on the network, and in the case of most home networks, a port forwarded to the server running on the network18:38
holsteinsuperprower: i suggest *not* doing this casually.. its not trivial and folks actually pull salaries to "harden" or maintain systems like that18:39
holsteinsuperprower: you *can*, and i have, setup port forwarding, or put the server in the "DMZ" of the router, *if*, you  have access to the router or modem like that where your server is, and *if* you are allowed to do that with the ISP envolved, and its not breaking any terms of service to run a server18:40
holsteinsuperprower: i used a shell provider for years, while i was without a home network, or server to run https://freeshell.de/18:41
holsteinthere is a *good* reason why i cant just look at your ip, which is listed above where you /joined the channel, and start hacking at port 22 and gain access to your ssh server.. its a security risk to facilitate what you are wanting to do18:42
superprowerholstein: i have a simple router, sharing wi-fi and localy connected to my pc. things you say not so clean to me, but thank you anyway - i didn't need this really, just wan't to try. I'll google about port forwarding. And yes, i changed port and set key auth :)18:42
holsteinsuperprower: if its working locally, and not from the internet side, then, you may also *not* be allowed from your isp. they can block whatever port you are using.. they dont promise you anything more than internet access..18:44
xubuntu54whi how do i see my windows sever hardrive and play music or movies from without using xbmc18:47
holstein!samba | xubuntu54w18:47
ubottuxubuntu54w: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html18:47
xubuntu54wi have just install samba but cant find it to configure it19:03
holsteinxubuntu54w: you'll setup the share,a nd connect19:13
holsteinxubuntu54w: i'll use gigolo19:14
xubuntu15whow do i edit samba file sever19:27
holsteinxubuntu15w: i dont19:30
holsteinxubuntu15w: you state the windows server is the server.. you'll share the windows share there.. i use gigolo to connect to the samba share19:30
holstein!info gigolo19:30
ubottugigolo (source: gigolo): frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.2-1 (utopic), package size 130 kB, installed size 1001 kB19:30
holsteinits a nice/easy gui for connecting to various servers19:30
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xubuntu15wwhat is the password for default keyring20:34
holsteinxubuntu15w: should be, what you set it to.. what are you referring to? what is prompting you for a password? have you tried the user pass?20:35
xubuntu15witrying to connect to windows server20:37
xubuntu15wi dont know what i set my keyring to20:37
holsteinxubuntu15w: try using gigolo20:38
holsteininstall it, and point gigolo, in the GUI, to the ip of the windows server.. make sure you can ping the machines from eash other20:39
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